Solace by summer03

Two different people with different ambitions that's what Valerie and AJ were. They had never been the best of friends in the early days. What happens when they see each other again? Valerie pursuing her medical degree while AJ continues his profession as a world known singer. Will they find solace in each other or will there lives not allow them too? *****Being Re-written*****
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Group
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Completed: No Word count: 54852 Read: 37854 Published: 03/09/10 Updated: 11/16/10
Chapter 24 by summer03
“Your AJ’s new girlfriend aren’t you?”

Valerie only smiled nervously as she pushed the shopping cart to exit that lane. That had been a big mistake as she realized the two girls were still following her. She was getting impatient as she heard them mumbling about how she was big.

“I don’t see what he sees in her…”

Valerie took a deep breath and decided it was better if she left. It was apparent she would not get anymore shopping done. It was now evident that his fans had found out about there relationship.

“He must be using her for something… I mean seriously look at her.”

That was it Valerie turned and glared at the girls. “You know what whatever you may think AJ’s reasons for dating me are that’s your opinion and you have the right to think them but it’s really rude to say them in front of me. I really care for him and I think that is all that should concern you! Now if you wish for him to change his mind talk to him and not try to intimidate me…. it won’t work.” With that Valerie left the shopping cart there and just walked out of the grocery store.

She was mad but not because of what they were saying, but because she felt it was true. So instead of taking a cab back to her apartment she decided to walk. Now she was determined to loose more weight.


“I’m sorry AJ I have to cancel the dinner at my apartment. I got a call from the hospital and I am needed. Please apologize to your mother I promise I will make it up to you both.” Valerie said as she heard AJ sigh into the phone.

“Babe…I understand and I am sure mom will too.” AJ said sadness evident in his voice.

Once he hung up his phone he walked out to the patio where his mother sat. “Mom… Val just called she had to cancel tonight’s plans. She was called into work all day.”

“Well its ok I can cook tonight. I missed doing that for you.” Denise smiled at her son and then finally she had to ask him. “Alex can I ask you something?”

“Yeah what’s up mom,” AJ said taking a seat next to her.

“I’m a little worried with your relationship with Valerie. Now before you take it the wrong way… I am not worried about her not liking you. It’s very obvious she is into you by the way she looks at you. But I am afraid about you? Do you really see yourself with someone like her? I mean I have witnessed every relationship you’ve been in and by far this is the most different.”

AJ looked as his mom puzzled, “Don’t tell you me you too… If your talking about her physical appearance or her past. Mom I am very aware of her appearance and she is not that big. I really like her she is sweet and we connected in another level. We are taking it slow.”

“Ok, I just know you Alex you like to please people and what will happen when your fans or management start to tell you she is not suitable for you?” Denise asked as she patted her son’s knee. “Have you thought about that?”

“I know what I want mom and if they don’t like it they can go to he-,” he stopped himself from saying what he was going to say. “I know we are not going to have an easy relationship but we will work it out when we get there.”

“I just don’t want you or her to get hurt.” Denise said sighing. “But your right you know what your doing and I just want to let you know I am here for anything ok? Now let’s go see what we have to work with for supper.”

“Don’t even bother… lets go grocery shopping.” AJ said giving her a smile.


“Are you ok Miss Mendez?”

“Yes I am so sorry doctor,” Valerie said blushing as she realized she got caught off guard.

“Something is bothering you dear?” Dr. Sanders said as they finished checking the baby.

“Well can I ask you something Dr. Sanders?” Valerie asked her as they walked into the hallway.

“Yes dear what is it?”

Valerie bit her lip and then she spoke, “I was considering Plastic surgery and I was wondering if you knew of a good doctor for that?”

Dr. Sanders stopped and turn to face her, “Plastic Surgery? What exactly?”

“Well I was thinking of lipo and tummy tuck? I want to see if I can get the lap band as well.”

“Valerie you’re too young to think of the Lap band and you can loose weight with the proper diet.” Dr. Sanders told her giving her a reassuring smile.

“I’ve tried diets Dr. they don’t work I end up gaining it again. I know I need plastic surgery.” Valerie said a little frustrated by Dr. Sanders answer to her simple question.

“I’ll tell you what? I have a friend Dr. Ramirez she is Plastic Surgeon she has her practice a few miles from here. I can schedule you an appointment with her and have her examine you? She will tell you if you really need it or not?”

“I would appreciate that Dr. Sanders?” Valerie said with a sigh of relief. She was determined to convince Dr. Ramirez that she needed Plastic Surgery.


It was eleven at night and her shift would be over. Valerie felt a little relieved though cause at she knew she would go see someone soon that would help her. Even if she did not want to admit it what those girls at the grocery store kept saying about her.

She began to wonder if maybe they were right. Maybe Alex wasn’t for her? She finally punched out and began to walk out of the Cedars when she felt the presence of someone walking beside her.

“What the fuck are you doing here Raul?” She asked as she saw who it was.

