Summary: *****Sequel to Safest Place to Hide*****
(if you haven't read it yet, i suggest you read it before reading this one.)
Lexy has moved on in her career, away from Nick. Trouble is stirred once more will Lexy be able to handle it. Will Nick be brought back into her life?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes
Word count: 30940 Read: 71293
Published: 09/05/06 Updated: 09/07/06
Chapter 22 by Tati
Two days before the wedding, the last minute preperations. Lexy was starting to get nervous and stressed, she felt like nothing was going right. That night she was gonna have her bachelorette party, she was nervous, she didn’t want some big thing. She was also nervous cuz Nick’s bachelor party was gonna be that night, she knew what his friends were like. Brett was the one that worried her the most, he was soo girl crazy. Around 10, Lexy went by AJ’s apartment to say goodnight to Nick, she figured the party wasn’t gonna start till 11 like hers. Boy was she wrong! She walked in, the guys were in the living room. She didn’t make noise, she just poked her head around the corner to see what was going on, why they were all shouting and halloring. Nick was sitting on a couch, while a female stripper was sitting on his lap, without a top on. He had his hands on her waist while she danced for him. Lexy felt sick, she walked out of the apartment-“My fiancé is gonna leave me for the sripper. I know it!” She laughed at herself-“No, no he’s just having a good time, as you will in a minute.” And she did, there was dancing and drinking(not Lexy cuz of the baby) they also had a stripper come in. Lexy laughed as the guy came over and danced for her, she danced with him. She danced and had a good time, but the picture of Nick carressing that girl kept poppig into her mind. When the party was over, she crashed in her bed. Nick must have been wasted and stayed in AJ’s apartment. When she woke up in the morning, she had this horrible feeling. Nick and that girl kept buggin her, she felt horrible. It must be the morning sickness, she stayed in her bathrobe, her hair was a mess. She layed in her bed all morning, with a bucket next to her. She felt horrible, Nick had not called nor come home.
Nick layed on the couch, he woke up to see the rest of the guys laying on he floor, he laughed. Then put a hand on his head to stop the pain-“Oh wow, last night was a wild party.” He remebered the music, the drinks, the stripper...the stripper? Oh crap, I hope I didnt do anything dumb. He sat up, man his head was pounding. He looked at his watch 1o’clock, shit he had spent all morning in that couch. He got up and gathered his stuff, he had to get home to Lexy. They were gonna have the rehearsal dinner that night. When he got home, Lexy was not there, she left a note that simply said “Out”. That’s weird, he thought to himself, then went to the bathroom. He had lipstick all over his face and neck. He groaned-“Oh no, please tell me nothing happened.” He shook his head, then jumped in the shower.
Lexy went out, she didn’t want to talk to anyone. She had so many questions in her head, was she ready to get married. It looked like Nick wasn’t ready, he likes being single, he likes to party...can he settle down and be a daddy? She sighed, she continued walking in the park, then on the beach. She didn’t realize how long she had been out, when she looked at her watch she realized she had 30 minutes till the rehearsal dinner. She ran home, Nick was getting dress-“Lexy where’ve you been?”
She sighed-“I was out, sorry.” She went into the bathroom, and got in the shower, the fasted showed she had ever taken. Then she got out, and threw on the simple dress she had bought. Nick was waiting for her to put on her make up, which was very light. She went down the stairs to Nick, they got in the car and headed to the restaurant. She was quiet, Nick glanced at her while he drove. She just started out the window, finally speaking-“Nick are you ready to do this?”
He glanced at her again-“For the rehearsal? Yea babe I.”
Lexy interrupted him-“To get married Nick I saw you last night with the stripper. You looked like you were having a good time. Baby it doesn’t look like you were ready to settle down. You like to party and to the whole clubbing scene. Nick, I...I just don’t feel like you are...”
Nick pulled the car over, he took her face in his hands-“Baby, I am more than ready to marry you. You are the woman of my dreams I love you, of course I am ready. I would leave all that behind in a second for you.”
She looked into his eyes, she could tell he was telling the truth-“Oh Nick, I’m sorry, I love you too.” She kissed him, passionately.
He smiled-“Now, let’s do this rehearsal thing.”
They got to the restaurant and did the rehearsal thing, then went home to bed. They had a big day ahead of them. The next morning, Lexy got up before Nick, she left him a note on the pillow that said: “Hey my love, see you at the alter. Xoxo Lexy”
She went with the bridesmaid, to get their hair done, then make up. She was getting excited and nervous at the same time. The day went by so fast, her stomach was turning. She looked in the mirror, way different than the last time. She is happy this time, she is ready. There was a knock at the door, it was her dad-“hey sweetie, we’re ready for ya.”
