Love Without End by ResaD
Summary: Brian and Theresa are happily married, or, that was until she found out she couldn't have kids. Now, because of that one simple statment from her doctor, her marriage is a royal mess. But, Terri and Howie, their best friends offer to help out in any way possible! Although, if Theresa says yes, she risks losing her marriage, because she finds out that Brian and Terri are liking each other a lot more than friends should. What road does she take? Is she willing to risk the marriage for one kid? She should she destory two marriages?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian, Howie, Other
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Completed: Yes Word count: 25971 Read: 33938 Published: 02/27/09 Updated: 06/05/09
Chapter 2 by ResaD
Chapter 2
I sighed as I turned once again. I couldn’t sleep, didn’t really want to. I knew my dreams would be of the children I could never have, could never give him. I sat up, glancing outside as the moon reflected itself in the pool. We had our background set up like a mini playground. But, it’s only usage came from the other guys’s kids. Not that we minded. I heard the car come into the garage and heard the door being opened and slammed shut. Was he still upset? Would he still want to go on with this outlandish fight? I lie back on my pillow and heard the door slowly open.
“Babe?” I glanced at him and offered a smile, one he returned. He walked over to the bed and sat down, wrapping his hand around mine. “I’m sorry for what I said earlier. It’s just…I want a family so much with you.”
“I know Bri, and I do too. It just won’t happen. I can’t change that.” He kissed my forehead and nodded his head.
“I know love, I know. Let’s get some sleep and hopefully, tomorrow, we can come up with a plan.” He moved himself and laid down next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me against his chest. His lips would brush my hair and I sighed with contentment.

I shifted on the couch, reading a book. Although, I had been rereading the same line for the last five minutes. What if…I shook my head, clearing away any thoughts of children. Adoption was the only way we could go. I wouldn’t dare ask any friends…I set the book aside and got off the couch. I had wonderful friends who would walk through hell and fire for me. Why wouldn’t one be able to carry a child for nine months? I slumped back on the couch as I realized that it wouldn’t be my eggs, so in truth, it wouldn’t be my baby. But I would still raise it as mine. I frowned at that. Would I be a surrogate mother for them? In a heartbeat, I told myself. There we go, there’s our answer. I ran into the bedroom and watched as Brian stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. He ran his fingers through his hair and I leaned against the doorframe, taking him all in. He was honestly a gorgeous figure. He undid the towel and I quickly sucked in a breath. He turned at the noise, a smile forming his face.
“Well, didn’t know I had an audience.” I gulped but tired to smile.
“Please, cover yourself. I need to breathe, you know.” I stepped further in the room and he quickly walked over, wrapping one of his lean arms around my waist.
“No, I like hearing you gasp for breath. Or pant. Sets my blood flowing.” I laughed but he quickly stopped that with a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, sliding my fingers into his wet locks. His tongue snaked out, seeking entrance and mine met his, starting an erotic duel. He moaned and walked me over to the bed. I smirked up at him and quickly rolled away as he tired to kneel over me. “What?”
“I wanted to talk to you before we get into…” I stopped as his fingers found the hem of my t-shirt and quickly slipped it up over my head. “Brian!”
“What?” He played all innocence as his hands cupped the breasts that were now exposed to his eyes. “God, do I love you woman.” I moaned as his lips were pressed against the skin. All thoughts soon had left my mind, basking in the pleasure I was receiving.

My fingers linked through hers, which were resting right below her breasts. God, I loved her with everything. She honestly meant so much to me. Then why, did it at times, feel like it was becoming a burden to live with her? She shifted and my hand rubbed against her nipple and I could feel myself grow once again. Damn, she surely had a power about her. I sighed and pressed my lips against her hair. I withdrew my arm and climbed off the bed and slipped on a pair of boxers. She mentioned something about talking, that something had come to her mind. I watched her, so innocent and so serene in her sleep. Ha, that’s only those sweet dreams of her. Outside of them, she was hell and spitfire. Not that I minded. It was that combination that made me fall for her. She was, and still is, a unique woman. She shifted and I drew the blanket up around her shoulders. Let her sleep. After the last few nights, the restless sleep she had, she could do with a nap. I walked down the stairs and quickly checked the messages. I heard my mom’s voice and quickly skipped over the message. I heard another one from one of Theresa’s friends than another from Dr. Lancaster. She requested that we called her back as soon as possible. I grabbed the cordless and quickly dialed the number I knew by heart.
“Dr. Lancaster’s office, how may I help you?”
“It’s Brian Littrell. May I please speak to Dr. Lancaster?”
“Yes, hold on while I transfer you.”
“Thank you.” Brian sat down at the table and glanced around, waiting for the woman to come on the line.
“Good afternoon Dr. Lancaster.”
“Thank you for calling me back. I hope you’re not busy?”
“No, no, we’re fine. What’s up?”
“Well, after I talked to Theresa, I came up with a few ideas. How about a surrogate mother, if you want your own child?” Brian chewed upon the idea for a few moments and rather liked the ring of that.
“That would be rather nice, actually.”
“Perfect. Now, there is a process that we go through to find the mother, or if you know someone who would do it, we can take that road too. Then there’s the procedure of having your sperm and her eggs…” She stopped and sighed. “Wait.”
“She doesn’t have the eggs, right?”
“I’m sorry Brian.”
“You know what, Dr. Lancaster, let me talk to her about it. Who knows? She’s more than willing to mother another baby, believe me.” The doctor laughed at that but agreed and said for them to call her back when they have reached a decision. I laughed as I hung up the phone. Theresa had to go for it; this was our last choice.
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