Over Her by Tati
Summary: *****Sequel to Safest Place to Hide*****

(if you haven't read it yet, i suggest you read it before reading this one.)

Lexy has moved on in her career, away from Nick. Trouble is stirred once more will Lexy be able to handle it. Will Nick be brought back into her life?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 30940 Read: 71164 Published: 09/05/06 Updated: 09/07/06
Chapter 7 by Tati
The girls were in Lisa’s living room, AJ was in the other room feeding the baby. The door bell rang, and he got up and got it-“Hey bro! Glad you came over, cuz I don’t know how much more of this girl talk me and Andy can take!”
Nick laughed-“Girl talk?”
AJ smiled as Nick took the baby from him-“Yea, Lisa, Toni, Marley and um...Lexy are in the living room doing some planning.”
Nick smiled at the baby-“How’s my baby Andy? Oh they are? Well let’s got say hi to them.”
He walked into the living room-“Hello ladies!”
Lisa smiled as she got up and greeted Nick with a kiss on the cheek. Toni and Marley followed. Lexy didn’t look up from her notepad-“Hey Nick.”
Lisa looked up at him-“Wow, you look like you didn’t get much sleep!”
Lexy looked up, she adjusted her reading glasses-“Rough nite?” She said with a smirk. Nick looked at her, he was speechless, he had never seen her in glasses.
He actually had never seen her so laid back-“Uh...not really. It was short...I didn’t know you wore glasses!”
She looked down-“Um...yea, just for reading tho.”
Nick looked down at the baby-“So Lisa, have you been taking good care of my Godson?”
Lisa laughed as she put the notebook down and stretched-“Um, yea. I have been taking care of him. As a matter of fact, he needs a new diaper.” She got up and took the baby, as she walked out of the room-“Technically, he isn’t your Godson till tomorrow.”
Lexy laughed-“Yep, you better be there on time Nick. Or we will just have to pick out another Godfather.”
He shook his head as he headed upstairs to play AJ in some video games-“Haha, no. I’ll be there.”
The next day, they went up to the church, and baptized Andy. They were all gonna head back to AJ and Lisa’s to celebrate. Lexy walked to her car, she heard someone calling her. She turned around to see Nick jogging to her-“Hey Lexy! Wait!”
Lexy stopped at her car and turned around-“You know, you are not keeping your end of the deal!”
He laughed-“I will as soon as I thank you again. You know for the other night, it was great, I actually had some left over and ate it the next day.”
She smiled-“Well you are welcome, I’m glad you guys enjoyed it.”
He blushed a little-“um...yea there was not date Lexy. She called and cancelled at the last minute.”
She looked at him-“So why did you let me continue cooking?”
He laughed-“well I couldn’t just say OH never mind, you spent all this time here for no reason. Sorry to be a waste of your time.”
She looked at him-“It wasn’t a waste. It was fun. Sorry to hear it didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to be. Now, we have a reunion to get to, so if you’ll excuse me I have to go to the store and pick a few things up. See ya at AJ’s.”
At the party, Lexy had a few sips of wine, and was a little tipsy. Nick took advantage of that(NOT THAT WAY lol) and went over to talk to her-“Hey.”
She looked at him-“Again? What happened to not buggin me anymore!”
He smiled-“Oh come on, you know you don’t really want that! You had a good time, and you said so yourself. Now...how do you feel about horses?”
She looked at him-“Why?”
He sighed-“Well, there is a range where you can go horseback riding into the valley, and well I want to go, but I don’t wanna go alone, so I was wondering if you could join me tomorrow?”
She looked at him, then looked out into the water-“Fine.”
He laughed-“Ok then it’s a date!”
She looked back at him-“NO! It’s not a date! The only reason I am agreeing to this is because I haven’t been horse back riding in such a long time!”
Nick smiled and clinked their wine glasses together-“Ok, sounds good too. I’ll pick you up around noon.”
He walked off leaving her on the balcony looked out into ocean, thinking to herself, it’s not a date right? It can’ be, I’m getting married in a month and half, so it’s just a friendly outing. Right?
The next day, Nick picked her up they headed up to the country side. On the way up there, they talked about everything. Listened to music and even sang along to some songs. Nick then smiled-“Now, there was this article, in Rolling Stone, and your pictures were quite daring. What was that all about?”
Lexy rolled her eyes-“OH no! AGAIN? I told you those pics were based on who I hung out with, and dated for a while. NOT who I was.”
Nick laughed-“Ok ok, so who was it talking about?”
She looked at him, then thought for a moment-“Um...lets see, there was Jared Leto, of course Criss Angel, um...Gavin Degraw, Colin Farrell, and”
He stopped her-“Woah You went out with Colin Farrell?”
She blushed-“well, it was more like a week fling. Ya know?”
He shook his head-“Wow, So did you really get a tongue piercing?” She nodded and stuck out her tongue, revealing the pink ball. He laughed-“Wow matches your outfit! What about the tattoo?”
She nodded again-“yea, but I can’t show you that one till we get out of the car. It’s a butterfly, I know its kinda cliche but it means something different to me.”
He glanced at her-“and what is that? Some day you will turn into a butterfly from a caterpillar?”
She laughed-“No! See, there are two kinds of butterflies. The real pretty ones, that fly and love on people. Then there are the real pretty poisonous ones, you can’t tell they are poisonous till you get struck by it. That’s the way my attitudes are, you can’t tell you met the bad side of me till it’s too late.”
Nick parked the car, and looked at her-“Have I met that side of you?” He had leaned over to be in her face.
She turned towards him, and looked into his eyes, she smirked-“You might have.” She turned and got out of the car.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8071