Over Her by Tati
Summary: *****Sequel to Safest Place to Hide*****

(if you haven't read it yet, i suggest you read it before reading this one.)

Lexy has moved on in her career, away from Nick. Trouble is stirred once more will Lexy be able to handle it. Will Nick be brought back into her life?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 30940 Read: 71180 Published: 09/05/06 Updated: 09/07/06
Chapter 27 by Tati
The girls turned around to see a very surprised Nick standing at the door. His eyes had immediately gotten watery, he looked at the girls-“Can I have a minute alone with her?”
Lexy looked at him, then at the girls and nodded to the-“It’s ok girls.” As they walked out, they glared at him, he just watched them, then closed the door.
He walked over to the side of her bed, he had become angry-“What did you say?”
Lexy looked into his eyes-“You heard what I said Nick. I can’t take it anymore! You are never home! You have become this drunk who stays out and goes to parties and...and DRINK! You have a problem, you are an alcoholic AND I AM NOT LETTING MY CHILDREN GROW UP WITH AN ALCOHOLIC AS A DAD!”
Nick’s eyes were glazed, with tears-“Lexy...what are you saying?”
Lexy sobbed-“I want an annulment! And I’m taking Emma.”
Nick sobbed-“Lexy please, please give me a chance to get better! Please. I have a problem, I do I can’t stop on my own!” He sobbed on her lap-“Please, I can’t lose you and the kids. Please Lexy!”
Lexy looked away-“Oh Nick, please don’t do this.”
Nick looked up at her-“Rehab I will go to rehab, for 30 days I’ll get Lisa and AJ to stay at the house with you while I’m gone.”
Lexy looked into his eyes-“Nick are you serious? Will you really do this?”
He got up and grabbed her face in his hands-“Yes baby please believe me. I will do this for me, for you, for the babies, for Emma.”
She smiled through her sobs-“OH Nick!” She kissed him, and hugged him, then he got up and went out to talk to the guys about his rehab. When the girls came back in, they quickly went to her bed-“What happened?”
Lexy sighed, then smiled-“He’s going to change. He is going to get help.”
Lisa sighed in relief-“Oh wow, that takes a lot of guts!”
Marley smirked-“Big headed Nick might be letting it shrink. I’m glad it’s all gonna be ok.”
Lexy grinned-“Yea, he said he would ask Lisa and AJ to come stay with me while he’s gone, but I have a better idea! How about all my girls come stay with me? Could you imagine 10 girls in one house?”
Toni laughed-“HELLZ YEA! Do you know how much fun that will be!”
The girls all agreed to it. Outside Nick had pulled all the guys together they were all extremely mad at him. AJ grabbed him by the shirt when he found him at a bar. Nick looked at all their faces-“Hey guys, I just wanted to apologize for everything I have put you through.”
AJ interrupted him-“Nah bro, you need to apologize to Lexy.”
Nick looked at him-“YO, let me finish. I already apologized to her AJ thank you for taking care of her while I was being dumb. All of you are great, and I need to admit that I have a problem and I am asking my four brothers...to help me.”
Kevin sighed-“Ok, we can do this together.”
All the guys went up to hug Nick, they decided who would stay with Lexy. When she got out of the hospital, they all went to her house to get all the stuff ready for Nick to go. Lexy sighed when Nick was getting into the taxi that was going to take him. She hugged him-“I’m proud of you Nick, this is a big step.”
He looked at her and kissed her-“Thank you for giving me another chance. I love you Lexy. And I don’t want to lose you nor our babies.”
Lexy let the tears roll down-“Ok, call me when you get there. I will miss you.”
Nick smiled-“I’ll miss you too.” Then he turned to AJ and Lisa-“You two need to call me if the babies decide to come out sooner than we thought”
They nodded then hugged Nick. He got in and left, Lexy then turned to the big house, luckily it was not gonna be alone at all. She was going to have Veronica, Katie, Natalia, Stephanie, Martine, Jenn, Toni, Marley, and Lisa stay at her house with her while Nick was away. Lisa would spend time at her house then at Lexy’s house, just so she could be with AJ and Andy.
The month was going by slow for Lexy since all she did was sit around on the couch. The other girls were having a blast, they were building a surprise for Lexy upstairs. They wouldn’t let her up there while they were working. She had to make one of the guest bedrooms down stairs into her new bedroom since she couldn’t be going up and down the stairs.
4 weeks had gone by, and all the girls were still having a blast. Jenn came down the stairs-“Lexy, it is finished! We are very happy to present it to you!”
Lexy slowly got up, it was becoming harder and harder to walk with those two kicking her insides. She smiled-“Ok, but first, I have to use the restroom.”
The girls were standing in the stairs, they all laughed. When she walked out, Lisa went over to help her up the stairs. AJ was on the other side helping her up too, they got to the door which was wrapped like a big present with a huge bow. Lexy looked at them and smiled-“Oh dear, what did you guys do?”
Then she stopped before opening the door-“Oh.” She grabbed her belly then looked at AJ.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8071