Haunted by Autumn Summers
Summary: Why can't the past just stay in the past? Justin wants to know more about the new girl who has a past that she would just like to forget.
Categories: Fanfiction > Music > NSYNC Characters: Justin
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Domestic Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: Yes Word count: 23645 Read: 35050 Published: 08/18/03 Updated: 05/13/04
Chapter 1 by Autumn Summers
Justin flipped the channel for the hundredth time and swore. He glanced at the clock. 2:38 a.m. He knew it was useless trying to sleep. He really didn't want to anyway.
Since the night Alex had cried in his arms, his body ached to hold her again, to feel her soft skin against his, to smell the perfume of her hair, to touch her lips with his. To love her.
He flipped off the TV and ran his hands through his blonde curls. He opened his side of the connecting door and raised his hand to knock.

Alex woke up from a fitful sleep. She had been dreaming about Justin again. This latest dream had her blushing against the darkness. "God! You’d think you were a thirteen year old groupie, Alex." She spoke to herself out loud. She got up and walked over to the door connecting her room to Justin's. "Are you sure you know what you are doing?" She opened the door to knock on Justin's and froze. Justin was standing there, hand poised to knock, wearing only a pair of blue jeans. He held both of her wrists and gently pulled her into his room.
"Alex, I love you, and I can't go on pretending I don't." He confessed quickly, before he lost his nerve.
"Oh Justin, I can't -", She touched his face, uncertainty suddenly filling her eyes. She had been so sure less than a moment ago. Being there was different.
He bent his head to kiss her. The palm of her hand burned on his chest. The kiss she gave him back rocked him to the core. He pressed his body against hers. "Let me make love to you." He whispered. "Let me show you."
"Justin…" she breathed, her body tensing up.
"I'll be gentle, I promise I won't hurt you." He said against her throat.
"Yes." She replied. He felt her body begin to tremble as he swept her into his arms and carried her to his bed.


"Justin! Get your ass out of bed. We have an interview in half an hour!" Justin shot up straight, looking around to see if Alex and he had just been busted. He was alone in the bed. The door between their rooms was closed. Justin breathed a sigh of relief and fell back against the wall.
"Man, what happened to you? You look……."
Justin arched on eyebrow inquisitively and shot him a devilish smile.
"Hurry up", Chris said without finishing the last sentence.
"Yeah yeah, I'm getting there." He flipped the covers off his legs to get up.
"Whoah Man! If you re going to get up like that at least wait until I'm out of the room." Chris turned away. "Clothe yourself, geez"
"What?…." Justin looked down. "Oh." He pulled on his jeans as quickly as humanly possible.
"What's this?" Chris asked, picking something up from the bed. "It looks like a hair tie. Hmmm now who do I know that might wear a hair tie like this? Perhaps someone with long, blond hair? Hmmm?" Chris put his finger to his lips, eyes twinkling and a knowing smile on his lips.
"Give me that!" Justin yelped, grabbing for the object in Chris' hand.
"Nope" Chris grinned, and snatched his hand away before Justin could reach it. "I think I'll return it to Alex and let her know where I found it."
"You wouldn't." Justin groaned. "What she and I do behind the bedroom door is our own business."
"Oh so you admit it?"
"Admit what?" Justin replied, starting to gather clothes for the interview.
"Don't play dumb, Justin. It's very unbecoming." Chris pointed at the box of condoms on the night stand and smirked. "We'll meet you on the bus in twenty minutes, loverboy."
Justin sneered at the door as Chris closed it behind him. So much for privacy, he thought.
He fell back on the bed. Lastnight he had told Alex how he felt. He had told her loved her with his words and he had shown her he meant it with his body. Just thinking about the melding of flesh that had taken place only a few short hours ago had his blood racing. Still, after lastnight, he was uncertain of her feelings for him. She had never said those three words he so wanted to hear from her lips. Would he ever know how she felt? He swore softly to himself and got in the shower.


Alex had been silent on the way to the concert venue. She and Shae were meeting everyone there to prepare for the concert. The guys had been at interviews, autograph sessions and photo shoots all day.
"Anything you want to share?" Shae broke the silence.
"I think I'll just keep this one to myself, if you don't mind." Alex smiled. Her eyes were dancing like northern lights.
"Oh puhleez" Shae whined, "You have been strange all day."
"I'm not the type to kiss and tell." Alex replied slyly.
"Oh", Shae looked disappointed. Then a look of realization crept over her face, "Oh, Oh! Oooooooh! You and Justin? He finally kissed you, didn't he? Oh come on, I can't take this any more. I'm dying of suspense here. Tell me, tell me, tell, me."
Alex gave a short, throaty laugh.
"Oooh," Shae grinned, that look of realization coming back. "I know that laugh and it is not a he-kissed-me laugh, that is a full blown that-man-is-incredible-and-I-would-know laugh. I know you better than you think I do Alex."
Alex blushed. "Shae! You are unbelievable."
"So how was it?"
Alex turned a deeper shade of scarlet. She gasped. "Shae!"
"By the looks of your face at this very moment, I'd say it was amazing."
"It was." Alex smiled and changed the subject, wishing Shae would stop smirking at her like that.
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=835