Summary: *****Sequel to Safest Place to Hide*****
(if you haven't read it yet, i suggest you read it before reading this one.)
Lexy has moved on in her career, away from Nick. Trouble is stirred once more will Lexy be able to handle it. Will Nick be brought back into her life?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes
Word count: 30940 Read: 71166
Published: 09/05/06 Updated: 09/07/06
Chapter 4 by Tati
Lexy walked back into the room with a smile on her face that faded when she saw the look on Nick’s face. He looked at her-“Your fiancee called.”
Lexy’s stomach dropped, she started to talk-“Nick, I can explain.”
Nick cut her off-“No, you don’t have to. It’s not my business anymore. I just...why didn’t you tell me from the beginning. Instead of leading me on, Lex?”
She looked down-“I haven’t told anyone. I’m not ready to tell the world yet. I was gonna tell the girls tomorrow. Nick I...I’m sorry. I thought I was over you ok I thought I could come here, and see you and not feel anything. It’s been 4 years! What did you expect? For me to come back and start off where we left off?? You did this Nick! You were the one that pushed me to go to Europe!” She looked down again, holding back the tears-“It’s been four years Nick. I moved on.”
Nick sighed, he fought back the tears too-“So you got over me?”
Lexy looked at him, she couldn’t hold them anymore-“I cried so many nights for you. I missed you so much.”
His expression didn’t change-“So you got over me?” He repeated, colder.
She looked into his eyes, letting the tears roll down-“I’m sorry Nick but.”
He shook his head, grabbed his coat and walked out of the room. Leaving her in tears, she threw herself on the bed and cried herself to sleep.
The next morning, she got up and went to the lobby. She found Lisa, Toni, and Marley down there eating breakfast. They smiled when they saw Lexy get off the elevator. She sat down with a smile, she had decided she was gonna hide the pain.
Lisa smiled, and winked at Lexy-“So, how was your night with Mr. Carter?”
Lexy smiled-“Not good.” Marley turned to look at her, with questioning eyes, Lexy nodded and she turned away.
Toni looked at them-“Um, guys. What’s going on?”
Lexy sighed and smiled-“Ok, guys I have been waiting for today to tell you this. I am engaged!”
Both girls looked at her in shock, then bursts out screaming and hugging her. They both congratulated her. Lisa smiled-“Lexy why didn’t you tell me before.” then she stopped-“Oh no, Nick found out huh?”
Lexy nodded-“Yea, my fiancee called last night and Nick picked the phone up. It didn’t go well.”
Toni put a hand on her shoulder-“Oh hunny I’m sorry. But it’s ok. Now tell us about your new guy!”
Marley smiled-“Or should we say your future husband.”
Lexy smiled, she realized thinking of him, really did make her smile-“OK, he is from Wales. His name is Ioan Gruffudd. I met him through Hugh, Marley’s boyfriend. He was in a movie with him, King Arthur I think? Yea it was. Ok, I met him, and we got along pretty well. We dated for a year and then he popped the question.”
Lisa smiled-“So, have you picked a date?”
Lexy nodded-“Yea, next year, during the spring. I want you all to be there, and Lisa I want you to be my maid of honor.”
Lisa hugged her-“OH I would love to! Wait, where’s the ring?”
Lexy reached in her purse and put it on-“Oh, I didn’t want to put it on, cuz of the media and all. I wanted you guys to find out by me first.”
Just then, a little girl ran towards them-“NO!” She ran and hid behind Lexy. Lexy looked at the other girls, they looked around. Just then a young man walked up-“Come here. Leave the grown ups alone!”
Lexy looked up at the guy, then smiled-“SANDY??”
He looked at her, then smiled-“Oh Lexy I didn’t even see you! How are you? Wow you look great!”
Lexy smiled-“Wow, I can’t believe you stuck around with Nick. Oh, so this must be Emma!”
She felt her heart get warm when she turned around, the little girl was precious. She had blonde curls, and blue eyes. Emma ran up to Lexy and hid behind her. Lexy looked at Sandy-“So how old is she now?”
Sandy smiled-“She is 3, soon to be four. Very active little girl.”
Emma looked up-“You my new mommy?”
Lexy looked at the other girls, they had tears in their eyes too. Lexy got down on her knees-“Oh baby, you have no idea. I would love to be your mommy.”
Just then Nick walked down-“Emma, come here. Let’s get your breakfast!”
Emma turned around-“Daddy I found new mommy ”
Nick looked up, and saw Lexy standing there, he immediatly turned cold-“No sweetie, you don’t even know her. She is a stranger, you can’t have a stranger as a mommy. Now go with Sandy to get breakfast.”
Sandy glared at Nick, then turned to Lexy and hugged her-“It was great seeing you again.”
Lexy smiled at him, then turned to Nick-“A stranger? I was more of a parent to her than you were! How dare you say I’m a stranger to her.”
Nick looked at her-“She’s grown up, with no help from you. Why start now? You have your own life, and your own family to create. Why don’t you just go back, and leave mine alone.”
She faught the tears she did not want to cry infornt of him, she slapped him hard across the face. Then walked away.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.