About Last Night... by Starry Eyes
Summary: That's all it was supposed to be. One night. But sometimes things change. Cayla and AJ have many issues piled against them. Can they fight through it and stay together?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Group
Genres: Angst, Dramedy, Romance
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Content, Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 38598 Read: 18948 Published: 09/08/09 Updated: 05/06/10

1. Chapter 1 by Starry Eyes

2. Chapter 2 by Starry Eyes

3. Chapter 3 by Starry Eyes

4. Chapter 4 by Starry Eyes

5. Chapter 5 by Starry Eyes

6. Chapter 6 by Starry Eyes

7. Chapter 7 by Starry Eyes

8. Chapter 8 by Starry Eyes

9. Chapter 9 by Starry Eyes

10. Chapter 10 by Starry Eyes

Chapter 1 by Starry Eyes
Author's Notes:
For whatever reason, beyond my brain capacity, I had four men spending the night at my house. Why they decided this and not go back to their lavish hotel after the concert... I couldn't tell you. Nor do I think I'd like to. This was obviously a line of events that fate had planned. Who the Hell am I to tempt fate? Not much of anyone compared to them. A mere fan who struck up a conversation outside of the venue near the tour busses. Those were stashed at a parking garage for the night and a limo was called to bring them back to my place. A joke somehow turned into a tangible offer. My house was nestled in a small suburb on the outskirts of St. Paul. Far enough from the city, but close enough to be convenient.

"Cayla, do you guys have any soda?"

"Yeah, Nick. There should be Coke, Diet Coke, Mountain Dew... go help yourself, please," I smiled as he walked into the kitchen. Nick Carter. Looking through my refridgerator and grabbing a can of soda. Next thing, he'll be asking for some food--

"Do you mind if I take a couple of pieces from this pizza?"


"You have leftover Pizza Hut."

"Oh! Go for it," I looked at the other three, who were stretched out on the plush couches. "The invitation isn't for Nick only. Please, if you're hungry or thirsty..."

"Thanks, Cayla, but I think I'm stuck on the couch..." Brian sighed, almost as if he were in Heaven while cuddling against the soft arm of the couch. I raised an eyebrow, surely he had furniture twice as nice at his home, but said nothing about it.

"As am I," Howie replied from the other end, offering me a handsome smile. "But thank you for the offer. Not to mention allowing us to stay."

"It's really not a problem, I just don't understand why you accepted my offer. I had been half-joking," I replied with a shrug and smile, hoping that my cheeks weren't too red from blushing. "Besides, for all you know, I'm just this normal fan on the outside and serial killer on the inside!"

"You don't seem to be the type to cut off people's heads and disembowel them," AJ rasped from the other couch, looking at me with those rusty-brown eyes. I bit my bottom lip as I felt his gaze go up and down my body. I merely shrugged.

"That's what they always say on the news. 'Oh, they just kept to themselves'... little did they know, there was a basement full of skeletons."

"Are you trying to get us to leave?"

"No! Not at all!" I replied, what sounded a little too quick as the three older men raised their eyebrows. I tried to redeem myself. "I just never heard of you going to a random fan's house to spend the night. That's what I'm trying to figure out."

"So, because you've never heard of it... that means it never happened?"

"You mean..." I trailed off, trying to find some kind of facial expression that would expose this as a joke. Nick came into the living room and sat in the recliner, pizza and soda in hand. His face was the same as the others. They were serious?

"We were hoping you would be like the other fans and not speak about this, either."

"I would never, but even if I tried, no one would believe me," I replied, sitting next to AJ. His hand discreetly trailed down my spine to the small of my back and started to softly run his fingers across my t-shirt. I tried to fight back a shudder, but when I saw a smirk cross his face I knew he had felt it. Damn him. "You didn't mind all the random pictures I took when we first got here, did you? Y'all were acting to goofy and down to earth... I just wanted to capture--"

"If we minded, I think we would have told you by now," AJ interrupted, speaking for the other men as they nodded in agreement. "Just remember that we know where you live."

"Noted and filed," I muttered, tapping my forehead. Chuckles and several yawns halted my thoughts as I glanced to see Brian and Howie become drowsy. I immediately stood up and grasped the blankets that were draped over the couch AJ was sitting on. Feeling like a mother, I gently placed the soft material over their weary bodies. "Comfortable?"

"Very much so. Thank you. Sorry we're not more talkative," Howie replied as Brian mumbled something incoherent. "Brian agrees with what I just said."

"You don't need to apologize," I scorned softly with a smile, leaning down to actually kiss their cheeks goodnight. "Touring can only be what I imagine to be exhausting. Please, sleep and sleep well."

"Thank you," Howie said once more as he and Brian nearly fell asleep at the same time.

"They're such a cute couple at times," AJ teased with a chuckle.

"Be nice," I rolled my eyes playfully before glancing at Nick. "Where would you like to crash? The recliner isn't that bad, but there's also the couch AJ is sitting on, and then there's my bed--"

"I call the bed!" AJ stood up and bounded into my bedroom.

"...I guess you get the couch?"

"That's fine," Nick shrugged, finishing his pizza and soda. He stood up and sprawled out on the couch, which was thankfully long enough for his lanky body. I did the same thing I had done for the other two and spead a blanket over him. He pressed a yawn into his hand before smiling. "Thanks, again. Sometimes it's nice just to spend time in a place as comforting as this."

"Anytime," I smiled back, kissing his cheek before turning off the lamp. "Goodnight, Nick."

"Night," he mumbled as I walked towards my bedroom. What I found nearly stopped me in my tracks. AJ had decided to strip down to a wifebeater and boxers before making himself at home on top of my king sized bed. It took me a few moments before I was able to find a breath to speak.

"You better scoot over by the time I'm changed into my pajamas."

"Let me know when that is and I will," AJ replied, his eyes still closed with that same damn smirk he had earlier. Quickly, I grabbed a baggy t-shirt and ADIDAS shorts and changed in the adjoining bathroom. I checked out my reflection in the mirror, frowned, but realized he knew what he saw was what he got and shrugged. Running a brush quickly through my layered blonde locks, I finished my night routine with toothbrushing and mouthwashing. At least I'll have minty fresh breath. I thought as I turned off the light and walked back into the bedroom. He still laid in my bed, as if he was meant to be there-- I scorned myself for thinking such sappy thoughts as I stood at the foot of the bed.


"S'time to move over?" he mumbled, peeking his eyes open. The same eyes that seemed to burn holes into body earlier and it took all I had not to launch myself on him right then.

"If you don't mind..."

"Hey, this is your bed, you had a claim on it long before I jumped on it," he reassured me, moving towards the middle. I climbed under the soft sheet and comforter, sighing softly as I shifted to lay on my side to face him.

"Why did you choose sleeping in here?"

"Besides the fact that it's an awesome bed?"

"I'm pretty sure your own is better than mine--"



"It's too big for myself. I feel pathetically lonely in my bed at home," AJ spoke, reaching out to run his hand up and down my arm. An innocent touch coming from a not-so-innocent man that caused goosebumps to raise on my light caramel skin.

"So do I... I mean, in my own," I stammered slightly. "Why do single people own such large beds?"

"Damned if I know," he chuckled, the same rasp that had gotten to me all those years still got to me now. His hand was now trailing from my shoulder up to my jawline and back down. I could feel my heart start thudding my chest as his body somehow got closer to mine. "Am I making you nervous?"

"M-Me? Nervous? I think you have me confused with someone else," I tried to laugh but it came out a mere titter and I cringed when he rolled his eyes playfully. "Okay... I'm nervous. But not necessarily in a bad way. I just... I don't..."

"What is it?" he prodded gently, pressing a kiss to my shoulder.

"I don't want you to think I'm some fan who just wants to fool around with a Backstreet Boy..." I sighed softly and found myself running my fingers through his locks. " And I don't want you to think I'm a whore..."

"I could never think that about you," AJ disagreed with my insecurities vehemently.


"Of course. We've talked for most of the night... well, inbetween the show, that is... and I can tell you're genuine," he now pressed a kiss in the hollow of my throat and I naturally arched against him as I felt his warm breath on my skin. His lips traveled farther, now paying attention to the side of my neck. Oh, damnit! I found myself moaning as he hit what I call my "sensitive spot", which is where the neck and shoulder meet. He chuckled, and a shiver went through me while his lips connected once more to my skin. A soft gasp escaped from me when I felt a sharp but delicious pang against my neck. A hickey. The butthead actually had the nerve to give me a hickey and if I had been thinking clearly I would have chastised him for it.

"AJ..." I breathed raggedly, resting my head on his shoulder as he continued.

"Call me Alex." he commanded and I nodded, feeling my pulse accelerate as our hands began roaming each other's bodies while his lips sought out any exposed skin I may have shown. I wanted to reciprocate the affection, but he seemed determined to drive me crazy first with his kisses, suckles, licks and bites.

"Alex..." I was finally able to find my voice as I cupped his cheeks and brought his face up to mine. All words lost me as our eyes connected. I could see so many emotions toiling through his own... it shocked me. Sadness, lust, loneliness, fear, excitement... all of those plus more that I can't even describe. Before I could try to find any words to say, his lips were upon mine. Feverish. Hungry. Aching. I felt a vibration from his mouth to mine and I realized he was growling. I moaned in response as he pushed me onto my back and his body covered my own. Somehow my arms wrapped around his inked neck as our tongues started a slow, passionate dance. There were brief moments where we had to pull away, breathing raggedly before he claimed my lips again. It felt like my lungs would burst along with my lips, but I ceased to care as a fire burned gently through my veins toward the pit of my belly as I felt his hands trail down to my thighs. "Oh, Alex..."

"Are you alright?" he nearly whispered, looking into my eyes once again.

"You're lying here making me breathless with your kisses and you want to know if I'm alright?" I asked, chuckling softly as I took one of his hands and placed it over my heart. "That's what you're doing to me."

"That's what mine feels like," AJ replied as I flattened my hand against his chest. We lay there for a few moments, just feeling our hearts beat frantically. I decided to break the silence, dropping my hand to pull on the hem of his t-shirt. I leaned up and pressed several kisses against his abdomen before gently trailing the tip of my tongue along the 'infamous' 69 tattoo.

"Cayla..." I heard his voice deepen with that same rasp and I had to smile as he cupped my cheeks to bring our lips together for a heated kiss. Clothes fluttered to the floor in random piles. His weight rested on top of mine and it seemed as if we were made out of the same mold. His kisses had become so sweet and gentle as my fingertips trailed up and down his inked back.

"You won't think anything less of me?" I breathed as he looked into my eyes.

"Never," he promised as we took the next step that would possibly change our lives forever.
Chapter 2 by Starry Eyes
Sunlight pierced through my closed eyelids and a grunt escaped my throat as I tried to stay asleep. I felt something warm stir against me and my eyes snapped open against my will. Small puffs of air hit my bare chest and I looked down. There she was, curled to my side as if she had always been there. Her blonde hair was spread out on the pillow and it seemed to glow within the beams of sunlight. I know that sounds fucking mushy as Hell, but I don't give a shit. People always called me the poetic one anyway.

I gently ran my fingers through her hair and had to smile at the softness. It was nice compared to the extensions my previous girlfriends had worn. Looking good and feeling natural were two different things. Women in Hollywood only cared about their appearance to get more attention from the media. It's a simple fact. One of the things that had attracted me to Cayla in the first place was being so genuine. She didn't care about name brands or looking better than the next girl. She liked being herself.

Leaning down, I pressed several kisses to her closed eyelids. She moved slightly but seemed as determined as I had been to stay asleep. Smirking, I trailed my lips down the bridge of her nose, across her smooth cheeks, over her chin and finally onto the lips I had to keep kissing the night before. Her taste was so sweet, and it was like touching the softest velvet.

I told you, I'm the poetic one.

A moan escaped her throat as she became more alert due to my kiss. She reciprocated and soon her hands were around my neck. I shivered when her nails played with the short hair at the nape of my neck and the kiss deepened. When we broke away, I looked down into her blue-gray eyes and smiled.

"Good morning."

"Morning," she mumbled, offering a drowsy smile as I kissed her again. "Did you sleep well?"

"Of course I did. It helps when I have someone to cuddle with."

"So that's all you see me as?" Cayla huffed with a small pout. It was almost too adorable but I decided to continue just to egg her on. Test the waters, so to speak.

"Sorry, Babe, but men have needs!"

"And what about women? What if I was just using you for cuddling? Or maybe just the sex!"

"Some women are like that," I consented, kissing the side of her neck. "But you're not."

"Oh, I'm not?" Her voice made an attempt to sound tough but ended in a squeak when I found what had turned out to be her special spot.

"Nope, you're not."

"What kind of woman am I like?"

"Hmm..." I pondered for a moment, allowing my breath to brush over her skin and a smile creeped onto my face as I felt her shudder. "From what we have talked about, you just seem very down to earth. To go on a date you might dress up or you might wear torn jeans and a tank top. You have a great creative outlet and you see beauty in things other people just glance at or ignore. Not to mention being spontaneous. I mean, bunking down with a famous celebrity after inviting him to your house along with his bandmates..."

"About last night," Cayla spoke up, but rather softly. I pulled away and glanced at her curiously.

"What about last night?"

"Where does this lead us? Am I just another notch in your bedpost--"

"Love the All-American Rejects reference--"

"Alex, I'm being serious."

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry."

"What I mean is... was it just a one time thing?" I could hardly hear the question, as her head was bent down looking at her hands. We had talked last night inbetween the wild scenes of steamy sex (I may be poetic but I also lack any tact) and she seemed to really worry about how I would feel in the morning. Normally this would be a one time thing. I could easily tell her that and promise to keep in touch... but never go through with it. I've done that enough in my past. Am I proud of it? Fuck no. That was AJ. I'm Alex now. I'm trying to do right instead of wrong. I know all those girls were waiting for me, and to know how much I hurt them actually makes me sick. I could never do that to Cayla. Something about her...



"No. Cayla, even if I could try and make this a one night stand... I wouldn't be able to go through with it," I sighed, running my fingers through her hair as I watched the gray swirl within the soft blue of her eyes. "I already care too much about you to do something like that."

"Where do we stand, then?"

"How about we start out as friends?"

"Friends... who have had sex."

"Hey, it worked for Ross and Rachel... Chandler and Monica..." My mind really was like a twelve year old on Ridalin. Or, like Nick's. The analogies are interchangable.

"Didn't they also fall in love and get married?"

"Okay, bad example," I chuckled, kissing the spot between her curled brows. "I would really like to get to know you on a more personal side. Not just through pillow talk. How about you?"

She nodded. "I'd like to get to know you. Not just AJ McLean, the Backstreet Boy," Cayla admitted, her voice still soft and a firm blush was set on her cheeks. I had to laugh and she looked up at me. "What?"

"You're too damn cute when you're bashful."

"I'm normally not."

"What makes it so different now?"


"What do you mean?" I questioned after she became silent. A pang of trepidition (I know big words, shut the Hell up) hit my heart. What if she somehow changed her mind? That all she could see me was a Backstreet Boy and that was what made her bashful? Don't be stupid. She can't change her mind within forty-five seconds. I scorned myself and fought the urge to roll my eyes at my overactive imagination.

"I don't want to come across as something you don't want to be involved with. Whether it's weird, stupid, annoying--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I interrupted with a hard frown. How she could worry about things like that was beyond my understanding. I threaded our fingers together and squeezed them softly, hoping to give her some assurance. "Why would I ever think that about you?"

"You barely know me as it is..."

"I realize that, but Cayla... sometimes all you need is an intimate moment to know all the negative things you said aren't true."

"What book did you read that out of?" she sniffled softly, looking down at our hands. I gently cupped her chin between my thumb and index finger to lift her head up. Our eyes locked. I leaned forward and gave her a soft but meaningful kiss.

"No book. It's something I've been learning over the years. Granted, I still fuck up relationships, but..."

"It takes two people to handle a relationship, Alex. It's not all your fault."

"I thought I was trying to make you feel better about yourself," I offered an uneasy smile as I shifted under the covers. Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was barely eight-thirty in the morning. Brian and Howie would be waking up soon, but it'd be at least an hour before they could get Nick semi-conscious. The last thing I wanted was for them to walk in and see our half-bare asses laying in bed. Those bastards have enough dirt on me as it is and I'll be damned if I give them more ammunition than they need. Especially Nick.

"I'm fine, I just get a little insecure sometimes," Cayla gave a shrug. The torn collar of her t-shirt slid and I could see one of her tattoos. God, she was so fucking sexy with those tattoos-- okay, serious moment, brain. Stop distracting me!

"Just insecurities for me as well," I replied. Which was true. I was insecure about sustaining a true relationship that was healthy for both sides.

"If the right person came along--"

"Insecurities won't matter," I interrupted and smiled when she raised a light brow. "Kevin and Howie have given me this lecture before."

"Maybe you should listen to them."

"What's the fun in that?" I yelped when she slapped my shoulder. "I was kidding! Jeez!"

"You can be so damn stubborn, Alex. I bet for the guys it's like talking to a brick wall--"

"You're just as stubborn!" I shot back, reaching over to tickle her sides. She shrieked with laughter and I couldn't help but grin. Again, this is poetic and mushy, but she had a beautiful laugh. Hearty and full of life. It actually reminded me of when we were still a group of five. I swear, half the time we would laugh about nothing. Hearing her laugh brought me back to those days and I kept on tickling her.


"It's supposed to!"


"What? Your uncles here?!"

"No, UNCLE!"

"What the Hell does that mean?!"

"It m-m-means--" she broke out into a string of giggles as I got near her hips. "I give up!"

"I've never heard of that!"


"Nope, got to give me something else!"

"I ALREADY DID LAST NIGHT!" She screeched, her face a deep crimson.

"I thought I heard the headboard banging. Never a quiet one when you fuck, huh, Aje?"

Damn you, Carter.
Chapter 3 by Starry Eyes
Author's Notes:
Hey, guys! I am so sorry about the lack of updates. My roommates and I moved, we didn't have Internet... just been a crazy couple of months but I did manage to get a couple of chapters written. Thank you for the positive feedback and I hope you enjoy.

"Have a good night, Cay!"

"You too, Mary!" I called back, smiling at one of my co-workers as we piled out of the warehouse. Another shift gone by, another day wasted in such a dismal building. But, money was money, a job was a job and with this economy... you can't complain too much. I pulled the binder out of my hair and it spilled loosely against my shoulders. The wind blew softly, shifting some pieces of hair into my eyes as I began to dig into my monster of a purse for the car keys. Unlocking the door, I slid into the driver's side and sighed softly before taking a pack of cigarettes out of the glove compartment. Lighting the end, I took a long drag and exhaled. A stream of blue-gray smoke floated into the night air and I closed my eyes for a moment. I took another drag before opening my eyes again. Starting the ignition, I put the car into drive and headed home.

"Definitely too quiet in here," I muttered, pressing play on the stereo. Sure enough my favorite song, Unmistakable, began and I had to chuckle. What can I say? I'm 25 years old and I still insist on playing the Backstreet Boys in my car. It's not my fault I listen to good music. Turning on the right blinker, I took the familiar turn onto the highway that would lead me to the suburb I lived in. I took another drag and did a dangerous thing. I began to think.

It had been a month since the guys spent the night at my house. After I had woken them up-- okay, screw that. Alex woke them up by tickling me! Sorry, I always go off on tangents. They spent the day at my house, since going out to the mall or something might prove to be disastrous, even if it wasn't like the Millennium era anymore. Better to be safe than sorry, right? It ended up being a pretty relaxing day, even for them. Watched movies, played video games and munched on snacks. For some reason I even let Nick surf the Internet on my laptop. Lord knows what kind of mischief he caused. I heard him mutter something about Twitter, but maybe he was talking about birds... Anyway! They were picked up around dinnertime to get their busses. Thank goodness their next venue was near Chicago; it wasn't too far from St. Paul. I'd feel terrible otherwise.

That morning Alex and I had talked about where things were going to lead us. He suggested friendship and I think I was almost relieved, though I'm sure I didn't show it. I didn't want to be one of those girls who spent the night with a celebrity just to get thrust into their world. Frankly, their world scares the shit out of me and I'm hoping with being friends that it won't subject that to me as much. However, being friends might prove to be slightly difficult when I'm so attracted to him. Let me just say this. Alex is like the Enigizer Bunny. He keeps going and going and going... not to mention he's very persuasive.

When we weren't spending time in my bedroom, we cuddled on the couch talking about anything and everything. Of course, the other three would put their two cents in randomly and I didn't mind at all. We all learned things about each other and I consider Brian, Howie and Nick friends as well. They're sweet, down to Earth guys, even without the press and fans around. It's who they are-- oh! My favorite part of the song!

"How can I know a song I never heard / How will I know your voice when you haven't said a word," I sang passionately as my car sped down the bumpy asphalt of the highway. "How do I know how this will end before we begin..."

Sweat drips in my eyes, screams of lust we cry

"What the..." I trailed off. How the Hell did it go from Unmistakable to Apology?! That's a completely different song! Tonight you are everything-- Oh, shit, it's my phone! Turning down the stereo, I reached into my purse and pulled out the slim slider. Pushing it up with my thumb I pressed the receiver to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey, Babe!"

"Alex!" A smile creeped onto my face and I quickly released the half-smoked cigarette out the window. "How are you?"

"I'm doing just fine, how are you?"

"Oh, alright. Just got off work. You?"

"Driving to the next venue. Nick and Brian are playing video games... Howie is on the phone with Leigh... and..." he trailed off, and I raised an eyebrow.


"I missed you."

"Stop being corny," I teased with a laugh. My exit came up and I was soon at the bottom of the ramp, taking a left. "You always make me feel like we're one of those sappy high school couples that took twenty minutes to say goodbye between classes. You'd think we're dating instead of friends."

"I can't help that I missed you," Alex huffed, though I could see a smile on his face. It had been several days since we last talked and I was actually beginning to miss hearing his voice. I just chose not to tell him that.

"Sometimes I think you're the female in any of your relationships," I continued. "Demanding attention, denying sex when you're mad, asking if your butt looks big in your jeans--"

"Okay, I am not THAT bad!"

"I think you might be."

"You know what? Bite me!"

