Prevailing Fate by Nijntje, ARok Obsession
Past Featured StorySummary:

Nick has been keeping a secret from his four bandmates.
When they discover what he's been hiding, they want nothing more than to help him re-write his future.
Will Nick be able to?
Or will fate take it's course, leaving his destiny already written and unwavering..


Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: None
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 60 Completed: Yes Word count: 120892 Read: 145360 Published: 10/02/05 Updated: 11/16/07
Chapter 43 by Nijntje
This chapter is completely written by A-rok Obsession.. Last one was from me.. so now it's her turn.. She told me this is just part ONE from her add.. so the next one(s) will be written by her too.. Please review! I think she did a great job with this one, but we like to hear other opinions too! And once again, we'd like to thank everyone for their reviews so far..

Neither of them were speaking, the fear and anxiety in each man wrapping them up too tightly to allow them to utter a single word. Uncertainty hovered, kissing them sweetly as it darted in and out of their hearts, causing each man to take a deep breath every now and then, forcing themselves to keep calm. Nick sat silently on the exam table, his hands unfolding and folding themselves subconsciously in his lap as he gently kicked his feet back and forth, a dull and rhythmic 'thud....thud....thud...' resounding through the room every few seconds.

The youth's ocean blue gaze stayed fixed on his hands, his mind swirling with a million thoughts. Pearl white teeth trapped his bottom lip in their grasp, chewing on it numbly as he thought about the possible outcomes of today. Was he going to be walking out of this hospital to start the beginning of an end? Or would he finally be able to start his future again? His eyes fluttered shut momentarily and he let out a quiet sigh; God did he hate waiting.

Brian stood tentatively in the corner of the room, his arms crossed tightly across his chest, almost as if it was in an effort to muffle the furious beating of his heart. He shifted from one foot to the other in sheer apprehension, the feelings running through him too great to allow him to stay still. Sapphire eyes darted from the clock placed strategically on the wall over the door, to Nick, the older man keeping a trained eye on his youngest friend.

The Kentuckian's tongue snaked out every few moments, moistening his lips as he tried to force himself to say something reassuring, never succeeding in doing so and always relenting with a muted sigh. Why was he having such a difficult time saying something to comfort his friend? It was what he had always done. It had been Brian who had checked under the beds and locked the closet door, assuring Nick there were no gremlins or boogeyman hiding out to get him. Brian who had repeatedly assured Nick that Kevin didn't hate him, that he was simply trying to make sure Nick stayed safe and well.

And when Nick had been young, sick and feeling all alone, it was Brian that had held him while he cried, whispering soothing words to him in an effort to calm him down. He was Nick's security blanket, in so many ways and his big brother in so many other. So why was he failing Nick now? A large sigh escaped from him as he thought over the answers. Because this wasn't about fairytale creatures and bouts of homesickness. This was life and death. The rawest form of reality. The sounds of a coughing fit broke him from his thoughts and his eyes immediately snapped to Nick, a frown surfacing on his features.

"You okay Frack?"
"Yeah," Came the response after a moment of silence, followed by a deep intake in breath. "Just peachy."
A ghost of a smile appeared on Brian's face and he pushed himself away from the wall, shoving his hands into his pockets as he moved to stand before the blonde. "Doctor seems to be taking her sweet time, huh?"
"I guess." Nick nodded, a light grin surfacing on his face. "Thanks for coming and waiting with me Bri."

"I'm surprised you didn't want AJ here instead." The older man had meant the comment in all seriousness, but it flew out of Brian's mouth dripping with sarcasm, causing Nick to sigh softly, rolling his eyes as he shot Brian a glare. "We're back to that, huh?"
"Brian, what the hell upsets you so much about me spending so much time with AJ?"
"I-I don't," Brian paused and raked a hand through his hair. "God Nicky, I don't know. I just....I wish you had stayed at my house."

The sentence was said very quietly and Nick almost missed it, a large frown taking shape on his tired features when he heard it. "Why? Frick it made no sense to stay at your house. Between Leigh and Baylee...I'd always be getting sick cuz of the chemo. I mean, we talked about all of this."
"I know! I know." The Southerner sighed again, gently leaning against the exam table next to Nick. "I just...things changed between us when Leigh and I got married. We got distant, and I felt it happen more when Baylee was born. Now all this crap is happening and I...I feel like I'm scrambling to make sure...if things...if things end, they end with us as Frick and Frack, you know?"
A small lump formed in Brian's throat and he directed his gaze to the floor. "Like how it used to be. The two of friends. When I was the Frick to your Frack and there wasn't a day that went by when we didn't talk. Now...I-I see how close you and AJ are and I just....I just don't want you to go forgetting us. Forgetting us and our friendship and how it used to be."

