Taking back my love... by summer03

Trish was tired of feeling alone so after two years of marriage to the man she thought she loved she finally said goodbye. Alex could not let Trish go so he has to prove to her that she is the one for him... will he succeed? (better summary soon)
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Group
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Dramedy, Humor, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: No Word count: 33126 Read: 33586 Published: 01/16/10 Updated: 05/25/10

1. Chapter 1 by summer03

2. Chapter 2 by summer03

3. Chapter 3 by summer03

4. Chapter 4 by summer03

5. Chapter 5 by summer03

6. Chapter 6 by summer03

7. Chapter 7 by summer03

8. Chapter 8 by summer03

9. Chapter 9 by summer03

10. Chapter 10 by summer03

11. Chapter 11 by summer03

12. Chapter 12 by summer03

13. Chapter 13 by summer03

14. Chapter 14 by summer03

15. Chapter 15 by summer03

16. Chapter 16 by summer03

17. Chapter 17 by summer03

18. Chapter 18 by summer03

Chapter 1 by summer03
Author's Notes:
Ok so little by little I am putting my stories back up... sorry about that... here's another one. Please let me know what you think and I will update soon for whoever was already into this one. :)
“No I want out,” Trisha told her husband of two years. “I can’t take it anymore; it’s me or your career.” She said anger clear in her voice; she threw her wedding band at him. She wiped away her tears as she walked out the house they shared with only her luggage and purse.

“Trish, babe wait…I love you,” Alex said as he followed his wife out the house and into the driveway. He sighed as his phone rang and he knew he had to answer it, “Fuck,” he said as saw his wife already putting her suitcase in her car. Her black beetle that she so much loved, “Yeah,” he said into the phone.

“Yo Alex we found him, but we need backup you must come down to Miller and Curtis he has hostages,” Nick his partner in LAPD told him.

“Can you just do it without me? I have something to take care of…” he stopped talking as he saw Trish reverse out of the driveway.

“The chief wants you here,” Nick told him as he realized why he had asked him that. “It’s final now isn’t it?”

“She left me,” Alex told him as he looked through his pockets for his cigarettes. He walked back inside his home and grabbed his gun and badge… “I am on my way,” he told his partner hanging up the phone right after. He looked around and then at the picture on the wall of his wedding day. She looked so happy as she held onto him in her white gown. How did he let this happen? The first year was great and he did his best to make time for her and their marriage but then came his promotion. That’s when he began to come late from work to tired to pay attention to her, “I do love you,” he told her picture as he smiled at her face. He finished his cancer stick realizing he would have never smoked inside the house if Trish would’ve still been there.

He dialed the familiar number as he drove off in his SUV, he sighed heavily as he heard her voice… “Hey this is Trish I’m not able to answer your call right now but leave me a message and I will call you back. If its you honey? I love you…” he smiled as he heard it. I guess it was too soon for her to have changed her voicemail. “Trish we need to talk babe you can’t just quit on us,” he told her finally it had dawn on him that when he got back from this mission he was on his own wife was not going to be there. “I love you,” he finished and hung up. He hit the brakes on his truck as he came to a red light, taking that precious time to text his wife, “Come on you have to answer me babe,” he said out loud wishing she would actually answer him.

“Fuck Howie is going to kill me,” he said as he realized that his brother in law was bound to find out soon. He finally pulled into the crime scene cops everywhere ready to shoot. He took out his gun and made his way to the tall blonde guy and the chief.

“About time McLean,” Kevin Richardson told the young cop that approached him. “You and Nick will be going in be careful,” He told him as he handed him his bullet proof jacket.

“Yes Sir,” Alex told the chief as he followed Nick to where the rest of the gear they needed was.

“Howie is going to kill you, you know that right?” Nick told his partner as he checked his gun to make sure it was loaded.

“Do you think he knows?” Alex asked his partner as they both stared at Howie who was busy looking at the floor plans to the coffee shop they were about to enter.

Nick looked at Howie and after a few seconds spoke, “by the way he looks so calm and the little frown on his face…not yet.” He grinned at his partner, but he had the entire fault. So eager to take every case available, he distanced himself from Trish.

