Over Her by Tati
Summary: *****Sequel to Safest Place to Hide*****

(if you haven't read it yet, i suggest you read it before reading this one.)

Lexy has moved on in her career, away from Nick. Trouble is stirred once more will Lexy be able to handle it. Will Nick be brought back into her life?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 30940 Read: 71278 Published: 09/05/06 Updated: 09/07/06
Chapter 2 by Tati
Lexy was getting ready for her interview with Oprah, Dean had told her that Oprah wanted an emotional show, so Lexy had the perfect idea to make it emotional. On the show, Lexy spoke about the start of her career, about her baby getting kidnaped, about Maggie dying, and she spoke, for the first time ever, about being raped by Jonathan and about cutting herself. She cried, Oprah cried, the audience cried, and her mom cried. After the show aired, her mom called-“Oh Baby! I am so sorry for all of that. Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
Lexy cried-“I didn’t want you to be alone. Mom I didn’t think you'd make it alone, with Darla! I am so sorry. I didn’t know what I was fearing. I guess I feared him, and what he would do to me if I told you.”
Her mom cried some more, then calmed down-“I kicked him out. I...I am filing for divorce in the morning. I am so sorry baby.”
Lexy thought, then had a good idea-“Come with me mom. Leave him and his stupid house behind. You and Darla come on the road with me. You can be my new assistant manager. You won’t have to work, we can get Darla a on the road teacher. Please momma, leave him and come with me!”
Her mom thought about it, then agreed. It was settled her mom would fly in the next day and live with Lexy.
The week of the wedding, Lexy flew down to L.A. 4 days before the wedding to help out with the last minute things. And to throw Lisa one hell of a bachelorette party. The day of the wedding, Lisa, Marley, Toni and Lexy were in the bride’s room helping her get ready. Lisa started getting nervous-“oh, do you think it’s too soon?”
Toni shook her head-“Too soon? Darlin it’s about damn time you two got married. 4 years!!”
Marley smiled-“Yea, it’s not too soon. Look at Toni, she has been with Chris for a long time too. When is that gonna happen?”
Toni smiled-“This is not about me! It’s Lisa’s day!”
Lisa turned to Lexy-“I can’t do this!”
Lexy kneeled down infront of her-“No ma’am don’t you dare start thinking like that! You have to be sure you want to. Lisa, this is Alex...he is the perfect guy for you. You two will live so happy and are so in love. You can do this. You love him, he loves you. It’s meant to be. Ok?”
Lisa nodded and breathed in, then let out a long breath-“I’m pregnant.”
The three girls turned to look at her in surprise. Lexy took her hands-“Is that why you are getting married?”
Lisa shook her head-“No, I’m only a few weeks pregnant.”
The girls screamed and hugged in excitement. Marley teared up-“Who would have thought that Lisa and AJ were gonna be the first to have kids?”
Toni nodded-“I thought Lexy and” She stopped when she realized what she was saying.
Lexy looked away, Lisa’s sister came into the room to let them know they were ready. Lexy gave Lisa her bouquet, then grabbed her own. They walked to the door, Lisa went up to her dad who smiled at her. Lexy stood ahead of her, Marley infront of her, then Toni, then Lisa’s sister. Soon after the groomsmen came up to their partners. Brian with Marley, Toni with Kevin, Howie with her sister. Then Nick walked up, Lexy’s stomach started turning as she saw him start walking towards her. She hadn’t seen him in 3 and a half years, she felt butterflies. She could tell that he was nervous about seeing her. He came up to her right and held up his arm for her to take. She smiled at him as the music started and mouthed a “hi”. He smiled at her a warm smile and also mouthed “Hi”. They started moving forward, in the wedding march, Lexy turned around and gave Lisa a thumbs up. Lisa smiled as she walked towards the rest of her life.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8071