Over Her by Tati
Summary: *****Sequel to Safest Place to Hide*****

(if you haven't read it yet, i suggest you read it before reading this one.)

Lexy has moved on in her career, away from Nick. Trouble is stirred once more will Lexy be able to handle it. Will Nick be brought back into her life?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 30940 Read: 71280 Published: 09/05/06 Updated: 09/07/06
Chapter 6 by Tati
Lexy sat in the apartment, waiting for Ioan to finish his phone call, by the tone of his voice, she could tell it was not good news. He put the phone down and walked into the den where she sat. He looked down-“Ok, due to the weather, I have to go back to Europe tomorrow, to start shooting the Fantastic 4 two.”
Lexy shook her head-“But the wedding plans? Will you be here for the wedding, or should we push it back?”
Ioan shook his head-“No, I told them I want that weekend off. And you can arrange the wedding stuff, you can handle it with you friends. I would probably get in the way, it’s ok baby. I will be here in two months for our wedding. Ok?” She felt better, she kissed him and headed to their room.
The next day Lexy took Ioan to the airport then headed back to Lisa’s where she had scheduled a meeting with her bridesmaids and her mom. It had been a week since Lisa had her baby, and she was doing great. They sat in the living, room talking about where they would buy the dresses, and all that fun stuff. Lexy decided she wanted the wedding on the beach, so they started planing it. Lexy smiled-“Ok, depending on where it’s gonna be, I need to start seeing how many people will be there. Maybe I should start writing a guest list, Marley will you help me with that?”
Marley nodded-“Yea, lets get started on that, um...Toni you are great at designing things, you start designing the invitations. Sound good?”
Lisa laughed-“Ok, I want to get the decoration ideas! Oh that would be so much fun. Um...the colors should be blue and silver!”
Lexy shook her head-“No, lets do Pink and silver. Oh that would be pretty! Now who do we want at the wedding, Oprah from sure! She is such a doll, Ooh and the ladies from the View!”
Marley nodded-“Um...the boys of course, maybe Britney and Christina?”
Lisa laughed-“OHH maybe Nick!”
Lexy scoffed-“Uh no! Haha, he wouldn’t wanna come anyways.”
Toni smiled at Lisa-“But if he did? Would you want him to come?”
They all looked at Lexy who was looking down avoiding their stares-“Um...yea I guess. Well no...um Guys lets not talk about this now!” She had turned red, she didn’t know the answer to that question.
The following week, Lexy went to the store to get groceries, she was reading a label when she heard a familiar voice-“You know it’s all fattening. Maybe you should lay off of it.”
She was startled, and shocked someone would say something like that, she turned-“EXCUSE ME?” She rolled her eyes when she found herself looking into Nick’s eyes, he smirked. She groaned-“Oh it’s you. Leave me alone please.”
He laughed as he followed her in her attempt to get away-“Not so fast, see we are in a crowded store, TONS of people here. If you keep walking away from me, I might have to make a scene. And we both know how horrible it turns out when you get discovered in a very public place.”
She stopped, and turned around-“What do you want?”
He laughed-“Much better. Now, I have a date tonight, and I need to cook something very nice for her, BUT I can’t cook. I called your apartment to see if you could help me out. Your mom said you were at the grocery store so I came here since it’s the closest to the apartment. Now that I have found you...will you help me?”
She laughed-“You want me to cook for you and your date? Yea like that’ll happen?”
She started to walk away, but he ran infront of her cart-“Please Lexy? I really need this favor. And I will do anything you want! Just this once please?”
She looked at him with a raised eyebrow,-“Anything? Like leaving me alone after this?”
He put his hands together as in pleading-“Yes, just please? You are the only person I know that cooks really really well, please? I will leave you alone for ever if you want.”
She sighed rolling her eyes again-“Ugh...ok fine. What do you want?”
He clapped-“YES! Oh shh...haha um...I want”
She cut him off-“Ok no, you don’t get to pick what you want. I’m picking the meal, come on.”
They bought the ingredients, and headed back to Nick’s apartment. It was kinda messy, she looked around and smiled-“Well, if you are gonna bring her here, you should definitely clean this mess up. Ok you do that while I get started.”
Nick laughed at how she had already taken control. He thought as he cleaned up, why couldn’t it always be this way. Why can’t we just get along like this? He was broken from his thoughts by Lexy’s voice-“NICK! Wow it took me 4 times to get your attention. Where’s the bathroom, I need to put my hair up.”
He laughed as he guided her-“Sorry, right here.”
She walked past him, so close, it surprised him, he could smell her perfume-“Ok, well how about pouring me a drink, since I am doing this favor for you!”
He laughed as he went to the fridge-“Coke? Beer? Wine Coolers? Wine?”
She thought for a moment, with her scrunchie in her mouth-“Um...I dunno, give me anything you are having.”
He smirked, as he took two glasses out from the cupboard then poured white wine into them. She walked back and smiled as she went to the stove. He watched her, she was beautiful, even without make up, she was just so simple-“Here, let me get back to cleaning.”
She laughed as she started cutting the chicken, about 45 minutes later the apartment started smelling good, Nick had cleaned up the whole apartment, then walked into the kitchen-“Wow, that smells great! What do we have here?”
She smiled-“Rosemary chicken, with Vinaigrette, a spinach salad with Vinaigrette, and ravioli. You want a piece?”
He nodded-“Yea, just to make sure you didn’t poison it.”
She laughed as she took a tiny piece out and handed it to him on a fork-“Haha, not yet. I’ll wait till the very end for that.” He didn’t take the fork, he took it from the fork getting real close to her face, she was looking into his eyes. She turned away-“Um...what time will she be here?”
Nick sighed as he leaned on the counter-“Who?”
She laughed-“Your date!”
He ran a hand through his hair-“OH! Um...7:30.”
She looked at her watch-“Um Nick’s it’s 7:00 shouldn’t be getting ready?”
He jumped up-“Oh Crap! Yea, I’m gonna take a shower. I’ll be right back.”
She laughed as he took off running. She continued cooking, and drinking her wine. About 10 minutes later, he walked out in blue jeans and a white button up shirt, his hair still wet. He smelled great, she fought back the urge of running over and jumping him. She laughed at her silly thoughts, then turned the stove off. She turned to him-“Ok, all done!”
He smiled and he inhaled more of the food scent-“Wow, you did a great job thank you so much!”
She grabbed her purse, downed the last of her wine. She laughed when she looked at his shirt, he had skipped a button, she went over to him to fix it-“No problem. It was fun, hanging out like this.”
She looked up, she smiled, he wasn’t smiling, he was looking at her. He was taking deep breaths, just staring into her eyes. She looked down-“Well, um ok. I’ll see ya around Nick. Have fun on your date.” She walked out of his apartment, and went into the elevator. She leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes. She hadn’t felt like this in such a long time, it was not a good thing. At least, she thought, he promised to leave her alone. But was that really what she wanted?
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8071