Over Her by Tati
Summary: *****Sequel to Safest Place to Hide*****

(if you haven't read it yet, i suggest you read it before reading this one.)

Lexy has moved on in her career, away from Nick. Trouble is stirred once more will Lexy be able to handle it. Will Nick be brought back into her life?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 30940 Read: 71281 Published: 09/05/06 Updated: 09/07/06
Chapter 14 by Tati
Lexy’s heart skipped a beat, she felt as if she turned around, he would not be there. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and turned around slowly. She opened her eyes and there he was...a few scratches on his face and arms but that’s it. She gasped and stepped back-“It can’t be...you...they...the cops said you couldn’t have made it.”
Nick smiled weakly and stepped forward-“Oh Lexy.”
She stepped back, tears started to swell in her eyes-“But...it can’t be!”
He walked towards her, he had obviously gone home and cleaned up. He reached out to grab her hand-“Lexy, it’s me. For real I’m here. Wow you look so beautiful. When I crashed, I woke up on the shore, I looked around and realized God gave me another chance. I knew that it was meant for me to come get you back. I am not gonna let this chance go back, baby I’m the one you should be with. I’m the one that should be at the alter with you.”
She shook her head-“No...Nick you can’t do this to me at my wedding. You...you can’t!”
She started to cry, he cupped her face in his hands-“Lexy I know everyone thing about you. Does he know that you have a twinkle in your eye when you are excited? Does he know that you have six smiles?”
She smiled-“What?”
He nodded-“Yea, one when something just flat out makes you laugh. One when you are laughing out of politeness. One when you make plans. One when you make fun of yourself. One when you are uncomfortable and one when you are talking about your friends.”
She was crying out of happiness now, she looked into his eyes-“Oh Nick.”
He pleaded-“Lexy please? Let’s go! Now you and me lets leave. We can start where we left off four years ago! Baby...you know I’m the one that should be at the alter with you!”
They heard Lisa at the door, knocking-“Lexy? Hunny can we come in? It’s time!”
Lexy looked at the door, then at Nick he shook his head-“It’s ok I locked it. So what do you say?”
Lisa turned the knob, and saw that it was locked, she looked at the other girls. They were worried Lexy had not responded-“Lexy! Lexy open the door!”
Marley banged on the door-“LEXY HUNNY PLEASE? Are you alright?”
Still no response, they finally all pushed the door open and found the room empty. Toni looked for her-“Oh no! She left!”
Ioan stood at the alter, nervously looking around. The doors opened and Lisa ran to the alter-“IOAN!”
He felt his stomach sink, he knew what that meant. She handed him a letter:
Dear Ioan,
I am so sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you, but I realize that I can’t give you my heart today, or ever. I can’t give you my heart, if I gave it away a long time ago and never got it back. I am so sorry. It wasn’t meant to be.

His eyes filled with tears, he crumpled the paper and walked out of the church. Everyone was confused, they all got the hint and started to leave. There were a few reporters that were broadcasting the whole thing. AJ walked up to Lisa-“What happened?”
Lisa’s eyes showed her fear-“Alex, she’s gone! We don’t know how she left, or why, but we have to find her. She was devastated by Nick’s death, she could do something very stupid.”
Brian sighed-“Oh Lord, well lets go. We should all split up!”
Lisa looked down-“Fist let’s go to my house, I need to change Andy’s diaper, then we can get a plan there!”
Lexy sat in Nick’s convertible, he smiled at her. She stood up and let the wind hit her-“I can’t believe this!” She laughed, her arms up in the air, Nick reached up and grabbed one of her hands and kissed it. She smiled as she sat down and threw her arms around his neck. She felt warm again, they reached a stop light. He turned his head towards her and kissed her. She missed that. When everyone reached AJ’s house, Lisa went straight to the room-“I don’t know about you guys, but Andy needs to get a new diaper.”
Aj watched her leave, then led everyone to the living room. He sighed as he walked in, but quickly gasped-“Oh my God.” Everyone followed him and also stopped at the door, in shock. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Lexy and Nick stood up and smiled.
AJ walked up to Nick and gave him a hug, tears started flowing out of his eyes-“Oh God, I thought we lost you buddy. I thought you were gone.”
Nick hugged him back, then came Brian, Kevin and Howie. They stood there crying and hugging. Marley walked up to Lexy and hugged her-“You scared us, we had no idea where you had gone.”
Lexy smiled-“I’m sorry you guys, but I just wasn’t ready to marry Ioan, and when I saw Nick, it all just fell in its place.”
Lisa walked in talking-“OK, we need to split up if we are gonna find-” She stopped when she saw Lexy still in her wedding dress-“Oh Lexy you scared us! We thought you were gonna do something stupid. And-” She stopped again when the guys stepped back revealing Nick, she looked at Nick and Lexy-“You two? You! OH You’re ok!” She walked up and hugged him, and was soon followed by the other girls.
Nick laughed-“Ladies ladies, there is tons of Nick love for all of you.”
Lexy laughed as the girls let him go, she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck-“Oh no mister, all the Nick love is for me. We have a lot of love to make up.”
AJ wiped the tears and smiled-“It’s about damn time you two got back together!”
Lexy sighed as she looked into Nick’s eyes, she smiled-“Wow...you saved me from the biggest mistake.”
He smiled-“Did I mention how amazing you look?”
She looked down realized she was still wearing her wedding dress-“Wow I need to change...wow I need to go back to the apartment and move my stuff.”
Just then Sandy walked in-“Yo guys, have you thought of where to find...” He stopped when he saw Nick and Lexy holding each other-“OH My...Nick! You’re alive!”
He walked over to hug him, then Emma came in she gasped-“DADDY!”
Lexy sighed as the little girl ran over and jumped into Nick’s arms. He held her-“Oh baby, how are you?”
Emma smiled-“Your back!”
Lexy wiped the tears, then kneeled with Nick and Emma-“Hey sweetheart, I told you it was gonna be ok.”
Lexy looked at her watch, and realized she should go pack. They told everyone they were leaving then headed back to her apartment. When she got back to the apartment, she was in for a surprise.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8071