EMPIRE by Ruby Maye
Summary: After the death of his father Monty Valencio, the youngest of the Valencios, Nico, is convinced that his family's rivals, the Berlacchis were responsible for the murder, despite Nico's own family believing it was suicide that killed Monty. Nico tries to solve his father's murder, but he begins to fall in love with Mariana Berlacchi. They are caught in forbidden love and a great feud between their families. Will Nico and Mariana's love bind the long-time feud of their families? Were the Berlacchis responsible for Monty Valencio's death?  
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > NSYNC Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Howie, JC, Joey, Justin, Kevin, Nick, Other
Genres: Action, Alternate Universe, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 4826 Read: 6397 Published: 10/04/07 Updated: 03/11/09
Story Notes:

This is an AU fanfic featuring BSB and three guys of NSYNC. They are rivaling mafia families set in modern day New York. I gave them Italianized names. And I apologize in advance for any Italian speakers; I do not know the proper way to write/speak Italian so please bear with me.

+Nick as Nico Valencio, youngest son of Monty Valencio
+Brian as Rocky Valencio, oldest son of Monty Valencio
+AJ as Alex Valencio, middle son of Monty Valencio
+Kevin as Rico Ravine, cousin and cohort of the Valencios
+Howie as Tony Donnetti, (same as Rico)

+Justin Timberlake as Tino Berlacchi, rival of Nico Valencio, youngest son of Giovanni Berlacchi
+JC Chasez as Sergio Berlacchi, oldest son
+Joey Fatone as Guiseppi Berlacchi, middle son
+Lou Pearlman as Don Luciano, kingpin

1. +One+ by Ruby Maye

2. +Two+ by Ruby Maye

3. +Three+ by Ruby Maye

+One+ by Ruby Maye


I looked down at the pearly casket of my father, whose body lay in his favorite off-white, colored suit. His salt-and-peppery hair was coifed nicely as he used to have it done when he was still alive. The wound in his head was no longer visible.

I will never forget the image of my father the night he had died. He was found slumped in his chair, his head in a pool of blood on his desk;  he held a revolver in his hand. Everyone in my family—my brothers, my mother and my cousins—were convinced that he had killed himself. I am the only one who is convinced that my father was murdered, and I vow on my father’s grave that I will avenge his death with or without my family at my side!

I looked away at my father's casket and looked up and saw my mother sobbing uncontrollably, being consoled by my brother Alex. He noticed me watching him so he got up and approached me.

“Hey, Nico, you gonna be alright?” asked Alex, sitting down next to me.

“They are going to pay for this!” I answered venomously.

"Who?" asked Alex, but before I could answer he says,“Look, you have to let it go. Pop did what he did."

“What he did?” I repeated angrily. “He didn’t kill himself, Alex. He was killed! You act like you don’t care about what happened to Pop.” I stood up knocking my chair backward, towering over my older brother.

“I care!” he shot back. “We all care! Bro, get over it! Pop is gone and killing anyone won’t bring him back.” He stood up to me as if he was challenging me to a fight.

Our mother finally stepped in between us with outstretched arms, blocking us from advancing to each other.

“Stop shouting! You are making the guests nervous!" she cried.

“I’m going for a walk,” I announced dryly. I needed to cool off. This was too much for me to handle. I walked off toward a row of gray tombstones lined parallel to each other. I stopped by a vase of red roses and took in its fragrance. A single tear rolled down my cheek as I reminisced about the times I spent with my father when I was a young boy. I was so caught in my own moment I hadn't heard my mother's soft voice calling me. When I finally heard her, I turned toward her.

Si, Mama,” I answered, looking down at her beady brown eyes. She hesitated before saying, “Your brother is looking for you.”

“I told Alex I wasn’t talking to him,” I answered sourly.

She shook her head. “No, Nico. Not Alex. Your other brother…Rocky.” I looked at my mother in shock and followed her gaze in the distance at a short red-haired man.

“Rocky?” I repeated. Rocky stood at the crest of the hill and was standing next to a beautiful blonde-haired woman carrying a little boy with blond curly hair.

