Summary: *****Sequel to Safest Place to Hide*****
(if you haven't read it yet, i suggest you read it before reading this one.)
Lexy has moved on in her career, away from Nick. Trouble is stirred once more will Lexy be able to handle it. Will Nick be brought back into her life?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes
Word count: 30940 Read: 71277
Published: 09/05/06 Updated: 09/07/06
Chapter 23 by Tati
A month later
Lexy was two months pregnant, she was on her way with Nick to the doctors office. She looked down at her hand, she starred at the wedding band. She smiled, Nick glanced over to her-“Hey, you look happy. Are you excited to get your baby’s first picture?”
Lexy smiled-“Yes, aren’t you?”
He smirked-“Yea I guess I am.”
She lay on the bed, while the doctor put the gel on her belly, then she said-“Ok you are going to hear your heart beat, slow and strong.” She placed the cold thing on her belly, there was a beating sound, strong and slow. The doctor nodded-“OK, now you are going to hear your heartbeat, and a weak fast heart beat that’s your baby’s heartbeat.” She put on the thing, just then there were three heartbeats, the doctor paused-“Oh? Oh my?”
Lexy looked at her-“What’s wrong?”
The nurse smiled as she looked up at her and Nick-“Looks like there is more than we expected in there.” She moved out of the way, showing them the picture, she grinned-“Looks like Twins!”
Lexy’s heart started beating faster, they could all hear it, she felt her eyes water-“OH my...Oh Nick!”
Nick was in shock, he was staring at the screen, his eyes watered-“Twins? Two babies?!"
He hugged her and kissed her. The doctor smiled-“I’m going to go print the pictures up for you, then we are all done.” She left the room, leaving them together alone.
Lexy rubbed her belly-“Oh hey you guys, Mommy’s looking at you right now. Hey little ones, oh Nick.”
He smiled, then touched the screen, then went back to her belly-“Hey guys, one of you better be a boy!” He laughed, then looked at Lexy, who was laughing and crying at the same time. They got their pictures, then headed over to AJ’s and Lisa’s house. When they arrived Lisa helped them in-“So? How did it go?”
Nick smiled and nudges Lexy to speak, she turned to him and laugh-“Well, here look at the pictures they speak for themselves.” She handed AJ one and Lisa one.
Lisa gasped, AJ did two but their faces told two different stories. Lisa had joy and excitement, Aj had fear and terror-“YOUR BABY HAS TWO HEADS!”
Lexy looked at him she thought he was kidding but he had such a serious look. She looked at Nick who was cracking up-“No DAWG! Their twins!”
Lisa laughed too-“Oh my God, talk about being dense!”
Lexy shook her head as she giggled-“OH AJ You were so scared!”
He shoved a pillow at Nick-“Shut up!”
Lisa got up and hugged her-“OH Lexy I am soo happy for you. Twins how exciting!”
AJ smiled-“Oh, right. Congratulations for your two headed baby!”
He hugged Nick, who laughed-“Yea, don’t think that the rest of the gang won’t find this out!”
Lexy smacked Nick-“Leave him alone. Come on, lets go. So we can get a small get together ready for tonight. I want my parents to hear about our great news! Oh you guys should come, I feel like having hott fudge sundays!” She smiled then hugged them, when she got in the car she called Marley and Toni to have them come over for the good news. When they got home, they found a lady sitting on the steps. Lexy looked at Nick confused, Nick looked at her-“Um...I can I help you?”
The young lady stood up, she held her belly-“Hi, Nick. You look great.”
Lexy looked at her in disbelief, then looked at Nick who also had a look of disbelief. Lexy shook her head-“Um hello, I’m Lexy...his WIFE! You are?”
She looked at Lexy-“Pam, Nick is the daddy to the baby that is in my belly.”
Lexy looked at her, then at Nick who had turned pale.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.