Summary: *****Sequel to Safest Place to Hide*****
(if you haven't read it yet, i suggest you read it before reading this one.)
Lexy has moved on in her career, away from Nick. Trouble is stirred once more will Lexy be able to handle it. Will Nick be brought back into her life?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes
Word count: 30940 Read: 71285
Published: 09/05/06 Updated: 09/07/06
Chapter 3 by Tati
When they got to the alter, AJ’s face had lit up. He had a grin from ear to ear, he could not take his eyes off of Lisa. Lexy felt a knot in her throat, she could tell she was about to cry, her nose was starting to feel funny. She was so happy for them, she handed them the rings. She looked down, to let the tears fall, then looked up and saw Nick staring at her. He smiled at her, and made a face “fake sympathy” smile. She laughed, soon she was signing as a witness, for their wedding and the priest announced-“Ladies and Gentlemen, lets give a warm hand to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander James McLean!” Everyone cheered, as AJ and Lisa walked ahead of Nick and Lexy.
Nick leaned into her ear-“Got a little teary eyed huh?”
She gave him a soft playful shove-“Shut up!”
They headed over to the ball room for the reception. It was great, they danced together. Half way through the party, Lexy went on stage-“I have a few words for the bride and groom. First of all, AJ, if you ever break her heart. I will come back and kick your butt. Second, I want to say how great it is to know what love is. Of course you guys know about it, cuz you wrote a song about it. But seriously, when you are being spoken to, you know you are in love cuz you can’t pay attention. You know why? Because you are thinking about the different ways you can sign your first name, with his last name. And now, Lisa can test that out, she will have so many different ways to sign, Lisa Mclean. Congratulations to you both. I wish you love and happiness for ever. Now I have prepared a song for you, speaking of your new found love!” She nods to the pianist as he begins to play From This Moment. She starts to sing, AJ takes Lisa’s hand and walks with her to the middle of the ballroom as they dance together. Lisa’s eyes water as she dances to her friends voice. Just then Nick walks up on stage and sings along with Lexy. She turns to him, he winks at her, so she lets him sing with her. By now AJ is in tears as his two best friends are on stage signing in their honor. Soon after, they ate and danced, Lisa thought it would be great idea to have Nick and Lexy dance together. So she pulled Nick onto the dance floor, as AJ pulled Lexy to the dance floor.
He smiled at her-“So, what do you think?”
Lexy smiled as they swayed-“Wow, I can’t believe this is actually happening. I am super happy for you both.”
AJ smiled-“Yea? It’s a great feeling, I see why Brian and Kevin like it soo much.”
Lexy laughed-“Yea? It’s great? Hmmm...I’m gonna have to try it some time.”
Just then Lisa danced over-“Ok, I want my husband back, ha I like the way that sounds. Switch me Lexy!” Lexy stepped back letting her take AJ, then turned to face Nick. She felt her heart start beating loudly. She looked around wondering if anyone could hear it. Nick smiled a shy smile, then put his hand on her waist, and took her hand in his. She smiled as she put a hand on his shoulder. They started to drift with the music. Nick smiled-“So, how have you been?”
She smiled-“Good. You know, busy and all.”
Nick laughed-“Yea, I saw you Rolling Stones issue.”
She turned away blushing-“Oh no! That was horrible! It was all based on who I hung out with and dated, not on who I am! They didn’t even mention my movies once! I was ticked off!”
Nick looked at her with an evil grin-“So, do you really have a tongue ring?”
She raised an eyebrow at him and smirked, she opened her mouth to reveal the ring. His eyes widened, then he smiled again-“So, you any good with it?”
Her eyes widened and her jaw drop-“NICK!!”
He laughed, as they continued dancing. They danced some more, then it was time to throw the bouquet, Lisa got on stage with the mic-“OK! I need all my single ladies to get on the floor! Come one, that means you three Marley, Toni, and Lexy! Come one girls!!”
The three girls went out, along with some women. Nick laughed as Lexy pretended to push everyone aside. He caught himself watching her with a grin on his face. He couldn’t stop thinking of how amazing she looked. Man he missed her, he thought. He didn’t notice that she had turned to look at him, and saw him staring. She smiled when he realized it and blushed. She then turned her attention back to Lisa, who was tricking them, pretending to throw it. Then she did, it flew up in the air, all the girls started to move around trying to catch it. Lexy laughed-“I am not gonna get it. But what the hell!” She jumped up in the air and fell hard on the floor, she laughed as the pain hit her ankle. Then she realized the bouquet that was in her hands. Marley and Toni helped her stand up, she put the flowers up in the air. Everyone clapped, Lisa turned around and smiled as she clapped too. Nick smiled, he could still not get his eyes off of her. Lexy tried to walk to a table but couldn’t, she must have really hurt her ankle. Nick walked over to her and smiled-“Need help?”
She looked up into the baby blues looking down at her, she smiled as she nodded. He put her arm around his neck and he picked her up and walked to the table. She was sitting there the rest of the night, unable to move her ankle, but not ready to leave. When the party finally came to an end, she attempted to go to the taxi, but failed again. Luckily for her, Nick was around. He helped her into the taxi and went with her. To make sure she got up to her hotel room safely. They talked and laughed the whole ride to the hotel. Then he carried her to her room, still talking and laughed(they were both a little drunk). When they got to the room, she started laughed-“OK, I really have to pee. So I’ll be back!” When she was in the bathroom, the phone rang, she screamed from the bathroom-“Nick, could you be a doll and get that for me? Please.”
He laughed-“Sure thing!” He picked up the phone-“Hello?”
There was a male’s voice on the other end-“Um, did I get the right number? I am looking for Lexy. Is she there?”
Nick scoffed-“Who wants to know?”
The voice on the other end sounded annoyed-“Her fiancee!”
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.