"You enjoyed it when I did that a month ago."

"It fucking turned me on."

"Well, now if you were here..." I smirked, pulling into the driveway. Killing the engine, I locked up the car and headed into the house.

"Believe me, with the mood I'm in right now you'd be screaming my name already," he rasped. A shudder went down my spine at the thought but I merely chuckled, as if it didn't get to me.

"Oh really, Mr. McLean?"

"Really. And I hardly doubt you'd object to that."

"I think you assume too much."

"Do I?"

"...Yes," I decided, closing the front door behind me. The lock clicked easily along with the chain. I may live in the nice suburbs, but that doesn't mean the neighborhood never locks its doors. This is the twenty first century, people.

"Hesitation will always give you away, my darling."

"I think thine ego doth becoming too large, my dear sir," I quipped right back with a roll of my eyes. Slipping off my shoes, I padded my way upstairs towards the bedroom. Looking through the hamper, I found my favorite pair of pajamas.

"Nothing about me is too large--"

"Spare me the innuendos for a moment," I interrupted playfully. "I have to get changed into my pajamas."

"I could--"

"Seriously, Alex. One more innuendo and I'm hanging up."

"Okay, okay."

"Thank you. Hold on," I placed my phone on the bed and quickly changed into the large t-shirt and baggy boxers. Did I mention that I... er... borrowed them from Alex? No? Whoops. What he doesn't know won't hurt me. I crawled under the comforter and picked up my phone. "Okay, I'm back! Miss me?"


"You can be so cheesy sometimes."

"Cheesy yet honest."

"Why the Hell do I put up with you?" I questioned, curling onto my side with the phone nestled against my ear. I heard him chuckle and I held back another urge to roll my eyes. Not much riled him up, no matter what I said. Not something I was used to, but then again there were lots of things about Alex that I wasn't used to. To say he was one of a kind would be an understatement.

"You already know the answer to that, Love."

"Don't slip into your Johnny No-Name persona. I don't think I could take any more of his oily pick-up lines. You already got me in bed, multiple times I might add. You don't have to feed me that bullshit anymore."

"Jesus, you're feisty tonight. Have a bad day at work?"

"No..." I trailed off.


"The job is shit, Alex. You know that," I replied, closing my eyes for a moment. When my parents passed away, they had left me the house I grew up in with all mortgages and such paid off. But I still had utilities to pay for and taxes along with my car payment, insurance and cell phone. I had a roof over my head but it all comes with a price. "Some nights I just get fed up with it all and want to say fuck it. But I can't. Mom and Dad... I can't lose the house, there's too many memories."

"Are you sure there aren't better jobs--"

"Sure, but they're for people with college degrees, which I lack. I can't afford to go to school to get a better job because the job I have barely covers my bills as it is. It's a vicious cycle."

"Cay... I could easily help you. The money would have you set and you'd never have to go back to that Hellhole ever again."

"Alex, I already told you no. Asking me once a week isn't going to make me change my mind," I groaned. The thought of taking his money almost made me sick to my stomach. I'd be no better than the other girls he had slept with.

"I just hate that you're so miserable."

"I appreciate it, I really do. But I can't take your money."


"You know why!"

"You never tell me why. You just say no and change the subject," Alex challenged. If he had been in my room, I would have smacked him.

"Ever think that there's a reason for that?"

"If you told me why, I could be more understanding. I would stop talking about giving you money--"

"Somehow I doubt you'd stop even if I did explain."

"Is it such a crime to care about you?"

"God, no. I just..."


"I'm used to being on my own," I stumbled for a quick excuse. Not that it was a lie, but I didn't want to go farther than that. The last thing I needed was pity, or to have him misunderstand my fears about taking his money.

"A lot of people are," he reassured. "But that doesn't mean it would hurt to let others in."

"I'm trying, Alex. I really am," I whispered, and it became silent on both our ends for what seemed like hours. When he cleared his throat, I nearly jumped from the sudden sound.

"Anyway. The tour should be over within the next couple of weeks... would you be able to come to California at all? I could just pay for the ticket--"

"I can't."

"Cay, it's only a plane ticket, you could buy everything else for yourself--"

"No, it's not that," I quickly interrupted. "I can't get the time off from work. I still need to work hard to get WSI for benefits... besides, FSA only gave me two personal days and three vacation days. I used them up to see you guys on tour."

"...What if I came to visit you in Minnesota?"

"You'd really come up here? To see me?"

"No, I'd come up there to visit the Republican party at the capitol," Alex scoffed and I knew he was rolling those rusty-brown eyes of his. "Of course to see you!"

"You all don't get a lot of free time, and the weather is nothing like California. It's actually pretty cold... not to mention that Minnesota is as exciting as a curling game."

"I know you've lived there all your life, but I've been there quite a few times and I like it. We get to spend our free time any way we want. And I want to spend it with you."

"Are you sure?" I nearly whispered, hoping that he meant those words. It felt like months since we had last seen each other and to be with him and only him... it would be nice.

"I'm absolutely positive. Besides, we need to celebrate your birthday! I was in Canada and I don't think a call from us constitutes as a good birthday present."


"Nothing extravagent, I promise. Just let me do all the work."

"I still say you're going to be the death of me," I sighed, knowing he had won the battle yet again. I say this all the time, but damn him.

"I love you," he crooned playfully.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I replied with a hint of sarcasm, stifling a yawn. It was nearly an hour after getting off from work and my second wind was dying down. I hated to lose time in conversation with him because of sleep, even though it's my second favorite thing. Sleeping with him on the other hand... might be my most favorite thing. What? I'm a woman and it's human nature! That's the story I'm sticking to.

"You need to get to bed, Sweetheart."

"I know."

"I'll call you tomorrow night."

"If anyone needs to sleep, it's you. All I do is stand on my feet for eight hours. You perform for thousands of fans, singing and dancing under those hot lights for at least three hours and that doesn't mention any potential soundchecks earlier in the day!"

"Cayla. I'm calling you tommorrow night."

"Alexander," I groaned.

"You don't love me?"

"You know I love ya," I replied, enhancing on the slang to keep it from being too deep. Last thing I needed was to fucking fall in love with him when our lives are such polar opposites. Friendship with an occasional fuck-- alright that was just crude of me. Being friends is just the best thing for us. "I just worry about you getting enough rest."

"I get at least eight hours of sleep, Momma."

"I'm going to hang up on your smart ass--"

"No you won't."

"So confident."

"So right."

"Wait until eleven-fifteen to call," I gave in, though I would be looking forward to his call all day long at work, whether I want to believe it or not.


"You're such a dork."

"You like it."

"I do. I miss you," I admitted softly, feeling my cheeks burn with a hard blush. Thank God he couldn't see that.

"I miss you, too. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay. Goodnight, Alex."

"Sweet dreams, Baby."

We hung up and I placed my cell phone back on the nightstand. Curling under the comforter, I closed my eyes and allowed my mind to wander. So many things to think about and just not enough time to process them all. A visit from Alex would clear some of the stress that was obviously building from work. Just a weekend by ourselves. Well, maybe not entirely by ourselves. I'm sure one of the bodyguards would be tagging along like they did when the guys slept over. It would still be great no matter what. As I was planning what we could do, I fell asleep. Shit.
Chapter 4 by Starry Eyes
"J. J. J!" A hard elbow dug into my side and I groaned with protest. Why does everyone interrupt my nap on a plane? Flying isn't my most favorite pasttime... I'd rather sleep from take off to landing. Peeking my eyes open, I saw Marcus look at me with scrutiny.

"What? You almost broke my ribs, man!"

"You're not that much of a pussy," he snorted. Marcus was like me. Tactless, blunt and our vocabulary is anything but clean.

"Thanks for the assessment," I rolled my eyes and attempted to elbow him back but the joint cried out in protest. Jesus Christ. That guy has way too many muscles. I rubbed my elbow with a slight grimace while he just laughed at my misfortune and lack of any extra stength.

"We're going to land in about five minutes, Slim."

"Thank you, Captain Marcus," I muttered, looking out the window while Marcus merely shrugged and went back to his book. The highways on the ground below us were already packed with cars. Glancing at my watch, I realized it was apparently rush hour. Hard patches of snow were scattered in the wildlands that surrounded the road and clung to the bare branches of trees. Winter isn't something I'm used to and when I talked to Cayla last night she recommended bringing several types of clothes varying from t-shirts to long sleeves to sweaters and sweatshirts. She had checked the weather for the next week or so; snow wasn't in sight but she promised if it did snow she would take me to the best place to buy... oh! Snowpants, boots and a down jacket. What? I may have worn similar things like that back in the early years for concerts and photo shoots, but it doesn't mean a damn thing when it's in the middle of summer and in a state where they don't get snow.

The weather didn't matter. As long as I got to spend time with Cayla, a blizzard could hit the state and I wouldn't care. I think about her when I go to bed and she's on my mind when I wake up. While on tour I tried to call her whenever I could and we talked for hours about anything, nothing and everything. I know that sounded corny as fucking Hell, but... she means a lot to me.

"I prefer Lord Marcus, but I can accept other versions."

"God Complex much?"

"No, I reserve that for Nick."

"Touche," I replied, jumping slightly when the loud whirring noises of the landing gear echoed throughout the plane. I don't care what anyone says. If you aren't a fan of flying, you will never be a fan of flying no matter how many times you do so. I've been on more planes than I can count in the past fifteen years and nothing has changed. We began our descent and I had to hold back a groan as my stomach dropped each time we got closer to the ground. The flight attendant made the usual announcement; trays and seats in their upright position, all electronics turned off and then she thanked us for flying Delta Airlines. Finally, we landed and I jumped up from my seat. Reaching up I grabbed my duffel bag from the overhead compartment and Marcus grabbed his. I had to check in another bag at the gate but obviously if you know him, Marcus didn't. He was able to shove all his essentials and clothes into a single bag while I always insisted on another. You never know what will happen! "Let's get the fuck out of this damn plane."

"No one would ever know you've been flying for over a decade," Marcus teased while we inched our way down the narrow aisle of first class. Thank God it was a small flight. The feeling of being packed in like sardines was more than just discomforting. It drove me crazy.

"Rok's ten times worse than me, so fuck off," I grumbled, smiling to the flight attendants and captain as I stepped onto the jetway. Picking up my pace, I walked through the enclosed passage with Marcus right behind me.

"She's not going to be right out in the terminal, slow your skinny ass down!"

"It's cold in here!"

"Right, that's the reason you're nearly running--"

"Can't you give me five minutes peace without giving me Hell?"

"You would think there's something wrong with me."

"Maybe I'd think you're actually normal for once," I quipped, walking out into the terminal. Sighing, I felt all the tension from the flight melt away easily and turned towards the direction of baggage claim.

"How do you know where to go?"

"It's called a sign," I pointed to a large sign hanging from the ceiling with the words BAGGAGE CLAIM and a big black arrow pointing to the right printed on it.

"You know what? Shut up."

"Lord Marcus was wrong once again," I shrugged my shoulders and pulled my hat lower as we came to larger crowds of people. For once it was quite easy to find my second bag and soon we were heading out the doors. A blast of cold air hit me and I shivered though I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. Cayla had warned me that she wouldn't be able to just park and wait for me, so she would be circling the pick-up area until either I saw her or she saw me. Looking around, I kept an eye out for her car. A black 2004 Pontiac Grand Am. Of course, when you're trying to find a particular car that's when everyone else seems to have the same one. I continued to search for Cayla, bouncing on the balls of my feet.

"Anxious much?"


"You're like a kid waiting for Christmas to start," Marcus chuckled as I shot him a glare.

"I haven't seen her in almost two months. She's a good friend and I miss her. Is that a crime?"

"No, not at all. She is a pretty amazing person, no wonder you talk about her so much," He held up his hands in defense.

"I don't talk about her all the time--"

"You're right, at first the only time you didn't talk about her was when you were sleeping but now you even do that--"

"I do not!"

"We have evidence."

"You're lying."

"Piss me off enough and you'll find out if I'm lying."

"...No thanks," I replied, craning my neck to look down the road.

"She'll get here, don't worry."

"I'm not." And I wasn't. Excited? Yes. Anxious? Yes. Impatient? Yes. Worried? Nah. I knew she'd be there soon, I just can't stand still when I'm in that kind of mood. Suddenly, another Grand Am came into view and I grinned. The car pulled over next to the sidewalk and I couldn't help but shout as the driver climbed out. "Cayla!"

"Alex!" A beautiful smile graced her face as she jogged over towards us. Dropping my duffel onto the ground, I had enough time to catch her as she lept into my waiting arms. I held her as tightly as I could while her legs wrapped around my waist. Spinning in a small circle, I laughed as she squealed with delight. "I can't believe you're here!"

"I'm here, freezing my ass off!" I teased as she pressed kisses all over my cheeks.

"What ass?" Marcus murmured, causing Cayla to laugh as I scowled at him.

"Hi, Marcus. It's great to see you!"

"Likewise, Babygirl," Marcus couldn't help but actually smile as he ruffled her locks. I huffed playfully to get her attention back on me. I was the only child, it's a complex.

"Hey, remember me? The one who flew from warm, sunny California to spend a week with you in cold, cloudy Minnesota?"

"Told you that you'd be the female in a relationship," Cayla retorted with a wicked smirk, looking into my eyes.


"Demanding much?"

"Yes," I pouted, pointing to my lips. "Here."

"I thought we were just friends who had sex," Cayla teased, her lips becoming mere centimeters away from mine. I could smell the delightfully minty scent of her favorite lip gloss.

"Can't friends kiss?"

"It depends--"

"Don't play with fire. You'll get burned."

"Maybe I want to feel the heat," Cayla purred, her lips barely brushing over mine and I had to hold back a groan.

"Either kiss the poor bastard or wait until later. We're catching too much attention for my liking," Marcus spoke up, sounding quite serious as he glanced at our surroundings. Sometimes I forget about that pesky Backstreet Boy thing... and I'm thinking Cayla forgets as well.

"Poor bastard," Cayla cooed, bringing her soft lips against mine for a brief kiss. Just when it was getting good, as usual, we broke apart and I set her down on the ground with a sigh. Just being friends with such affection as that might prove to be slightly difficult if not problematic. I'm an impatient man, and I know what I want... might do whatever it takes to get what I want. I brushed those thoughts away as I watched Cayla for a moment. She reached to grab one of my bags and I smacked her hand away, forcing a smile. "Alex!"

"Just get into the car, Baby. I'll grab my bags."

"Typical male," She rolled her blue-gray eyes and walked to her car with Marcus and I right behind her. We placed everything in the trunk, then Marcus sat in the back while I buckled into the front seat. The engine revved and soon we were speeding down the freeway towards her home. Well, that was until we hit the rush hour I had seen from the air. "Goddamnit!"

"Should I sing Stuck In Traffic?" I joked with a smirk. The random song Nick and I had made up in the backseat of a taxi cab started a trend and we actually got videos of fans doing the same thing when they were stuck in traffic. It was good for a laugh, though it just made Kevin shake his head while he tried to not look amused.

"I never should have told you that that was one of my favorite candid videos," Cayla groaned, reaching over to try and strike my arm. Instead, I caught her hand and threaded my fingers through hers.

"Can I just say you look fantastic?" Now, the first thought would be that I'm just trying to butter her up so she doesn't beat the shit out of me. That's only a minute part of the compliment. She really did look amazing. Her hair was recently cut and dyed from Ficocello's, her favorite salon (it's the only place she'll go to). She had decided to go dramatic and dyed her hair a reddish brown that glowed with burgundy and amber. Imagine Rihanna's style, but with both sides even and the back cut short, which was gelled into spikes. She chose to wear a slightly baggy dark blue cowel-neck sweater paired with tight fitting flared jeans that I loved. All of that combined with her light application of make-up... perfection.

"Nice save, McLean," she muttered, her cheeks becoming pink while Marcus chuckled from the backseat. Shaking my head, I squeezed her fingers gently.

"I mean it."

"...So you like my hairstyle?"

"I love it," I promised, crossing my heart with my right hand.

"Thank you," She replied as I pressed a kiss to the side of her face. "I'm sorry about the traffic, though. I normally go a different way home from the airport--"

"It's not a big deal. If you think this is bad, you should be in LA on a Friday afternoon."

"Somehow I think I'd go postal."


"You're funny."

"You said it, not me."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Cayla scowled though she continued to creep her way down the highway along with the other cars. I had seen worse, but I could tell she was getting impatient.

"At least it's not snowing?" I tried, hoping she would laugh. It was a line she used a lot when I complained about wherever we were touring and it got my mind off the negativity.

"Hey, that's copyrighted!"

"By whom?"

"...Me!" Cayla replied, giggling as I smiled. Did I mention how much I love her laugh? Yes? Well tough shit because I mentioned it again. Seriously, I love hearing her laugh and in my opinion she doesn't do that enough.

"I think you need to pay a shitload of money to copyright anything. Y'know, like that guy from Ghost Hunters."

"My catchphrase is much better than Dude, run! and Brian Harnois is an asshole," She snipped back, though that smile still graced her face.

"Fair enough," I allowed my thumb to run across the back of her hand as I continued to watch her. It seemed so long since we were last together. "What do you have planned for this week?"

"Smooth transition," Marcus muttered from the backseat.

"Shut your face, Lord Marcus."

"I'll shove my foot up your ass so hard that your receding hairline will reach the back of your skull."

"Bring it on."

"You little--"

"HEY! No violence in Cayla's car, please. Nor any violence while she is trying to enjoy the company of Alex," She glanced at me and then at Marcus through the rearview mirror. "I'm asking you both nicely."

"Fine," We both replied, if not a little disappointed.

"Do you want to know what you're doing with me this week or not, Alex?" My mind of course went straight into the gutter. I'm a man and a human being... I don't have much excuse besides that. Licking my dry lips, I leaned over and whispered into her ear.

"I'll be fine as long as I know something will begin in the bedroom and end with you screaming my name."

"What if it doesn't?" Cayla's voice sounded smooth and even, but I could see her hands grip the steering wheel. I sighed, allowing my breath to brush through her hair and across her skin before pressing a soft kiss against her neck.

"If you say it doesn't, I'll say you're lying."

"Still assuming everything before analyzing anything. It's not a particularly good habit, Alex. What kind of friendship are we having with these booty calls?"

"Booty calls? Did we revert back to 1998?"

"Random fucks, then?"

"So crude."

"I learn from the best."

"As do I, Darling," I replied as the car came to a stop. Taking the moment, I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her in the way I wanted to when I saw her at the airport. Once we broke apart, our foreheads rested against one another for a moment and I smiled, pecking her lips. "How much time in the bedroom did you plan out?"

Chapter 5 by Starry Eyes
Author's Notes:
So sorry for the lack of updates. I was seriously stuck but with some help from awesome friends, I got unstuck! Oh, and this chapter is quite sexually graphic... we know AJ is into the kinky. Enjoy!

"Is it seriously taking you longer to get ready?" I leaned against the doorframe of my master bathroom and shook my head incredulously. It had been a couple of days since Alex had arrived in Minnesota and today we spent the whole day driving around Minneapolis and St. Paul, stopping by museums and random shopping centers. Against my wishes, Alex had purchased several things for me, claiming they were late birthday presents. I was actually wearing one of those presents for our night out. A teal dress that ended just above my knees with an empire waist. The skirt was pleated into an accordian style, which was something very different for me. The straps that rested against my shoulders were accentuated with some beadwork and a simple bow was placed on the left strap and gently decorated with rhinestones. Black wedge shoes completed the look along with my mothers favorite diamond drop earrings (instead of my own blue and pink capture rings) and my cross necklace. Makeup was a little more work than usual and I made sure to put on the new lip gloss I had received from Avon that he seemed to love.

"Patience is a virtue," Alex quipped as he gelled his locks into a short mohawk. God, I loved when he did that to his hair and didn't hide it with baseball caps, fedoras and newsboy hats. Not that I mind him wearing those! I just like seeing more of his natural self. He changed his earrings as well; they were the small-ish black spirals that ended in a spike while the second holes held diamond studs. Needless to say, this was a dress-up night.

"Something I don't have nor care to," I replied with a sigh. Now he moved onto his 'guyliner', as he called it. "Don't put a lot of that stuff on. It hides your eyes. Just do it lightly... like Johnny Depp or Jared Leto."

"You sound like a boyfriend talking to his girlfriend."

"I feel like a boyfriend talking to his girlfriend."

"What an odd relationship we would have with the roles reversed," He chuckled, going with my wishes and putting on only a tad of guyliner. Placing the pencil back in his bag, he spritzed himself with some Nautica cologne and turned to face me. "How do I look?"

"You know you look good," I teased, slinking towards him and wrapping my arms around his waist. I looked up into his eyes and smiled softly. He had chosen to wear a black hoody type sweater with cargo khaki pants and sneakers. No sunglasses and no hat. My idea of perfection.

"True... but the ego always could use some more stroking--"

"Innuendos later, Alex. Spin gets crowded early, we really need to go."

"Can't I compliment you before that?"

"If you must," I sighed heavily. Compliments weren't something I was used to, especially from someone like Alex. He was surrounded by women who were twenty times more beautiful than I was and yet he always said I looked more beautiful than they. It's not that I don't believe him... I just don't see what he sees.

"You make it sound like I'm going to torture you," He chuckled, running his fingers through my iron-straight locks.

"Well it's certainly not the good torture you're an expert at."

"Innuendos later, Cayla."

"Yeah, yeah, shut up and compliment me."

"So pushy."

"You like it."

"Indeed I do," He smiled, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "But you do look fantastic. I'll have to keep an eye out for the wolves so they don't descend upon you."

"Thanks. Read Twilight much?"

"Only because you told me to!"

"Oh c'mon, I know you're Team Edward," I continued, pulling away to grab my slim purse. Slinging it over my shoulders, I offered my hand. "We're going to be late."

"I don't know who's worse when it comes to puncuality. You, Kev or Marcus."

"I'll take that as another compliment."

"You would," Alex scoffed as we walked towards the front door, passing Marcus along the way. He was resting on the couch, reading a random book. "See you later, man."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come along?"

"You were with us all day. Take a break for once, I'm sure Alex gets on your nerves," I declined, smiling as I rubbed his beefy shoulder.