“Then I may have a chance to leave LA?” he laughed he knew he wouldn’t because he was going to get Trish back. He just didn’t know how yet. “Ready?” he asked him as he looked at his watch.

“Are you guys ready?” Kevin asked as he walked up to them. “He is threatening us already a body every ten minutes we delay the car and the money.”

“Yes,” they both told the chief with there guns in hand.


The bust was a success and the clapping of there co-workers told them they had done well. No one got hurt and Nick only needed a few stitches on his arm. “Sorry man I didn’t expect him to do what he did,” Alex told his partner as he watched a paramedic stitching him up.

“Its cool man, I’m fine.” He told him as he saw who approached them. “Hey D.” he gave him a grin.

“Hey Nicky boy, I need a report about your accident tomorrow you understand?” Howie told the blonde man and then turned to look at his brother in law. “Nice job man your ok right? I don’t want Trish to freak out on me again.”

“I’m good,” Alex told him looking down not ready to tell him that his sister had left him. “I should go, you’ll be fine right or do you need a ride?” he asked Nick.

“No I’m good go on ahead I bet Trish is waiting for you with a nice supper.” Nick told his partner knowing well that was not true.

“Talking about that she’s been calling me. Does she know about this bust?” Howie asked Alex as he looked through his phone.

“Yeah I believe so,” Alex said looking through his phone hoping that maybe Trish had returned his call or text.

“I guess that’s why she is calling me then,” Howie said looking at him. “Well go, I’ll call her and scare the crap out of her. Just for fun…” he told him with a grin on his face.

“Oh this is going to be fun to watch,” Nick said as he closed his eyes. “Shit that hurts,” he told the paramedic.


Alex closed the door to his house and sighed as he came into total darkness. He dropped his gun and badge on the coffee table in the living room and walked into the kitchen. He was exhausted and needed something to eat. He needed to think, “ham, mayo, mustard oh and this,” he was saying as he took out all the necessary things for his supper. As he ate his cold sandwich in the kitchen he realized just how much he needed Trish. He threw the rest of his sandwich as he lost his appetite. “Ah, Trish baby...” he said in frustration as he walked to their room. The drawers where she kept her clothes were open and empty, “Come on babe answer me,” he said as he held his cell phone to his ear.

He laid in bed jut staring at the phone in his hand. Maybe it was time for him to find a new job. He was brought out of his thoughts when his phone began to ring, hoping it was Trish he answered only to get the angry voice of Howie. “What the hell happened?” Howie asked him.

“Howie it’s small misunderstanding. I love her and she knows it.” He told him stuttering as he heard his anger.

“No Alex this isn’t something little she went to a lawyer. She wants a divorce,” Howie told him.

“Shit,” Alex said sitting up finally he realized this wasn’t just her showing him how far she would go for him to understand he needed to be there for her.

“Yeah that’s a good way to put it,” Howie told him as he hung up on him.


Alex took a deep breath as he walked into the place he called his job. Precinct 220 he smiled timidly as he passed some of his coworkers. He stopped as he saw Nick staring at him with his evil grin, “Man if I were you I would stay away from Howie,” Nick told him.

“I know I already spoke to him last night, where’s the chief?” he asked him as he looked into the chief’s office.

“He’s in there with officer Littrell from homicide.” Nick told him as they both stared toward that direction.

“Hey Nick,” Officer Ramirez said as she passed by.

“Hey there Mel you owe me a date we caught the guy…” he told her as he followed her leaving Alex alone again.

“He’s never going to learn is he?” he asked himself as he looked at the letter he had in his hands. This was it he was going to walk in there and give his letter of resignation. He saw officer Littrell walk his way, “Hey officer how’s your family?”

“Hey there McLean, there good. How’s the wife?” Brian Littrell asked.

“I believe she is well,” Alex said a lump forming in his throat knowing well that he did not know much about her since she had left him. “Is the chief alone now?”

“Yeah go right ahead I’ll see you around,” Brian told him as he walked away.

Alex walked slowly and sighed as he knocked on the opened door, “chief…” he said walking into the office.

“McLean just the person I wanted to see.”

He gave the chief his crooked smile and watched him put out his cigar, “I wanted to have a word with you sir.”

