Murmure by KaySweet
Summary: Marrige, and infedelity don't mix. Brian's past is quickly catchig up to him, While his future is hanging on the line...
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Brian, Other
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: No Word count: 18171 Read: 27765 Published: 10/16/06 Updated: 12/27/06
Chapter One by KaySweet
Author's Notes:
This story is a good one, short, but good. Enjoy
She slipped her hands inside his shirt resting it over his heart; she could feel the folds stick together as the red ooze came to the surface. Quickly she tore a piece of her shirt stuffing it into the wound.

Brian felt her hand as it was closer to his heart than ever, how could how’ve not died. He felt the pain come again and the shaking.

“My fingers” he cried feeling them shake and twitch on their own “Aghhh” he whined, lurching his head forward, he felt his heart pulse forward slamming against his ribs “Stop the pain” he screamed the blood from his heart escaped through his veins into the opening sweeping through his throat. The motioned moved his shaky surroundings even more ferociously

Brian’s hand slipped from around the object he was holding tearing across the rough round surface. Everything was in a maze as he clamored for something. A tense horse screech bellowed again piercing Brian’s ears; he felt the tingling feeling reach his shoulders then his chest as it shook his whole body.

Within moments his body slammed against the surface. His adrenaline rocketed ditching into one last effort to overcome the frenzy.

His veins were like an overloaded circuit, and it was traveling through his brain. He felt more and more out of control as they surged through his body forcing him into a spasm “I don’t wanna die!” he screamed, trying to recapture the faces that surrounded him, total strangers had come to his aid, and there was nothing they could do. “Oh God Please” he whimpered chocking up more blood.

The last pulse was like was the strongest, rushing up like a bowling ball in a water pipe bulldozing it’s way through Brains worn out body. It his last nerve sucking everything from him, he felt the light come, a soft glow appearing in front of him, faintly at first “I don’t want the light” he sobbed inaudibly, his tongue was now down his throat constricting his breathing. Then it hit him, the bowling ball had stuck all parts of his brain.

“Move out of the way” A EMT rushed to the scene, four other’s grabbed Brian’s lower and upper body forcing him down.
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