"I'm right here!"

"I know."

"You'll call if anything happens?"

"Of course. But nothing is going to happen. We'll be careful."

"...Alright. You kids have fun."

"I'll bring her home before midnight, old man," Alex replied with a thumbs up and a wink, causing Marcus to narrow his eyes.

"Remember. I've worked with you for many years. Blackmail can be a wonderous thing for someone like myself."

"Babe, c'mon," I groaned, pulling on AJ's hand. "See you later, Marcus!"

"Later," he simply responded as I closed the door behind us. I knew that this battle between them was far from over. Until then, I was determined to have some fun with Alex. Plucking the car keys out of my purse, we were soon buckled inside the car and on the way to the popular nightclub in Minneapolis. Turning on the stereo, Thunder Rolls from Garth Brook's live CD began to play and I began to sing softly.

"You should sing more often," Alex spoke up, reaching to hold my free hand as I switched lanes on the freeway.

"I'm surprised your ears aren't bleeding," I laughed.

"Why? You have a great singing voice."

"Compared to other singers? I doubt it--"

"You don't need a bravado to be a good singer, Cay."

"You're serious, aren't you?"

"When it comes to complimenting you, of course I'm serious."

"Thank you. I just like singing along to music in the car," I shrugged with a smile, kissing his cheek as the exit came up. Soon we were on the main roads for downtown Minneapolis and getting closer to Spin. I just hope he enjoyed it. Compared to clubs in Orlando and Los Angeles, I wasn't sure if it would be as exciting.

"You're welcome."

"I will laugh my ass off if you're recognized here," I joked, pulling into the valet parking area for the club. Carefully climbing out of the car, Alex came around to my side and threaded my arm through his.

"I'm not concerned one way or the other," he shrugged easily.

"Such a brave man," I sighed dramatically, giggling when he gently poked my side as we stepped onto the curb and towards the front door where an employee was checking ID's. Without any fuss, we were carded and then quickly ushered inside the warm building. Goosebumps raised over my arms from the drastic temperature change and I rubbed them away.

"You can't honestly be cold right now?" Alex questioned, his brows raising characteristically.

"Never had goosebumps before?" I replied, raising my brows back in return.

"Shut up," he growled playfully.

"Touchy, touchy," Clicking my tongue, I grapsed his hand and pulled him out to the dance floor. Cyclone was thumping through the speakers and the bass was vibrating down to my core. I was determined to make him just as antsy as he makes me.

"Well, you know, I have been known to be a rather touchy guy," he smirked down at me, intentionally moving his hands slowly down my sides to rest just at the crest of my hip once we were finally settled on the dance floor.

"I think I know that better than anyone in this club," I replied, looping my arms around his neck as I began to sway my hips to the beat against his hands.

"Touche," he murmured thoughtfully to the point where I almost couldn't hear him over the music. Cocking my head to the side in slight confusion, Alex merely shook his head to dismiss his comment and squeezed my hips, bringing them closer to his as the beat increased in speed.

"I'm sorry if this club isn't as exciting as ones in LA..." I trailed off, my chest brushing against his as I leaned up to kiss him under the chin.

"Contrary to popular belief, I am capable of being satisfied with less than spectacluar things," he started to answer with a light laughter. "Not that I don't think this place is great. And it matters more that I am here with you, as opposed to the appeal of the place."

"I just want you to have a good vacation..."

"I'm with you. That's enough for a good vacation."

"Alex," I groaned, pulling my eyes away from his.

"Cayla," he cupped my cheek and brought our gazes back together. "I mean it."

"You could have gone anywhere."

"True, but I came here, because I wanted to."

"Braved the Minnesota elements just for me?"

"Just for you," he chuckled, running his fingers through my locks. "Now, are you going to show me you can dance or am I going to have to do all the work?"

"You mean show me up?" I snorted at him.

"You think you can keep up?"

"I should be asking you that question, sir."

"Quite the confidence-" I quickly cut off his sentence as I began to do some of my best dance moves I had learned over the years of clubbing. My hips gyrated against his in a fluid, popping motion and it took all I could not to smirk with amusement at his surprise.

"Alright, I take back any doubt I had," Alex suddenly laughed, the grip upon my hips tighening.

"Good idea," I smiled, using the swaying motion once again to slide down the front of his body.

"Don't go getting naughty on me just yet-"

"Do mine ears deceive me? Alex McLean is telling me to slow down?" I mocked, easily bringing myself back up to my full height. "And here I thought he'd show me a thing or two-"

"Rest assured that I can show you a thing or two, my dear," Alex growled in my ear before I felt the soft and warm sensation of his lips nipping at my ear lobe. "But I assume you were talking about dancing, which I can still show you a thing or two. But the other activities aren't exactly the most proper thing to be doing out in the open. I hear the police frown on things like that."

"Does it look like I give a damn?" I grunted in frustration as the pads of his fingertips barely grazed the sides of my neck and I couldn't help but shiver with delight.

"As enticing as that statement was, I would rather have you all alone-"

"Why do you insist on teasing me, Alexander?"

"Because I love to see your eyes darken like the skies during a storm," he replied simply, keeping his lips close to my ear. "And the way your cheeks turn red. It makes me think about when you wake up beside me after a night of fucking wild sex."

"We could have stayed home tonight-" I started to squeak when he pulled me even tighter against his body. The smell of his cologne was overwhelming to my senses and I felt the breath sharply catch in my chest. "Alex-"

"Anticipation always makes such activities always worth the wait that much more."

"Only I would become so close to the smoothest Rico Suave... not to mention the worst tease," I moaned as he ground his hips against mine and slowly danced to the music. He pressed his hand against the small of my back and before I knew what was going on, I was leaning backwards while still dancing. Think like Johnny Castle and Baby in Dirty Dancing. By the time he brought me back up, I was breathless once more. "Holy shit..."

"And you were worried I wouldn't be able to keep up with you," he snorted with a sharp laughter.

"I think I officially hate you."

"No you don't."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I know."

"How?" I challenged.

"You wouldn't be challenging me on the subject so much otherwise."

"Since when did you become so wise?"

"Since meeting you. I don't know if I ever told you, but you've been... well... a good influence on me. At least, that's what Brian and Howie tell me. Nick just keeps asking if he can bang you-"

"Nick is a pervert who is incapable of thinking properly without using the head that is located between his legs," I scowled.

"Baby, I don't blame him. Don't worry, he's been smacked enough to keep those thoughts to himself... and never act on it," Alex promised, pressing a small kiss on my lips.

I sighed against the show of affection, my heart fluttering rapidly. "I'll never understand him. Does he really think his perverness is attractive?"

"It's smarter if you learn not to question it. Just accept it and move on. Besides, as far as I know, you didn't bring me here tonight to talk about Nick and I'll be damned if I let the fucker be the reason why my night gets ruined."

"Well... what do you think of the club?" I slightly changed the subject as the DJ spun a new song.

"It has a cool vibe to it. Not to mention it's nice that there aren't photographers following me around, trying to get a snapshot of me slipping and ordering a beer or something."

"Do I sense some bitterness in your voice, Mr. McLean?" I questioned, frowning at the way he tensed. But I understood he had every reason to tense at the subject. The paparazzi were a vicious pack of wolves that were relentless on stalking their prey for the right photograph that would earn them their next dollar, which usually that meant going to any lengths necessary to achieve such a photo. Alex had never been an exception to that rule and had experienced more than his fair share of harrassment from the paparazzi over the years.

"Whatever would make you think that?" Alex muttered, sighing heavily as he looked away.

"Hey..." I cupped his cheek and gave him a reassuring smile. "The next time they bother you, I'll just kick their ass with karate."

"You know karate?"

"I learned from the master; Mr. Miyagi. I've watched The Karate Kid hundreds of times."

"Your kung foo is no match for the paparazzi, dear."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive," he kissed me once more and offered a crooked smile. "But thank you for the offer, Love."

"Somehow I feel I should be offended that you doubt me..."

"What can I do to make you feel otherwise?"



"How about you surprise me?"

"I think you rely too much on my creativity when it comes to sexual exploration," Alex clicked his tongue in disappointment as we began moving across the dance floor towards a darker part of the club.

"You've yet to disappointment me..." I trailed.

"Oh, and I will never disappoint," he continued, turning to actually pin me against the wall. "I can guaran-fucking-tee that."

"Is that so?" I challenged him, my eyes narrowing.

"You know it's so," he chuckled, moving closer to every inch of our bodies were touching.

"Maybe you should give a demonstration," I egged him on, smirking at the way the creases at the corners of his eyes that showed his surprise became more defined.

"Are you sure you can handle that?"

"After spending nights screaming your name? I'm sure I can," I smirked, running my fingers up and down his spine. A gasp escaped my lips when he arched agains me.

"Don't ask for more than you can handle," Alex growled into my ear, arching against me once more until the point that I couldn't move.

"Fucking Hell," I groaned, biting hard on my bottom lip. Maybe I had taken more than I could-- no! I could handle anything he threw at me. At least, that's what I told myself.

"What's wrong?" Alex chuckled further when I started to slip part way down the wall and he had to grab hold of my arms just to keep me steady as he latched his lips onto the side of my neck for a tender suckle. Damn myself for my weakening knees and damn him for being right.

"N-Nothing," I stammered, waves of passion flowing through my body. I didn't care where we were. I didn't care what he said. "I n-need you."

"In a public place? Cayla Rose Baker..."

"You're two notes short of doing it to me against this wall-"

"I don't think people would want to see my naked, hairy ass-"

"I'll get you a damn razor," I interrupted, losing my breath for a moment when I felt his hand travel up my thigh under the skirt of my dress.

"Seems to me like you won't be able to wait the time it takes to go get me a razor."

"You're driving me crazy, Alexander," I whimpered, my fingers entwined through his locks.

"I'm driving YOU crazy?" he grunted as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"God yes," Another squeak escaped my lips as I felt more of his suckles and nips.

"Then you obviously have NO idea what you are doing to me."

"How about you show me? They don't monitor the bathrooms..."

"Are you serious?" he suddenly laughed in my ear, tongue moving over the angle of my jaw so he could nibble on my earlobe, flicking his tongue rapidly through the hole of my golden hoop earrings.

"Dead serious," I breathed raggedly, my nails running deep lines down the back of his sweater towards his backside for a squeeze.

"Guess we don't need the razor then," he decided with a wry grin against the side of my face, hands sliding down to give my backside a firm slap. When I jerked against him with surprise, he reached to grasp my hands and propel me in the direction of the nearest bathroom.

"Thank God we made Marcus stay at home," I gasped as he closed and locked the door behind us. I was pinned against the wall once more. His hand grasped my right leg and I instinctively wrapped it around his waist. I knew we shouldn't be doing this if friendship was all we had. But damnit, he makes me feel things I have never felt before and I was not going to stop.

"Damn straight," he rallied, delicate fingers pushing up the hem of my skirt till it settled over the crest of my hips. His lips were urgently seeking mine, darting his tongue over my bottom lip before delving into my mouth for a taste of sin.

"Oh, Alex," I moaned against his kisses. A louder moan came when his lips latched onto the hollow of my throat. I pulled on his locks as he trailed down towards the crevice between my breasts.

"God Cayla," he groaned as his tongue flickered between my breasts. "You taste so fucking sweet."

"Not as sweet as you," I grunted, pulling on the hem of his shirt. It was thrown behind us in some unknown destination. My fingertips trailed all over his tattoos. I leaned in and ran my tongue over the skull-rose tattoo against the side of his neck.

"Jesus," he whined in surprise, arching against me.

"You like that, Baby?" I whispered against his heated skin, allowing my tongue to trail across his collarbone and down the middle of his chest.

"So much," he rasped, nibbling on the tip of my ear as his fingers moved over the heat of my slickening panties.

"Fuck," I cursed, throwing my head back with a groan.

"Do you like that?" he teased, lightly probing my hot slit with just his index finger, working the fabric over me to create a delightful friction.

"God yes. So much," I whimpered, biting hard on my bottom lip as I looked into his eyes. "Please..."

"Please what?"

"Fuck me," I gasped, tilting my hips forward to meet the eagerness of his finger.

"How bad do you want it?" he continued to torture me and my breathing became heavy.

"So fucking bad... please," my hand reached down and cupped the burdoning erection that was pressing against his khakis.

"Shit!" Alex hissed, his hand shooting out to brace himself against the wall when I intentionally squeezed him with hopes of delivering the same torture in return. As much as I enjoyed what he was doing to me, there was no way I was going to allow him to get away with a one sided hand dealt. And I knew I was having my way with him when he yanked his other hand away from me and hastily fumbled in an attempt to unbutton and unzip his pants. Biting my bottom lip, I watched him struggle, the humor clearly apparent on my face, and finally deciding he'd suffered enough, I brushed his hand out of the way and easily finished the task. Dancing the soft pads of my finger tips just along the rim of his boxers, I sensually dipped my hand inside.

"Oh, Cayla... fuck..." Alex's eyes fluttered closed and his hand clenched into a fist that rested against the wall.

"Too much?" I purred against him as I trailed my hand lower and found his warm erection pulsing with heat and anxious to be unsheathed. Wrapping my fingers around it, I gave him a firm, but tender stroking.

"Yes, but... God... please don't stop," Alex immediately latched his lips onto my neck, suckling hard enough to leave a mark. I moaned loudly, but kept the pace of my hand going up and down his hardening erection.

"Why would I want to stop?" I teased him and found the words abruptly sticking in my throat when I felt his fingers toying with the lining of my panties again before two of them slipped inside my moist center. The loud moan flew from my mouth as my inner walls contracted around his massaging fingers and I nearly fell slack at the knees. "Alex-"

"Two can play at that game," Alex teased back, reaching out to keep me standing. His fingers began to roughly thrust in and out. I moaned again, clenching my fingernails into his arm.

"Oh shit!" I whimpered, burying my face into the crook of his neck and idly clenching my hand around his throbbing erection.

"If you're going to play with fire, Babe, chances are you're going to get burned," he growled in my ear, his fingers twisting in a pumping motion to massage my inner walls into a contracting fury.

"You're driving me crazy!" I cried out, my fingers tightening around his erection and speeding up the motion.

"Aint that the point?" he grunted, sinking his teeth lightly against my bare shoulder as he bucked his hips forward.

"Oh fucking Hell!" I gasped, licking my lips. "I'm going to come-"

Alex pulled away from me before I could say another word, roughly yanked his pants and boxers down around his ankles, and hoisted me into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist for support as he kept me pinned against the wall. Barely taking a glance at his dark lustful eyes, I felt him plunge into me with a groan of delight.

"ALEX!" I nearly screamed, thankful in the back of my mind for the loud music in the club as I instinctively tightened around his length and squeezed my legs.

"Good God!" he sputtered pathetically, grinding his hips against mine as he continued to pump in and out of my center, at times pulling almost entirely out and driving back in with uncontainable force.

"Alex, you're so good," I whimpered, bringing our lips together for a crushing kiss. A couple of nights before, I learned it turned Alex on even more to talk dirty, so I decided to try it out. "I can just imagine people waiting outside... and we're in here, fucking each other's brains out..."

"Cayla..." he panted.

"I used to be such an innocent girl-oh shit!" I moaned as he rotated his hips and thrusted back into a spot that caused pleasure to shoot throughout my body. I pressed myself closer to him and began to thrust down with my hips as he went up. "You've turned me into some random whore who fucks her friend in a club bathroom."

"You're my random whore," Alex assured me with a wheezing tight laugh. "And as long as I get to be that friend, please, by all means continue to fuck me!"

"You will always be the friend I want to fuck," I promised, giving a smile. And the only one. I thought. This seemed to only fuel Alex's desire as he increased the speed and depth of his thrusts.

"You're amazing," Alex breathed at me, his voice husky with concentration. "So fucking amazing-"

"Not as amazing as you," I interrupted any more compliments, taking my chance to suck on the vein he was oh-so-famous for on the side of his neck. He thrusted faster than before, driving himself deeper into me than he ever had and drawing us both closer to our impending orgasms. God, I needed the sweet relief he was so readily willing to supply and I dug my nails into his back, dragging them along the soft, tattooed skin. "Faster, Alex-"

"I fucking love you," he rasped, demanding my lips as he complied and went faster. I whimpered into his mouth, my numb brain barely registering his declaration. "I need you to come with me, Cayla."

"Please make me," I begged pathetically. "I need to- Alex, oh damn-"

"Cayla," my name came out as a growl and caused me to shudder as I looked into his eyes. That molten chocolate which made me fall for him even more, no matter how much I tried to deny it. I threw my head back as he thrusted harder and buried his face into my cleavage. I felt his lips, tongue and teeth graze over the skin and I groaned. With a final, unsteady thrust, I felt immediately as Alex burst within me, the throes of his orgasm dragging me beneath the waves of my own and my inner walls clenched unrelenting around him. I greedily gasped for air while clinging to him, desperate to regain to my composure as we came down the highs of our physical exertion.

"That was unbelievable," I murmured, planting my forehead against his and accepting his lips when he puckered them at me.

"It's always like that with you," Alex replied, running his fingers through my hair as we stayed connected for several moments more. Reluctantly, he pulled out of me and helped keep me steady as my feet touched the floor.

"I could never say differently about you."

"I still think you're amazing," he breathed, wrapping his arms around me once we were dressed and situated to look relatively decent. Well, so at least it didn't look like we just fucked each other's brains out... oh Lord, Alex has me talking crude as well!

"I still think you're more amazing," I countered, looping my arms around his neck.


"How so?"

"Will you ever learn to stop arguing with me?" he countered.

"Mmm... probably not."

"Damn stubborn."

"Oh, I wouldn't be talking, Mr. McLean."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You're just as stubborn!" I replied, running my fingernail down the center of his shirt.

"Then we should equal each other out with how stubborn we are."

"Deal," I pressed a kiss to his lips and smiled. "Are you ready to face the public? Lord knows we've hogged this bathroom long enough as it is."

"Wouldn't be surprised if there were people waiting outside the door."

"You always need to be thorough when we have sex," I teased, threading our fingers as I unlocked the door and pulled it open. Sure enough, there was a line and my confidence immediately deflated.

"Just keep walking," Alex chuckled and pulled me closer to his side while offering a brief nod to the person closest to the door. "Next."

"Hope we have as much fun as them," we heard the woman mutter to the man as she grasped his arm and pulled him inside the bathroom. Apparently we weren't the only ones who needed to relieve ourselves.

"Doubtful they'll have as good of a time as we did, but to each their own," Alex decided, leaning just enough to place a kiss to the top of my head.

"You can be so full of yourself," I laughed, my cheeks still pink as we reached the non-alcoholic bar. I was glad Spin had installed one several months ago.

"Just speaking the truth," Alex shrugged as the bartender came over to us. "What would you like to drink, Babe?"

"Diet Pepsi, please."

"One diet Pepsi and one Mountain Dew, please," Alex ordered for us. Soon, with sodas in hand, we walked around and found a table to sit at. Crossing my legs, I took a long sip of soda and smiled.

"Penny for your thoughts?"


"You've got a glazed look to your eyes right now," he laughed. "Did I do you over that bad in the bathroom?"

"Very funny," I rolled my eyes, smacking his arm gently. "No, I was just thinking."

"I gathered as much. About what?"

"A little bit of everything, really."

"Care to share details?"

"You'll just think I'm another over-analyzing woman..."

"Cayla, c'mon. You actually think I'd be that much of an asshole?" Alex scoffed, drinking some soda. He withdrew his pack of cigarettes and sparked up, exhaling a plume of gray smoke.

"I'm just having a really good time with you. And it's going to be so hard to say good-bye for God knows how long..."


"You said you love me," I found myself blurting out.

"I shouldn't have said that?" Alex choked through a puff of smoke. "Cayla, I-"

"No, no, it's just," I sighed and pulled out my own cigarettes and took a long drag. "Did you mean it? Or was it just from the passion?"

"Cayla, if I offended-"

"You didn't. I promise. It surprised me, actually. I can't even remember when I heard a man say he loved me. Whether it was a friend or a... kinky friendship friend. If that makes any damn sense."

"I'm sorry if I upset you," Alex interrupted with a tight shake of his head. "I wasn't speaking through my ass, if that's what you want to know. I have been known as a male chauvanist pig in the past, but that's not-"

"Alex, please. You didn't upset me. Just surprised. All I wanted to know was if you were just throwing it out there-"

"I wasn't."

"Okay," I nodded and exhaled slowly. "I didn't mean to ruin your night by being all woman-like and asking-"

"Cayla, stop. You haven't ruined my night. If anything, I should be concerned about having ruined your night."

"...I think we both need to stop worrying about ruining this night. We've had fun so far, right?" I replied after a moment of silence.


"Then that's what matters," I smiled, reaching over to grasp his hand.

"Well, if I have no reason to doubt you, then you have no reason to doubt me," he nodded before he snuffed his cigarette into the ash tray. "Glad we got that cleared up."

"Now you're just teasing me," I gave him a hard pout.

"Hardly. I'm just trying to get you to lighten up. I want us both to continue to enjoy ourselves."

"I am lightened up," I defended, finishing my own cigarette.

"Good. Now, do you want to do some more dancing or go somewhere else?"

"Are you trying to insinuate a possible repeat of our actions just a little bit ago?" I wriggled my brows at him.


"Alex, I was teasing! Unless you did want to do another repeat..."
"Look at you! I've gone and corrupted you!" he released a roarous laughter.

"As if you don't enjoy corrupting me," I retorted, poking him in the side with a sly grin.

"Can't deny that-"

"You talk too much," I mumbled, grasping his collar to bring us together for a deep kiss. The same vibration I felt the first time we kissed came towards me once more and I had to smirk against his lips in reaction to his growl.

"Cayla? Is that you?" A voice interrupted our little session and I tore away from Alex in surprise.

"Isaiah! It's been awhile."

"Indeed," he smiled, keeping his arm around the waist of a brunette woman who didn't seem too pleased to see me. "How are you doing? What brings you here?"

"Well, my friend Alex is visiting me for a week and I thought I'd take out for him to see what Minnesotans do for fun," I replied, smiling back as I grasped Alex's hand again. "Alex, this is Isaiah, my ex-boyfriend. Isaiah, this is Alex."

