Kevin was the love of her life. Leaving him was the hardest thing she ever had to do. Losing him broke her heart.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Kevin
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Death, Violence
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 18
Completed: No
Word count: 22788
Read: 40185
Published: 11/04/15
Updated: 01/15/16
Story Notes:
It's been a while...I hope you enjoy something new from me. :) I've missed you guys!!!
Chapter 1 by tiggerc128
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 1
By Dottie
Copyright 2014
December 2014
Chealyn Smith quickly finds a seat in the nearly packed theater, silently cursing herself for not getting an earlier start. As with all the others in the room, she's been anxiously awaiting the documentary that highlights the career of the Backstreet Boys. She’s been a loyal fan for many, many years.
She pulls her cell phone out, sending a quick, coded text, letting the powers that be know where she is and when she plans to be home. Why was it coded? Well, Chealyn has secrets. Secrets she can never reveal...lest she put herself and the three people she holds most dear in grave, grave danger.
Pushing aside sad thoughts and dark memories, Chealyn pushes her phone inside her purse and crosses her legs just as the lights go down. For the next little while, she can forget what drove her to Chicago...and the reasons she can never go home.
Two hours later, Chealyn is sitting quietly as the theater empties. She's letting what she's seen sink in. She smiles inwardly, thinking about how goofy the boys still are; even after all they've been through over the last 20-some years.
Their ability to have fun and poke fun at themselves was one of the first reasons she became a fan. Something she never really was able to do. Growing up Chealyn was always serious. She was popular and had friends but she never broke the rules.
Like everyone else in the theater, she cried a lot too. Watching them fight, listening to them talk about the most painful parts of their lives was hard. Everyone thinks celebrities have it made…but the movie just goes to show how difficult the lifestyle is…and how sacrifices are made.
She's jarred from her reverie by someone falling against her seat as someone else screams, "Oh my God Kevin! It's the Backstreet Boys!"
Chealyn feels her heartbeat flutter and ducks her head as his Southern drawl meets her ears. "Hey, did everybody enjoy the show?"
Chealyn peeks around a tall woman's shoulder and finds her gaze met by Kevin's. She holds her breath as he stares at her intently. She can't look away. He smiles at her warmly and says, "Did you enjoy the show?"
She manages to nod before another woman pushes past her, blocking his gaze of her. She takes a deep breath and waits...wondering what's going to happen next.
She peeks around again, finding AJ and Nick laughing and waving at the crowd of fans while Brian and Howie stand by them smiling warmly. Kevin has moved closer to where she standing, scanning the crowd. She knew they planned on being at one of the premieres but the last thing she expected was for them to come to Chicago. She thought they'd go to Orlando, the place it all started.
As the crowd pushes forward, vying for a glimpse, a touch, or even the smallest hint of a smile, Chealyn tries to sink back, hoping to find an exit. No such luck as the crowd becomes a wall and she’s pressed forward.
The boys all stand together for an impromptu photo op for the lucky fans, smiling and hamming it up. Chealyn fights the temptation to pull out her cell phone and snap a few for herself, knowing if she does, it could be yet another start to another move.
Finally, she manages to squeeze through and opening. She pushes around the edge of the crowd and heads to the door. She feels the hair on the back of her neck stand up and she turns, finding her gaze once again locked on Kevin’s.
He smiles at the sandy-haired blonde trying to make her escape. He’s intrigued that she’s trying so desperately to leave when everyone else seems determined to stay. His eyes beg her not to go, but she does, giving him the briefest of smiles before dashing away.
As she hits the street, Chealyn doesn’t stop to think. She runs for the nearest train station to take the Blue Line. Once she’s on the train, her breathing returns to normal. She fights down the hysterical laugh bubbling up within her and focuses on what’s next. She usually avoids crowds and now she’s wishing fervently she had avoided this one. Sighing inwardly she pulls out her phone and sends another obscure text.
As she exits the train, she pulls the SIM card from the phone and drops it into a nearby trashcan. Yes…it’s going to be time to start over. Again.
May 2012
Carley Jane Smith stares at her reflection in the mirror. She doesn’t look the same. Her dark hair is now red. Her glasses replaced by contacts that make her eyes itch. And her heart filled with sadness. A few hours earlier, when she was her old self still...she had told Kevin goodbye.
United States Deputy Marshall Grant Desmond jars her from her reverie. “You don’t have to worry; we’re going to keep you safe Elena.”
She gives him a sarcastic smile. “Don’t you mean Carley?”
He nods heavily. “Yes. Carley. By the way, you look good as a red head. It suits you.”
She snorts. “Gee, thanks. Can’t I wear glasses? I hate these contacts.”
He shakes his head. “No, you know you can’t. But it’s only temporary. Once you’re settled in Omaha, we’ll get the Lasik done and then neither will be necessary. After what you’ve done, Lasik surgery is the least the taxpayers can do for you.”
She spares him a withering glance before going to back to studying her new look. “How long am I supposed to hide? I don’t want to live off the taxpayers forever. I want…need to be able to take care of myself.”
He shrugs. “Once you’re settled if you want to work you can. You know that. We just have to know where you are and what you’re doing.”
She nods. “Yes, yes, so you keep telling me. Will I always have babysitters?”
He shakes his head. “I doubt it. If we hang around too much, it could make you look even more suspicious. But you’ll have people you can turn to. You’ll be able to get me at a moment’s notice. If something happens, we can be prepared to move you within an hour and within a day, you can have a whole new identity.”
She grimaces. "How long will I have to hide?"
He shrugs cautiously. "There are so many factors Elena. You helped put away a dangerous person with dangerous connections."
She sighs deeply. "So I could be hiding forever."
Present Day
Two and a half years later and she now has sandy blonde hair and is called Chealyn Diana Smith. Her fifth and she had hoped her last, identity. Now, she’s not so sure. She knows when she gets home she’ll have to report to Grant what happened and wait. Wait for the decision about whether or not to move her once again, but she knows they will. Her past has a nasty way of creeping up on her when she least expects it. And she hates it. Sometimes she wishes she could just forget.
But there’s one part she’ll never forget. The one year she spent with the most amazing man in the world. Kevin Richardson. Sadness fills her heart. He was the man who cherished her. The man who encouraged her to do what was right. The father of her almost two-year old twins…the children he’s never met. She just came face to face with him and he didn’t recognize her. He didn’t see the love in her heart or the pain in her eyes. He just saw another fan. And that’s the way it has to be if she’s going to keep him safe. Keep them all safe.
End Notes:
Can't wait to hear what you think!
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.