I haven’t seen Rocky in years--sixteen years! I remember the day he announced to the family that he no longer wished to live his life the way we were living ours, and he no longer wished to be a part of the "family business". I was about 10 years old, he had been 16. Pop was angry and he told Rocky that he was not welcome in our estate and that he no longer could call Rocky his son; he had disowned Rocky--his oldest son. I can almost hear my mother's plea, begging my father to forgive Rocky and to accept Rocky's wish. Papa didn't want to have it. That was the last time i saw my brother.

I walked over to him slowly. He still looked like he did fifteen years ago, only he had auburn-colored stubble around his chin. Rocky extended his arms out to me as I approached him.

“Nico, good to see you again, little bro,” he said as we embraced, “It’s been a while since I saw you.” He let go of me and stood back as he studied me. “You’ve grown, taller than me at that. How have you been?”

“Alright,” I mumbled. This time Alex and our cousins Rico and Tony had joined us.

“Rocky! What’s up my cousin? I haven’t seen you in a while and who is this lovely lady?” Tony asked, extending his hand politely to Rocky’s wife.

“This is my wife Leighanne and our son Baylee.”

“He looks like Pop,” added Rico, rustling Baylee’s hair.

“So, Nico, I heard you’re taking over Pop’s business now,” Rocky said.

“Well, actually Pop left his business to all of us,” corrected Alex quickly, throwing me a dirty look. I clenched my jaw, but didn’t utter a retort.

“Of course," Rocky replied quickly, avoiding any further conflicts. He looked at Alex and me. “It is good to see you both, mi fratellinos [my brothers],” he said, taking us in his arms at the same time. Alex and I avoided touching each other making the embrace awkward.

Our father's casket was finally lowered into the ground and the graveyard workers began to dig dirt on top of the casket. We said our last prayers and threw flowers into the pit.

Afterwards, we headed to our estate in the Village. A winding driveway led to our house that sat on top of the hill. Along the driveway rows of trees and plants lined up along the road guiding as to our sanctuary. When we got inside, I looked around and felt a sense of emptiness. I sat down on one of the leather couches in our living room. The rest of the family went into the kitchen to get something to eat. Rocky came and sat beside me.

“Hey, you okay? Alex tells me you have…assumptions about Pop’s death—“

“They’re not assumptions!” I interrupted, angrily. Rocky grew quiet, then finally he spoke.

“You think Pop’s been murdered?” he asked, cautiously.

“I know he was! Everyone else thinks he killed himself. Look, you may not have known Pop growing up…” then I stopped after seeing the sadness brewing in Rocky’s eyes.

“Nico, I forgive him for what he did to me all those years ago. I don’t blame him for doing it, and I still love him as my father. Yes, I was angry with him, but that changed, I loved him even though he had disowned me. But when I heard about his death, and what everyone was saying about it, I felt angry again. I was angry that he had disowned me again,” he said.

“So you believe he had killed himself?” I asked him. I looked straight into his eyes.

“I don’t know,” he said, dropping my gaze, “I really don’t know what to believe.”

“Give me one good reason why he would kill himself, Rocky!” I blew up, my voice echoing in the halls.

“Please,” he pleaded, “I came here because I wanted to see you all again. Don’t do this, please. It’s only been a few hours and we’re already arguing. Please, be patient with me.” I kept quiet and looked away apologetically.

“I have an idea, why don’t we go out tonight?” he suggested, trying to lighten the mood. “You know, catch up on things. Just us: you, me, Alex, Rico and Tony, it’ll be just like the old times.”

“Sure. I need a drink.” I heard Rocky sigh heavily as I stood up and headed to the stairs to my bedroom. Inside, i layed down on my bed and closed my eyes.

End Notes:
this is still a work in progress. i apologize in advance for any Italian speakers out there for my grammar in Italian. i tried to write in Italian but i wasn't sure how it should be written or anything so please bear with me. thank you!
+Two+ by Ruby Maye


The Bootlegged Club was a place only the rich, famous and important hung out. It is where everyone who’s anyone in town get together, party, has a few drinks. For the mafia families, it was a place where our dealings took place. The Valencio empire owned the club and was bought off from Don Luciano, one of the richest and most powerful man in New York. 

The Valencio family were among the celebrities that was at the club. The five of us sat at a booth and Rico ordered another round of drinks. Rico raised a toast in honor of Papa.