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." They shook hands as Isaiah brought the woman closer. "This is Claire. We've been dating for awhile now."

"It's a pleasure," I smiled, offering my hand towards Claire, who seemed to reluctantly accept.

"I'm sure."

"It's crazy just running into you like this, Cay," Isaiah rambled sheepishly. "I mean, how long has it been?"

"It's been about a year. You're looking good, Sai."

"So are you. I mean... wow!"

"Thanks," I smiled.

"C'mon, Isaiah," Claire whined. "They're obviously busy. Can we go now?"

"Claire, can you please hold on for a minute? I haven't seen Cayla in over a year!"

"You didn't see enough when she was making out with a celebrity like a whore?"

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow, though I felt my heart fall to the pit of my stomach.

"I suppose not that it's really any of our business, but you were practically shoving your tongue down his throat for the whole world to see," Claire sneered with a simple shrug.

"Claire, stop," Isaiah hissed, offering an apologetic smile of discomfort.

"Who do you think you are talking to Cayla like that?" Alex stood up, his jaw set tightly.

"No, please... don't," I begged, pulling on the arm of his shirt. "Let her think what she wants."

"I'm just thinking what everyone else in this club is thinking when they see something that disturbing. I mean, I know you're an aging Backstreet Boy, but couldn't you do better since you're out in LA? Instead, you choose a fat, frumpy, pale Minnesotan girl? I'm sorry, but I have to call the pity card," Claire egged on. I bit my bottom lip hard to keep my emotions back. The last thing she needed to see was me getting upset over words. Words. That's all they were; words. Truthful words? She does have a point. Alex could be with anyone in Hollywood, and yet he chose me? Why?

"You're treading on dangerous ground, sweetheart," Alex answered, his demeanor eerily calm as he turned his attention to Isaiah. "Would you kindly mind keeping your chick under control and escorting her away from our table so that we may go back to enjoying our night? Or are there gonna be more problems?"

"We're out of here. I really am sorry, when she drinks she's..." Isaiah trailed off, grasping Claire's forearm and pulling her to another part of the club. A tear slipped down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away before Alex turned around. I couldn't keep Claire's words from echoing in my mind and it caused an ache in my heart. What if she was right and Alex merely pitied me?

"Cayla, look at me," Alex's soft voice broke my turbulent concentration and I felt his hand land tenderly against the side of my face, but I sharply brushed off. "Cays-"

"I'm fine. I just want to go home," I replied, standing up. I slung my purse over my shoulder and began to walk away.

"Damnit, Cayla, would you please wait?" he shouted above the music when I had gained a good deal of space between us.

"Let go of my arm, Alexander," I snapped at him, shaking myself free of his hold when he had caught up to me. Pulling my arm tight against my body as if his touch had scorned my flesh, I whipped around and desperately tried to find the exit, though the strobe lights were making my already blurring vision even harder to make sense of.

"Cayla!" I could hear him shout, but I couldn't see him as I tried to gather my bearings and find the exit. My lungs began to tighten and my breathing erratic. Great, a fucking panic attack is just what I need right now. I knew all this would be too good to be true. Why the fuck did I let my feelings get so entwined with a man like him? God, I can be so stupid! Bursting out into the chill of the night air, I swiped the back of my hand across my eyes to rid them of the tears falling that I couldn't stop and clumsily dug into my purse for the claim ticket to my car as I walked over to the valet standing. Composing myself, I handed it to the young man who looked at me oddly and seemed to reluctantly take the ticket.

"I need my car to be brought around as quick as possible."

"Yes ma'am," he replied, quickly jogging towards where he parked my car. Wrapping my arms around my shaking body, I tried to calm down my breathing with little luck. I needed to get out of here.


"Just leave me alone, Alex... please." I begged, keeping my gaze out towards the streets of Minneapolis.

"Don't do this," his voice broke towards the end of his quiet plea when he approached.

"Claire was right... there's no reason for you to be with me except pity. I can't have our friendship be this physical," I sniffled.

"What the Hell are you thinking, Cayla?! You can't possibly tell me that you're going to listen to someone you don't even know-"

"Don't you dare try to dictate what I can and cannot think, Alexander! You're fooling yourself if you really think I'm just going to continue standing here being fed a bunch of lies!"

"I can't believe you're going to believe some drunk bitch over me! I've always been honest with you, Cayla!"

"Really?" I snorted in disbelief, pushing him away when he attempted to draw me close to him. "And how the Hell am I supposed to believe that? How the Hell am I supposed to know if you are telling me the truth when you say that? If you've been telling me the truth with anything you say? God, you must really think I'm the moron of century, allowing myself to easily fall into your trap of lies just so you could score an easy lay a few times. Fucking wonderful, Alexander. I hope you've enjoyed it. You can go back to your ritzy life in L.A. now and forget I ever even existed!"

"How the Hell did I become the bad guy? I'm trying to defend myself because your ex-boyfriend's drunken girlfriend planted seeds of doubt in your mind!" Alex suddenly grabbed me by the shoulders and pinned me against the brick wall of the club. His rusty eyes burned into mine. "I haven't been lying! I care about you and goddamnit, it's not just for the sex. I love being around you. I love how your eyes crinkle when you smile. Or how you nibble on your bottom lip when you're nervous. I even love the way all your clothes end up on the floor from the closet when we're about to go out because you can't find your favorite shirt or flip-flops."

"No, you don't," I whispered, forcefully shoving him away from me in shock at the idea he might resort to a physical tactic. I just wanted out, needed to get away from his pathetic attempt to make me listen. I refused to let him make me look even more stupid than I did already. It didn't phase me when he stumbled back several feet and I was relieved to see my vehicle pulling up to the curb.

"Cayla, please."

"I'm not going to listen to any more lies, Alexander. I refuse to be the fool any longer."

"I've never lied to you!" he screamed.

"Why would you ever want to be with someone like me?" I screamed back, whirling around to finally face him.

"Because I fucking love you, damnit! I fucking fell in love with you the moment I met you! You think you know everything there is to know about me, Cayla? But you don't! You don't know shit about me and than you have the audacity to stand there and accuse me to my face that I could give a shit less about you!"

"You... you what?" Words seem to fail me as his own struck me like a ton of bricks. He loves me? But... in the club he said... Oh Jesus. Placing a hand to my forehead, I took a deep breath to fight off the dizziness. I never expected...

"But that doesn't mean shit to you, does it Cayla..." Alex's voice seemed to hiss out from between his clenched teeth. "It doesn't mean shit to you because you would rather believe the lies of someone who knows nothing about you or me."

"Alex, please. I didn't know-"

"I would have told you. But you took what... what... CLAIRE said... and ran with it. Literally."

"You and I hardly know each other as it is! How can you not expect me to consider the idea that- No, none of this is right! Don't you get it?"

"I don't think you get it, Cayla. Why would I waste my time keeping in touch with you? Calling you every chance I had some free time? I was trying to get to know you better! Like you said a week ago. I could go anywhere for my break in the tour. But I chose to come here. Why? Because of you."

"You're out of your God forsaken mind, Alexander McLean. I'm not in the same league as you. Maybe it's better that we come to terms with that now and just leave it be," I mustered as I yanked the driver's door further open and climbed inside. Not offering him another glance, I slammed the door shut and quickly revved the engine, praying with everything that I would wake up in the morning and find that my relationship with him had been nothing more than one horrible mistake of a nightmare.
Chapter 6 by Starry Eyes
"Keep the change," I muttered to the cab driver as I handed him an unknown bill. By the sound of his reaction, I knew it was more than I should have tipped him but at the moment I didn't give a shit. After Cayla left me in downtown Minneapolis, I ended up finding a hotel for the night and got minimal amount of sleep. I was so angry but at the same time I was so hurt. I didn't understand how she could believe some drunk and not me. I never said nor did anything to make her doubt my sincerity nor anything else about my feelings for her. Sighing heavily, I pushed the sunglasses farther up the bridge of my nose and walked up her driveway towards the front door. Declaring my love for her... might not have been the best choice given the situation. But damnit, it was the best thing I could think of saying when she was thinking such nonsense!

True to my character though, I had a horrible habit of not particularly thinking things through before I spoke of them, and my habit ended up doing more bad than good. I hadn't forseen any of this happening. I hadn't even forseen myself making such a serious declaration, not that it wasn't true and not that I hadn't thought about it before that point in time, but I had always imagined a much more attractive scene in my mind than what had played out the previous night. Now I was stuck on the shit receiving end of the deal and I had no one to blame the more I thought about it. Sighing heavily, I pressed the doorbell and waited. Within a minute the door opened and my heart broke at the sight of Cayla. She was wearing one of my ratty t-shirts and my pair of black boxers with pink lips printed all over them. Her hair was disheveled and make-up from the night before was collected under her baggy eyes.

"What are you doing here, Alexander?" her voice was weak as she spoke and kept her stance territorial in the doorway. I could see past her charade though, no matter how hard she was trying to make me see differently.

"My things are here, Cayla. Not to mention my bodyguard."

"You should have called."

"I did. Several times. You didn't answer."

"...Come in," she relented, obviously too tired to think of any quip that could be used against me.

"Thanks..." I awkwardly answered, following her inside and gently shutting the door behind me. She didn't skip a beat moving away from me and heading towards the kitchen, so uncertain, I decided to follow. It wasn't like I was expecting much, but I hoped I was able to at least get her to look at me for more than two seconds, even though her sunken expression hurt me more than I could have possibly expressed.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" Cayla asked, pulling a can of coffee grounds from the pantry.

"Please," I replied, watching her movements. Within a few seconds the coffee maker was percolating away and we stood in silence. I cleared my throat and took a step closer. "Cayla? Can we talk?"

"What is there to talk about?" she whispered, crossing her arms snuggly over her chest and refusing the eye contact I was trying to establish.

"I think there's plenty to talk about," I countered, closing the distance between us.

"What if I don't want to talk about it?"

"I just need you to understand some things. After that, if how you feel doesn't change, I'll leave and you won't hear from me again until you want to."

"I can't do this right now, Alexander..." Cayla stuttered as she tried to move around, but I wasn't ready to let her escape just yet and reached to carefully grab hold of her arm. A quiet gasp of surprise flew past her lips and she rigidly froze in place, her bloodshot eyes trained on the kitchen. So distressed she appeared and still I couldn't help but find her absolutely gorgeous.

"Please. Give me a couple of minutes," I replied, reaching out to cup her chin. I gently moved her head up so I could look into her eyes, even if for a moment.

"...Fine. What is it?"

"Are you going to let me say my peace or are you going to run out of this room without hearing me out first?" I questioned her, hating the way she seemed to tremble beneath my touch.

"I'm listening."

"Okay. First off, I want to apologize. Instead of staying calm, I got all caught up in everything. Screaming at each other didn't help."

"I just wanted to go home."

"I know. And I'm sorry. But I didn't want you to leave without knowing how I felt. The truth. I couldn't believe you would believe Claire over me and it threw me for a loop," I replied, removing my hand from her arm and instead lacing my fingers through hers. She was still trembling, but not as bad.

"You don't understand," Cayla whispered.

"Maybe I don't," I tried to agree with her. "But I want to understand and I know what I know. I wish you could understand that."

"Try being in my shoes, Alexander. Regardless of how I see you, everyone else sees you as AJ McLean, popstar and big celebrity. You could have anyone in Hollywood and yet you have chosen me to keep you company. You can't see where I might doubt some things?"

"You have obviously chosen to ignore the fact that I'm no stranger to people not giving a shit about me but only caring about my name and status," I answered calmly, wincing when she yanked her hand away from mine. "And y'know what? It sucks. All of the years I have dealt with it, it has sucked and made my life a living Hell. If there's anyone who has a hard time trusting, it's me. So no, Cayla, I don't need to try to be in your shoes, because I've been in yours a lot. I'm there every fucking day. So if you think I don't understand- God, Cayla, I-"

"I just don't understand how you can... love me. How? What do I have to offer you that other women out there in Hollywood don't have?" Cayla interrupted, running a hand through her locks. "To hear you say that scared the fucking shit out of me."

"What the Hell do you think I could possibly need from you in return? Material posessions? Money? What exactly? 'Cause the only thing I could hope I would get from you is loving me back like I love you. I never thought that would be so much to ask for."

"You could have your pick of gorgeous women, Alexander. You know that. I'm sorry if hearing you're in love with me is a fucking shock!" Cayla snapped.

"I don't want those women. I want you! The beauty you have is the kind that attracts me. You're not like them and I find that amazing."

"I can't be that person you need! We live in two completely different worlds for Christ's sake!"

"Why? Why can't you be that person?"

"Because... I can't!"

"I don't care what you have. I don't care what you don't have," I stepped close to her again and took a chance by wrapping my arms around her. "Before I met you, I was losing faith in everything. I didn't think I would ever be lucky enough to find someone like Howie, Brian and Kev did. I really didn't. Then you came by to talk to us after a show and I knew I had to get to know you better."

"But why?"

"God, Cayla. Can't you see it?" I whispered, looking deep into her eyes. "You make me feel alive."

"I'm not special, Alexander. Your judgement is clouded."

"Stop calling me that. You sound so hateful when you say it."

"Would you rather I call you AJ?"

"No. I want you to call me Alex again."

"I just don't see what you see."

"Why can't you trust me? You did before last night."

"I didn't know what to think or what to trust!"

"Me. For God's sake, trust me!" Going by my instincts, I closed the distance and pressed my lips against hers gently.


"Please, Cayla," I feebly begged her to listen. "I love you. What do I have to do to make you believe me?"

"I just... I don't understand..."


"I honestly don't see what you see. I'm just plain, boring Cayla from Minnesota who works in a warehouse. You're a talented singer and songwriter who has fans all around he world. How are we meant to be?"

I released her, baffled by her ludicrous words, and slowly backing away, I collapsed against the edge of the kitchen counter, burying my suddenly hot face agaist the cool surface. Folding my arms beneath my forehead, I released a distressed breath and for the first time since I had arrived, I realized just how hard my heart was beating, my chest aching. "I'm Alex, born in West Palm Beach, Florida and raised by my mother and my grandparents because my dad was too much of a selfish asshole and couldn't have cared less about me to stick around. I don't have the most ordinary job, too many people know me, but I don't know many people. I enjoy the simple things in life. I'm normal. I-"

"You make people feel comfortable the moment you say hello," Cayla interrupted, placing a hand on my heaving back. "You're sweet, kind and will do anything to make someone you care about smile. You can make her feel like she's the only one for you. That no other woman can hold a candle to her."

"But that's not good enough for you."

"Alex, that's not what I meant. I have never met someone like you. Ever. Don't you think maybe I'm scared? You bring out emotions in me that no other man has and it's terrifying. I don't know how to handle it all."

"And you don't think I don't know how to handle it either? Jesus, Cayla, I-"

"I love you."

"I'm scared to death right now and I-"


"Losing you is something I can't think of-"


"What, Cayla? What have I said wrong now?"

"You're not listening," she actually laughed, as I stood straight to look at her.

"I'm sorry-"

"I love you, Alex."


"I love you," she said again. God, I don't think I could ever tire from hearing those words fall from her lips. Dramatic, I know, but... Hell, I don't need to explain my feelings all the time!

"You love me?" I repeated stupidly, wincing when she reached up to gently brush away several stray tears that had managed to slip down my heated cheeks.

"I love you," a beautiful smile graced her features as she cupped my cheek.

"How did... I thought you... last night..."

"I just needed to think about things. Hearing you talk like that... it made me realize."

"But you were so insistant that I've been lying to you all along-"

"Alex, I made a mistake."

"And it killed me to think that you could so readily shoot me down when I never once harbored any ill intentions, and-"

"Alex, stop and breathe, please-"

"Having to let you go would be impossible, but I was also angry and-"


"What?" I jumped at her outburst.

"For one, you're rambling. Two, you haven't taken a breath. Three, I made a mistake. I admit that. I was scared and trying to find a way to break it off before I got hurt."

"But I would never-"

"Sweetie, I know. I'm just telling you how I felt."

"But you love me?"

"Yes," she laughed again, her dainty hands cupping both of my cheeks. "I love you."

"I love you," my voice sounded in a near breathless whisper.

"I know," she continued to smile before brushing her lips against mine.

"Are you going to make me leave still?" I mumbled, resting my forehead tenderly against hers just to savor the feeling of the physical connection. I could only hope that I wasn't reading too much into her statements, but after the night before, I had plenty prepared myself for my welcome being worn out. I just wasn't sure if I could handle her actually saying it to my face.
"I couldn't do that. Not to the man I love," she whispered, running her fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes for a moment, thankful she didn't want to turn me away.

"Where does this leave us, Cays?"

"I don't know. How... how did Brian, Kevin and Howie handle relationships while doing what you do?"

"They just did. I don't know. They made it work, because they wanted it to-"

"And you want this to work?"

"God, yes-"

"So do I."

"But where do we stand in this relationship?"

"What are you saying, Alex?"

"Is this just casual dating or... I mean, are you and I..." I stumbled with my words, feeling like an awkward high school dork all over again. Realization crossed Cayla's face and I became even more embarassed.

"Alex, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"

"Please?" I whispered, closing my eyes again and waiting for the rejection I knew had to be coming.

"After all we've been through, how could I say no?" she replied, kissing my eyelids.

"Do you promise?"

"Would you rather I say no?"


"Well then I'll say yes. And I promise."

"And I can stay-"

"Good Lord, Alex, how many times do I have to say it?" Cayla laughed, her expression unreadable.

"Don't ever stop saying it."

"I love you. I will be your girlfriend. And if you don't stay, I'll kick your nonexistant ass."


"Well, you asked didn't you?"

"I didn't ask for such a violent answer, Cayla!"

"Such a drama king," she sighed playfully, rolling her blue-gray eyes.

"Get used to it, sweetheart," a gruff voice interrupted us from the kitchen doorway. Grimacing at the familiar voice, I barely stole a glance back over my shoulder to notice Marcus groggily ambling in. "It's taken us years to learn how to ignore his mood swings, but stick with it and you should get there eventually. Coffee ready?"

"Yes. You know where the sugar and cream is," Cayla replied, pressing a kiss to Marcus' cheek as he walked by her.

"I would like to make a statement. I'm offended-"

"Because Marcus told the truth?"

"Why the Hell are you taking his side?" I cornered her, setting my eyes into a deep glare.

"She's a smart woman," Marcus chuckled.

"You can shut-" I was silenced by Cayla's lips upon mine and any argument melted away with her kisses.

"C'mon. It's time to make up," Cayla smiled, linking our hands together and pulling me towards her bedroom.

"I think I like the sound of that," I grunted, smirking when I noticed Marcus shaking his head.

"Damn nymphomaniacs. Thank God I brought my iPod with me..." he trailed off.

"Do I sense jealousy?" I called back over my shoulder as Cayla pulled me further away, chastising me for my comment.

"Just wait, McLean. Karma can be a bitch," I heard Marcus call after me before Cayla closed the door.

"He's lucky I still keep his ass around-"

"Alexander James McLean. If you finish that sentence the only thing making up with you is Mr. Right Hand. Got it?"

"Wouldn't be the first time-"

"Just shut up and make love to me!" I raised a brow at her, ready to deliver a sharp retort, but before I had a chance, I felt her tugging me roughly with her to the surface of the bed.

"Anxious are we?" I smirked, easily situating my body over hers when she offered me an enticing pout.

"I missed you..."

"But last night at the club-"

"That was just sex... I want to make love," she admitted, her voice bashful and cheeks rosy.

"I didn't think I would ever get to hear you say that," I mumbled, trailing the tips of my fingers along her soft hair to brush a few strands out of her eyes.

"I didn't think I would ever get to say that."

"I love you, Cayla."

"I love you, too. This is only the beginning, isn't it?"

"As long as you're not having second thoughts-"

"Lord, you're going to be the female in this relationship."


"Not like I would hold that against you-"


"Besides, then I'd be the one showering you with gifts whenever you're PMSing-"

"Do you want me to make love to you or not? 'Cause if you're trying to turn me into a woman, I'm gonna lose my hard on-"

"Like you'd give up a chance to be deep inside me," Cayla purred in my ear before nibbling on my earlobe.

"Never, but it makes it a little more difficult if junior goes soft-"



"Shut up and-"

"Make love to you, right," I repeated with a tight nod and slowly lowering my head, I allowed our lips to connect in a sensual kiss. There was no way I could possibly describe how much I enjoyed the sensation of her silky skin against mine, and think I had almost lost that right was unfathomable. "I love you, Cays. Don't leave me again."

"I love you, too, Alex. I couldn't leave you if I tried," she replied, wrapping her arms around me. I could feel her nails trace up and down my back and it took all I had not to shiver in delight.

Pressing my lips to hers again, I slowly slipped my tongue inside, taking my time to draw her further into the moment. I knew without a doubt that she wanted the same as I did when she responded with an added fervor, her fingers tangling in my locks of hair to draw me closer. Muttering a string of unintelligible words against her mouth, I allowed one of my hands to blindly roam her body, memorizing every curve I came across. She was so lovely under my touch. "My beautiful..."

"Alex..." Cayla sighed, leaning her head back into the pillow when I brought my lips to her neck for a tender suckle. The taste of her skin always drove me crazy and I trailed my lips down her neck, over her delicate jawline and down past the hollow of her throat. My tongue darted out to trail the outline of her collarbone as my hand located her hip and squeezed it gently, pressing it closer to mine.

"I need you, Cayla," I murmured, my body reacting in more ways than one when she arched her hips to meet me. I nearly gasped at the jolts of electricity that passed between the two of us. It felt as if it had been too long...

"I need you, too," she whimpered, looking deep into my eyes as her breaths quickened. Normally at this point I would be fucking her senseless but that was the last thing I wanted to do. All I craved was slowly making love with her wrapped within my arms.

Not removing my eyes from hers, I carefully eased the familar boxers away from her hips, sliding them down to her ankles and tossing them to the floor. Then I worked to remove my own pants, sighing at the immediate tightening sensation in my groin when she reached between us to help me remove the layer of clothing from my body. I hissed out a long breath of air. "God, Cays..."