“Sure have a seat,” Chief Reynolds said as he eyed the way one of his best officers looked.

“Well sir I am here to give you my letter of resignation sir. I have served ten wonderful years now, but I think its time for me to go.” Alex said a lump forming on his throat. He loved his job but he loved Trish more and he was going to win her back.

Chief Reynolds sighed heavily as he heard him, “McLean I would normally tell you that your making the worst mistake of your life, but as Trish’s godfather I say your making the right choice.” He had heard from his wife that Trish had left him for good. “Good luck winning her back though… Trish is a Dorough and they are stubborn.”

Alex laughed lightly as he heard the chief, “I know sir I know but I love her stubborn and all. She’s my life now sir.”

“Well good luck McLean and if you ever decide to come back just let me know there will always be a place for you.”


Alex was glad Howie was no where in the station as he gave his badge and gun back. He sighed heavily as he handed them in, “Thanks Paul and please don’t tell Howie I’ll do it… where’s Carter? I need to break the news to him.”

“It was nice working with ya man, I think carter in the lounge.” Paul said as he took away Alex’s badge and gun. “You’ll join us at Chang’s every Friday right? I mean I need a good pool buddy to kick ass!”

Alex smiled at Paul, “I might pop in once in a while,” he said as he began to walk to the lounge room.

As he walked he couldn’t help but grin as he saw his partner Nick working his charm on officer Ramirez, he cleared his throat, “Carter I need to talk to you…” he said holding his laugh at the sudden jump from officer Ramirez.

“I was leaving.”

Alex watched her leave and then laughed, “sorry but this is important. You know she just likes to tease you…”

“Man Alex couldn’t this wait till later in the cruiser?” Nick said glaring at Alex. “I almost had her.” he muttered.

“Yeah it can’t I’m not your partner anymore,” Alex said wiping his sweaty palms on his pants. “I quit today… I just turned in my badge and gun. Maybe you’ll get Ramirez as a partner.” He said trying to lighten the situation.

“Are you serious? What the hell?” Nick said anger apparent on his voice.

“I thought through last night Nick… I can live without my gun and badge. But I can’t live without Trish.” He said in a defensive tone.

“Bullshit… Trish knew who she was marrying; fuck her brother is a cop too. Hell she works for INS.” Nick said.

“In an office on a nine to five schedule,” Alex said suddenly feeling angry at Nick’s reaction. “What the fuck is your problem? You out of anyone here except for Howie should be happy for my decision. Trish is the best to happen to me in a long time you know that.”

“Maybe I should be but it’s not fair that I am loosing my best friend and partner because she feels you don’t give the time of day. I call that selfish and I personally liked the old laid back, up for anything Alex not I’m married can’t go there anymore Alex.” Nick said walking out abruptly not letting Alex finish.

Alex sighed heavily and just let it go he knew Nick he would come back to his senses soon enough. He had another mission to do today, since Trish would not answer his calls he was going to look for her.


He was outside the building his wife called her job and with her wedding band in hand he went in. A short elevator ride later he walked into her department, “hey Chelsea,” he said politely to the one of her co-workers. “Is Trish busy? I’m just going to go in ok?”

“No Alex wait…” Chelsea could not stop him from going in she just sighed heavily.

“No really Sean I’m fine and it was time to do it.” Trisha said to one of her co-workers and close friend since he had been transferred there.

“Well it will help you Trish you needed it you are glowing today. I think we should go out and celebrate you breaking free from that prison.” Sean said leaning in closer to Trish.

Trish cleared her throat and moved away, “Not today I finally left him but I still love him Sean and I just don’t think I am ready to celebrate me breaking a sacred vow to god. I married him and vowed to love him till death but it’s apparent he was not thinking the same…” she said sadness clear in her voice.

“I’m sorry that was very rude of me,” Sean said taking the opportunity to walk around her desk and hug her.

Alex had been hearing the conversation but could not here anymore and walked in clearing his throat, “Excuse me,” he said in a very cold tone.

“What are you doing here?” Trish asked stepping away from the very awkward hug.

“I need to talk to you,” Alex said glaring at Sean.

“I should go but I’m here if you need anything ok?” Sean said leaving.