“To our late Godfather Valencio, Monticello—father, uncle, godfather to all. We will mark a new era for the Valencios in his name. Our empire will be the most powerful.” We tapped our glasses together and drank the liqueur. Rico sat down.

I couldn’t hear the rest of Rico’s ramblings because I noticed a beautiful woman had entered the club. She was wearing a cream-colored dress and her long dark hair was in a Spanish bun held off to the side by a glittering hair clip, the rest of it falling just over her shoulder. Her saunter was mesmerizing and I was hypnotized as her hips swayed as she walked. Her ebony eyes collided with mine with much intensity I had to blink a few times. She held my gaze as I held hers. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She smiled at me and looked away before sitting down at an empty table. I finished my drink and got up not leaving her in my sight.

“Nico, where are you going?” asked Rocky.

“Yeah, the party’s just getting started,” Tony said. I waved them off and headed toward the mysterious beauty sitting at the table all alone.

Ciao, bellissima [Hello, beautiful],” I said. “May I join you?”

Si, signor,” she answered, gesturing the empty seat across from her.

“Did you come here with anyone?” I asked.

“Well, actually no, I came here alone.” She dropped her gaze embarrassed by her answer.

“So, what’s a beautiful woman like you doing in a place as this all alone?” I continued.

She hesitated before answering. “I wanted to escape from my home, just for a moment. My family has been under a lot of stress lately and my father and brothers...” she trailed off and stopped talking. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bore you with my problems.” She laughed self-consciously.

“Oh it's alright, I’m just trying to make conversation. I’m Nico. Nico Valencio." Her face turned ashen as she suddenly got up from her chair.

“I’m sorry," she stuttered, “I have to go. I just remembered I have...a curfew.” Before I could ask her for her name, she disappeared into a crowd.

I sat there puzzled and wondered what had alarmed her. She must have realized who I was and got scared. I sighed and chuckled slightly. The rest of the guys surrounded me.

“What do you think you’re doing?” demanded Alex. “Are you stupid?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“What’s your problem, Alex?” I fumed.

“Don’t you know who that was?” Rico asked.

“No, she didn’t tell me her name,” I answered, matter-of-factly.

“You wouldn’t want to be involved with that kind of woman, Nico,” Tony warned.

“I can’t believe how stupid you are! She is the last person you’d want to get with!” continued Alex.

“What? I can’t pick up a girl unless you get her first? Is that it?” I asked vehemently, my anger rising in my chest. Alex clenched his fist, but he kept it at his side.

“She’s a Berlacchi!” he spat through his teeth.

“What?” I said, "You're...you're lying!" I didn't believe for a second that Giovanni Berlacchi had a daughter, especially one as beautiful as the woman I had seen. Surely, I would have known about Berlacchi having a daughter.

“Who knows how many nasty thugs she's slept with!” Alex muttered.

It was probably the alcohol that pushed me over the edge, but I didn't care and yelled, “Asshole!”

I raised my fist and hit Alex square in the jaw knocking him down on the table making a loud commotion. Everyone at the club stared at us apalled, but i didn't care.

My chest heaved up and down from my anger. Alex got back up but he was immediately held back by Rico. Tony held me back too. Rocky stood in the middle of us, just like what Mama did at the cemetery.

“What the hell is wrong with you two?” he shouted. “Ever since I got here you two have done nothing but fight! This isn’t the way brothers should be, especially after Papa’s death!” Rico and Tony still held Alex and me apart, as we were glaring at each other.

“Yeah, well this family has changed in the past few years while you were gone!” I told him harshly. Rocky remained quiet and Rico gave me a disapproving look, like how my father used to look at me when I got into trouble. Rico let go of Alex, but Alex didn’t come after me again. Instead, he wiped off the blood from his busted lip and walked out of the booth. Tony hesitated before he let me go. They stood there staring at me in bewilderment. I glared at them all. They always do this to me! They always take Alex's side!

We left The Club and got to the parking lot and stopped by two black Bentleys. Alex climbed into the back, and Rico climbed in the driver’s seat. Rocky stood by the open passenger door for a minute and was about to say something to me, but he shook his head and climbed into Rico’s car, leaving Tony and me standing in the dusty parking lot and we watched as they pulled out of the curb.