"I know. It feels like we haven't done this for so long," she whispered, leaning up to press a kiss under my chin. "If this is what it's like to make love, we're never fucking again."

"You want to go that far?" I forced out a tight laugh as my boxers joined Cayla's on the floor.

"I want to do anything with you, Alex," Cayla mumbled, capturing my lips once more.

"We have all the time in the world to do anything and everything," I promised, settling myself between her smooth, toned legs.

"Show me everything."

"I'll do that and more," I pressed my lips to hers for a deep kiss as I slowly entered her warmth.

"Oh, Alex," she gasped quietly, our eyes still connected as I began a slow, sweet pace that was something I had never felt before. I pressed several kisses along her jawline and down towards her neck.

"You're beautiful, so beautiful..." I continued to breathe against her, my heart increasing as I kept a steady pace of thrusting within her. Of all the times we had taken part in plain mindless fucking, the sensations had never come close this. The connection had never been so deeply emotional, and even though it still terrified me, I welcomed it.

"This feels so... Alex..." she bit her bottom lip and looked even more beautiful. Reaching down, I threaded my fingers through her hair and brought our lips together for a simple yet meaningful kiss.

"Be mine, Cayla," I murmured, a quiet moan escaping my lungs when she drew me deeper into her.

"I'll always be yours," she answered with a sharp gasp and I felt her clench around me.

"Damn...you feel wonderful," I whimpered, driving deeper yet with an aching need.

"Alex, please don't ever stop. This is so good," she whimpered in delight. Her legs wrapped around my waist and moved along with the rhythm I had created. It felt like how our first time should have been... but... I'm a firm believer of better late than never. And I never wanted to miss out on making love with Cayla ever again.

"I couldn't ever stop even if I wanted to-"

"Good, because I haven't felt anything like this before," she admitted, leaning up to kiss the damn vein on the side of my neck. God, she knew which buttons to push.

"Fuck, Cays!" I gapsed, thrusting roughly before I could realize what I was doing as my whole body jolted with a euphoric pressure. I was a sucker for that spot on my neck, the vein that women seemed to go crazy for. I didn't exactly understand that aspect of it, but I knew what it did for me physically and I couldn't have asked for more.

"Alex!" she cried out as well, pulling away from my neck. She threw her head against the pillow and moaned loudly. "Faster!"

"Shit yes," I agreed, and not caring, I quickened the pace of my thrusts, aching for release.

"That's it, Baby... right there... oh GOD!" she arched her back, hitting both her spot and mine. "You feel so good!"

"I can't hold it back," I confessed weakly, grunting as my orgasm drew near.

"Let it go and come with me," she demanded, her nails running all over my back.

"I love you," I declared with a hard pant and thrust into her a final time before I felt my seed explode in a blissful relief.

"I love you, too," she replied as she came right after I did, her walls contracting wildly. She pressed her lips against mine to prevent herself from moaning too loud and I took advantage to drink in her very essence.

It took several moments before I finally collapsed against her, my body drained of energy. But it had never felt so worth it before. "Well?" I looked up at her sheepishly. "How was it?"

"That was... in so many words... amazing," she smiled, her fingers playing with my damp hair.

"I'm staying right here...not moving...ever again..." I decided, planting the side of my face against her chest to regain control of my breathing.

"I would never say no to such a decision," she laughed, now playing with the hairs on the back of my neck. I was content just laying there, listening to her heart slowly return back to its normal rhythm.

"You mean you wouldn't mind me lying here all day, still inside you?"

"Hell no. It's just like that one song... if you lay down, lay down beside me... you can get all inside me and I can get all inside you-"

"Oh God, don't start with that," I groaned, the heat returning to my cheeks, only this time I was shielding my face to hide my embarrassment.

"You mean you won't hump me like you humped the stage? Girls went CRAZY over that stunt, especially with that gauzy, see-through shirt you wore-"


"What? I thought it was sexy!"

"Yes, I know, you don't have to constantly tell me how sexy I am-"

"You are so full of yourself!" she laughed, gently smacking my arm.

"Actaully... you're the one who's full of me... if you want to be technical-"


"Would you stop with the full name already?"

"Would you start behaving more often?"

"You sound like my mother-"

"She's got a point then," Cayla shrugged as she abruptly pushed me away from her. A yelp of surprise flew past my lips at the uncomfortable sensation that surged into my groin and I found her amused laughter highly annoying as she launched herself from the bed. "Maybe you should listen to her."

"Now you sound like Kevin, Howie and Marcus," I made a face, which caused her to laugh harder.

"Again, they all have a point. And you should listen to them."

"Since when did you become the Advice Queen?"

"Since I met you."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that you need to get your ass up and take a bath with me."

"Who says I want to take a bath with you?"

"Okay... if you don't want to feel those jets work on your tired muscles... and have another chance to make love amidst the bubbles-"

"Good God, stop with the descriptions or you'll make him hard before we even make it out of the room," I grunted at her as I clumsily rolled out of the bed in a hasty attempt to catch her before she could open the bedroom door and escape.

"You mean I shouldn't mention that I'd-" A squeal emitted from her kiss swollen lips as I wrapped my arms around her and pressed several kisses along the back of her neck.

"Stop being evil or we may not make it to those jets in the tub," I murmured against her skin, my hot breath causing her to tremble in my embrace.

"O-Okay," she easily agreed, turning around to rest her forehead against mine with a grin. "Good thing Marcus has his iPod."

"You're telling me," I rushed her, sending my hand swiftly against her behind to get her moving.

"Alex!" she shrieked with delight as she tiptoed quickly down the hallway towards the master bathroom.

"Hurry and get that bath water running-"

"And make sure Alex shaves that hairy ass of his!" Marcus' voice echoed from the living room.

"Don't lie, Marcus! You know you find this white ass of mine sexy!" I called back to him.

"Pardon me, I need to vomit!"

"Oh, I know deep down you love-"

"Alexander! I'm going to lock the bathroom door in five, four, three-"

"Son of a bitch!" I hissed, skidding to a halt in front of the door when it slammed shut. "Open the door, Cayla!"

"Not a chance, McLean!"

"Let me in!"

"Hmm... nope! You need to do better than that!"

"He's going to take pictures, give them to Nick and Brian... my life as I know it will be over and those two will make me fucking broke because of the blackmail-"

"I've already got a picture I could send to them, y'know?" she sung in a chirpy tone.

"Bullshit!" I countered. "When would you have gotten-"

"Last night, while you were taking a shower to get ready. Got the full package, Sweetheart, so don't tempt me!"

"Cayla Rose! Please let me in!"

"What do I get?"

"That's for no one's ears to hear but ours-"

"Babygirl, please let the poor bastard into the bathroom. His incessant whining is going to give me a migraine!"

"Cayla, c'mon, I'm shriveling up out here!"

Opening up the door, Cayla offered me a devilish smirk of defiance. "You cry worse than a new born baby, y'know?"

"You know what?"


"Payback's a bitch," I grinned, pushing my way into the door and slamming it behind me.


"You play with fire long enough and eventually you're going to get burned, love."

"How are you going to burn me?"

"That my dear, is called element of surprise-"

"Is your element of surprise going to help junior down there?" Cayla continued to smirk as she barely looked downward.

"I don't need much help when I have you naked in front of me."

"Are you sure? Cause's he's looking a little-"

"What the Hell is that supposed to mean?" I interrupted her with a sharp scuff.

"Well, let's think about it," her hand trailed down my thigh and rested near my groin. "Normally he's slightly larger-"

"A little more center and-"

"I'm trying to explain something here."

"You're just stalling because you can't think of a good comeback-"

"No?" Cayla raised her brows, the soft pads of her finger tips dancing lightly over my already reawakening erection.

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath.

"What's wrong?"

"You tell me."

"I don't think anything is wrong, in fact... I think I'm doing something right."

"You know damn well what you're getting yourself into, woman."

"Maybe I do?" Cayla murmured as she slid closer to me. "Or maybe I don't."

"You do," I breathed, wrapping my arms around her. My lips hungrily sought hers for a deep kiss as she wrapped one of her legs around my thigh.

"I may need to be shown though, for future reference," she purred.

"Do we need a new lesson? Or just a hard review?"


"I hope you remember what you've studied, because we're going to be learning for awhile," I growled, claming her lips once more.
Chapter 7 by Starry Eyes
"Cayla?" I cringed as my voice echoed throughout the empty bedroom. Rolling from my stomach to my back, it was more of a nuisance to have to shield my eyes from the rays of sun streaming in through the slits of the window blinds. Morning had approached far too fast for my liking, and even faster approaching was my departure that day...something I wasn't too pleased to be looking forward to. I wasn't looking forward to it at all because it meant leaving something I had grown comfortable with and just the thought left an ache of emptiness nagging in the pit of my stomach. Grimacing at the sensation, I rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of pajama pants. Shuffling out of the room, I stumbled down the stairs, rubbing my eyes as more light nearly blinded me. The house was quiet and I became a little uneasy. Where the Hell was she? Marcus, when not touring, slept as late as he could, not to mention like a damn log. I wasn't too concerned about him.

"Cays? Where are you, Baby?"

"Nice of you to finally join the land of the living again," I heard her mumble when I wandered into the kitchen with the scent of a deep java aroma leading my nostrils. I should have automatically assumed she would be in the kitchen burying herself in the task of whipping up a far too extravagent breakfast for the three of us to enjoy. But, hey, I've never claimed to be the clearest thinker in the morning, and unfortunately my mind was clouded with far more pressing thoughts.

"You know I'm not an early riser."

"It's becoming more apparent," she replied, a cup of coffee for me ready in her hand as she turned away from the pancakes that were sizzling on the griddle. First pressing a kiss to her cheek and then her lips, I grasped the ceramic mug and took a long sip. God, she even knew how much cream and sugar to put in. "Good morning."

"Mornin'," I offered a small smile, kissing her once more as the caffeine began to wake me up.

"Y'know, if you're that tired still, you could go back to bed for another hour or so," she suggested, but she gradually smirked as she stood there examining what I could only guess was my haggard appearance. "I mean, you did say I wore you out last night."

"You make it sound like I can't handle you-"

"Never," she cooed, though damn the smirk stayed on her face as she ran her fingers through my messy hair. "But breakfast won't be ready until then, so if you did want to go back to bed, you could."

"And miss out on the opportunity to spend every moment I can with you before I have to leave?" I disregarded her suggestion with a light shaking of my head and claimed her lips once more before bringing the coffee mug up to my lips for another long delectable sip.

"You can be too sweet sometimes," the smirk broke and true smile graced her beautiful face, which quickly fell as she realized that our time was growing short. "Do you really have to leave?"

"Can you really not join me?" I questioned in return, though at the way she frowned immediately, I bit back a sharp breath. "I'm sorry, Cays-"

"You know why I can't, Alex. I would lose my job if I asked for so much time off and I can't afford that. I've been independant for so long. I wish you could understand and respect that."

"I do, Cays. I do."

"If I could drop everything and join you, you know I would."

She could if she absolutely wanted to, but she wasn't willing to do so and she'd made that plenty clear on more than several occasions. Didn't mean I was entirely pleased with her way of thinking when it came to such matters, and maybe it was more of a matter of me being selfish because I had every damn right to be selfish, but I had to force myself to at least attempt to respect her decision. After all, as much as I wanted to argue otherwise, I didn't have nearly as much say in our newly forming relationship when it came to her as I would like to think. "Good coffee," I grinned, stepping around her to quickly move over to the brewing pot for another mug full before the silence could become to overwhelming.

"Thanks. Picked it up at Caribou earlier this morning," Cayla turned her attention back to the pancakes, quickly flipping them to show off the golden brown undersides. I had to smile when I saw they were chocolate chip pancakes. My favorite. Another pan was slowly frying hashbrowns and in another, thick slices of bacon were being cooked to the chewiness both she and I preferred.

"You sure know the way to please my stomach-"

"I would hope more that I can please more than just your stomach," she looked at me over her shoulder with a smile that was a mix between bashful, devious and downright sexy.

"You would even doubt that?" I snorted at her.

"No, your reaction was enough," she pucked her lips and once she got her kiss, she turned around to pay attention to the food.

"I would think this past week would be enough to know," I ventured, wrapping my arms around her from behind. My fingers dipped under her camisole, barely grazing over her smooth skin.

"This past week has been more than enough to know," she murmured as she leaned her weight back against my chest with a soft sigh.

"Figured as much," I chuckled, nuzzling the crook of her neck as my hands massaged her sides. The smells of breakfast grew stronger and my stomach growled with anticipation.

"Amazing how quickly time passes..." Cayla murmured and I could sense the sullen tone in her voice.

"True, but it can pass just as quickly until we can see each other again," I compromised and pressed a kiss against the back of her head. She leaned forward slightly to put the pancakes on a platter and flip the hashbrowns and bacon slices.

"I'm sure it can..."


"No, you're right," she sighed heavily, quickly running a hand over her eyes. "It can pass quickly."

"What's on your mind right now, Love?" I questioned as I turned her to face. Even as I did so, she avoided my stare and I had to cup her chin just to get her attention fixated on me instead of elsewhere.

"It's not a big deal."

"If it's not, you should be able to tell me."


"Just talk to me."

"I-I imagine you performing for all these women who throw themselves at you. I won't be there, and... it's not that I don't trust you..."

"You can't hold that over my head, Cayla-"

"I'm not! See, this is why I didn't want to tell you-"

"Whoa, whoa, stop," I quieted her when she yanked away from me. I could feel my forehead creasing as she visibly tensed in front of me. "Cays-"

"I'm not trying to hold ANYTHING over your head!" She turned and almost threw the rest of the food onto their respective plates. "And I'm fucking human, I can't help but feel jealous-"

"I've already given you a solution to that and you keep turning it down!"

"I don't want to lose my job!"

"Why can't I take care of you? I know what that place does to you and it kills me to see that in your eyes when you come home."

"I do just fine taking care of myself, Alex," Cayla hissed before she roughly brushed past me to make her way to the refrigerator. "How many times do I have to tell you this? I've had to learn to rely on myself and myself only for a long time now and I am comfortable with that!"

"How are we supposed to take this relationship anywhere if you won't even rely on me for any kind of support?"

"I can accept support, but when it comes to money, I don't want yours. I refuse to be seen as a gold-digging, money hungry whore by the damn press-"

"That's ridiculous-"

"Really? I've seen what's been said about Leighanne, Kristin and Leigh. I understand that I have to share you with the press. But I don't want to taint your image because of misconceptions," she yanked out a bowl of fruit, slamming it onto the table with a loud thud.

"What the Hell has gotten into you this morning?" I released a hard sigh, dodging out of her way as she crossed my path once again. "You weren't like this last night, or Hell, for the time I've been here. What has changed between us going to sleep and us waking up?"

"Nothing. Just forget I said anything. I don't have any insecurities, I'm not jealous, I can't go with you to finish the tour, I can't do any of that. Alright? Everything is fucking peachy," she stood with her back to me, buttering pieces of toast that had popped up. After a few moments of silence, I could hear her sniffling.

"What are you wanting me to tell you right now, Cayla?"

"Nothing. Breakfast is almost ready."


"I said nothing!" she turned around and I could see the tears streaking down her cheeks as she hurriedly brushed them away, though more continued to fall. "Breakfast is almost ready."

"And now you're repeating yourself."

"Alex, I'm not in the mood."

"That's apparent. What's going on with you?"

"Do you not know how to let things go?"

"Not when I know something's wrong."

"NOTHING is wrong."

"Can't you just admit it?"

"Admit what?!"

"Whatever's bothering you."

"Not a fucking thing that you'll be able to do a thing about, so leave it be and let me get back to making your breakfast!"

"If I let you finish when you're this upset, you'll break a plate and accidentally hurt yourself and I don't want that to happen. Just sit down and take a breath, Baby!"

"What the Hell do you care?"

"Okay, now what does that mean?!"


"No, no, no," I grasped her arms and lightly pressed her against the wall. "How could you even say that? What is wrong with you?!"

"Get your hands off me!" Cayla yelped, her body tensing immensely and her eyes narrowing into dangerous slits.


"Let me go!"

"Why the Hell do you think I'm going to hurt you?"

"Because you are hurting me right now!"

"I'm barely holding you! I just want to know what's wrong!"

"Alex, please. Let me go!" she pleaded, tears in her eyes.

Abruptly releasing her, I watched as she sagged against the wall, burying her face into her hands to shield her sudden on set of tears. I wanted to approach her, but I was afraid that even the smallest movement would cause her to strike out at me and considering that she seemed to be quivering at what just transpired, whatever the Hell it was all about, I figured it best to stay in place. "Cayla, why can't you even look at me right now?" I found myself nearly whispering in her direction.

"I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"I'm scared that I'll just refuse to let you go. And I don't want to let you go. I want to be selfish and keep you here all to myself!" she hiccuped between sobs.

"That's really what this is about? This attitude?"

"Call me immature, I don't give a shit. I haven't had a relationship like this-"

"Babe, I know-"

"It's just hard for me and being angry seemed like the best way but right now I just want to fucking cry."

"Then cry, Cayla. Lay it all out on the table and tell me how you really feel. Because I'll be damned if I leave today knowing there's some shit you never got off your chest."

"I'm going to fucking miss you. It hurts to know that you're not going to be next to me in bed every night and be here when I come home from work. I've been so used to seeing you... now I have to go back to only hearing you on the phone or on YouTube videos," her crying calmed down and she tried to wipe all the tears away, finally looking up at me. "I love you so much. It's scary. You may think it'd be easy for me to say fuck it all and leave with you, but with how I have lived... it's not and sometimes I feel like you don't respect that at all."

"How do I not respect that?"

"You keep telling me that I can just leave all this. But I can't. I can't and as much that's hard to hear, I can't. I want to. But-"

"You can't."

"Right. My emotions are just so fucked up right now. You always leave me spinning."

"That's making me feel like a bit of a douche, y'know?"

"You're not a douche, Alex... I don't fall in love with douche's anymore."

"You mean you used to?"

"That was a long time ago."


"It's the past, Alex. I just get a little jumpy, especially when you push me against the wall when we're fighting. That's all."

"I didn't mean-"

"I'm not making a lot of sense, am I?"

"It's not that, Cays."

"I'm sorry. I don't want to ruin your last day here."

"You're only going to ruin my last day if you have me thinking I have managed to get you so upset."

"You didn't. I promise," she offered a small smile and ran her fingers through my hair.

"Because, Cays, I really don't want it to be this way-"

"Our day has just begun, Alex. Please... let's just enjoy our breakfast and go from there. Okay?"

"If it makes you happy-""

"YOU make me happy," she pressed a soft kiss to my lips. "C'mon, let's eat."

"You always make too much for Marcus and I."

"I can't have you leaving here looking like I starved you the entire time," she smirked.

"Well, you certainly didn't starve me when it came to the bedroom," I returned with my own smirk, firmly slapping her behind.

"I was talking food."

"I know."

"You're such a nympho."

"Like you're any better, Cayla Rose."

"I have a certain someone to thank for that, though-"

"Hey, I'm not complaining," I suddenly laughed.

"I didn't think so," she replied, rolling her eyes as she placed our plates on the table and sat down.

"I never expected you to do anything you didn't want to do," I assured her, carefully keeping my eyes trained on her as I slowly lowered myself into the chair beside her.

"I don't," she kissed the side of my neck before buttering her pancakes and pouring a generous amount of syrup over them. "I trust you."

"I would hope so..." I murmured, accepting the bottle of syrup with an honest smile.

"I do," she massaged the back of my neck for a moment as we ate and a sigh escaped my lips.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm going to miss your cooking."

"I hoping you aren't expecting me to fed-ex you a weekly package..." She trailed.


"Alex!" she laughed. "The food would go bad before you receive it."

"That's what over-nighting is for!"

"I am not going to send you food! You'll just have to suffer until this leg of the tour is over."





"Where's the love-"

"You have enough love. I'm not going to spoil you-"

"Honey, he's already spoiled," Marcus grumbled as he shuffled into the kitchen.

"How can one not spoil me?" I snorted over my shoulder.

"I sure don't. My job is bodyguard, not momma or nanny or any shit like that."

"Morning, Marcus," Cayla merely smiled.

"Morning sweet cheeks," Marcus answered, gently patting Cayla's shoulder before moving to grab a plate of his own.

"You sure do have him wrapped around your finger."

"As I do with you."

"You do not-"

"Yes she does."

"No one asked you-"

"Baby, don't argue. Please? I want us to have a good last day together and if you keep bickering I'm going to do it by myself!"

I halfway glared at her. "But you both insist on ganging up on me."

"Maybe now you know how Kevin felt all these years," she suggested, leaning forward to press a kiss against my neck. Damnit.

"Kevin deserved every second of it," I insisted, twisting my neck to quickly plant my lips against hers and grinning when she fell silent. Victory.

"You two already act like a married couple. It's almost cute," Marcus settled at the table with his own plate and cup of coffee.

I turned to him. "Are you still speaking?"

"Alexander James McLean!"


"Don't talk to him like that."

"Like what?"

"Like he's hired help."

"Well we DID hire-"

"You're an ass, McLean," Marcus snorted.

"You're impossible sometimes," Cayla reached to smack me upside the head and I ducked. Instinct, I tell you!

"But you love me and I'm learning that I can use that to my advantage," I answered her with a simple shrug of nonchalance.

"That isn't something you really want to admit, Alex," she shook her head, but a smile was creeping onto that gorgeous face of hers. "Now please finish your breakfast, we only have a few hours before I need to drive you to the airport..."

"And what exactly are the plans during those few hours?"

"If it has anything to do with noises I heard all damn night... please spare me the details," Marcus groaned, shoveling some pancake into his mouth.

"Don't worry, Marcus. It's not that."

"It's not?"

"Good Lord, Alex, even I need a break sometimes," she laughed.

"Well, what are we going to do, then?"

"Y'know..." Marcus mused. "If you need a break from that thing sitting next to you, I could help you lock him in the closet and take you away for a few hours."

"That's sweet," Cayla replied while I snorted.

"How is that sweet? You want me locked up in a closet while you galavant around town with my bodyguard?"

"It gives me a break from the bedroom-"

"Now you're just being a brat."

