Bite At Midnight : Hawthorne Castillo De Vampiro by ResaD
Summary: "What if the story you knew about the Backstreet Boys and how they got together was a lie? What if I told you it was nothing more than a cover? And I knew the truth! For it was me that formed them, that followed them, that made them! Want to know the real story? Than you might want to read on!" AJ wanted his dream to come true, to sing! He loved it. But what happened to him when he met that strange woman? His dream seemed so far away and she seemed so close. He longed to have her, yet, she offered him EVERYTHING his heart desired.
Dare he take it? What would he lose? Could he handle what she was offering?
I invite you to explore the start of the Bite At Midnight series and see how BSB became the BSB that we know!

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural
Warnings: Death, Graphic Sexual Content
Series: Bite At Midnight Series
Chapters: 15 Completed: Yes Word count: 12600 Read: 24690 Published: 04/03/09 Updated: 06/05/09
Chapter 10 by ResaD
Chapter 10
She hopped on my bike and wrapped her arms tightly around my waist. I glanced behind me and saw nothing but leg. I swallowed the lump that had formed there.

“Where do you wanna go?” She pressed herself against my back and leaned close to my ear.

“How about your place?” She pulled my lobe between her teeth and I had to quickly suck in a breath. Right, my place. I could make it there in ten minutes. To hell with the speeding tickets. She was driving me wild and than she laughed. She really didn’t have to read my mind, I’m sure. Every pore and every fiber were screaming that they wanted her.

“Well, if it’s my place, than hold on tight.”

“Why?” It was my turn to laugh. Babygirl had no idea. I was told time and time again that I was a speed demon on my bike. And now, I had even more of a reason. She had drugged me, that I was certain. And all I wanted was to be with her, be in her, be consumed by her. Not that I wasn’t already there. Or at least, to my way of thinking, I should say. We left the restaurant and I made it back to my house in under fifteen minutes. Of course, I was pushing eighty the whole way.

She glanced around, her fingers running over the couch as she stepped up to it. Damn, I would love to throw her on that but the look she gave me stopped me short

“You have a nice place.”

“You haven’t even seen the rest of it.” She walked over and slid her hands down my chest, slowly unbuttoning the shirt and pushing it off my shoulders.

“I’ve seen enough to know that I like it.” I swallowed the lump in my throat. Was she still talking about my home here?

“That’s, um, great.” She smirked. Hell, I know she didn’t need to be a mind reader now. “What are you?” She paused and took a step back.

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve never been this into a woman. I can’t stop thinking about you; I can’t even stop wanting you. I’m not some virgin; I’ve had my fair share of women. But, nothing I do eases my wanting you.” I placed my hands on her waist, needing to touch her at this point like I needed air. I stared into those amber eyes, trying to find any answers that I could, yet none were lying there. She took a deep breath, her breasts straining against the material.

“I’m nothing special.”

“No, you are. I haven’t figured out how you are, but I know that you are. There’s something about you that’s not in any woman. I know I never found this in Tatiana and she was amazing. I look back on her now and she’s nothing compared to you. Hell, I only broke up with her a few short days ago, and yet, in that time, my world is all around you.” My hands snaked up her back, one hand entangling itself in those raven locks. Damn, it was thick, and beautiful, and would look so damn good resting on my pillow. I couldn’t resist it anymore, my head descended and my lips pressed against hers, capturing the moan that she released. Damn, talk about an aphrodisiac. Her arms wrapped around my waist, her nails running up and down my back. There was a fire burning deep within for her, and only her. She was the only one who could put it out, hell, if that was even possible. Half the time I felt like I was going to be consumed by it. Her lips pulled away and trailed over my cheek, nipping and kissing her way down my neck. She stopped, and slowly pulled away. I stared into her eyes, seeing her passion and the fire burning there. Well, hell, I guess I wasn’t alone. So, why was she waiting? She smirked, her hands resting on my stomach as she started kissing my shoulders. She moved behind me, tracing a tattoo with her tongue. I shuddered, unaware of how erotic that could be. Her lips pressed against, and somewhere in my sex induced mind, I felt a sharp pinch, than her tongue caressing that spot once more. Her head rested on my back, and I could feel it. It was the second time I was being turned down.

“It’s not you, Alex. You saw the hunger.”

“So why stop?” She walked around and once more stood in front of me, her eyes holding mine.

“I can’t explain it.” I jabbed my fingers through my hair, walking as far away as I could. I wasn’t angry, which was pretty damn amazing. No, I was confused, and to be honest, I didn’t like it. I didn’t like the mind tricks she was playing nor this hot and cold game. But I knew I was beyond powerless to stop and beyond powerless to turn away. Like the famous black widow, I was ensnarled by her and I knew she wasn’t letting me go.

“Theresa, I’m not sure I can do this.”

“What do you mean?” I let my eyes roam the surrounding landscape, loving the view. I took a breath and felt her slide her arms around my waist from behind, her head resting against a shoulder blade.

“I’m in love with someone I know nothing about. I’ve already told you. And as much as I’m drawn to you, like a moth, I know I’m going to get burned.”

“Alex, I’m not understanding what you’re telling me.”

“If I can’t get answers Theresa, if I can’t get help figuring you out, than I have to be honest to me and tell you I want nothing to do with you.”
This story archived at