“There is nothing to talk about,” Trish said walking toward the door holding it open for him to walk out.

“I’m not leaving and you should shut the door if you don’t want anyone else to hear our personal information,” Alex said taking a seat in one of her chairs. He smiled triumphantly as she hesitantly closed the door to her office.

“Fine make it short I have a busy day ahead of me still,” Trish said taking a seat on her desk.

“I’m sorry for everything I’ve done.” Alex started and felt hurt as he saw her roll her eyes.

“Fine your forgiven Alex you can now go on without guilt.” Trish said frustrated.

“I’m not done,” Alex said taking a deep breath, “I quit my job today Trish. I don’t want to loose you babe I need you and I want you to come back to our house.” He said laying her wedding band on her desk, “Please babe,” Alex said as he leaned into her using his finger to lift her chin and make her look at him.

“Its too late Alex I gave you chance after chance even after…” Trish’s lips trembled as remembered his almost affair with another officer. “I can’t I won’t I’m done.”

Alex shook his head and sighed in frustration, “You just told Sean you love me and I you. Just one more chance babe…” he didn’t wait for her to answer and crashed his lips on hers taking her by surprise.

Trish tried to push him away but to no avail and soon gave in to his kiss. She suddenly forgot all the anger she felt for him and just gave into the kiss. She moaned softly as her hands found his neck, finally she snapped out of it and pushed him away. “Stop this get out!”

Alex went around the desk and cornered her angst the wall, “You love me and I will win you back.” He said kissing her again and walking out smiling. Trish loved him and he left with new hope that she was going to come back.
Chapter 2 by summer03
Trisha was exhausted and in turmoil as she kept remembering the earlier events. Alex had quit his job for her or so he had said. She had to admit that felt good. But she was not going to give in he deserved to feel how she felt for the past year by his side. Maybe she could find someone who would not take her for granted.

She drove without really paying attention to where she was going till she realized where she was. Her eyes widened as she saw Alex shirtless washing his Tahoe in the parking lot. She took of her sunglasses and gawked at her husband he was toned. What was she doing here? She quickly put her sunglasses back on and was about to drive away, when Alex saw her.

She mumbled to herself as she saw him smile at her and run up to her car. Hesitantly she rolled her window down, tried to smile and stare at his face not his wet abdomen. “I –” she breathed and then tried to speak again. “My car seems to still think this is his home. I have to go.”

“Please,” Alex said leaning into her window. “Come in for a few minutes…” he breathed heavily as he dared to remove her sunglasses to look into her beautiful brown eyes. He smiled at her, “Lets just talk we both deserve that at least. I need to explain my insipid behavior toward you…” he pleaded with his eyes.

She shook her head and sighed… “Just a few minutes,” she said. “Move so I can park,” she told him she knew he was smiling in triumph. She knew she was giving in to easily but he was too irresistible at the moment and she let her hormones answer for her. She swallowed hard as she opened the door to her Beetle. She pulled on her skirt that had slightly risen on her drive.

Alex had turned the water hose off and watched his wife; he licked his lips as he saw. Now he finally realized just how pretty she was, “Hey,” he leaned in and kissed her cheek lightly inhaling her cologne.

She shrugged and gave him a half smile, “Well let’s talk I still have to go home,” she told him walking up the steps and stopped at the door. She was about to open the door but she remembered that this was not her house anymore.

“It’s open,” Alex said as he walked up behind her so close to her, her hand grazed his skin.

She felt a light shiver at the contact but only cleared her throat, “I don’t live here anymore,” she told him moving out of his way allowing him to open the door.

Alex ignored her comment and opened the door for her, “Make yourself comfortable I’m just going to put on some dry clothes.” He said as he closed the door.

She sighed heavily knowing that was going to be impossible, she walked into the living room and gasped as she saw one of her dinner plates was being used as Alex’s ashtray. But she calmed down remembering that she should no longer care what he did or if he smoked inside the house. “I’m going to get some water,” she yelled as she began to walk toward the kitchen. She gasped in surprise at how in one day the sink could have so many dirty dishes; she took off her blazer and began to wash the dishes.

Alex was quick in changing into a wife beater and sweats, “I don’t think there’s cold water…” he said walking into the kitchen. He stopped and smiled as he saw her washing the mess he had. “I was going to get that,” he said walking up to her and making her stop.