"Oh, am I?"

"Don't challenge me, woman."

"How about you hush and finish your breakfast," she leaned over and grasped the back of my neck before bringing our lips together for a deep kiss.


"At least it's a nice day for you to fly back," Cayla replied as we walked towards the doors of the Minneapolis airport with Marcus right behind us, his duffel bag slung over his shoulder while keeping an eye out for any potential mobs. Remarkably, for my entire vacation, I was rarely spotted by the press and I made sure to keep Cayla out of the spotlight. It seemed to make her nervous and I didn't blame her. I would rather slowly introduce her to it all instead of thrusting her right into it.

"Makes flying a little bit easier to deal with," I muttered in return with a subtle nod. "However... flying may never be easy for me."

"It's not for everyone." Glancing over, I could see she was biting hard on her bottom lip. I knew she was trying to stay calm and I immediately threaded her fingers through mine, giving them a squeeze.

"Stop looking like that," I continued, nudging her shoulder. "Or you'll make me upset."

"I'm sorry," she whispered, giving me a small smile. "I just hate good-byes."

"This isn't good-bye. It's more of a... see you later."

"You're not helping..."

"Baby, you know I have to leave."

"I know. But it doesn't mean I have to like it."

"Of course it doesn't," I consented as we wove through the crowds. I didn't like it any more than she did. "But like you said, there's email, texting, phone calls... shit, I'll even get my Twitter and Facebook going if you want me to."

"And let the fans eat you alive in Twitter land?" she suddenly laughed.

"See what I dedicated boyfriend I am?" I grinned, pressing a kiss to the side of her face. "I would do that for you."

"Not if I don't let you-"

"Please don't tell me you're arguing over whether he should start Twittering again," Marcus groaned with a roll of his eyes.

"We're that high school couple that annoys everyone," I chirped.

"You've been annoying me since the moment I met you," he snorted.

"I'm going to miss the banter..."

"Are you crazy, Honey?" Marcus asked in disbelief.

"I've wondered at times," Cayla answered with a soft laugh.

"There's nothing wrong with you," I chided, shifting the weight of my duffel bag.

"I'm glad you think so-"



"Give a bit more space, would ya?" I glanced back over my shoulder towards my bodyguard.

"Wait until we're back on the bus," Marcus muttered, but slowed his pace nonetheless and soon was out of earshot. I would worry about him later. Right now, I needed to speak frankly with my girlfriend. God, saying that shit makes me smile. My girlfriend.

"You're so mean to him-"

"It's just how we are, it's nothing personal," I reassured her, pulling her close to my side. "Why do you think there's something wrong with you?"

"Don't get all hung up on that, Alex," Cayla rolled her eyes as she attempted a reassuring smile. "It was merely a joke-"

"Please don't lie to me."

"It's not a big deal-"

"Cayla. Please."

"Seriously, it's not a big deal. I have shitty self-esteem," Cayla gave a shrug.

"Yes, we've been through this before, but-"

"But what? You can't snap your fingers and make me feel better about myself."

"You need to start believing me when I compliment you, though."

"And that's going to take some getting used to."

"You'll try to get used to it?"

"That's all I can do, Alex. Just be patient with me."

"I never said I wouldn't be, Cays."

"I know," she pressed a kiss against my knuckles and I couldn't help but smile. "You'll call when you're back in LA?"

"I will call as soon as the plane touches ground."

"And they still don't know when exactly the tour is going to end?"

"When do they know?" I shook my head slightly in disgust. As much as myself and the guys were annoyed with our label and management... contracts had been signed and we were stuck with them for the time being.

"Well... my review is soon... if I get promoted, there'll be paid vacation and I can try to come see you," Cayla replied, and I was taken aback by her declaration.

"A review? Were you going to tell me about this?"


"When is this supposed to happen? That way I can start making arrangments-"


"It can be a place you haven't been before. I could show you sights-"


"We'd have our own hotel room. Nick wouldn't bother you, I swear-"



"I don't even know if I'm going to get this promotion. It's just an idea."

"An idea you didn't care to mention until now-"

"I didn't see the point in mentioning it when I don't even know if anything is going to come out of it."

"Cayla," I sighed through clenched teeth. Saying I was a tad annoyed... would be about right. "You'll let me know if it happens?"

"If it happens."

"Alright," I replied with a nod.

"Sorry lovebirds, but we've reached the point of no return," Marcus interrupted.

Stopping abruptly when Marcus closed the distance between us without hesitation, I took a moment to look up and notice that we had come up the security gates that would be the final barrier to cause the separation between myself and Cayla. I frowned. "One minute, Marcus?"

"Since you asked nicely," he replied, bringing Cayla into his arms for a brief hug and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Thank you for being such a great hostess. I'll miss your cooking."

"Such a big softie," she teased, going up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "You'll watch Alex for me?"

"I'm kind of stuck with him," he joked. "But I will, especially for you. Goodbye, Hon."

"Bye, Marcus," she waved as he walked towards the security line.

"One minute, Alexander! No extensions!" Marcus called back over his shoulder.

"One minute, Alexander," I mimicked under my breath, turning my gaze back to Cayla. I really didn't want to leave her and just a minute to say goodbye would be damn near impossible.

"You're not going to want to keep him waiting," she murmured.

"Who says I don't-"

"Alex, I know you have worked together for a long time... but cut him some slack. The last time I checked, he volunteered to come and look after you. If he wasn't here, Lord knows what could have happened-"

"I only have a minute and she's lecturing me about Marcus," I interrupted, hoping to sound playful.

"I'm trying to save you from the headache you insist on giving yourself," Cayla glared in return.

"Makes life interesting-"

"How about you just let our relationship keep your life interesting."

"Our relationship..." I trailed off, smiling and abruptly changing the subject. "I like the sound of that."

"I'm going to miss you!" Cayla suddenly threw her arms around me in a sloppy manner.

"Oh, Baby. I'm going to miss you, too," I sighed, wrapping my arms around her in return and burying my face in the crook of her neck. I could smell her body spray and kept it in my mind. "It won't be long until the tour's over and we'll have a nice break."

"I know, but-" she sputtered and pulling away from me, Cayla foolishly wiped at her eyes.

"It's not going to be easy," I added, cupping her cheek to rid the tears falling. "But we love each other. It'll be okay."

"I know, I know," Cayla repeated, assuring which one of us, I wasn't certain. But when she held my gaze for more than one second, I recognized the unsure gleam reflecting in her eyes.

"Cays. I promise."

"I know, Alex."

"As soon as I'm done touring, I'll be coming right back here to stay until we have to record the new album. Okay?"

"The guys won't like that..."

"They adore you, Cays. You've all become really close. Especially you and Howie," I smiled, poking her side. "Do Leigh and I have to worry about you two hooking up?"

"Hardly," she rolled her eyes.

"If I was him, I would-"

"Alex, he's like my brother," she actually laughed, pushing on my shoulder. "That would be just weird, and... no."


"Fod God's sake, Marcus. One more minute. Please!" I looked over at Marcus with a pleading look.

"...Fine. But we really need to get going after that."

"See? He's not so bad afterall," Cayla encouraged.

"I know. I've always known, but it's more fun to give him Hell most of the time," I admitted, causing her to laugh again as I brought her back into my arms. "I'll call you the minute we land, Sweetheart."

"I'll be waiting," she smiled in return.

"You'll let me know if you get your promotion?"

"As soon as it happens. If it happens."

"You're too good of a worker not to get it," I praised her, kissing her softly. Knowing this would be the last time we would kiss for... I didn't even want to think how long as I brought our lips together again. But this time, I made sure to give her a kiss that would leave her breathless. Just so I can dim a little bit of the unsure I saw in her eyes.

"Go, before Marcus suffers a heart attack," Cayla chided and removed herself from my tight embrace.

"I love you, Cayla. Don't forget that," I told her as I started to inch away.

"I love you, too, Alex. Please be careful. I don't want to turn on the television and see that your foot was run over by a van-"

"One time and I'm haunted for life!" I huffed, but had to smile when she laughed. "I'll be careful. See you later, Baby."

"Bye..." she whsipered.

"I love you," I said one last time, actually blowing her a kiss before turning around to find Marcus. A lump swelled in my throat. I hate good-byes.

If you can manage to hold back the water works a little longer, I'm sure there will be a gift shop on the way to our gate and I will glady buy you a box of tissues," Marcus snorted once I finally joined him on the other side of the security. It was all I could do to glare at him. "Don't look at me like that McLean. I'm sure you'll find a way in no time to have her with you again. Stop looking like your pet goldfish just died."

"You know, I had been thinking about giving you some slack when it comes to us bickering," I muttered as I grasped a plastic bin, took off my shoes and placed them inside. "But you just blew that shit out of the water."

"And you're practically blubbering already like a pms'ing chick."

"You can be such an asshole."

"I've worked with the best for fifteen years."
Chapter 8 by Starry Eyes
"This sucks," I muttered to myself as I stood from the couch and walked into the kitchen. Opening the refridgerator, I grasped a diet Pepsi and took a large drink of the bubbly, sugary soda that tingled the back of my throat before going back into the living room. Flipping restlessly through the cable channels proved fruitless with attempts to not miss Alex too much. Every piece of furniture seemed to smell like his cologne and my wall of photos didn't help. During his vacation, we had gone to get our pictures professionally taken and they were now nestled against the crimson walls. I'm not one to compliment myself, but I did love how they turned out.

The slower the time passed, though, and the more I stared at our pictures, the more unbearable being apart seemed to get. Dropping him and Marcus off the airport, I'd promised myself that I would refuse to allow myself to be reduced into an emotional mess. I'd spent far too much time alone in my life to let a relationship, long distance at that, cause me to crumble. But naturally, and I constantly cursed myself for it, that was much easier said than done. His lingering scent was intoxicating and it made the flashbacks of the time we spent together that much more vivid. Damn the tears that seemed to fall harder during the late hours of night and Alex could tell, but I would never admit it to him. How could I? I definitely didn't need him thinking I was unstable or worse yet, clingy and that I couldn't handle the long distance aspect of our blossoming relationship. I could handle it, although there was no denying that it sucked worse than I had anticipated.

Reaching out, I allowed my fingertips to trace down the glass that protected our memories and chugged down half of my soda. No doubt about it. Being away from him sucks and it still scares me how much I care about him. How much I love him. God, I just don't want to get hurt. I began to find myself praying that what I had with Alex was real and would last for as long as He would allow me to breathe on this Earth. To actually be happy. I don't remember when was the last time I felt this happy. But right now, it was mixed with loneliness and a craving for sweets.

It was not healthy to let it bring me down as much as it was, I was aware of that, but I couldn't help it. Even when he called and I drank in the relief of hearing his voice on the other line, I was left feeling even emptier than before once the call ended.

"Get a grip, Cayla," I finally spoke up, breaking into my own thoughts as I turned away from the photographs. It was a routine battle between my rationale and my plain aching for him to be by my side. Soda now finished, I rinsed out the bottle and threw it in the recylcing bin when an obnoxious knocking interrupted everything. "Jesus Christ! Who is it?"

"Y'know, you should really change the locks and stop giving out a key to your best friend if you don't want any unexpected visitors," a familiar call echoed from the living room as I heard the front door thrown open. I fought to withhold a groan of annoyance for being disturbed and knew by the tone of my friend's voice that she had caught onto my irritation. Still, I made no move to go greet her, knowing she would eventually make her way to wherever I was and when Addison finally stomped into the kitchen, I barely looked up at her. "Cayla!"

"Hey, Addie," I replied as I made myself a Nutella and peanut butter sandwich. I wasn't hungry, I hadn't been since he left, but I made myself eat anyway. "How was your trip to Ireland?"

"Naturally I have enough pictures and video to show you that will last an entire lifetime," she gushed immediately in a high pitch that was unique to her personality when she expressed any level excitement. I couldn't blame her. Addison had finally had the chance to make a long over due trip to Ireland to visit relatives she hadn't seen since her early childhood, and I could tell just by looking at her that the trip had been wonderfully spent. She'd been gone nearly a month. I just felt bad that I couldn't share in that same excitement. "Ok, what the Hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong," I lied, taking a large bite of my sandwich in hopes that would divert her attention and then I won't have to talk about what's going on. "I can't wait to see all the pictures-"

"Something's wrong."


"I'm not going to enjoy showing off my family unless I know you're actually paying attention, like you would if everything was okay. So, c'mon, spill."

"It's been a rough week at work," I quickly lied with a short shrug.

"That's nothing new," Addison replied with a snort as she grasped my arm and pulled me back into the living room. She pushed me down on the couch and sat down next to me. "What else is going on?"

"Addie, really, it's nothing."

"Then why won't you talk about it?"

"What I want to talk about is your trip," I interrupted her, forcing the best reassuring smile I could possibly manage, though I knew it was much. "C'mon, you can spend almost a month away and not have a single thing to say about what happened."

"I have plenty to say about what happened. But I'm worried about you," Addison frowned, glancing away to look at the wall of photographs and I had to hold back a groan.

"There's nothing to worry about," I insisted as she found the newest additions. I was always adding to the collection. While I tease her about being slow on the uptake, she was actually quite observant and I knew she would figure it out. Three... two... one-

"Well, either that's some highly skilled photo editing, or there's definitely something you been lacking in the communication department with me," she murmured as she picked up the closest photo frame for intense scrutiny. And then... "Cayla Baker!"

"It isn't a big deal," I sighed, wincing at her heightened tone.

"You have pictures, actual pictures, of you and AJ McLean and you say it isn't a big deal? When did this happen?!"

"While you were gone? He just happened to stop by one day-"

"He just happened to stop by one day?" Addison snorted and placed the frame back on the wall. "A busy man like him doesn't just stop by one day. You had this planned out!"

"I didn't plan the pictures!" I grunted, even though I was well aware that that was far from what she meant.

"Playing dumb isn't your forte," Addison rolled her eyes as she plopped back onto the couch. "Why didn't you tell me? I knew you guys had wanted to be friends, but I honestly didn't think he would be able to come out and visit with that schedule of his."

"They had a break in their schedule-"

"And you asked him to come this way?"

"He asked if he could-"

"How long was he here?"

"A week-"

"How many times did y'all have sex?"


"Was he as good as the first time?" she continued, grinning.

"That is none of your damn business!"

"I knew it!" Addison gasped. "Holy Hell, Cayla! While I was being productive and making up for lost time with my relatives in a foreign country, you were home getting your fuck on! And never even let me know that Mr. Hot Stuff was even coming to visit! And don't give me that bullshit that you couldn't contact me! I bought you the foreign calling card for a reason and- oh my God! No wonder you never answered my calls when I called you!"

"Pardon me while I die of humiliation," I groaned, covering my face that was turning bright red as Addison kept going on about my sex life with Alex.

"I had heard rumors of him being like the Energizer Bunny growing up, but damn, to know it's actually TRUE is fantastic! Especially when it was with my best friend!"

"Are you done yet?" I mumbled between my fingers.

"Oh, sweetheart, not even close-"

"Then I'll simplify this," I replied, eager to have her interrogation end. "Yes, we had sex. More times than I can count. Actually, we fucked a couple of times and then it changed to something else. It was all amazing, more than I could ever imagine. He's a great kisser. He loves to cuddle afterwards and play with my hair as I fall asleep. Whenever I came home from a rough night at work he was always willing to give me a massage and let me vent. Is there anything else you need to know?"

"Is he big?"

"Addie... I swear to God..." I sputtered, my cheeks nearly on fire.

"What? Inquiring minds want to know!"

"That's for you to know-"

"Shit, he's huge, aint he!"


"Just say yes and I'll drop it."

"You promise?"

"What do you take me for?"

"A nosy best friend-"

"Answer the question, Cayla-"

"Okay, okay, okay. He's big and he knows how to use it. And I mean USE it. Are you happy now?"

"Define what you mean by how he knows how to use it-"

"Addie, if you don't know, then you have had some really crappy sex," I actually laughed, running a hand through my locks.

"I bet he had you screaming like a banshee," Addison continued, ignoring my comment about her sex life.

"Get out of my house, Addison!"

"Oh, stop pretending to be offended," she waved her hand at my demand like shooing a fly and all I could do was growl under my breath. Soda. I needed soda. Standing up, I went back into the kitchen with Addison right on my heels.

"I really don't want to talk about this with you right now," I stressed, feeling my stomach clench at her persistance and the way it made me miss Alex even more.

"Did something else happen while he was here?"


"No, I'm not talking about sex. I can be serious, you know," she replied, watching me closely.

"I don't think I understand what you mean," I muttered, though that was clearly a lie. Addison was trying to pull the relationship I had with Alex out in the open and I wasn't entirely sure I was ready to delve into all of those details either.

"C'mon, Cays, look at me," Addison's tone suddenly changed as she drew closer and grabbed the bottle of soda from my hand that I grabbed for myself. "Dirty, sexy secrets aside...there's something more to this isn't there?"

"I..." Words failed to come and I had to tear my eyes away from Addison's, swallowing against the lump in my throat. "Yes."

"It's okay. It's just me, Addison. Not a reporter or blogger or whatever the fuck they're called now."

"God, Addie...I don't even know how it happened! It doesn't make any sense!"

"Why does it have to make sense?"

"Because... because it's Alex! He could have ANY WOMAN in the world, and yet he wants me?"

"Don't start with that-"

"I'm serious! He tells me all the time how beautifiul I am, how lucky he is to have me, that no woman can hold a candle to me," I sighed, taking back my soda. Chocolate was beginning to sound good and I stood up to rummage for some truffles. Alex had actually bought me bags full before he left and I couldn't admit that my supply was depleted significantly almost two hours after he left. "I just don't understand."

"You can't let your crappy boyfriends in the past ruin something that can be good for you, Cays."

"But what if this really isn't all the good it seems to be?" I snapped before I realized the words were leaving my mouth. I stepped back several paces as the silence accumulated between us for several long agonizing moments. "He's an honest to God good person, Addie. I just-I...don't want him wasting his time if he's only going to wake up one day and realize he didn't know what the Hell he was thinking."

"You can't think like that, Cays. If you keep thinking like that, you're going to tarnish what can be good and you'll be sitting here, alone with your diet Pepsi and truffles. You're a good person. AJ is a good person. Why wouldn't you be meant for each other? You've known each other for what, a month and a half?" Addison waited for my nod in response and continued. "I know how scary this is for you. But you're going to miss out if you keep doubting yourself."

"I don't understand how you can be so damn positive about relationships when you just got out of one," I grumbled and turned my back to her.

"Because I chose to get out of a relationship. Neither of us were happy," Addison replied, tossing something that hit me in the back of my head. I found it to be one of my truffles and I scowled.


"Does he make you happy?"


"Don't maybe me, Cayla. You can't possibly be blushing as furiously as you are right now just from his name being mentioned if he doesn't make you the least bit happy."

"Fine, he makes me happy."

"And you make him happy."

"How do you know?"

"Why would he travel all the way out here to be with you for a week unless there's something about you that makes him happy?"

"Maybe he just wanted to get laid-"

"Cayla Rose!"

"For Christ's sake, Addie! He's a guy! And he's well known for being-"

"That isn't fair and you know it," she interrupted with a sharp frown. "You're going by what the media has said and his old habits before rehab."


"Stop. Stop the doubting. He cares for you, he loves you. Obviously he wants to make this relationship work, so why not let it work?"

"...How did you know he loves me?" I whispered, nibbling on my chocolate.

"I think I know you well enough to realize when you're in love and vice versa."

"Even so, you weren't here when-"

"Cayla, have you looked at the pictures of you and AJ?"

"Sure, all the time, that's what makes me miss him more."

"I mean REALLY look at the pictures. How his hand seems so natural when it cups your cheek while you look into each other's eyes. Or the way he smiles when you're wrapped in his arms. That's love, Cays."

Before I could stop them, the tears were slipping past my eyes and I sank back against the edge of the counter. I could deny it all I wanted, but I knew Addision was making an honest observation and it hurt like Hell. "God, Addie..."

"I know you've been hurt more times than you'd care to admit. It's scary. But from what you've told me, this is just as scary for him. Take it one day at a time, and I know you'll find that happiness you've been looking for," Addison placed a hand on my heaving back as more tears fell at her words.

"Wh-when did you become so w-wise?" I hiccuped.

"I like to think it's a natural born talent-"

"I meant wise, not wise-ass," I brushed away the tears, laughing softly.

"Very funny," Addison snorted.

"You really think all that about Alex and myself?"

"If I didn't, I wouldn't say it." And that was true. To think that someone really, truly loved me. Loved me for who I was... it made butterflies in my stomach and my toes tingle. I couldn't help but smile.

"I just don't know how to handle this. And not having him here makes it worse," I murmured, brushing my hands across my cheeks to rid them of tears.

"One day at a time, hon. You do the whole call, email, text, instant message stuff, right?"

"Whenever he has a free moment."

"So, focus on that. And then before you know it, you'll be heading out to see him-"

"Wait, how do you know I'll be able to go? My review isn't until next week!"

"You're too good of a worker not to get WSI, Cays. They'd be stupid not to promote you."

"I never said I was going to see him though-"

"Why wouldn't you go see him? I mean, you tell me how much you miss him. I can see how much you miss him. Why not go?"

"I don't travel."

"I swear to God, you drive me crazy!" Addison exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. "First you have doubts about your relationship... now you 'don't travel', which is a load of shit. You used to travel every year with your parents."

The breath caught in my chest. "I don't travel anymore, Addison."

"Not even to see the man who loves you?"

"You know why," I hissed.

"Cays, they passed away years ago. I don't think they wanted their passing to affect you like this."

"I. Don't. Travel."

"So what's going to happen once you get your promotion? You're not going to lie to AJ and tell him you didn't get it. I know you better than that," Addison's voice had understanding, but the look on her face... I knew she was frustrated, but she just didn't understand. She would never understand. She still has her parents. "Besides, you traveled to see BSB. What's the difference?"

"I drove. That's the difference."

"Plane crashes are rare-"

"Rare enough for me to lose my parents. Right."

"Nobody asks for that shit to happen, Cays," Addison sighed as she reached to pull my crumbling form into a tight embrace.

