Love Tried to Welcome Me by Kristine
Summary: A man loses his memory, and a woman is determined to retrieve it. Along the way are obstacles which will determine the fate of their growing relationship.

Rated R for strong, profane language.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Kevin
Genres: Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: No Word count: 16710 Read: 21878 Published: 06/28/09 Updated: 12/05/09
Chapter 11 by Kristine
Author's Notes:
Sorry for the lateness of the next chapter; had a little (or huge) bout with Writer's Block. So here's the next chap. Enjoy!
Howie spat out his tea when I told him the news. “You're going to what?!” Kevin looked up at his 'friend', and repeated, “I'm divorcing Kristin. Finally, I'll be doing something worth while; I should have seen it from the start.”

Brian walked over to his lovesick cousin and patted him on the shoulder. “I'm glad you're stepping up to the plate and giving this woman what she deserves; loneliness.” Everyone was happy for him; all but Howard.
“You cannot be serious, Richardson! Why are you divorcing such a wonderful woman?” AJ looks over at him as if he's lost his mind.

“Dorough, are you for real? Have you been living under a rock lately? Kris is a moocher! The only thing she 'loved' about him was the fact that he was LOADED, and he has celebrity status...she was a nobody before they met...why do you even care about that leech?”

“Because I know her, and Kevin's making a huge mistake.” “No, I'm not. And thanks to you, Howard, I lost the one thing that meant more to me than life itself.”
He stood there stunned; he was surprised that I blamed him for what happened that fateful day; he shouldn't be.

“I can't believe you're accusing me of breaking you and that harlot up. Besides, you're married, and you were about to cheat on her!”

I go over tohim and lean into his heated face. “You should be LUCKY that I'm still talking to you, Howard.” I felt Brian's eyes look over at him, then at me, then Howie again. You see, there are some things that even my own blood doesn't know about.

“Kristin Willits is no good; you of all people should know that.”

“Kevin...” I heard my cousin call out to me, then approach me. “What is going on?” I look at him, then back at Howard with a grin; I didn't where that came from. “Should you tell him, or should I?” he stood there, speechless. “You wouldn't dare.” “Oh, trust me, 'friend', I would. And I will.”

“You see, Brian, a few years back while I was still dating the 'love of my life', we went to Howie's birthday party at his club. We all had great laughs and a few drinks and Kristin was, as usual, mingling with the other party-goers. I didn't think anything of it at first until I noticeed she was spending way too much time with Howard on the dancefloor, as well as the VIP lounge.

“Anyway, it was getting around that time for us to go home, so I was asking people where Kris was. I was told she was at the parking lot waiting for me---” “Kevin, please...” I look at him and he instantly shuts up. “Like I was saying...I get to the parking lot, and guess who I see in the backseat of MY car?” “No way...” said a stunned Nick, covering his mouth. “ didn't...”

My 'friend' looked down at the carpeted floor in complete shame. “It's true. I had her in his car, but it wasn't my fault! She kept pressuring me!” “Please, Dorough, you ALWAYS wanted to fuck her, so don't lie!” AJ exclaimed.

“I thought I knew you, could you sleep with another man's wife?” “It just happened, and it was just one night...” “Now, do you see WHY I need to distance myself from her? She's no good...”

Then, in the big hotel room, Brian broke the lingering silence. “But what about the other girl?”

I look over at him and sigh, “Thanks to Howie blowing my cover, she won't even talk to me. I swear, I was going to be up front with her and tell her the truth...but it's too late. She'll never forgive me.” “Yes, she will.” My cousin placed his hand on my shoulder and flashes me a promising smile.

“I know she will. All you have to do is go and talk to her...tell her why you did what you did.” Still looking away from him, I nip at my lower lip and say, “It won't work. She said she's dead to me...that she hates me...I.....I've never been hated by someone I love...”

They all stood there and watched Kevin slowly crumble in little tiny pieces; they had to do something, but what? The only thing they can do is be there for him and support him. He looks up at his friends, all but Howard, with his eyes misty and pink.

“Guys...? If you don't mind, I'd like to be alone right now...” “But, Train--” “Nick, if that's what he wants...” the tall blonde one surrendered and weakly smiled.

“Alright, man...we're here if you need us, ok?” he nods while lying back on black leather couch and his arms thrown behind his head.

His support system leaves the room, all but his betrayer. “You're making a BIG mistake, Kevin. If you divorce that woman, you'll NEVER forgive yourself.”

“Get. The Fuck. OUT!.” And he does, slamming the door hard, causing the room to violently shake.

He lies there, feeling thepain and the sense of loneliness teem throughout his body. His tears begin to fall without him realizing it, but he didn't care anymore.

He missed her; he wanted to feel her warm kisses against him again...he wants to be loved again.
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