Tony and I were headed for home. I sat in his car quietly and rested my head on the seat. I looked out the window at the dark violet skies. Silhouettes of strangers linger at the sidewalk, like a wolf stalking its prey. I could see our grand estate sitting at the top of the Village in the distance.

“Nico?” asked Tony. “You alright buddy?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” I answered.

“Look, Nico, we don’t mean to horn into your personal space. We just want the best for you. But you’ve got to put your head together. Being with a Berlacchi is not a very good idea.”

“Why can’t you just let me do my own thing for once? I’m so sick of everyone telling me what to do! I’m sick of everyone treating me like a kid! I’m twenty-six, dammit! I want to have control over my own life! I don’t need everyone doing it for me!” I exploded.

Tony sighed and made a left turn into our snake-like driveway. We made our way to the front of the house. A white Rolls Royce was parked in front of our garage blocking our entry. Tony parked his car next to it. Our other car wasn’t home yet. I guess we beat them home.

“I wonder who’s here,” mumbled Tony.

We got inside and were greeted by my mother and a man in a gray colored suit. He wore a matching fedora and had a cane with a giant diamond on the top. The man was none other than Don Luciano.

“Ah, Nico and Tony,” my mother got up and kissed our cheeks and sat back down on the couch next to Don Luciano. Tony sat on the couch across from them, but I stayed standing and scowled at Don Luciano. What did he want?

“The Don and I were just discussing your father’s business, the Bootlegged Club. He was wondering if he could purchase it back,” my mother explained. as if he had read my mind.

“What? Why? That’s Papa’s business!” I sputtered, taken aback by the sudden request of Don Luciano. 

“I’m sure your father wouldn’t mind if I purchased it back,” he said with a slight chuckle.

I glared at him. “But I would mind! His business belongs to me and my family!”

“No need to get all defensive, Nico. I was just showing a mere interest in your father’s—excuse me—your business. Come on, Nico, I'm sure we can work on some kind of deal. How about you get to keep the business but I'll run it from behind the scenes? What do you say?” he insisted.

“My answer is no! I will not have our business in your hands! Don’t think I don’t know how you run business in this town,” I warned.

“Nico! Have some respect!” my mother scolded me. “I did not teach you to speak like that!” She turned to him and apologized.

“It’s okay, Elena,” Don Luciano assured, taking her hands in his. I stared appalled at his gesture.

“Don’t touch her!” I shouted, prying their hands apart.

“Nico!” my mother yelled, “what has gotten into you?”

“He probably had too much to drink,” said Don Luciano, as if he had known all along I had been drinking all night.

“Shut up!” I snarled at Don Luciano. “How could you do this, Ma! Letting this vulture into our house thinking he owns the place and then he’s trying to put moves on you! Papa’s not even gone for a week and Don Luciano’s already trying to take his business!” I spat. This time Tony spoke.

“Nico, that’s enough.” Tony laid a hand on my shoulder and held me back firmly to keep me from advancing to Don Luciano.

“I think it best if I went on my way,” Don Luciano announced calmly as if I hadn’t said anything.

I glared at him and clenched my jaw.

My mother led him to the door and I watched as he pulled out of our driveway and drove off into the night. My mother headed upstairs and didn’t utter a word at me or Tony. Tony let go of my shoulder and went to the kitchen. Just then, the door swung open and Rico, Rocky and Alex came through the door chatting. Rico noticed me sitting on the couch.

“We just saw Don Luciano pulling out of our driveway. What did he want?” he asked.

Still clenching my jaw, I replied, “He wants Pop’s business. Not to mention Ma.” I got up.

They exchanged confused looks.

“What do you mean?” asked Rocky. Finally, I gave up.

“Ask Tony.” I said defeated, stomping up the marble staircase. I got in my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

+Three+ by Ruby Maye



The New York Tribune's headline the next morning read "Valencios’ Bootlegged Club burnt down, no injuries were reported and search is still on for the cause of fire."

I slammed the morning paper down angrily, spilling coffee on the table. Everyone sat around our dining room table that morning for breakfast. Tony cleaned up the mess I made with some napkins and got some more fresh coffee, while Rocky got up to help him. Alex and Rico sat grimly reading their own copy of the newspaper.