“Ok listen to me Valerie; I understand you no longer want to do anything with me. But please give me a chance to show you I am sorry and that I want to be your friend. I won’t try to force myself on you just let me try and be your friend. We been through so much together and now that I am living here I would love to have a friend I know from home.” Raul gave her his best smile.

“Raul… give me space. I can’t or don’t want anything to do with you at this moment. Just go and give me space.” Valerie said with frustration.

“Fine I’ll go but I am here for you. I just want you to allow me your friendship.” Raul told her as he handed her a piece of paper with his phone number. “I am here for you.” he leaned in and kissed her cheek. He smiled at her and walked away hoping his new scheme would work.

Soon after watching Raul walk away she balled up the paper but somehow could not throw it away and shoved it in her purse.


“Valerie when my good friend called me about seeing you I agreed with one condition. You will follow whatever I suggest. I am foremost a nutritionist and to me the best way to loose weight is by eating properly.” Dr. Ramirez told Valerie as she weighed her.

“I hope you can help me, I have tried several diets and haven’t been successful.”

“Well just by looking at you Valerie I can assess that you don’t qualify for the lap band. You only weight two hundred and ten pounds. I was looking at the form you filled out for me and on it you wrote you weigh almost three hundred.” Dr. Ramirez stated as she wrote down Valerie’s actual weight.

“I did weigh that I guess my walking has helped and the stress from my new job.” Valerie said blushing a little realizing she had actually lost quite a few pounds.

“I want to run some tests, just some lab works that’s all and I will see you here in two weeks so we can discuss what we are going to do. I think that with the proper diet and exercise you can loose the rest of the extra weight. After that we can talk about some plastic surgery. Your really pretty Valerie and you’re a Latina like me we have curves we just have to keep them in shape.”

“Ok I’ll be here in two weeks then,” Valerie said smiling at the doctor.

“Oh and Valerie…” Dr. Ramirez said before Valerie left to get her labs done. “I do see some slight changes in your skin that tell me you’re not eating properly. That is not good you and I both know it. So what I do want you to do in these two weeks is to incorporate this list of foods in you everyday consumption. I wrote exactly how much of each you need; before we can start any treatment your body has to be able to handle the change. Unfortunately your body is already showing some signs of starvation and so I need you to start eating… not just salads. Not all women that have Anorexia Nervosa are super thin some started when they were really big.” She gave her the list and smiled. “Its scary I know Valerie but what you are doing is not the best way to get what you want to accomplish.”

“Thanks,” Valerie said smiling a little as she took the paper.


Valerie looked at her watch it was after five when she arrived at her apartment. She was tired and yet a little hopeful Dr. Ramirez seemed to understand her, “Fuck I need a cigarette.” She told herself as the elevator doors to her floor opened.

“I was just about to leave,” AJ said as he leaned on Valerie’s door his keys in hand.

“Hey,” Valerie said a smile spreading on her face. “I’m sorry I was really busy.”

“Yeah?” AJ said removing his sunglasses and looking at her sternly. “I went to look for you and the girl Stacy she told me you had asked for the day off.”

Valerie bit her lip and went past him to open the door she walked in and left it open for him to follow. “Yeah I did…”

“Yeah? I called your phone and it kept sending me to your voice mail as well. I was worried…” AJ said not trying to sound frustrated by the way Valerie was acting.

“I’m sorry baby but I had some personal things to take care of,” Valerie said as she went to hug him. “I know that your with you mom right now and I didn’t want to bother you.”

“Val you could call me,” AJ said staring at her.

“Yeah you’re right and I am sorry but I had to do this.” she told as she handed him the papers from Dr. Ramirez so he could read them.

AJ read and a smile spread on his lips, she was going to get help. “This is great Val,” he said kissing her.

“Well I realized that if I want you in my life I have to do this the right way.” She told him as she sat on her couch and smiled when he sat beside her. “I want you to like me and want me all the time. I don’t your fans to hate for dating a pig like me…”

“What? I don’t know if you have noticed but I’ve been pretty clear on my intentions with you. I love your body baby… my fans well there just going to have deal with it.” He said taking her hands in his.

“It’s not as easy as you think AJ. The other day I was at the grocery store and these two girls well they made me realize that well you have expectations to meet for them. They picture with some Miss Universe type of girl. I told them I really cared about you and that if they cared about you too they would be considerate of our private life. After that I walked out,” she told him.

“I am sorry you had to go through that Val, I don’t know where they get that. But they are all not like that you know. The other day I got this sweet message on my profile in our website from one fan that applauded me for dating you. She understands us and wishes us the best.”

“I just think your right AJ I need this not only for us but for me too. I know that I will feel better with myself if I did this.” she told him as she kissed him again. “Any who where is your mother?”

“Well that was why I was calling you. She had to leave sooner than expected because of some business thing she apologizes and says she expects us to go see her soon.”

“Awe I am so sorry I didn’t get to spend more time with her,” she said hugging him.

“No your not quit lying.” He giggled as he saw the look on her face catching her in her lie.

“Ok maybe not that sorry its just she is a very intimidating person.”
End Notes:
Yay a long chapter hope you like this one I did tweak a lot... hope you like :)
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