Over Her by Tati
Summary: *****Sequel to Safest Place to Hide*****

(if you haven't read it yet, i suggest you read it before reading this one.)

Lexy has moved on in her career, away from Nick. Trouble is stirred once more will Lexy be able to handle it. Will Nick be brought back into her life?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 30940 Read: 71289 Published: 09/05/06 Updated: 09/07/06
Chapter 10 by Tati
Dean called Lexy-“Hey hun, since we never had that charity ball, we are gonna have it now. Tomorrow night, I don’t care what you say. You are allowed to invite as many people as you want ok?”
Lexy laughed-“Sounds great. I will call everyone up and I go buy a dress. Bye”
She called the boys, Lisa, Toni, and Marley. Just then there was a knock at her door she opened it was surprised to see that her best friends from high school were all at her door. She screamed in excitement as she hugged them all. It was Jen, Stephanie, Katie, Natalia, Martine, and Veronica, they were all excited to see her. She brought them all into the apartment-“OH MY GOSH I can’t believe you are all here I didn’t know if you would my invitations.”
Jen smiled-“Oh hun, you know we could not miss out on the wedding. We just figured we would come by early and help plan and stuff.”
Martine nodded-“Yea that is definitely the best part.”
Veronica smiled-“He llz no The bachelorette party is the best part ”
Lexy shook her head laughing-“Oh yea, you girls have not changed I missed you guys. OH I’m so glad you guys are here. There is gonna be a charity ball tomorrow in my honor. You are all welcome to come...no better yet you all BETTER come ”
Katie nodded-“You know we will be there for you.”
Natalia stopped-“But wait...will there be boys there?”
Lexy nodded-“Yes there will be tons of boys.”
Stephanie smile got bigger-“Will THE BOYS be there?”
Lexy laughed-“Yes THE BOYS will be there, BUT they are all taken...except for Nick. You can fight over him.” She said as she walked into the kitchen followed by the girls. They all started talkin at once about not doing that to Lexy. They knew about her past with him. After catching up they went shopping for the dress. Lexy introduced her friends to her other friends, they had to get a limo to drive around cuz there were ten girls shopping. They all got along, it was great, they talked about everything, when they got to talkin about how Nick had been rude, Veronica smiled-“Oh hun, if I would have been here then, I would have soo beat him with my bat ”
Lexy laughed hard-“That would have been a site to see ”
The next day, there were eight girls getting ready in Lexy’s apartment. Since they decided the ball was gonna be super formal, the girls all had BIG dresses. There was no enough room in the apartment. The limo showed up around 8, they headed down, and got in. It was hilarious as all you could see was the fluff of the dresses, all the faces were hid. When they got to the ballroom, they announced her arrival. She walked in with her friends all at her side, she smiled and waved. After doing the whole “Thank you for being here” with the sponsors she went to look for Lisa and Toni. The other girls had wandered off to find dates for the night, and need I say that they succeeded with extremely hot guys. When she found AJ and Lisa, Nick was standing with them. He looked at her and smiled-“Wow Lex, you look amazing.”
She blushed-“Thanks Nick. You don’t look to shabby yourself.”
He laughed as he extended a hand out-“May I have this dance?”
She hesitated as she looked into his eyes, then put her hand in his-“Yes, you may.” They walked out into the middle of the dance floor. He twirled her around making her dress spin before bringing her in close. They dance in silence for a little while, then Nick looked down at her-“Lexy, what are you doin tomorrow?”
Lexy thought for a moment-“I am having a pic-nic with my girls from out of town at the park. The guys will be there, you are more than welcome to come ”
He was bummed, he had the same idea, but just the two of them. He smiled-“I would love to be there ” The continued dancing.
Lisa and AJ were watching-“Wow, it is so nice to see them together again.”
Lisa smiled-“Yea, too bad it’s not permanent. They look great together.”
AJ nodded-“Yea they do, it really sucks that she is gonna get married in two weeks.”
Marley walked up and butt into their conversation-“I can’t believe she is still gonna go through with the wedding, especially with the feelings she has for Nick.”
Toni also walked up-“Wait, did she tell you she had feelings for him?”
Lisa shook her head-“Toni, you can so see it in their eyes, just look.”
LExy danced with Nick to another song, she had her head on his shoulder, she felt so comfortable, like they were the only two in the room. She looked up at him, he looked down and smiled. She felt herself being pulled in, he leaned down, their lips got closer...closer. Just the music turned off, the head of the charity was on stage-“Ok Ladies and Gentlemen, we are so honored to have all of you here tonight.” Lexy pulled away from Nick and looked at the charity guy, she sighed. Nick ran a hand trough his hair as he shook his head, so close. The man continued talking-“Well tonight we are honoring miss Lexy, and we want to know if she would like to sing a song for us tonight?”
Everyone clapped, Lexy smiled as she walked to the stage. She looked at Nick, and got a glance at his eyes. She looked down as she walked up the steps-“I would love to sing for you today.” The music started and she started singing Right Kind of Wrong.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8071