“It’s gotta be those Berlacchi bastards who did it!” I shouted. “I know they are out to get our empire; first Pop, now our club. Those bastards are going to pay!”

“The Berlacchis aren’t stupid! I’m not saying they couldn’t have done it, ‘cause knowing their past, they had a history of arson along with their crimes, but really, they aren’t that stupid,” said Alex, taking a sip of his coffee.

“Unless they have someone doing their dirty work for them,” Tony suggested.


“I know someone is out to get rid of us. It’s a conspiracy! I'll bet they're behind it all,” I said bitterly.

“The Black & White Ball at the Ritz is tonight. The Berlacchis are going to be there, no doubt. Let's say we get them there!" Rico suggested, angrily.

"Wait a minute. There's no evidence they did any of this," said Rocky. Rocky always tried to make peace with everyone, which was something that annoyed me about him. "We can't all assume it was the Berlacchis."

"Well, who else could have done it, if not them?" wondered Tony aloud.

"Don Luciano," I answered darkly. They turned to look at me questioningly.


“You really think, besides, the Berlacchis, he’d be responsible?” Tony asked me, “What motive would he have, other than you refusing to give it back to him last night? He’s got plenty of other businesses so why else would he burn down one just for that?”


No one had an answer. The rest of breakfast went along bitterly.


News reporters and paparazzi stood outside The Ritz snapping pictures of the famous and wealthy celebrities in the Black and White Ball. We arrived in a white limo and were blinded by the flashing bulbs. We entered The Ritz and descended down the staircase. Overlooking the grand ballroom, a giant chandelier of crystals glittered above illuminating it.

Our guests greeted us and sent their condolences for our late father as we made our way to our table.

Excusa, Signor Valencio?” asked a feminine voice. I turned around and the beautiful woman I met at the Bootlegged Club was standing behind me. She was in a cream colored dress and her hair was up in a sophisticated bun, silver earrings dangled from her ears. She smiled shyly as I took her hand and kissed the back of it.

Ciao, bellissima. You aren’t going to run away from me this time?” I asked, half-jokingly. She blushed crimson.

Ciao, Signor Valencio, condolences to your family. I’m sorry about your father.”

Grazie. May I know your name, Miss--?”

“Mariana!” Tino Berlacchi called out sharply, who strode up behind her. Tino glared at me and turned to Mariana. “What are you doing?” he demanded her.

“Nothing, Tino, I was mingling,” she stammered. Tino turned to me again and stepped closer to me.

“Don’t ever let me catch you talking to her again!” he said through clenched teeth. I glared at Tino.

“I can do whatever I please; I don’t need your consent to anything.” I glanced at Mariana and eyed her up and down hungrily. “Besides, I couldn’t help myself from talking to a beauty, now could I?”

Tino looked at me and her in disgust before narrowing his eyes at me.

“Stay away from my sister, Valencio, if you don’t want to end up like your father,” he threatened.

“Don’t go making threats you can’t back up, Berlacchi.” I shot back.

“Just watch yourself, Valencio.” Tino turned on his heel as he grabbed Mariana by the wrist roughly and dragged her with him to their table where the other Berlacchis were seated.

“You know better than to mingle with a Valencio. Do you have any idea what Father would do if he knew about this?” I heard him yell at her.

“Tino, I’m not a child!” I heard her shout back.

He sat her down roughly at their table. She wiped her eyes with her fingers while being consoled by her other brother Sergio, who in turn scolded Tino for his roughness. Tino sighed and apologized but she ignored him and got up heading to the restroom.

I hesitated before following her. I found her sitting on a velvet couch weeping. I slowly approached her.

“Are you alright, Mariana?” I asked. She quickly wiped her eyes on a handkerchief before looking up at me.

“Yes, thank you. I apologize for the way my brother treated you,” she replied.

“You don't have to apologize for his actions because I'm not going to apologize for mine,” I said.


She looked up at me with sad brown eyes.

“Why do you hate my family?” she asked.

"Your family is the one that hates mine!" I shouted. She flinched at my sudden outburst and moved away from me.

"I'm sorry." I immediately apologized after seeing her reaction.

She looked deeply into my eyes and I could see the sadness brewing in them.

