Love Without End by ResaD
Summary: Brian and Theresa are happily married, or, that was until she found out she couldn't have kids. Now, because of that one simple statment from her doctor, her marriage is a royal mess. But, Terri and Howie, their best friends offer to help out in any way possible! Although, if Theresa says yes, she risks losing her marriage, because she finds out that Brian and Terri are liking each other a lot more than friends should. What road does she take? Is she willing to risk the marriage for one kid? She should she destory two marriages?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian, Howie, Other
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Completed: Yes Word count: 25971 Read: 33938 Published: 02/27/09 Updated: 06/05/09
Chapter 19 by ResaD
Chapter 19
Two weeks! Two weeks is what it’s been since this stupid stunt went down. Were things better? Eh, maybe, I guess, depending on how you looked at it, of course. Howie and I were doing exactly what we planned to do. We planted all ideas that we could. We really wanted to make them think we slept together. Was it working? You bet your ass it was. If I got a phone call, and it was Howie, I went into another room. Oh, that just made Brian mad. And than if I went out with Howie, just me and him, oh, that had Brian snarling. But, my favorite was when Howie came over, just to stop by. He would only be there for just a few moments, but it was enough for Howie to check up on me, to tell me he was thinking of me, something small, but something that would send Brian through the roof! And from the comments I was getting through the grape vine, Terri was getting more and more pissed off as well. Serves them right, if you ask me. I guess it was mean. But did I care? No. Did Howie? No. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Brian. But yeah, I wanted him to hurt like I was hurting. At least he only thought he knew. I knew for sure what he did that night. And, as the days went by, it got harder and harder on him. I mean, he really didn’t know, and he sure as hell didn’t have the courage to ask what happened. I would have thought he would have asked. Maybe he just didn’t want to fight for our relationship anymore. Than again, that’s why Howie and I started this. We needed these two people to see the truth there. If they loved us, they would fight. If not, I was more than willing to sign the papers. Okay, not more than willing, but I wanted him happy. If he didn’t find happiness with me anymore, than so be it, let him find it elsewhere. I looked at the blank screen in front of me, not wanting to watch any movie or any TV. I just needed peace, peace that just really wasn’t coming.

Two weeks, and yes, all passion was gone. Although, there still was nothing about the fact that Terri was pregnant or not. And yes, we avoided each other. But, Theresa and Howie hadn’t, and I wasn’t certain if I trusted them. Ha, talk about a quick turn around. This was supposed to be about us, me and Terri. Than, we leave Howie and Resa alone for one night and no one flippin ass knows what happened. Er, rather, those two did, but they weren’t telling anyone. I raised my arm and covered my eyes, trying to sleep. I needed sleep, my body was telling me that. But, for the last few nights, it just wasn’t happening. I tossed and turned, which kept Resa up, that I know. Could be why she started sleeping in one of the guest rooms. I sighed, turned on my side and closed my eyes, letting my mind drift away…

…I woke, slightly dazed and confused. I glanced around, hearing no one down stairs. I rubbed my eyes and than glanced at my watch, seeing it to be a little after ten. Well, when the hell did I start sleeping the day away? I shook my head, grabbed a tee shirt and threw it on as I made my way downstairs.
“Resa?” I still heard nothing. Well, that was slightly unusually. She was always up and about, especially at this time. “Resa?” I called again, and again, nothing. I made my way into the kitchen, the living room, and the office, and no sign of her. Nothing. It was as if she disappeared. I walked back into the living room, glancing at the far wall, stopping in my tracks. There were no pictures. Nothing! The wall was empty. Where the hell was my wedding pictures? All the pictures of Resa and me on our mini vacations. Hell, the one of us on our honeymoon? I glanced down at my left hand, seeing no wedding band. I walked over to my phone, and quickly dialed her cell phone number, but the message I got said the number was disconnected. I quickly hit the off button, than dialed Howie. Maybe he might shed some light.
“The one and only. Bri? Man, it’s been like months since I’ve talked to you. I got a call from the reporter the other day, asking if Backstreet was going to get back together. I told her I just didn’t know.”
“Wait, back this up. Get back together?”
“Yeah. It’s been like a year since we’ve split. Don’t you remember?”
“No. I don’t remember anything.”
“Are you okay?” I ran my hand over my face, taking a deep breath.
“Howie, I don’t know. I don’t remember anything, really. There’s no pictures on my wall of Resa and I. I can’t get a hold of her.”
“Did you think you would be able to?”
“She’s my wife!”
“No, Brian, she’s your ex wife! You really don’t remember, do you?”
“I’m guessing not.”
“Look, I’ll be over there, so long as you don’t kill me.”
“Why would I do that?”
“I’ll explain when I get there. See you in a bit.” With that he hung up, leaving me alone and confused once more. Broke up? The Backstreet Boys broke up? Why would we do that? We were going so strong. We still had the fans support, and we were gaining more fans every day. I just didn’t understand. Nor could I understand why I had no wife. I loved Resa, just because of one mistake! Sure, it was stupid, that’s why it was a mistake, but give me a break. Couldn’t Resa see that it was her that I loved? I walked over to the door as the doorbell started to ring, surprised to find Howie there.
“Why didn’t you just come in? You usually do.” He gave me a strange look before he walked in.
“Brian, have a seat. You may not like what your about to hear.”
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