"And I never asked to be left here without them!" I released a hot sob as I clung to my best friend. "I was supposed to be with them, but I-I-"

"I know. But that's not your fault. You would have been miserable traveling with strep throat, that's why they told you to stay home," Addison soothed, rubbing my back. When my parents had passed away... I didn't really let myself mourn them the right way. I just kept on going with my life, attending and graduating college, then working to keep up with the house bills.

"They should have stayed with me!"

"Hey, it's not their fault, either!" Addison pulled away and held me at arm's length. "They were meant to be on that plane. You weren't. As painful as that is to hear, it's the truth. As shitty as it is, it happened for a reason."

"It happened for a REASON? My parents were taken away from me for a REASON?"

"Yes! God has plans for all of us, Cayla. It was their time. It wasn't yours."

"That doesn't make it right-"

"I never said it did make it right."

"But why them?"

"I don't know. But look at how great your parents did with you in the time you did have. You're strong, independent and starting a serious relationship with a great guy. They'd be so proud of you."

"And yet they're not here to see it-"

"Okay, y'know, this is not working," Addison interrupted me with a tight shake of her head. "You obviously closed yourself up in this house for far too long. Go get changed. I'm taking you out."

"Taking me out? Addie, I don't want to go anywhere," I groaned, trying to ignore the ache in my heart for not only Alex but now my parents as well.

"I don't care. You need to get out of the house. I bet all you do is go to work, come home, sleep, go to work, come home, sleep-"

"It's what I do anyway!"

"Well, now that I'm back it's not. You need some new clothes to wear when you see AJ again."

"I don't even know when that's gonna be!"

"I don't wanna hear your excuses. Go change!"

"But Addie!"

"Don't give me that or else I'll strip you down and change you myself. Don't think I won't do it!" she grasped my shoulders and pushed me towards my bedroom.

"I hate you."

"You love me. Now shut up, get changed and get ready for some serious shopping."
Chapter 9 by Starry Eyes
Author's Notes:
Again, big thanks to those who help me get unstuck with each chapter. It means a lot. =]

One week left. As much as I love my job and as much as I love touring... in the end all I want to do is be in a familiar place longer than twelve hours. Sleep in my own bed. To actually be in a timezone where it wasn't the next day. Not to mention, to be able to see Cayla again. The past month was one of the longest months I ever had to endure.

I hated to admit it, but Cayla had almost been distant whenever I called and there was no mistakening the emotion that filled her voice when she spoke. I would try to question her about it, but much to my displeasure, she was always quick to change the subject. Maybe I was reading too much into it, and I suppose she was dealing with our separation in her own way, but I couldn't help worrying about her. Especially if I wasn't there physically to assure she was okay.

"Hey, Aje. Counting down the days, aren't you?" A voice broke through my thoughts, causing me to jump. Looking up, I saw it was Howie smiling with amusement and I scowled.

"Like you don't when you're apart from Leigh."

"You've always known this about me," Howie merely shrugged as he sauntered into the room. The grin never left his face for a second.

"Why do you have that look on your face?"

"What look?"

"You know damn well what look."

"It's just nice to see you on this side for a change," Howie sat down at the table next to me. "You miss her. There's nothing wrong with that."

"God, you say that as if I'm constantly trying to hole myself up in my hotel room while I cry my eyes out over a box of bon bons and a sappy romance chick flick," I scowled at him and almost immediately felt the warmth of an embarrassing crimson creeping into my cheeks. Shit, yes, I missed Cayla more than anyone could possibly understand, but the bon bons and chicks... a man has to draw his lines and somewhere. I had enough problems as it was. Having my sexuality questioned in the meantime wasn't something I cared to entertain.

"Oh, calm down. I'm not questioning your manliness or whatever is making you so defensive. There's nothing wrong with missing your girlfriend," Howie rolled his eyes, handing me a can of soda and opening a bottle of water for himself.

"Then, fine, yes. I fucking miss her, okay? There, I said it."

"Was that so hard?" he laughed.

"Just don't let Nick hear... he'd never let me live that down."

"After all these years, he still knows how to push your buttons-"

"I wouldn't talk. Stealth D," I snickered, quoting Nick from our Diary series on MTV back during Never Gone. Anything to keep the subject off me missing Cayla.

"Nick speaks through his ass a good majority of the time. You and I both know this. I, however, have learned not to let him bother me nearly as much as he used to."

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered, quickly drinking half of my soda with a sigh as the bubbles tickled the back of my throat. "I really just want this week to be over. Y'know? As much as I love performing..."

"So then you're going back out to see her?"

"As of right now, yes, unless she gets her promotion. If that happens, she'll be coming out here for two weeks."

"You haven't mentioned anything about her coming out here-"

"I didn't want to until I knew for sure that she was going to get the promotion. Besides, we've been kind of busy, haven't we?" I replied, playing with the tab of my soda can.

"Is there something you aren't telling me?"

"It's nothing."

"Alex, c'mon."

"The media makes Cayla nervous, and as you know... they follow us more back home than they would if I was in Minnesota," I took a long drink of soda. "She knows it comes with the territory, but it's still hard for someone like her. I don't want it to scare her away."

"But why couldn't you even tell us she might be coming out here?"

"I didn't want to end up disappointed and embarrassed if it didn't work out that way."

"You sure that's it?"

"It's happened before, I just didn't want to go through that again. She should be having her review any day now, though."

"When's the last time you talked to her?"

"Two nights ago. She's been working overtime, and with our shows, I told her I'd call when she's done with work tonight."

"The job is still dragging her down?"

"She won't admit it, but I know it is. I try to get her to quit, but she just plain refuses."

"The woman's been independent since her parents died. You can't make her change her mind."

"I know, I know," I sighed, fighting against the strong urge to roll my eyes.

"And besides, do you really think it's a smart move to try to convince her to quit her job at such an early stage in her relationship with you? You need to be careful with that. She may not take it lightly-"

"Howie, I know. But you should see her eyes when she comes back from that Hellhole. She looks so tired and worn-out. I hate seeing her like that, and I can even hear it in her voice. It kills me."

"But you also can't make her do something she doesn't want to do."

"I know. I've left the topic alone for awhile now. I just hope this promotion helps," I sighed as I finished my soda.

"She'll be alright, J."

"You think so?"

"I don't know everything, but be good to her and she'll be fine."

"I'm doing my best."

"Then she'll be fine," Howie promised as my cell phone began to play Times Like These and I jumped. Cayla! Howie took this as a sign and stood up. "She's calling you early. Tell her I'll text her later."

Ignoring Howie, I turned my back to him and quickly brought the phone up to my ear. "Cays!"

"Hey, Baby! Guess what," she actually gushed. Now this was the Cayla I missed hearing on the phone and I smiled.

"How about... you tell me so I don't have to guess?"

"No! That takes all the fun out of it, you cheater."

"You asking me to guess is you playing on my inability to guess well," I teased her. "It's great to hear you smiling, Cays. You're happy. What's it all about?"

"I had my review today."

"...You got the promotion?"

"Yes! I am officially WSI!"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I shouted louder than I'd originally meant to as I jumped up from my seat and immediately began to pace the room.

"No, I'm not!" she laughed, and I could still hear her smiling along with some chuckles in the background. "Sorry, the girls heard you shouting."

"You have company?" I paused briefly.

"I'm at work, goofball, on my last break for the night."

"Right, I knew that," I chuckled sheepishly.

"I love you," she laughed, then I heard a chorus of 'aww's and I couldn't help but laugh as she chastised them.

"Baby, they just think it's cute."

"You should see them though. They're honestly making fun of me right now-"

I could hear the disagreements immediately rise in volume in the background, to which Cayla sighed in annoyance. "Hey, they're just jealous," I kept chuckling.

"I don't need you encouraging them," Cayla groaned while her co-workers laughed.

"It could be worse."


"I don't know. I was trying to make you feel better."

"A for effort, Alex."

"Yeah, I know. So... are you going to come visit me in LA?"

"Don't go getting excited, Alex. I just got the promotion-"

"But the vacation benefits happen immediately, right?"

"Well yes, but I need the request approved and if too many people ask for that same time off, I won't be able-"

"I'm not trying to pressure you, Cays," I barely sighed when I noticed the slight snapping in her tone.

"Alex, I know. I'm happy for this promotion, too. I've been waiting for it since last year. I just want to be careful when asking for time off so it will for sure be approved."

"Then go... ask now!" I pouted.

"Alex, I swear you're going to be the death of me."

"I want to see you."

"I know. And I want to see you."

"Then you should be putting in that request as we speak."

"You're spoiled. You know that, right?"

"Only if that means you're putting in that request."

"For a week. Then, when you come to visit, I'll use the other week."

"When are you coming? Everyone's going to be thrilled. Howie already knows and-"

"You didn't even know if I was getting the promotion!"

"Yes I did."


"Because I'm that damn good."


"Why does it matter if Howie knows?"

"I didn't want anyone to know until knew for sure," I heard her sigh.

"I'm sorry, Baby, I didn't think about it when I told him. Does it help if I only told him maybe ten minutes ago?"

"What am I going to do with you?"

"Love me?"

"Of course-"

"And not murder me for blabbing your secret-"

"Now you're pushing it."

"Have you put in your request yet?"

"I just placed it on my supervisor's desk."


"Alex, do you want an answer to that?"

"...No. When will you find out it's approved?"

"Maybe as soon as tomorrow. But, there's a stipulation. I will let you know when she gets back to me. I don't want texts every three hours asking if it's been approved yet. Alright?"

"Well, shit. Suppose I will have to erase the texts I had waiting to send..."


"I was joking, Cays!"

"You are going to be the death of me."

"I love you," I merely crooned with a grin. "I'll start singing for you if you don't believe me."

"Alex! If anyone heard you on my phone-"

"Don't worry. I save the singing for when you're wrapped in my arms."

Silence began to accumulate on the other line and I waited for several moments for Cayla to speak, but all I could hear was her soft breathing. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"You're making me miss you even more," she sniffled lightly and I sighed.

"It won't be long until we see each other again. I know it's hard. It certainly hasn't been an easy month, has it?"

"Not particularly..."

"Same on my end. But we're getting through it. Right?"


"Soon you'll be packed and heading out to LA to see me. Then I'll come see you in Minnesota until it's time to record the next album."

"And you're sure the others will be okay with that? Management?"

"As long as we don't have any prescheduled business obligations to attend, then they have no say."

"I just don't want to cause any drama."

"If any kind of drama, it will be from either Jennifer or Nick. Not you. Okay?"

"Those two are just plain trouble," Cayla laughed and I had to smile.

"To think I used to galavant with them wherever we were until I met you."

"Be nice."

"I am being nice."

"Just behave yourself until I am able to get out there."

"And just how long am I going to have to wait?"

"I put in the request for Friday to next Friday. Then I can stay the whole weekend and leave Sunday with time to go back to work on Monday."

"That's too long."

"Alex, it's Monday!"

"It's too long!" I pouted.

"How old are you?"

"Twenty-nine going on nine!"

"More like five."

"But Cays-"

"Alex, you're just going to have to wait until Friday. I need that long to find a good deal on plane tickets not to mention other things."

"I will buy you the plane ticket. Seriously, give me half an hour-"

"Even if you do that, you would still need to wait until Friday for me to get there."

"I could get you a red-eye flight for Thursday-"

"Are you seriously going to buy me a plane ticket?"

"Are you seriously going to let me buy you a plane ticket?" I countered, not expecting any consideration for my offer.

"I am capable of buying my own-" she started to counter.

"That's not answering my question, Cayla."

"...You're able to get a red-eye at a reasonable price so I can pay you back?"

"You're not going to pay me back."


"No, you won't because I won't let you. Just leave the flight details to me, okay?"

"Do you have any idea how hard this is for me?"

"I may not personally know, but I know it's hard for you. And this is the first step you have to take. It's alright to depend on someone else, Babe."

"But I don't need to depend on anyone else. I do just fine on my own. That's just the thing that you don't seem to get."

"Cayla," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "It's normal to be independent. To an extent. When you're in a relationship... it's okay to get support, assistance, whatever. I'm doing this because I love you, I miss you, and I want to see you."

"Then be a bit more understanding that it's hard for me to accept that kind of help."

"I will try harder, if you try harder to accept my help."


"Hey, come on," I forced a laugh, though a smile was still on my face. "You're coming to see me!"

"I know."

"Don't sound so thrilled all of a sudden."

"You know I'm happy to be seeing you. It's just been a long day... a long weekend... Hell, it's been a long month."

"God, tell me about it."

"But we do what we have to do to get by. And when it gets rough, that's when the auto pilot kicks in. I think I've been in auto pilot mode for the past month."

"Me too," I admitted, and it was true. My performances were alright, but nowhere near the energy I usually have. You go through the motions, smile when told, sing when told, sign whatever is thrust into your hands, take pictures... after awhile, you stop and wonder what the Hell you did the past week.

"I would think you were used to that by now," I realized Cayla was laughing and it was also that exact moment that I realized I had spoken my thoughts outloud.

"I really need to work on the whole not thinking outloud," I snorted, glaring though she couldn't see me doing so. Glad she found me that humorous.

"It's adorable, because you don't realize you are doing it."

"Yeah, well I'm glad you find it adorable because I always feel like an ass when I get caught doing so."

"I'm sure you're not the only one who does that," Cayla snorted.

"You know, if you were here right now... you'd be getting it."

"Oh really?"


"Bring it-"

"Cayla! Break's over," a voice interrupted and I frowned.

"Duty calls, huh?" I sighed.

"Unfortunately... I'm sorry, Baby."

"It's okay, you have to work. I need to find you a flight for Thursday night anyway."

"Are you sure-"

"Cayla! No more arguing! Now get to work!"

"Oh, now you want to get rid of me," she huffed.

"You know I don't. But I also know you don't want to be late from break. Am I right?"


"Cayla. Go. I'll call you once you're done for the night and let you know the details of your flight."

"I suppose."

"I love you, Cays."

"I love you too, Alex."

"Try and have a good night. I'll talk to you in a couple of hours."


The call ended abruptly and I was left guessing that one her coworkers had hung up for her, at least that was the assumption towards the echoing of sudden laughter in the background before it was terminated. Grunting as I slipped my phone back into my pocket, I turned to go find where the others had disappeared to when I found myself running smack into the middle of a solid form.


"Why you calling my mom a bitch for? It's not like I don't already know that she is-"


"What? I didn't do anything, you ran into me!"

"You're always in the wrong place at the wrong time," I muttered, rubbing my shoulder that had whacked against Nick's chest. When the Hell did he get so tall, anyway?

"Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass long enough to watch where you were going-"

"You can be such a jerk," I shook my head, giving him a wide berth as I went to find Howie and Brian.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"Like you really want to know."

"Well, since you put it that way, then no-"

"Just shut up," I growled as I walked into the living room of the penthouse we were staying in for the next two nights. There I found Brian and Howie, lounging on the couches in their pajamas watching a movie.

"Hey, J. What's up?" Brian replied.

"Trying to get away from this parasite," I motioned back over my shoulder towards Nick.

"You ran into me, asshole!"

"Nick, don't you have some WOW to play?" Howie groaned at the sound of Nick's whiny tone. Even after all these years, he still managed to whine like a five year old-

"I do not whine!"

Whoops. Guess I thought that outloud.

"Nice one, J," Brian was sure to snicker.

"Kiss my ass," Nick sulked.

"I don't have time to waste talking to that," I sat at the small table behind the couch and turned on my laptop.

"You had me thinking differently when you ran into me," Nick continued to sulk and he even went so far as to offer a tiny pout.

"Okay, Nick, that was gay."

"It was not!" he exclaimed as Brian busted out laughing and I couldn't help but smirk. I pulled up a website I used often when it came to purchasing plane tickets while Nick continued to whine and protest about his sexuality.

"Y'know what fuckers? I kissed a girl and I liked it!" Nick suddenly burst.

"Yeah, thanks for the assurance, Katy Perry," I rolled my eyes, clicking on appropriate dates and times.

"You're so hot and cold, AJ-"

"You're going to be dead and gone if you don't shut up."

"Cry me a river, Senorita-"

"Let the bodies hit the floor," I snapped, standing up and nearly knocking over the chair.

"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to cry if I want to!" Brian interrupted up as he jumped to his feet. Stomping several times what looked like a freakish tap dance attempt, he twirled once and sat back down as if he hadn't moved in the first place.

"What...the...?" Nick and I drawled in unison.

"I take it back, Nick. What you did wasn't gay," I finally broke the confused silence. "What BRIAN did was gay."

"I'm not gay," Brian mumured. "Momma says I'm special."

"Your momma also calls you a duck-"

"I'm her baby duck, and it's a term of endearment, ass-"

"J, weren't you going to buy plane tickets for someone?" Howie interrupted.

"Why the Hell would you be buying plane tickets?" Nick snorted.

"It's for Cayla, you moron," I replied, going back to work on my laptop.

"She's coming back to me-"

"Yes, she's coming back to you. When the last time we talked about you... she said she couldn't understand why your perverse nature was so attractive to women and that all you do is think with the head between your legs, as tiny as it might be."

"You fucking liar-"

"You're right, I added the tiny part."

"Wait, J, how would you know whether Nick was tiny or not?" Howie questioned.

"Do you really want to know? Because I'll tell the tale of the time I walked in on Nick and that trashy Paris Hilton trying to have a threesome with a midget-"

"It wasn't a midget you jackass, it was vertically challenged-"

"You mean it's TRUE?"

"...Damnit, J!"

"Mission accomplished," I chuckled as Nick was overwhelmed with questions by Brian and Howie.

"I am pleading the damn fifth!"

"You should have done that a long time ago," Brian replied as Howie continued to interrogate Nick while he slid into the chair next to me. "So, she got that promotion, huh?"

"She sure did," I found myself grinning.

"That's great," Brian enthused, clapping me on the back. "How long is she staying here?"

"She asked off this Friday to next Friday. They aren't working weekends at the moment, so she'll stay until Sunday and go back to work Monday. Then I'm going out to Minnesota a couple of days later to spend some time with her until management decides... whatever."

"You've got this all planned out huh?"

"Yeah. I just want to show her that a long distance relationship can work. You and Leighanne got through it. Kevin and Kristin. Howie and Leigh. I know we can make it, but sometimes she doubts herself."

"Don't let her doubt herself then," Brian encouraged. "Show her there's no reason to."

"I'm doing everything I can," I answered, clicking a few more times and smiled when I received a confirmation email. I forwarded all the information to Cayla's email address. "I know being with each other for longer than a week helps her a lot."

"So you give her the time of her life while she is out here and she won't be able to find a reason to doubt."

"That's what I plan on doing. She really needs this vacation, Bri. That whole week I was there, she still had to work and every night she came back so downtrodden. I hate that she has to work there."

"She's worked there because it pays the bills, no matter how hard it is on her. This country is going through some rough times."

"I understand that. Doesn't mean I have to like it though."

"Of course you don't. And it doesn't mean she has to like what you do for a living. But, we all have to do what we have to do."

"You sound like a Hallmark card or something. Maybe even a fortune cookie."

"A fortune cookie would probably be capable of giving you better advice than I seem to be giving right now," Brian scowled.

"Nah, man. I know what you mean," I chuckled, standing up and leaning backwards. A soft series of cracks went up my back and I grinned when Brian made another face, this one of disgust. He hated it when I cracked my back.

"So, is there something you're not telling?" Brian hesitated, cocking a brow in my direction. "Because you have that look on your face and-"

"Well, I did just let one rip since I had those chili dogs..."

"You're disgusting..."

"And yet you still love me," I continued to grin, closing up my laptop and heading towards my room to kill some time before Cayla was done with work.
Chapter 10 by Starry Eyes
It's funny. Merely twelve hours ago I was getting off work and after a series of blurred events I was packed into a plane, on my way to sunny California. At least, I hoped it was sunny. I could do with some sun. My thoughts are random and somewhat pointless. I'm going on minimal sleep and the thought of being with Alex for a full week, away from home, excites me. If only this stomach flu stayed away while I'm here. I hate puking and when it dredges me out of a deep sleep it annoys me even more. Mornings aren't my thing.

But in all reality, whatever illness had been bringing me down lately really was the least of my problems or my worries. It had taken long enough for me to even become remotely okay, though not even close to comfortable, with the idea of traveling out to California. Well, more specifically flying. In all actuality I was dreading it more than I could have explained, but all I could picture was Alex and that handsome smirk of his and somehow I pressed myself forward, because I had to see him. The ache of loneliness was too much to bear at times and it seemed like it had been ages since the last time he held me in his arms.

Now all he had to do was be on time and things would be perfect. I checked my watch again and groaned when I saw the hands had merely moved five minutes. Alex had assured me he would be there twenty minutes after I called and I still had another five to ten minutes. So desperate for a distraction, I found myself wishing Addie had been able to come along, though I knew she would be working overtime for the next couple of months in order to make up for her month trip to Ireland. I resisted the urge to look at the time and tried to keep my mind on the gorgeous weather that was greeting the crowded, bustling, slightly polluted city of Los Angeles. The sun was indeed shining as I walked outside and felt the warm breeze brush against my exposed skin.

I had made the right decision embarking on this trip. At least that was what I desperately tried to convince myself as I slowly lowered onto one of those benches that are randomly placed along the sidewalk of the drop off / pick up zone. Was I having doubts? Not particularly. Well, not doubts of seeing Alex again. Just the thought of inhaling the scent of his favorite cologne as he pulled me into his arms was enough to send my heart into a palpitating frenzy.

The month that passed by when we were apart was anything but easy. With Addie around, she made it bearable and though I hate to admit it, some of the things she observed about my relationship with Alex was right. He loved me. Truly loved me. As I loved him. It terrifies me. It thrills me. When I think about it, I can't help but smile. Our relationship is going to have plenty of bumps but from all the times Alex has reassured me... we will triumph at the end of the day and he will continue to make me happy. Now if only he would get here!

And if only this damn stomach bug or whatever the Hell it was would decide to go on vacation too, at least for the time I was on my own vacation. I certainly didn't want to be handing Alex my stomach in a barf bag I'd hijacked from the plane during our first moments of being reunited. But not even uneasy sleep on the plane had dulled the physical discomfort.

