Stuck by AngelgirlD

Stuck.jpg Stuck picture by AngelgirlDorough

 Comes and see the other side of Halloween, the trick and scary side.  Venture in and get a look when costumes' fitting goes wrong but the outcome it's much better!

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Howie
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes Word count: 3320 Read: 2324 Published: 10/31/09 Updated: 11/01/09
Story Notes:


By AngelgirlDorough

©April 12-19, 2009

Disclaimer: I do not know any of the boys please remember, this purely fictional and for entrainment only.  Also, I would like to ask, do not take any part of this story because it's only mine and mine alone; well, if you do that is call plagiarism.  Make your own, start with an idea and your favorite person; which in my case, mine would be Howie and have fun making your own story. Now have fun reading my story.


Chapter 1 by AngelgirlD


"Why are we doing this again?" Howie asks for what it seems like a millionth time.  Avery annoys answer, "Because its fun and you owe to yourself to have some fun.  So, now quit wining and try another costume."  She says walking away leaving her boyfriend to deal with his best friend.  AJ says to Howie while he looks thru some medieval costume, "D, stop worrying about at least for tonight," "Yea, you are right but I can't, I have this new project.  It might go sour at any minute as it seems that everything its going a bit odd, since Johnny decide not to participate in this one."  Howie try to reason with AJ; so, he understood why he was so anal about being away from work at this time.  "Well, I guess you have no choice or you have to tell Elizabeth that you won't come to her Halloween/Birthday party because of work," AJ challenge him knowing full well that Howie have a soft spot for the sixteen year-old young woman.  As he saw her grow up, being AJ's little sister gave her free passage to everything from backstage, to private parties and not so accommodating moments but hilarious ones at that.  Yes, like, the time the group pull a prank on poor Nicky throwing him out into the hallway in his whities...there she was; but now, she is celebrating her sixteen birthday throwing a Halloween costume party.  She invited everyone which basically are all her closest friends and that include the Backstreet Boys.  However, the most important guy ever was, Howie.  She has a crush on Howie since she can remember.

 At the moment, Howie has tried what it seems to be like twenty costumes there and still haven't found the right one.  After a long half hour, he finally realize that he wasn't going to win; because he doesn't have the heart to say to his round cute pink cheeks-Elizabeth no.  Plus, he hasn't seen her since she was ten years old.  Since Denise stop coming along with the group on tour.  AJ pass by where he was, "Did you find something or still winning about it?" AJ ask smirking at him for the bee suit.  "Yo, D, you know that Eli loved bees, like when she was five but her taste has change; so, you know," AJ commented.  There Howie went to take off the head of the bee costume but somehow, for unknown reason power, he pulls on it but the head would not budge.  He stop pulling at it trying to maintain calm, he took three deep breaths and try again; however, when he did it again and didn't budge, there he started to panic and sweating heavily searching for help all around him. 

   Locating AJ at the far corner of the store looking thru a various skull masks, Howie took long and frantically strides towards him when he finally reach him, "AJ man-I'm stuck in this thing.  I can't get it off." Howie says frantically in a whisper, trying not to attract attention.  Though AJ thought he was kidding, so he rebutted, "Yea Ok. Say cheese Dorough," he continues saying as he took a candid picture with his cell phone.  "MAN, I'M REALLY STUCK AND I CAN'T GET OUT OF THIS DAMN SHIT HEAD," Howie says shouting at him, realizing his friend was in trouble, he tries to help Howie by pulling at it, "Man its really stuck, let me call someone," "No, I would not hear the end of it," rebutted Howie annoying just thinking about it.   However, when he couldn't, they call the owner.    Between all of them they kept pulling on it until, "Aaaawww," Howie yelp, and finally it budge showing deep red marks on his sweaty throat.  After everything and the owner was assure that e would note get suit by him, he went about to other customers and Howie and AJ walk out the store like nothing happen.

The scare was so big that Howie show up to the party without a costume.  At the party, Elizabeth finally has the opportunity to talk to Howie who was at the couch drinking a beer and talking to AJ.  "Hey, D," she greets him, "Hey birthday girl, cool party and by the way happy birthday."  Howie tells her with a big smile while gazing at how gorgeous young woman she has become.  "I'm glad you came after the scare you had..." "Awww, AJ you told." Howie burst out saying interrupting her, embarrass and ashamed for the scary episode. He sighs, knowing full well that his friend doesn't know how to keep a secret.  Meanwhile, AJ left the couple alone saying that he needed something munch on. "Yea, you know that he can't keep anything, a secret," she tells him with a sweet smile, "So you have been enjoying your party-you know you only turn sixteen once."  He says to her with a smile, while admiring her Tinkerbelle costume, taking in all of her beauty of her shapely legs.  ‘She definitively is turning to a stunning beautiful woman, woman?' He thought but stop in realization, ‘I got to stop this.' "Eli, I have to go, work is calling but have a great birthday," Howie tells her in a hurry as he get up from the couch, then giving to a very stun Eli a peck on her rosy cheeks.  He fails to see the sadness he caused as he says goodbye.  He was out of there fast, leaving behind a very stun young lady in his sudden departure.  On the other side of the room, AJ watch everything unfold and felt sorry for both as he knows what has transpired.  Poor Howie was so painfully obvious that he is lucky that no one else notice besides him. ‘Seriously, this two need help but I can't she is my baby sister and his my brother,' AJ thought sadly for the mishmash couple.

A single tear appear on her angelic face but she quickly wipe it out and begin to mingle with her other guest in her party.  Howie gets into his car and speed away while in his mind has a race of his own, ‘She is a kid-I watched her grow.  Grow to be a beautiful woman!'  Trying to escape his thoughts, he turns on the radio and the CD was playing;

‘... The best of friends / Like sister and brother / We understood / We'd never be / Alone.  Those days are gone /Now I want you so much / The night is long /And I need your touch /Don't know what to say / Never meant to feel this way /Don't wanna be alone tonight.

What can I do to make you mine / Falling so hard, so fast this time /What did I say, what did you do /How did I fall in love with you.I hear your voice /And I start to tremble / Brings back the child / That I resemble / I cannot pretend / That we can still be friends / Don't wanna be alone tonight.  I wanna say this right / And it has to be tonight /
Just need you to know / I don't wanna live this lie /I don't wanna say goodbye / With you I wanna spend the rest of my life.  What can I do to make you mine / Falling so hard, so fast this time / Everything's changed, we never knew / How did I fall in love with...'
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