Summary: *****Sequel to Safest Place to Hide*****
(if you haven't read it yet, i suggest you read it before reading this one.)
Lexy has moved on in her career, away from Nick. Trouble is stirred once more will Lexy be able to handle it. Will Nick be brought back into her life?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes
Word count: 30940 Read: 71181
Published: 09/05/06 Updated: 09/07/06
Chapter 5 by Tati
Lexy had been so upset when she left L.A. Nick’s words kept going through her head. A stranger? She felt horrible, but he was right. She was a stranger to her, and she wanted that to change.
*Months Later*
AJ was helping Lisa to the couch, when the door bell rang. Lisa laughed-“Oh, you go get the door, I can take it from here.”
AJ looked at her-“You sure? Whoever it is can wait.”
Lisa shook her head-“No, no. Go ahead baby.”
AJ nodded as he walked to the door. He looked back at his very pregnant wife. He smiled, his jaw dropped when he opened the door. Lexy and Marley stood there with two guys behind them. They ran past AJ to Lisa and hugged her. Lisa smiled as she hugged her friends. AJ let the guys in and closed the door. He turned to them-“Hi I’m AJ.”
Ioan also laughed-“Hi, I’m Ioan. And I think you have met Hugh.”
AJ nodded then turned to the girls-“OK OK enough love for new mommy to be, come give new daddy to be some love ”
Marley and Lisa turned around and went to hug AJ. Lisa laughed-“So what are you girls doing here?”
Marley smiled-“WELL we were in town for the Grammys, Lexy is nominated, presenting, and performing tomorrow.”
Lexy nodded-“And, we figured we could stick around a few weeks for the birth of the baby. No just kidding I am off, so I will be here with my bridesmaids to plan my wedding in two months. We got an apartment for all of us. It’s HUGE!”
Lisa laughed-“Oh YAY! I’m so excited. And I would hope you would be here for the birth of the baby...being the Godmother and all.”
Lexy’s eyes lit up-“ARE YOU SERIOUS??? So when do I get to meet my new godson?”
AJ smiled-“Well, due date is in three weeks. I will be a daddy ”He was soo excited.
Lexy snapped-“OH Lisa I want you to meet my fiancee, Ioan. Ioan that’s my one of my best friends Lisa and her husband Alex, but we call him AJ.”
Ioan smiled-“Yea, I met him at the door. When you girls were um...” AJ and Ioan looked at each other then, the three boys started screaming like girls and hugging each other. The girls laughed. After hours of talking and catching up, they headed back to their apartment.
The next day was hectic they started early getting ready for the Grammy’s. Lexy was nervous, she had never been nominated, and now she was gonna do all of those things. The night finally came, Lexy, Ioan, Marley and Hugh got out of the limo and walked the red carpet. Fans were going crazy, they did interviews and signed autographs. They got in to the building saying hi to a few other celebrities then sat down and got the show started. Lexy walked on stage smiling, she went up to the mic-“Throughout the years, we have experienced great nominees in this category. Some of the nominees tonight are familiar to this nomination, while others have a first time thing going on. The nominees for best album are...Mariah Carey...U2...the Backstreet Boys...Usher. Are the winner for best album is(she opened the envelope, immediately smiling not being able to hold back her excitement) THE BACKSTREET BOYS!!” The fans started cheering, everyone was clapping. All five boys stood up and started hugging each other and their ppl with them. Lexy was so excited, she hadn’t seen the other boys in a while. Brian was the first one out into the aisle, he looked up at the stage and smiled, he started jogging towards it. AJ saw him and also jogged to the stage. They both got on stage and hugged Lexy picking her up off the ground. Kevin, Howie and Nick followed. Kevin hugged her, then Howie hugged her. Nick walked up behind them, he looked at Lexy smiled and gave her a small hug. She stood between AJ and Kevin as Brian spoke. They were all excited, Aj went on and thanked Lisa for being a great wife. They also thanked Lexy for always believing in them. Then they walked offstage, Nick kept stealing glances at her, she looked great. He shook his head, he didn’t wanna think about that, and as if to remind him that he should think of that, her ring glistened in the light. Afterwards, Lexy was back on stage, she was halfway performing her song when she glanced out into the audience. Aj was standing up with Lisa, her face showed pain. Lexy watched as they all started standing up, and walking to the aisle. Lexy looked over at Marley and motioned with her head, quickly they stood up and walked out. Lexy tried to finish the song but just couldn’t. She looked apologetic to the director as she ran off stage, and explained that an emergency had come up. She took the mic off and ran out in her costume. When she reached outside, they were putting her in a limo. She climbed in-“Oh Lisa, are you oK?”
Between breaths Lisa explained-“The’s coming...”
AJ kicked the driver out of his seat and got in-“Ok baby, we’ll be at the hospital in a little bit.” He put on his hazard lights and sped away. Everyone had pilled into the limo behind theirs. Lexy and Nick were trying to calm Lisa down. Lexy got fed up with Nick interrupting her-“Ok I can handle this!”
Nick looked at her-“ no I can handle this.” They both bickered then said at the same time Lexy-“I’m the Godmother!” Nick-“I’m the Godfather!” They looked at each other, then at Lisa who was still breathing hard-“BABY!!”
AJ glanced back-“Can you two argue later!”
Lexy glared at him them brushed Lisa’s hair back-“Ok hunny we are almost there. Breathe with me!”
They got to the hospital, and took Lisa in. Lexy and Nick continued fighting over how unfair it was for them to have to share the Godparent. Ioan walked in, Lexy glanced at him and smiled-“I’m done talking to you.”
She walked over to Ioan who greeted her with a smile-“Hey love, how is she?”
Lexy sighed as she wrapped her arms around his waist-“She is having him. Earlier than we thought.”
About an hour later, AJ came out with a huge grin on his face and tears rolling out of his eyes-“I’m...I’m a dad! He’s here!”
The guys got up and hugged him. Then Lexy walked up and hugged him, he sobbed-“I can’t believe it.”
Lexy smiled, she felt a knot in her throat-“Oh AJ! I’m so happy for you both!”
Brian and Leighanne smiled, they knew what that felt like. Marley and Toni also hugged AJ. Soon the doctor let them go see Lisa, she was laying in her bed. She had tears rolling down too as she looked down at her baby boy-“Hey guys...I want you to meet Andrew James McLean. Andy I want you to meet ALL of you aunts and uncles.”
They all smiled and gathered around to say hello to the baby. Lexy walked over, and held the baby, she smiled as she thought to herself, wow it must be great...a mommy. I want a baby.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.