Love Without End by ResaD
Summary: Brian and Theresa are happily married, or, that was until she found out she couldn't have kids. Now, because of that one simple statment from her doctor, her marriage is a royal mess. But, Terri and Howie, their best friends offer to help out in any way possible! Although, if Theresa says yes, she risks losing her marriage, because she finds out that Brian and Terri are liking each other a lot more than friends should. What road does she take? Is she willing to risk the marriage for one kid? She should she destory two marriages?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian, Howie, Other
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Completed: Yes Word count: 25971 Read: 33946 Published: 02/27/09 Updated: 06/05/09
Chapter 26 by ResaD
Chapter 26
“Why are we here?”
“Because Brian isn’t here. You’re one of my best friends and I really need your help,” I said. He glanced behind me as we found the door unlocked. He quickly opened it, but the scene before us quickly brought him up short. AGAIN, I let him hurt me AGAIN!
“What the hell is going on?”
“Resa, it’s not what you think!”
“And just what the hell am I thinking?”
“I needed to talk to Terri, but she…she started it!” Terri glared at Brian.
“The hell I did! Don’t you lie!”
“I don’t give a rat’s ass who started it. I’m just trying to figure out what the hell is going on.”
“I did this for us!” I crossed my arms over my chest and glanced at Brian.
“How the hell is kissing this hoe helping us?”
“Hey! Don’t you think that’s hypocritical, when you slept with my husband?”
“Terri, shut up. You’re not really in good lights right now with anyone.”
“No, Howie,” I said, placing my hand on his arm. “And did you not sleep with mine?”
“I was doing it to help you!”
“Help me? HELP ME?! How the hell is this,” I said, waving my hands at the two of them, “helping me?”
“At least I didn’t do it out of spite!” At that, my eyes opened wide, I felt Howie cringe, saw Brian’s mouth drop open, but my anger was focused on her for the moment.
“You are the biggest slut! Not to mention the biggest bitch! You have an amazing husband, who you burned for that piece of shit! Than you call me a friend and yet you do this to me.”
“Are you calling me a piece of shit?”
“I will get to you, Brian! You call yourself a friend, yet you don’t know a damn thing about me!” It took her a couple of moments before those words had any meaning.
“You two lied?”
“That’s wrong, Resa. How could you guys do that?”
“I warn you, Littrell, don’t say another word!”
“You tell me you love me, yet you lie to me,” Terri said, her eyes glued on Howie.
“It’s not any worse than what you did.”
“Bull shit! You knew from the start what we had planned. We didn’t sneak behind your backs to do it! You could have said no!”
“To do what? You two would have had your damn affair, even if I said no.”
“Well, at least someone pleased me.” I narrowed my eyes and let my hand fly, connecting with her cheek. “I can’t believe you…”
“Shut up! I’m done with you. Consider this our last conversation because I do not need friends like you in my life!” With that, I turned on my heel and marched over to D’s car. I closed my eyes and leaned against the door.
“You need to apologize.” He just didn’t leave well enough alone.
“To her? Never.”
“What we did was wrong, but we needed to see…”
“Look, at this moment, I just don’t give a shit. I want you out of my life.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I’ve never meant anything more, Brian. I loved you, thought that would be enough. I thought the other night, when we made love, thought that was it. You loved me like you once did. And yet, you still kiss her.”
“I was testing the waters.”
“No, Brian, testing the waters means one kiss, a brush of the lips, not a full on tongue down the throat kiss.”
“It’s Theresa.”
“I’m your husband.”
“Correction, you were my husband.”
“Not until the paper is signed. Which means I have full authority over you by law and by God.”
“No, you don’t you son of a bitch. You lost it the moment you screwed her!” He quickly grabbed my arm, his face in mine.
“Listen to me…”
“Like I hell will. Get your face out of mine, get your hands off of me, and leave me the hell alone!”
“Damn it, why won’t you listen?” he asked, both of his hands squeezing my arms.
“I’m telling you one more time, let me go!”
“Not until,” his sentenced never got finished as I balled my fist up, and with whatever strength I could muster, punched him in the face.
This story archived at