Love Without End by ResaD
Summary: Brian and Theresa are happily married, or, that was until she found out she couldn't have kids. Now, because of that one simple statment from her doctor, her marriage is a royal mess. But, Terri and Howie, their best friends offer to help out in any way possible! Although, if Theresa says yes, she risks losing her marriage, because she finds out that Brian and Terri are liking each other a lot more than friends should. What road does she take? Is she willing to risk the marriage for one kid? She should she destory two marriages?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian, Howie, Other
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Completed: Yes Word count: 25971 Read: 33942 Published: 02/27/09 Updated: 06/05/09
Chapter 18 by ResaD
Chapter 18
Four hours later, I bounded down the stairs and glanced around, seeing no one but Brian. I walked over to the couch and sat down on the opposite end.
“Weren’t they coming?”
“On their way.” I glanced at the clock and frowned.
“The movie we wanted to see is starting pretty soon.”
“I thought we were picking a movie when we got there?”
“We can Bri. It’s just the movie we were talking about is one D and I wanted to see.”
“Oh, I gotcha.” He smiled at me and patted the seat next to him. “You know, I won’t bite.” ‘Hmm, that’s to be debatable,’ my mind wanted to scream.
“I know. But…” I stopped as the doorbell sounded. “They’re here. Let’s go.” I walked over to him and pulled him off the couch. He smiled as he got up and wrapped his arm around my waist.
“You’re excited. Why?”
“My gosh, when’s the last time we went to the movies? Even as a group? It’s been forever.” I finally opened the door and smiled at both Terri and Howie. “Kay, you wanna drive D, or…”
“No, no. That’s fine, I can.”

“How did we get stuck buying the popcorn and sodas?” I glanced at her and shrugged.
“Does this seem, I don’t know, strange?” She stopped glancing at the menu and turned to face me. She glanced around her and pulled on my arm, out of ear shot of anyone else.
“It’s not me. They’re being way too nice, right?”
“I know. It was odd, I even touched her and she didn’t flinch.”
“Do you think something happened last night?” I closed my eyes and slowly shook my head.
“I…Theresa loves me, she wouldn’t cheat.”
“You love her, and yet you did.” She stopped and crossed her arms. “They’re just being way too easy on us. I would be slapping her and pulling her hair out if that was me.”
“But if they were guilty, it would be easier to act so nonchalant about it, right?”
“That’s my take on this. I just don’t get it otherwise.” I glanced around; making sure no one was still nearby.
“Do we have the right to be upset if they did?”
“Well, really, no. But, there was other reasons behind what we did.” I just looked at her and she sorta smiled. “It’s true. Yes, the biggest issue was getting rid of some pent up passion, which we did. I only want Howie and you only want Resa. Can they honestly say the same?”
“I don’t know.”
“And there lays the problem. Neither one of us knows for sure what happened. I can’t ask him.”
“And I refuse to ask her. As horrible as it sounds, I just rather skim over the top on this…”
“As if it never happened, right?”
“Does that make me horrible?”
“No Brian, it just makes it complicated. We can’t just skim over this. It happened. If we want any type of relationships with our loves here, we have to handle this.” I knew she was right. I just really didn’t want to admit it. Yes, personally, if I could toss it in the forget pile, I would be happy. Granted, it would never be forgotten. And I know that anytime I was making love to my wife, it’s quite possible that Terri could come to mind. No, she was right, it was just way better to deal with this now. Although, I really didn’t want to deal with the answer they could give for last night.
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