Lexy stood up, the girls looked at her. Marley smiled-“Oh wow, this is exciting. Ok, lets go!”
The girls walked out the door, and went to stand in their positions. All the boys were the groomsmen, and the girls bf’s. Her dad took her arm and smiled, he gently gave her a kiss on the cheek. She felt the knot in her throat form, she took a deep breath as the wedding march started.
Everyone stood up and watched as Emma lead the group down the aisle, there were awes from the crowd, tons of pictures were being taken. She smiled at her family, then at Nick’s family. Her mom was at the end, she was crying already. Lexy smiled at her too, then she looked up ahead, he had the biggest grin in the room. His eyes were lit up, as he watched her come to him. He too felt the knot in his throat, when her dad gave her to him, he smiled and mouthed Hi. She smiled from behind the veil, then sighed. The priest began-“dearly beloved, we are gathered here to join Nick Carter and Alexia Molina together in holy matrimony.”
Nick coudln’t take his eyes off of her, he snapped out of it when the priest told him to read his vows to her-“Lexy, since the day I met you...I knew you were different. Besides the fact that you embarrassed me infront of the mall. You have become the person that I turn to when something goes wrong, or even when I just need some love. You are my world, you are my everything. I love you and I am more than ready to make you my wife.”
The priest nodded, Nick let a tear roll down, Lexy had a few tears too. It was her turn, she spoke thru her tears-“Nick, you are every girls fantasy come true. You are sweet, caring, handsome, amazing, and loving. I know that together we can conquer the world if we had to. I know I’m going to sound cheesy but you really are my safest place to hide. I love you.”
The priest nodded to Baylee, who brought over the rings. Lexy smiled at him, the priest then turned to Nick-“Do you Nickolas, take Alexia to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, thru sickness and health for richer or poorer till death do you part?”
Nick looked into her eyes as he slipped the ring onto her shaking hand-“I do.”
The priest then turned to Alexia-“Do you Alexia, take Nickolas as your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, thru sickness and health for richer or poorer till death do you part?”
She smiled as she put the ring on his finger-“I do.”
The priest smiled as he looked out at the crowd, everyone had tears rolling down their faces-“By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Nick smiled as he lifted the veil, then took her face in his hands and kissed her as the church roared with applause. They turned to the aisle, as the priest announced-“Make way for Mr. and Mrs. Nickolas Gene Carter.” They walked back down the aisle and outside to take pictures with the family and get congratulated.
Later on at the reception, Nick pulled Lexy out onto the dance floor, then nodded to the guys. He started dancing with her as the music started, Nick then began singing as he danced with her:
I open my eyes I see your face
I cannot hide I can't erase
The way you make me feel inside
You complete me girl, that's why
Something about you makes me feel
Baby my heart wants to reveal
I'm down on my knees, I'm asking you
So these three words I wanna hear from you
Yes I will, take your hand and walk with you
Yes I will, so these three words I promise to
Yes I will, give you everything you need
And someday start a family with you
Yes I will, take your hand and walk with you
Yes I will, baby I promise to
Yes I will, give you everything you need
And someday start a family with you
Oh yes I will
This is no ordinary love
And I can never have enough
Of all the things you've given to me
My heart , my soul , my everything
Every night I thank you lord(I thank you lord)
For giving me the strenght to love her more
And more each day I promise her
As long as I hear those three words
Yes I will, take your hand and walk with you
Yes I will, so these three words I promise to
Yes I will, give you everything you need
And someday start a family with you
Yes I will, take your hand and walk with you
Yes I will, baby I promise to
Yes I will, give you everything you need
And someday start a family with you
Oh yes I will
I stand beside you, in everything you do
Wherever you go, whatever you doBaby I'll be there (oh baby I will be there) As God as my witness
I will carry this through
Till death do us part, I promise to you
Yes I will, take your hand and walk with you
Yes I will, Baby baby yes I promise to
Yes I will, give you everything you need
And start a family with you, baby
Yes I will
Yes I will
Yes I will, I promise you
Everything's gonna be all right
It's gonna be all right
I will
The rest of the guys sang the chorus, Lexy was bawling by now, Nick smiled as he held her. She watched him sing to her. When the song was over, they continued swaying on the dancefloor, he kissed her-“I love you Mrs. Carter.”
She smiled-“I love you Mr. Carter.”
They continued with the party, till 3 a.m. Then rushed home to get their bags to go off on their honeymoon to the bahamas.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.