"So, what's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this all by yourself?" At first I thought I was imagining things, but when a shiver raced down my spine at the sound of his raspy voice, I knew it was real. With a squeal, I jumped up from the bench and turned to see Alex standing right behind it. A hat and sunglasses along with plain clothing adorned him; none of that mattered. My stomach clenched, but with a hard swallow the feeling went away and I smiled.


"Hey, Cays."

God, I nearly melted at the knees when he greeted me in return, holding his hands out to immediately pull me to him.

"I've missed you so much," I confessed, wrapping my arms around his waist as I felt him bring me close into his embrace. Inhaling deeply, the familiar, spicy-sweet scent of his cologne filled my senses and I smiled again, looking up into his eyes that had to be hidden by those damned sunglasses.

"As I did you, my dear," Alex smirked down at me, his teeth nearly glittering in the sunlight. "And it's about time you get here, y'know? I was about to go nuts waiting-"

"You were already nuts, but I think she gets the point." Jumping at the interruption I turned and squealed yet again, ignoring the look on Alex's face.


"Welcome to LA," Howie nearly chuckled as I left Alex's arms and crashed into his, pressing a kiss to the side of my face.

"What the Hell are you doing here?" I demanded with a joyful laugh, refusing to let go of my friend as he spun us around in a circle several times over. "Of course you would surprise me and Alex wouldn't mention a damn thing about it! I've missed you too!"

"I was hoping enough, little sis," Howie merely grinned as I kissed his cheeks. "You don't know what I had to do in order to keep your boyfriend's mouth shut for these past couple of days. He spills secrets easier than Perez Hilton."

"Where do you think Perez learned?" I snorted, barely glancing back over my should to find Alex's dark eyes tightening into a smouldering glare.

"Maybe I'll just leave you two here-"

"You're being dramatic. Not to mention we took MY car."

"Which would mean that we would be leaving YOU here-"

"Who the Hell did you come to visit, Cays?"

"Oh, stop it," I groaned, giving Howie a tight squeeze before letting go. I walked over to Alex and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You can be such a brat sometimes, y'know that?"

"But I brought you out here to see me-" he started to pout.

"Don't even start, Alexander. You know I came out here to see you. I know I came out here to see you. Howie knows I came out here to see you. I can't help but get excited when I see him, or any of the other guys. They've become my friends, and I plan on keeping it that way. You'll just have to learn how to share."

"I don't like sharing-"

"We know," Howie interrupted him with a short laugh. "Your mom told us how much of a pain you were when you were a child."

"My mom talks too much-"

"So that's where you got it from," I snickered.

"Hey, not helping!"

"I know-"

"Play nice, Cayla. He's been moody ever since he came back from seeing you," Howie chided playfully. "You're going to have to loosen him up a little bit."

"Oh, that won't be a problem," I smirked, pressing a kiss to the side of Alex's neck. "This time Marcus won't be in the living room blasting his iPod."

"Be sure to lock your door-"

"Hey! Hey, you're AJ McLean and Howie Dorough, aren't you?"

"Oh shit," Alex murmured under his breath. Tensing at the strange voices, I pulled away from him and grabbed my bags.

"What do you suggest we do?" I barely murmured to him before I felt Howie squeezing me between the two of them.

"Don't say anything if you're not comfortable," Alex replied as a cameraman came swooping in, nearly right in our faces. My heart rate accelerated and my throat went dry. I quickly pulled on my own sunglasses, thankful I had decided to wear my contacts that day.

"And stick close to us. You'll be fine," Howie whispered into my ear, his smile calming and comforting, though I felt anything but from it.

"Howie! AJ! What's going on? Just finished the tour, right?"

"Yeah, we're finally getting some time off before going back into the studio," Alex replied, pulling out his cellphone in what appeared to be an attempt to look busy.

"That's great, man, I bet fans will be excited to hear that."

"Anything for them," Alex flashed a smile. It was genuine, but I knew he was trying to keep the attention off me. "Howie and I got a busy day, so you'll have to excuse-"

"And who is the lady friend? Rumors got it that you have a tag along!" another question fired, but it was impossible to discern exactly who it had come from and it certainly didn't make me feel any better when Alex tensed rather noticeably beside me.

"She's a close friend of ours that we've known for quite some time," Howie spoke up, placing a hand against my back as we walked towards the parking garage. "It's been a long day, so we'll see you-"

"And how's the relationship working out for you and her, AJ? The two of you were spotted together during your recent vacation in-"

"Alright, we're done here," Howie interrupted as my stomach dropped down to my feet. If they knew about us... who else did? God, the last thing Alex needs is a groupie girlfriend rumor.

"Fans are buzzing about it! How long has it been going on? And is it serious? Is the resident bad boy off the market for good this time?"

"Oh Jesus Christ, I need to get out of here," I whimpered, feeling any food rising dangerously in my throat. My hands and feet were cold; my face was on fire. I could feel fine drops of sweat gather at my hairline.

"Ah, wouldn't you like to know?" Alex merely shrugged before he completely handed me off to Howie and assured we had ducked safely into the parking garage.

"It's alright, Cayla. They're gone now," Howie reassured me as we strode towards his car. I knew he could feel me shaking in his arms.

"He's going to be livid," I murmured in return.

"Not at you. He'll find out who leaked about you two, but he'll be more worried about you," Howie opened the passenger door to the backseat and slid me inside. He got into the driver's side, prepared to leave the minute Alex returned. "Dealing with the media won't be easy, Cayla. Just remember this; they thrive on heated reactions and rumors."

"I just don't understand how it- I mean, we never-" I started to stutter horribly and I wasn't even sure what I was trying to say.

"Honey, this was bound to happen sooner or later. No matter how careful you are, someone is always there. They can take anything; even something as a simple friendship, and turn it into a reading frenzy for the fans."

"A simple friendship..."

"Cayla, I'm not saying that's what-"

"It is."

"Cayla, no! I was merely making an example," Howie turned in his seat and looked at me with those damn eyes of his. Just like Alex's...


"No. Don't even start this, please. I know it's scary. Leigh struggled with the media as well. But all that you need to know is that Alex loves you, and he will do anything to be with you and make you happy."

"Until it makes his life more difficult than is necessary-"

The opposite back passenger door opened at that moment, interrupting my statement and Alex easily slid inside, oblivious to the tense air between Howie and I. "Let's get the Hell out here," he told Howie before placing a quick peck against my cheek. I shivered involuntarily when he sunk back into his seat, resting his head against the head rest. Something didn't seem right. That kiss had definitely been different, considering he bypassed my lips and merely barely grazed the skin of my cheek.

"Management isn't going to get a call from TMZ about a broken camera, are they?"

"I signed that agreement thing the last time it happened. I'm legally bound not to," Alex replied dryly, taking off his hat to show off the locks I normally loved running my fingers through. Biting hard on my bottom lip, I turned towards the tinted window, thankful for the sunglasses once again. My eyes welled up with tears and I hardly cared if they fell or not. Something wasn't right, and it was my fault.

"I'm just saying..." Howie trailed with a slight laugh as he carefully manuevered the vehicle out of the parking spot and got us on our way.

"They'll have plenty to make up whenever the Hell we're on that damn show," Alex replied, his tone causing the nausea to increase tenfold and it took all I had not to get sick right in Howie's favorite purple Corvette. It's bad enough that I've caused such a stir in the media. I didn't need to be ruining what was obviously very expensive interior with my stomach acid.

"Always the same old thing. A little originality would be nice for a change."

"Unfortunately, they're like soap operas. The only thing that changes are the faces of those damn leeches."

"True enough, but they're gone and we're here with one of our favorite girls," From the corner of my eye, I could see Howie glancing in the rearview mirror towards me with an encouraging smile.

"Doesn't change the fact that they already managed to put a damper on-"

"Good God, Alex! I'm sorry that I've become such a hassle for only being here five minutes!" I suddenly snapped. Howie and Alex both jumped at my outburst, but I didn't care. "I told you that all this would just end up being a headache for you. Rumors are flying already; I bet there are hate sites about me, begging you to break it off with me-"


"Not to mention when you find out whoever leaked about us. What if it's a good friend? Or maybe even someone in the band? I don't want to be the cause of any drama, Alex! You all work so damn hard and the last thing you need is me creating problems and putting a damper on your time off."

"You're speaking nonsense, Cays-"

"I refuse to be anyone's downfall."

"What the Hell are you talking about? It's just the media being the media. God forbid I'm a little pissed off that it ruined a great start to YOUR vacation."

"That can't possibly be all you are pissed off about-"

"Even if there's more, why do you have to assume it has to do with you?"

"Why wouldn't it be about me?"

"Jesus, Cayla, please don't put me on the spot like this-"

"If this is how my vacation is going to be, I want to go home," I sniffled softly, keeping my gaze out the window as more tears coursed down my cheeks.


"Obviously this was a bad idea. I'm ruining everything."

"How could you say that Cayla..." I heard Alex whisper and I knew it was more a statement than an actual question, so I made no effort to answer him.

"I'm sorry for being an inconvenience," I spoke to both Howie and Alex, bringing my knees up to my chest. Sunny Los Angeles went by, but I could barely pay attention to detail as the tears continued to fall. I was almost shocked at what I had said, not to mention being so damn emotional. I hadn't cried this much since my parents died.

"Hey Cayla, would you like to stop for something to eat? I'm sure you're starving?" Howie suggested a while later. I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but I still didn't answer and exerted extra effort to curl myself into the corner against the passenger door. Perhaps I was being a bit childish, but after what had happened, I couldn't help but allow my judgment to be clouded. Not to mention the air inside the vehicle was stiffling and was kicking the nausea up several notches. He pressed again. "Cayla? C'mon, Sweetheart. You worked until you had less than eight hours to get to your flight, then you were on a plane for three hours where all you get is soda and a bag of mini pretzels... jet-lag can kill your stomach. What are you hungry for?"

"I'm honestly not hungry for anything right now," I murmured, suddenly realizing that the nausea was no longer just a nagging nuisance in the pit of my stomach. I grimaced, cupping a hand over my abdomen. "Howie, pull over!"

"Hold on!" Quickly making sure no vehicles were in our way, Howie pulled to the side of the road. Before the motion stopped completely, I had the door open and was leaning out to rid of anything I had consumed within the past twelve hours. A groan of pain escaped my lips inbetween the heaves and yet again I felt tears on my face. I hated getting sick. Mom was always there to rub my back-

"Baby..." Alex's soft murmuring pierced my thoughts when I felt his gentle hands tenderly running along my back before he reached to hold my hair out of my face. He scooted closer to me until he was pressed lightly against my back and he placed several feathery kisses against the skin of my neck, somehow assuring me that everything would be fine.

"I hate throwing up," I whimpered, closing my eyes as the muscles in my stomach calmed down and stopped clenching. This was probably why I had gotten so upset earlier. Whenever I'm not feeling well, my emotions get all out of whack and I end up saying things I don't mean.

"I'm sorry you're not feeling well, Cays. We'll get you taken care of. I'll take care of you," he promised me quietly, still unmoving from his position until he was certain I wouldn't spill my stomach contents anymore. God, how embarrassing...

"I'm sorry," I whispered as he helped me back into the car, closing the door for me. Howie carefully pulled back into traffic and made route to what I assumed was Alex's house.

"There's nothing to be sorry about-"

"Yes there is. I feel so damn slow getting used to our relationship... and then the media... you seemed so distant when you got in the car... I was feeling sick about halfway here but thought it was just nerves. I get emotional when I feel sick..."

"Don't worry about it. Shit happens and I for one am not gonna let it ruin this time for you," Alex insisted, brushing a stray strand of hair out of my eyes. I knew his words were meant to make me feel better, but in all actuality, they made me feel a Hell of a lot worse. He shouldn't have to fight like this for me. My inner conflicts caused a cramp to sweep through my stomach and I bit hard on my bottom lip. Even if his words made me feel worse, I still needed him. I needed his comfort. "What do you need, Baby?"

"I just need you to hold me," I whispered.

"And you'll let me?"

"Yes. Please, Alex," I forced myself to look into his eyes for the first time since we left the airport. Damnit, even now, with all that we have going on, those eyes of his still know how to take my breath away.

"Because you can't help loving me," he grinned.

"You can be so full of yourself," I groaned, leaning towards him as he gently wrapped his arms around me. Oh, that felt good... I missed being in his embrace.

"But you didn't deny it!"

"Didn't say I wanted to."

"I know," he relented, pressing several kisses against the side of my face. "I love you, too."

Howie cleared his throat. "Still present."

"Sorry, Howie."

"Nothing to apologize for, whatever it is you're trying to... apologize... for..."

"Confused yourself much?"


"Which is why it is an openly known fact that he is the worst liar," Alex chuckled.

"I'm going to have to agree with you," I smiled, resting my head against his chest while I observed Howie. "I mean... you did think Kevin's cat was named Mitzy."

"An honest mistake," Howie gruffed, his cheeks instantly turning crimson.

"Then you accused those poor girls of CHEATING," I clicked my tongue in disappointment.

"They were right by the damn cards-"

"And he screwed up the last question about Nick's tattoos," Alex added.

"Since when did this turn into a session of 'Bash Howie'?" he glared at both of us.

"Because I'm your little sister who doesn't feel well?"

"Because my girfriend is your little sister and she doesn't feel well?"

"You guys are...weird-"

"Would you rather have us be weird or be macking it out in your backseat?" I quipped, feeling slighty better as I smiled innocently.

"I wouldn't be surprised-"

"That can be arranged," I promised.

"You just said you weren't feeling well-"

"I'm feeling better now."

"Give him a break, Cays," Alex chided lightly.

"Oh, fine," I sighed with disappointment, resting my chin on his shoulder and my lips dangerously close to his neck.

"Besides, you should be focusing on me, not him. He's a married man. I'm not."

"Yes, mister morals," I teased, allowing my fingers to rake through his mussed locks.

"So...how about that offer of food?" Howie interrupted again.

"I think I'm up for that. But something light; not greasy," I replied, my stomach actually making some gurgling noises. When the Hell did my body get so unpredictable?

"Whatever you're up for, I'm sure we'll agree," Alex encouraged.

"Is there a place that serves salads and sandwiches and stuff that you both know of and like?"

"Actually... I do," Howie replied. He turned onto the next street, then turned on another and soon we had pulled up to a quaint little restaurant right by a boardwalk and the ocean.

"Are we actually going to eat here, or take carry out?" I questioned nervously, barely watching Alex as he hurried from the vehicle and came around to my side.

"We can eat here, Cayla. Unlike other celebrities... we stay away from restaurants that are popular, not to mention ridiculously expensive," Howie replied as he climbed out of the driver's side. Alex opened my door, offering his hand. I grasped it and he helped me out of the vehicle. A gentle sea breeze brushed against my face and I had to smile.

"I have a feeling you are going to fall in love with the area," Alex insisted, brushing the soft pads of his finger tips along my cheek. "Might even make you want to move out here."

"We'll see," I answered, relishing in the feel of his fingers against my skin. Alex usually has pretty good intuition and he's right; I could fall in love with the area. The thought of leaving the home I grew up in, and Addie, was something I wasn't able to think about yet. "It is nice to be so close to the ocean."

"Yep, you're going to fall in love with the area," Alex nodded and we turned to follow Howie inside the air-conditioned building.

"Air conditioning is always a plus," I chuckled as Alex threaded his fingers through mine and gave them a squeeze. The restaurant was perfect. The menu was plentiful, but looked quite simple as the three of us decided what to eat.

"Lunch is on me. Tell me what you want and then you and Howie can go grab us a table."


"Before you even begin. Yes, I will be spoiling you on your vacation and yes, you can have one day where a meal is on you."


"If you don't tell me what you want, I'll order you a tuna fish sprout sandwich with beer cheese soup."

"Ew," I winked my nose.

"Then I suggest you tell me what you want."

"A salad. Ranch dressing-"

"With croutons, sunflower seeds and bacon bits? Maybe some grilled chicken on top?"

"How did you-"

"You ordered it one night when I was in Minnesota."

"And you remembered that?"

"I remember more than you think."

"Apparently..." I mused, glancing at the menu. Maybe I could stump him. "Can I also get a smoothie? Straw-"

"Strawberry, pomegranite, acai and banana?"


"I told you, I remember more than you think," he chuckled, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "Now go find a seat with Howie."

"I think you cheat," I muttered in defeat, allowing Howie to take my hand and lead us to a table in the corner of the restaurant.

"The sooner you allow him to have his way with you, the sooner you will start to enjoy your time here," Howie mentioned as he pulled out a chair for me to sit on. Though his cheeks instantly lit with a fiery warmth and he stumbled back a step. "Wait, I didn't mean it like that-"

"He already does that, but thanks for the advice, Elfin," I merely laughed, patting his arm as he went to sit down across from me. "I'm glad you found someone who can put up with your moments and not relentlessly tease you about it like Alex and I do."

"Leigh teases me plenty," he sighed, his lips curling into a smirk of light-hearted humor.

"Yeah, but it's different."

"How so?"

"She's your wife," I shrugged, pushing my sunglasses back to rest on the top of my head. "When you get flustered with her teasing, all you gotta do is bring her in your arms and lavish her with kisses. Can't really do that with us."

"Would be a bit awkward I suppose."

"Just slightly," I chuckled, reaching over to brush back a curl that had landed against his forehead. A lot of women found it adorable, but with my OCD it drove me crazy. If he styles it that way, I'm alright with it, but otherwise it has to be fixed. I'm odd, yes, I know this.

"Watch yourself, Babe! D's rather particular about people touching his hair," Alex interrupted our simple banter.

"True. But I'm allowed."


"Because unlike you and Nickolas," I replied as Alex set the tray down on the table and slid into the chair next to me. "I touch Howie's hair to fix it. Not ruin it."

"But that man barely tolerates having the stylist or his own wife fix his hair-"

"I'm not that bad!" Howie spoke up, passing out our designated meals.

"You were in literal pain when we had to be doused with rain for the wet version of Drowning-"

"Oooh, I loved that one. How come y'all didn't release that one instead?" I interrupted, spearing some lettuce with my fork.

"That's not the point," Howie glared, ignoring me.

"You even hate it when your mother tries to fix your hair!"

"I do it a certain way and I just don't like people touching it-"

"Then how is Cayla different?"

"...I don't know, she just is!"

"Wow, I feel special," I muttered under a mouthful of salad.

"Stop making subtle passes at my girlfriend, Howie. I'm sure Leigh wouldn't appreciate it-"

"I am not trying to make passes on your girlfriend!" Howie nearly shouted, causing myself and other patrons to jump in surprise.

"Alex, for the love of God. You may not be able to come to this restaurant again if you give Howie a damn anuerysm."

"I was joking!" Alex fumed.

"Sometimes I think it's a little too much," I placed a hand on his knee, giving Howie an apologetic glance. "Can we please enjoy my first lunch in LA without a trip to the hospital?"

"Howie can kiss my ass, but sure we can Sweetheart-"

"Alex. Please."


"Be nice."


"For me?" I offered a small pout, my hand deviously running dangerously close towards his inner thigh.

"Well, shit-"

"Love you too," I chirped, pressing a kiss to his cheek and going back to my salad. Taking a long sip of my smoothie, I sighed as my stomach finally settled. I just hope the sickness would pass quickly so I could be spared the embarassment of vomiting in front of Alex.

"Don't get him too riled up, Cayla," Howie snorted towards the pleased smirk gracing Alex's face. "He's proven he has a hard time holding himself back in public."

"Oh, I've experienced that firsthand-"

"Yeah, there was this one time in the-" Alex started.

"If you make me lose my appetite, you're both walking home," Howie warned. He actually seemed serious... I glanced to Alex and shook my head.

"We have a whole week to tease Howie. Maybe we should give him a break today."

"I gave him a break the entire way to the airport," Alex whined childishly.

"And I'm proud of you," I chuckled, running my fingertips through the small hairs at the nape of his neck. "But let's make it last all day."

"No promises."

"It really is like dealing with a child," I rolled my eyes with a groan, going back to my food. "Thank God I don't have any actual children."

"You're right," Howie agreed. "Alex is enough of a child to deal with."

"At least there's no dirty diapers and feedings at three in the morning-"

"It's not so bad," Howie shrugged.

"We'll see if you're still saying the same shit once you and Leigh pop out a little shitter of your own," Alex insisted.

"He will," I replied confidently, sounding like a little sister looking up to her big brother.

"Guys were not meant to touch that shit-"

"Oh, please don't tell me you're stuck in the nineteenth century where women stay in the home to cook, clean and watch the kids while the men went out to hunt, fish and be sole provider for the family."

"That also lasted well into the twentieth century, y'know."

"Way to avoid my question."

"Technically it wasn't formed into one-"

"I bet you melted when you held Baylee for the first time after he was born."

"After I made it clear I would always be excused from diaper duty-"

"He did," Howie added with a smirk, finishing his sandwich and moving on to his yogurt parfait.

"Damn straight. Same goes for your shitter, D. I'm not doin it. So whenever you and Leigh decide to create a mini version of you, 'cause God forbid the world needs another Howie, I will not be held responsible for-"

"Alexander James!" I scolded, slapping his shoulder. Sometimes he just overdid the teasing, especially when it came to Howie.

"Ow! Baby, what the Hell?"

"Can't you shut your mouth for one damn minute? That was just downright rude!"

"Cayla, it's alright, I'm used to it-"

"No, it's not alright-"

"I was joking!"

"Like I said earlier, sometimes you joke too much."

"Really, it's okay. I give him a hard time as well."

"Don't make excuses for his inconsiderate behavior Howie-"

"Seriously, who are you and what have you done with Cays? You've turned into my mother!"

"Someone needs to keep you in check when she's not around!"

"Can't I just buy you some truffles to calm you down?"

"Buying me truffles won't fix-" I stopped at the sound of my favorite delight. Combine my love for chocolate and ADD... you have one random chocoholic. "Did you say truffles?"

"Wow..." Howie mumbled with a tight laughter.

"Shut up," I scowled, knowing I had lost yet another battle with Alexander James McLean. I know I say this all the time, but damn him.

"Take notes, D," Alex grinned. "Works everytime."
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9849