Beautiful Lie by Nessie
Past Featured StorySummary: Nick’s new girlfriend, Autumn, isn’t who she say she is to be. Autumn has two sides about her, the first side is what everyone sees the sweet, small town girl. But can you say that is nothing but a lie, because she isn’t as sweet innocent small town girl, but a big time city girl, that can lie her way through anything. And there is one person who can see straight through her, Jennifer. Jennifer is Nick’s best friend since they were babies, and she is even his ex-girlfriend too, but unlike his other girlfriends, she is the only one he truly trusts with everything, and that even means which girl is right for him. It was Jennifer who learned that Autumn was just using Nick for his money, she was really taking his money from him and giving it to another guy that she is seeing, all while she was telling Nick all kinds of lies.
It’s Jennifer, who has to show Nick that Autumn isn’t the sweet innocent person that everyone thinks she is and that she is playing Nick for a fool.
Nick also realizes that the only person who loves him for him and he still loves is Jennifer but he has to find some way to tell her, so she can help him heal his broken heart because of all the Beautiful Lies that Autumn has told him.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick, Other
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 13932 Read: 19783 Published: 01/02/14 Updated: 01/02/14
Chapter 3 by Nessie
Chapter 3

“ Hey baby what’s going on?” Nick asked as he came into the bedroom.
“ I just got a call from my mom and there is a family emergency that just came up out of town.” Autumn said as she grabbed her bag and put it onto the bed.
“ Oh ok well then I hope that everything is fine. Do you want something to eat, I going to make me something to eat.” Nick said as he just stood in the door way watching Autumn packing her bag.
“ Um… no thanks I can get something on my way to my parents.” Autumn said as she put a pair of jeans in the bag.
“ Well then I’ll let you finishing packing then.” He said as he turned away and headed down to the kitchen.
“ Man he is so stupid.” Autumn mumbled under her breath.
Autumn finished her packing and picked up her bag and headed out of the bedroom, and to the living room.
“ Well I’ll see you in a couple of weeks, Love you Nick.” Autumn said as she opened the front door.
“ Um… yeah see ya, love you too.” Nick said as he walked to the door and held it open.
Autumn just nodded and headed out to her car and putting her bag into the trunk before getting into the car, and drove off.
Two hours later Autumn was pulling up to the curb of the five star resort just as the valet came up to the car.
Getting out of the car she handed the guy the keys just as a bell hop came out with a luggage rack.
“ Good afternoon Miss can I help you with your bags.” The bell hop asked as the valet came over to the trunk with the keys.
“ Sure there are two bags in the trunk thanks.” Autumn said as she watch the valet open up the trunk and the bell hop grabbed the bags.
“ Ok Miss if you fallow me I will take you to the front desk.” The bell hop said as the valet gave her a stub for her car keys.
Both of the left the guy with the car and walked into the hotel’s lobby.
“ Oh man this place is beautiful.” Autumn said as she looked around the room and saw the different flowers and animals in the lobby.
“ Good afternoon and welcome to the Wild Kingdom Hotel and Resort, I’m Kalian and I will be your day concierge.” The lady behind the desk said as Autumn and the bell hop came up to her.
“ Hello I’m Autumn Miller and I have a reservation for the week.” Autumn said as she got out her conformation info, that one of her friends sent her.
“ Ok, oh yes Miss Miller here we are. You have one of the suites.” Kalian said as she checked Autumn in.
“ Oh goodie, I do hope to see a lot of animals while I’m here, Oh I have a couple of friends that should be here too, so I was wondering if they have checked in yet?” Autumn asked as Kalian handed her information back too her.
“ Ok what are their names and I will check for you.” Kalian asked as she finished making the room key for Autumn.
“ They are June and Cindy Millerson, Candy Trible and Karen Traviss.” Autumn said as she leaned a little on the desk.
“ Um… Traviss… Ok. Yes ma’am they are here, and checked in too.” Kalian said as she looked up the last name and saw that all the people that Autumn had asked about.
“ Ok that’s great and thank you so very much.” Autumn said as Kalian gave the bell hop the room key and her the extra one along with some information about the hotel.
“ This way Miss Miller.” The bell hop said as began heading for the area that the Club levels where on.
The stopped long enough for the bell hop slide the card key into the slot by a door and the door unlocked. They then continue down the hallway until coming to the room.
“ Welcome to the Kilimanjaro Club level area hope that you enjoy your stay with us Miss Miller.” The bell hop said as he brought Autumn’s bags in to the suite.
“ Um… Thanks, can you bring them into the bedroom and put them on a bed please.” Autumn said as she went over to the sliding door and open up the door and stepping out of the balcony.
The bell hop did what she asked before coming back into the living room area.
Autumn gave him his tip before he walked out of the door.
“ Hey Cindy, I’m here. Ok I’ll meet you guys in the lobby.” Autumn said as she called one of her friends to let her know that she was there.
Making sure that her make up was fine, she picked up her key card and headed out of the room and to the lobby.
“ Autumn we are so happy that you could join us, how in the world did you get away from that talent less singer you have for a boyfriend.” Candy said as Autumn came up to the small group that was waiting for her in the lobby.
“ Hey that’s mean Nick is great singer, he’s better than Justin Timberlake.” June said as she defended Nick.
“ I told him that I had a family emergency was all and he was stupid enough to buy it too. So where are we going today?” Autumn said as she gave everyone welcoming hugs.
They all agreed that since they were in the Animal Park why not start there and spend the day watching the animals and riding the rides.
While they were sitting at one of the tables a guy came up and began talking to Autumn and before everyone knew it her and the guy disappeared and it wasn’t until the next morning that her friends learned where Autumn and the guy went to and what happen also.
And they hung out together for the whole time she was there, but on the last day she told the guy that it would be better if they never see each other again and for him not to call her either.
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