"I have seen what my brothers and father have done and... I...I feel angry at them for it…I feel like I am a prisoner in their world. And I am afraid that whichever path I choose, whether to leave them or stay, I will lose them either way. I have already lost my mother…I’m sorry… I shouldn’t be telling you all of this…" Mariana began to cry.

I reached out to caress her hands and consoled her. Even though she was a Berlacchi, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. I couldn’t imagine what she must go through with her family; the conflict that she struggles with. She reminded me of Rocky when he had wanted to leave the family because he did not believe in what we did. He chose his own path, a path my father did not want him to go on. It tore my mother apart to see him leave at the age of 16. It tore the whole family apart, especially me. Mariana must feel this way, and I am beginning to see that she is nothing like her brothers or her father.

"I'm sorry for the turmoil your family puts you through. If anything, I don't see you as my enemy," I said.

“The same way I feel for you,” she said.

I smiled at her then I leaned forward and closed my eyes. Before I could kiss her, we were interrupted by Alex.

“Nico!” His arms were folded across his chest and an angry scowl showed on his face. I tightened my jaw and turned away from Mariana.

“What?” I barked.

“Rico, wants you with us. They are about to serve the food,” he announced, not even acknowledging Mariana’s presence.

“I’ll be there in a second,” I answered impatiently.

“Well, he wants you there now—actually we all want you there now,” he pressed on, not moving from where he was standing. I stood up and sighed angrily. I turned to Mariana and apologized.

“My dear, please excuse me.” I kissed the back of her hand as she stood up and headed back to her table with her own family.

We reached our table and the rest of the guys, except Rocky, looked at me disapprovingly.

“Look, let’s leave Nico be. He can see whoever he pleases,” he spoke out.

“Not if she’s a Berlacchi,” Rico muttered under his breath, who shot a threatening look over to the Berlacchis at their table across the room.

"I don't care who she is anymore," I answered.

"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, Nico," said Alex.

“Could we discuss this afterward? I’d really like to eat before arguing,” Tony intervened, as he eyed the roasted pork that was just placed at the center of the table.



Back at our mansion...

“Maybe by uniting Nico and Mariana together our empires could unite as well. Once and for all, there would be no more feuds,” Tony said.


We got home around midnight and sat around our kitchen.

“You’re not actually considering this are you, Tone?” asked Alex incredulously. “And, weren’t they the suspects of Pop’s murder?” he asked turning to me.

“You didn’t even believe Pop was murdered from the beginning, so don’t you dare use that card on me!” I shot back.

“I would rather die than share our empire—or Pop’s empire for that matter—with a Berlacchi!” Rico declared.

“I can’t believe this is how you dishonor Pop by getting with a Berlacchi no less,” Alex continued, “How would you think Pop will react if he was still here? I’m sure he’s rolling over in his grave right now at the thought of his favorite son falling in love with a Berlacchi bitch!” 


Alex had always been jealous of my relationship with Pop and had accused me of being the favorite son, but I know that Pop loved all his sons equally, even Rocky whom he had disowned.

“I don’t care what you all think! I will pursue this woman and I will not let anything come between us!” I cried.

“Not even us? Tell me, would you choose her over us, Nico? Would you choose her over your own family?” Rico asked.


I didn’t answer him, as I didn’t know what to say.

“I don’t think we should discourage Nico from being with a woman, even if she belongs to our rival family. I know that when Pop was alive, that’s what he always wished for him and for all of us; to find a woman and to find love. From what I have seen, this woman seems to be kind and nothing at all like her family,” Rocky finally spoke.


Everyone sat in silence after Rocky’s little speech unable to utter a word. I was also taken aback at what Rocky had said. He had seen Mariana as I had seen her when she confessed her feelings about her family to me earlier that evening.

“Rocky is right. Nico, if you truly believe Mariana to be good for you, then you should pursue her,” Tony agreed.

“Thank you,” I said to Tony and Rocky. Rico and Alex didn’t say anything but exchanged glances. Rico sighed and went over to embrace me.

”Go and pursue her if you truly feel that she is the one for you,” Rico said as he embraced me.


Alex remained where he stood and had his arms crossed.

"I'm still disapproving of this," he said, firmly. "I don’t trust anyone with the name Berlacchi."


He got up and left the rest of us in the kitchen.


This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8635