Everything Happens for a Reason by openarmsgirl
Summary: Fate. Karma. Luck. Call it what you will, but in life, there is reason and purpose. Even when the most tragic events in life occur and the world as you once knew may not be the same; everything happens for a reason. Nick Carter found this out after a freak accident at a hometown concert and his long life best friend comes to take care of him
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: No Word count: 23852 Read: 17332 Published: 06/25/15 Updated: 05/19/16
Chapter 3 by openarmsgirl
“I can’t believe you’re still around,” I told Allayna as she pushed me around the hospital in my new wheel chair.

It had been three weeks since she came out to Orlando after the accident, and it was just the fifth day I was able to get out of bed.

“It’s that, or I’d be calling and texting you twenty-four-seven. I figured this would be more annoying.” She laughed.

“Good point. I am ready to go home though.”

“Soon Nick. As soon as you can get into and out of this chair by yourself you’ll be able to.”

“If it didn’t hurt so damn much I could do it now.” I threw my hands up. “I was closer today though.” I said as a matter of fact.

“You were.” Allayna pushed me outside to the corridor and it was refreshing to see the sun and sky. She sat down on a bench after putting the brakes on.

“What’s the look for,” I asked her as she bit her lower lip.

“Are you and Vanessa okay? She seems to not be here every time I’m around.”

“She’s here a lot, so I am sure it’s a break for her when you are here.”


“I kinda snapped at her yesterday.”


“Okay I lost it. She’s smothering me. Fluffing my pillow, feeding me, giving sponge baths, making sure I get enough fluids.”

“She’s trying to help.”

“It was too much. I mean the guys just left so now she’s in over drive.”

“Nick this is all scary for her too.”

“I know but she makes me feel like this will be my life forever now.”

“It won’t be. You’ve made huge progress already.”

“You don’t allow me to feel incompetent. I feel stronger when you’re around me, sometimes I want to punch you but you see me as not broken.”

“You’re not broken. Far from. And the feeling is mutual. I want to punch you sometimes too.” She winked. “She’s being a girlfriend Carter, let her be a girlfriend.”

“I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean, I don’t know if want to know.”

“Okay, too much sun for your brain. Let’s go.” She ruffled my hair and took the brakes off the chair. “We should probably get your legs elevated anyway.”

“So, you’re flying home tomorrow still?” My voice may have sounded a bit desperate.

“Yes. Just to check your house and mine. “

“You’ve had Caroline living at your house though. I am sure can go check on mine as well.”

“She can, but I have to take care of a few things,” her voice had a tone of ‘I’m up to something’ in it. “You’ll have Vanessa here, I am sure she will give you more breathing room after you bit her head off yesterday. You have the guys calling you every day, and I may give you a call here and there.” She got me to my room and I immediately started feeling depressed.

“Let’s see if there is a movie on we can watch until Vanessa gets back with your dinner later. We have a couple hours.” She smiled brightly and I knew she was trying to cheer me up. My chair was wheeled to my bed, which was now lowered to the same height. “You ready to give this another try, or want me to call for back up?”

“With your guns, I am sure we can do this together.” I told her, referring to her impressive muscles. No, she’s not a body builder, but is a personal trainer and was a sports competitor. She had just come from Australia for a conference she went to.

Allayna positioned me so I could push myself up onto the bed, and she kneeled behind me on the bed, with her arms looped underneath mine.

“On three, one-two-three,” and as I pushed she pulled up so I was sitting. My hips ached and if I could feel my legs I am sure they would be a bit sore also. But the feeling hasn’t come back yet. “Breathing?” She asked, knowing I sometimes held my breath in pain. I nodded my head and she came to my side.

Carefully she slid her arms under my casted legs and brought them up onto the bed. After adjusting my body, the pillows and bed I was finally situated. This was my life. For now.

“Okay let’s see what’s on.” She grabbed the remote and began flipping through the channels. My breathing slowed down a bit and I felt more out of shape than ever, just from transferring from my new wheels to the bed.

The next morning, there was a knock on the door and Allayna walked in. “Good morning!” She said cheerfully carrying three coffees. Two mediums and an extra-large which I knew was for her. She was sort of an addict.
“Morning,” Vanessa said before I did and I gave a half grumble. “He over did it yesterday I think. His whole body hurts.” Vanessa sighed as she took the coffee from Allayna’s hand.

“Here is a coffee for you Mr. Grumpy pants,” she smiled and set it on the table.

“When does your plane leave?” Vanessa asked a bit eagerly taking a sip of her latte.

“I have to be there in an hour for security and all that. Leaves at noon. Just wanted to bring some warm goodness and say goodbye. So, you’re sore today huh?”

“Yeah, I am off the morphine and just on regular pain killers so they’re not as strong.”

“That’s a good thing you’re sore. You worked your body. That’s what is going to get your stronger Love.” She leaned against the window and opened the drapes.

“I’ll uh-leave you two for a bit to say good-bye. I’m going to go call my Mom.” Vanessa gave nick a quick peck on the lips, took her latte and walked out of the room.

“How is the breathing coming along?” Allayna asked, referring to me yelling at Vanessa the other day.

“Better, so far. She was worried how sore I was today. She said you shouldn’t have taken me out twice yesterday.” I shrugged and hit my button the bed to sit it up so I could drink the coffee.

“I see. Well, you’re doing really well and the Doctor yesterday was hopeful to have you back home soon. I think once you’re home, you’re going to do a complete one eighty and be back on your feet in no time.”

“I keep hoping. I hate being here. Going from the ICU to the normal wing to the PT wing isn’t much. A hospital is a hospital is a hospital.”

Allayna rose the cardboard cup up and took a sip. I couldn’t help feeling like a kid again in that moment.
It’s like when you’re sick and the only person who can make you feel better is your Mom with chicken noodle with stars and your favorite movie; and you can’t have any of it.

“I will be back in a couple weeks, if not sooner to help you get home Nick.” She moved closer to me, reading my thoughts and sat on the bed.

“I’m scared.” I admitted and put my coffee down.

“It’s okay to be. You’re human…I think.” She laughed and I rolled my eyes. A few minutes later, I felt my meds kicking in and my eyes felt heavy. “Alright love, I am going to head to the airport and let you rest.”

“Already?” I asked my eyes opening and closing.

“I will see you soon and I’ll call you as soon as I land.” She confirmed and kissed my forehead. “Don’t give Vanessa too hard of time now.” She smiled.

“Allayna,” I said sleepily as she stood up to head towards the door.


“I love you.” My eyes closed.

“Love you too Carter.”
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=11369