Nick stayed silent for a long time, a sad smile on his face as he blinked back a few tears.
"Do you remember the talks we used to have about AJ? How I felt about him when I was just a kid?"
"Yeah," Brian nodded. "You always used to say he was a wannabe bad boy. And how you couldn't stand him most of the time."
"My relationship with AJ was never the best." Nick sighed. "I mean, with Kevin, he was my pain in the ass, older brother, father figure. Howie was my comic relief, my soft older brother who I knew would let me do what Kevin told me I couldn't." A laugh fell away from Nick and he looked over at Brian, nudging him softly. "And you were my partner in crime. My best friend. The one who understood everything and was always there for me. But the time I actually got to the age that AJ wouldn't completely ignore me, he was already starting to slide downhill. I mean, Bri...I know AJ and I love him to death but I've never really KNOWN him."

"I don't really understand," Brian's eyes were searching Nick's, trying to see where he was going with his explanations.
"We had so many years of us, Brian. So many Frick and Frack times...I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. They were some of the best times of my life. I mean, there were plenty of times after you got married that I wished things could go back to the way they had been. And I wished that Leigh had never come into your life...only because I felt as though she had taken my place."
"She could never-"
"I know that." Nick interjected quickly. "But then I realized, that you can't rewind time.
Bri, we'll ALWAYS be Frick and Frack, just like we'll ALWAYS be the Backstreet Boys but OUR days are gone."
"They don't have to be."
"Yes they do Frick. They do because what existed during that time period could never exist again today. We had our time."

"So what are you trying to say? That you're replacing what we had with what you and AJ now have?"
Nick rolled his eyes at the statement, "Don't be so stupid Brian."
Brian's eyes narrowed and he shook his head, "You're the one saying-"
"I'm SAYING, that what you want isn't possible. You're trying to bring back something that died and it's not going to happen. We've grown apart Brian, yes. I admit that. But our friendship is still just as strong. You're looking at it in the wrong light. With AJ," The younger man trailed off and shrugged lightly. "I have all these memories with you and Kev and D but the ones I have with Jay....they could be better. This could be all the time I have left Bri. And I don't want to die wishing I had made more of an effort to strengthen my friendship with AJ."

"But that shouldn't mean you push the rest of us away." The Kentuckian muttered.
"I'm NOT pushing ANYONE away." Nick said with exasperation. "Listen to me Brian. Our friendship is solid. Nothing can shake me from you and nothing can take away what we've had and have. The same goes for Kev and Howie. But things with AJ have always been shaky. I'm just trying to solidify them. You understand?"

Brian stayed quiet for a few minutes, wondering when Nick had grown up. When he had missed the transformation from a goofy, shy little kid, to this mature and wise beyond his years person that sat next to him?

"I'm still your Frack, Bri." The youth added, "I've just grown up. Being in this situation has taught me a lot of things. And made me realize a lot more."
"I'm sorry." Brian finally got out, feeling it was the only appropriate thing to say. "I've been such an asshole. I've just been so caught up in the idea of losing you...God, I can't even take imagining life without you."
"Let's hope you won't have to anymore." Nick said softly, looping an arm around Brian's shoulders. "Just give AJ a break...he's not doing anything wrong."
"Yeah. I know. We talked things out."
"Good." The younger man nodded. "I hate to be the one to break up the famous pairing the fans are always gushing over.
What'd they call you guys again?"

"A-rok." Brian said with a smile. "A for AJ then, Rok for B-rok."
A few snickers left Nick and he rolled his eyes playfully. "Creative."
"I thought it was cute." The Kentuckian laughed. "Frick and Frack and A-rok."
"Aren't you popular?"
"Shut-up Nicky." Brian pulled Nick into a soft hug, messing gently with his hat as Nick laughed. The door to the room opening caused both men to fall silent, the doctor stepping into the room with a small smile. "I'm sorry for the wait. We needed to prep a bunch of tests but we're ready for you now Nick. We're going to be doing some tests in another room, then come back here and do the rest. Ready to go?"

Nick shot a nervous look to Brian who reached over and squeezed his leg reassuringly. "I'm right here Frack." He whispered as a wheelchair was rolled in and Nick nodded before hesitantly climbing off the table and sitting down in it.
"I know." Nick breathed, allowing the nurse to wheel him out of the room, the doctor and Brian in tow. Moving down the hallways, Nick felt his stomach twist and turn, the fear beginning to manifest itself in his body. This was it.
This story archived at