Over Her by Tati
Summary: *****Sequel to Safest Place to Hide*****

(if you haven't read it yet, i suggest you read it before reading this one.)

Lexy has moved on in her career, away from Nick. Trouble is stirred once more will Lexy be able to handle it. Will Nick be brought back into her life?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes Word count: 30940 Read: 71275 Published: 09/05/06 Updated: 09/07/06
Chapter 9 by Tati
A month till the wedding, Lexy was picking out the dresses for the bride’s maids. Then they would go over to get her dress. She was so excited to try on the dresses, she would walk out and model for the girls. She giggled as she looked in the mirror, she decided that she was gonna ger Vera Wang to make her dress. After calling in that favor, they headed over to the cake shop, she had already picked the design for the cake. Everything was turning out right, she was happy about that.
Lexy went up to her room, she wanted to go to the zoo so she called Nick to see if she could take Emma. Marley and Lexy stopped by Nick’s to pick her up, then went to buy her an outfit to look cute. They headed up to the zoo, Emma was excited she had never been to the zoo. Lexy looked at Marley-“I can’t believe Nick never took her to the zoo ”
Marley laughed-“I know Poor deprived child, how could she miss out on the lions ”
Lexy smiled-“And the Lemurs ”
Both girls looked at each other and started dancing and singing at the same time-“I like to move it move I like to move it move it ”
Mike had tagged along, of course, they walked out, people watched some recognized her. She smiled and took pictures then signed stuff. They saw all the animals, Emma was excited she even got to feed the monkeys. Lexy smiled and she had Mike take video of them, since there was not danger and she didn’t have to be protected ALL the time.
The next day, she was to go to the Maury show, why? She had no clue. When she got there, she was rushed to make up, then on to the stage. She sat down in the chair, and smiled to the people who cheered to her. She was nervous. Maury went and sat down-“Lexy, thank you so much for being here.”
Lexy smiled-“Oh Maury it’s my pleasure, I’m just nervous on why I’m here.”
He smiled-“Well, we have a friend of yours here, who has some very important news for you.” Lexy’s stomach turned, she tried to smile but couldn’t hide the fear that it was not good news. He smiled-“Well, lets just bring your friend out.”
Lexy looked down, she heard the crowd go crazy, so she looked up...it was Nick. He brought her here? Wat did he want? To tell me to stop the wedding? Nick smiled as Maury nodded for him to tell her the news-“Hey sweetheart.”
She smiled, but looked into his eyes-“Nick wat’s going on your scaring me.”
He looked down-“OK, two weeks ago I was talking to your mom. She told me something interesting, and I had to pursue my search. Lexy, she told me your dad did not die, he is still alive.”
Lexy looked at Nick in disbelief and shook her head-“No, that can’t be. He died in some battle across seas. My mom told me so when I was a little girl.” Tears started forming in her eyes, he had to be lying, why would he do this infront of all these people.
Nick shook his head and put a hand on her shoulder-“No hunny, I’m not. See your dad did go across seas, but your mom figured he would be over there for a long time and anything could happen so she asked for a divorce. She still loved him, but it had to be done. She didn’t want you to think that he had left you so she made up some story about him dying. But he’s alive Lexy.” He looked down, then handed Lexy a tissue. She looked at him confused, she hadn’t started crying yet. He looked out into the crowd-“You see that little girl? Well the man sitting next to her is your dad, Xander.”
Lexy got a chill all over her body when the man stood up. She looked at Maury, he nodded. The man walked up to Lexy and stared at her. She let the tears fall-“Oh God Is this for real? This has to be a joke. My dad?”
The man shook his head-“No baby, it’s not a joke its me. I am so sorry for leaving you, I felt horrible but there just was not other way. I’m sorry.”
She looked into his eyes and hugged him-“Dad, I can’t believe it. You’re here, and alive. I grew up thinking I didn’t have a dad, I thought the day I got married I would have my uncle walk me down the isle...but its you.”
He smiled as he hugged her-“Oh baby girl, it is me. I want you to meet my daughter, Jenny.” Lexy hugged the young girl, she was around Darla’s age-“Oh Hi. I guess we’re sisters.”
Jenny smiled-“I am a big fan of yours, now I can tell people you are my sister ”
Lexy laughed-“Oh Mom. Does mom know? Can we bring her out?”
Maury nodded, as her mom started to walk out, Lexy stepped away from her dad, and watched as he went to hug her. The crowd clapped as he took her face in his hands and kissed her, Lexy smiled as she could still see the love in their eyes. She then looked back, Nick was standing with his hands in his pocket. She smiled at him as she went up and wrapped her arms around his neck. He hugged her tightly as she whispered-“Thank you so much. This means a lot to me.” She kissed his cheek then pulled away-“Now we can be a family again ”
They thanked Maury and went backstage to talk. It turns out, Xander, her dad, got married and had Jenny. But his wife died and he had never remarried. He was totally happy when Maury’s people told him that they had found his other daughter, so he agreed in doing the show. Lexy’s mom was glad that he still loved her, and were planning on making it work again.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8071