Summary: Kevin was the love of her life. Leaving him was the hardest thing she ever had to do. Losing him broke her heart.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Kevin
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Death, Violence
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 18
Completed: No
Word count: 22788
Read: 39160
Published: 11/04/15
Updated: 01/15/16
Chapter 3 by tiggerc128
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 3
By Dottie
Copyright 2014
Kevin spends a quiet night in his hotel room, reminiscing about the year he spent with Elena. He knew her for almost a year before things got serious. At first they argued quite a bit. But only because he made the monumental mistake of trying to play up his celebrity status and show off for her. It didn't take long for him to come to understand that with Elena less is definitely more. Some of their best dates were spent cuddling in front of her television watching movies and making out.
He had planned on sleeping in on Sunday morning, having a leisurely brunch and maybe hitting a museum or two. He loves the kind of days off where he can just do whatever he wants to do. But his phone ringing at 8:30 am changes those plans.
Rolling onto his side, he reaches for his phone, answering it with a lethargic "Hello?"
He sits up more alert when he hears Nick's whispered groan. "Kev, man I think I'm dying."
Rubbing his eyes, Kevin asks, "What's wrong?"
He hears Nick moan before he says in an agonized voice, "I've been up all night sick. Every part of me just aches."
Sighing, Kevin asks quietly, "Did you call Lenny?"
Even in his weakened condition, Nick manages to snort rather loudly. "Our illustrious, temporary manager can't be found. When will Jenn be back? Man I think I need a doctor."
Kevin stands up, shifting into caretaker mode, just as he done for Nick for most of his life. "Let me make a couple of calls Nick. If I can’t figure something out, we'll go the ER."
Nick growls, "No, we won't. I don't do hospitals and you damn well know it."
Kevin sighs. "OK, fine, I'll figure it out. Just...lie down and rest."
He hangs up with Nick and grabs the hotel phone, calling the concierge. After explaining the situation, the concierge assures Kevin he will make some calls and find a private doctor for Nick. After thanking the man, Kevin gets up and hurriedly dresses, hoping it won't take long to get Nick examined. His friend is a royal pain in the ass when he's sick and he sounded horrible on the phone.
Chealyn is awake early, feeding her babies their breakfast, when the landline rings. Thinking it's Grant telling her to pack, she runs for the phone, shocked to hear her boss on the other end of the line. "Chealyn, I hate bothering you on a Sunday but I have an emergency at the office and none of the nurses are available. Could you meet me in an hour and help me take care of the chart and files?"
Sighing quietly, she says, "Sure Dr. Nichols. My neighbor was going to help me with the kids today anyway. I'll have her come over and I'll head straight to the office."
The doctor's warm voice conveys his gratitude. "I knew I could count on you. I don't know what I'd do without you." Chealyn lowers the phone slowly, knowing that in a few days the kind old doctor will probably be looking for a new office manager.
When Chealyn gets to the office, she lets herself in the employees' entrance in the back. She can hear the doctor in one of the exam rooms. She moves quickly into the office and drops her purse under the desk. Slipping on a smock, she grabs a clipboard and heads back down the hallway.
She meets the doctor in the hallway. He smiles, holding out a mask for her. "Looks like a nasty case of the flu, Chealyn. You better wear this and maybe get some gloves. You don't need to carry it home to the babies."
She smiles gratefully. "Two sick children is the last thing I need, thanks. How bad is it?"
He grimaces. "This poor young man has a severe case. He's dehydrated. I'm going to give him some fluids intravenously and give him a jump start shot of antibiotics. Could you go in and sit with him until I get back. There's someone in the lobby waiting to give you all the information you'll need for the files."
She nods affirmatively, slipping the mask into place. "Of course I'll sit with him. Did you start a chart?"
The doctor shakes his head. "No, I just wrote down his vitals on my notepad. Try not to tax him with too many questions. He's exhausted. His friend says he has all the information we'll need for our records."
She slips into the exam room as the doctor walks down the hallway to the storage room. She stops short when she sees the man lying on the table with his eyes closed. Nick Carter. Her heart pounds and she tries to slip away, but he opens his eyes. "Hey. I won't bite."
She smiles behind the mask, in spite of her nerves. "Dr. Nichols says you're pretty sick."
Her voice was low and husky but he managed to hear her. "Yeah, I'm dying but he won't tell me that. I'm Nick, by the way. Nick Carter."
She pulls the sheet up over him before stepping back and jotting his name down on the notepad on her clip board. "I don't think you're dying. But the flu will make you feel that way. Why don't you rest and save your strength? Dr. Nichols said there's someone with you that can give me all your information so don't you worry."
He closes his eyes and mumbles, "He can tell you everything. I couldn't survive without him watching over me." She smiles softly, thinking Nick must have a great manager to go to all this trouble for him.
Dr. Nichols comes walking through the door. "I'll take care of this Chealyn. Why don't you go get that file started?"
Nick slowly opens his eyes. "Chealyn? Pretty name."
She smiles at him. "Thanks. I hope you feel better soon, Mr. Carter."
She pulls the mask off as steps into the waiting room. The smile on her face fades as she comes face to face with Kevin Richardson. His eyes lock on hers and he smiles warmly. "Well, hello again."
She feels her heart sink as she realizes he still doesn't recognize her. The object of witness protection is to change her identity, but she never thought Kevin would forget her. Sighing, she whispers, "Hi."
He looks at her closely and his eyes widen. "Elena?"
She sighs, closing her eyes. He does remember. She opens them again and he's standing right in front of her. With longing in her voice, she whispers, "Kevin."
He pulls her into a bear hug. "My God I thought I was losing my mind! You look so different...but...still the same somehow."
She holds onto him tightly. " haven't changed at all."He kisses the top of her head and whispers "Are you ok? I mean, you've been safe?"
She nods. "I've had to move a few times as a precaution...but..."
He leans back. "Will you have to move again now? I mean because of me?"
She shrugs. "I think a move is coming, but not because of you."
She hears the exam room door open and steps away from him quickly. Dr. Nichols comes down the hall. "Chealyn, I'm gonna give him two bags of fluid so he'll be here about an hour. Once you get the file taken care of, you can go and I'll handle everything else."
She nods. "I can stay and help you Dr. Nichols. It's not a problem."
The doctor smiles at her. "You're an angel Chealyn. You'd make a wonderful nurse."
As he walks away, Kevin looks into her eyes. "Chealyn?"
She nods. "Chealyn Diane Smith currently."
He strokes her cheek. "That's beautiful." Bending closer, he kisses her softly. "I've missed you so much Baby."
She presses her face into his hand. "Kevin...there's so much I need to tell you. And I don't have much time. After...once you get Nick back to...where are you staying?"
He smiles. "The Plaza Hotel. Can you come there later? I know I'm not supposed to know where you live."
She nods. "But it won't matter. Like I said, I'll probably have to move again soon."
His eyes grow with concern. "What's wrong?"
She glances down the hallway. "I'll tell you later. For now, let's get Nick's chart started. He says you've always been the one to take care of him."
Kevin smiles warmly, wrapping his hand around hers. "My little brother from another mother." When she smiles with him, he murmurs, "I've missed you. More than anything in this world I've missed you. Ti amo ancora."
With love shining from her eyes, she whispers, "I've missed you too, Mia Adorata, Mi Amore."
Ti amo ancora "I still love you."
Mia Adorata, Mi Amore "My Darling, My Love"
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.