“I just thought I’d help…” she said letting him take her place by the sink. She then decided to get her glass water and some ice cubes to make it cold. She watched from the counter as he washed the dishes she hadn't been able to stop looking at him and the fact that he was wearing what was wearing was not helping. She began to think this was a bad idea at the moment… maybe she should go. “I really have to go Alex just email me or we can meet at Howie’s to talk.” She said putting the empty glass on the counter.

“What? No please babe –” he bit his lip and began again, “Trish just please you’re here already and I am almost done here.”

She tore her gaze from him and grabbed her blazer putting it back on, “Alex there isn’t much too really talk about. I just want to make this divorce as civil as possible. I won’t ask for money or anything just sign the divorce papers. Why fight when we can be good friends like Kathy and Jeremy.” She said.

“Katy and Jeremy didn’t love each other. Jeremy ended up being gay…” he told his wife as he finished the dishes. “I love you and I know…” he said looking at her till she finally met his gaze. “You love me.”

“Alex…” she sighed and then she cleared her throat, “I loved you but the man I fell in love with has not been here with me this past year. I am in love with the Alex I married not with you what you have become. Nothing is forever…” she told him.

“I am still the same Alex,” he said defensively knowing well she was right the past year he could count the times Trisha and him had spent alone just the two of them, even sex had been scarce in the past year but that did not mean he did not love her.

“Alex… Alex please don’t make me list the many differences between whom I married and who you’ve become.” Trish said in frustration.

“Trisha please,” Alex said pleading as he walked up to her close enough to kiss her, “I fucked up and I can admit I could have done better. I can’t live without you,” he told her as his hands framed her face.

She laughed at his comment, “I would have melted with those words a long time ago Alex now they make me laugh,” she said as she tried to take his hands of her face.

“So you can tell me at this moment you don’t want to kiss me as much I want to kiss you right now?” he asked in a very low whisper making her look at him as he caressed her face.

He saw the look in her eyes she was having trouble refusing his words, she loved him. She was hurt and angry at him but he could prove to her this time that he loved her. He leaned in and grazed her lips with his then he took her bottom lip with his mouth. “One more chance that is all I am asking for…” he whispered as he kissed her face and then took her mouth with his.

Really bad idea, was all Trish was think as she gave in. Alex had won this time and again for the second time today she gave in allowing his tongue explore her mouth. She automatically wrapped her arms around him closing any gaps between them. “We shouldn’t do this…” she managed to say even though her body said something else as she allowed Alex to carry her toward the bedroom they once shared.


“Que demonios!” Trisha said as she washed her face and fixed her clothes. She had allowed her weak side to win. Now here she was trying to get out of here before Alex woke up. She opened the door to the restroom slowly and after grabbing her heels she began to tiptoe out of the master bedroom.

She froze as she heard Alex clear his throat, “Babe where you going?”

Alex suddenly sat up a little surprised to find that Trisha was not in bed and was actually up and leaving. He got up pulling on his boxers that were on the floor. He walked to her and made her turn to look at him.

She looked down and sighed, “I have to go… this was a big mistake Alex.” she said rubbing the back of her neck. “This wasn’t us making up,” she said her voice stuttering.

“Stay…” he managed to say feeling pain at her words. “We can work on it… you showed me you love me just as much as I love you.” he didn’t want her to leave and was willing to do whatever to make her stay.

“Alex!” Trisha said pulling her hand from his grip. “It’s over… Over.” She was saying the words and she knew it was best that way yet her heart hurt. “I don’t know exactly what happened but I can assure you it won’t happen again.” She finally decided it was ok to put her heels on and so she did. She did not look at him anymore and just stormed out the house before he could say anything else.

He followed as far as he could since he was not properly dressed to outside. “Trish…” yelled but to avail Trish was already driving away.


“Good morning,” Chelsea said as she caught her friend and co-worker try to sneak in. “Let me guess you stayed at your brothers?”

Trisha did not say a word and just mumbled what seemed to be an apology. She went straight the room Chelsea had lent her till she settled on her own and right into the shower.

She was good in time and had an hour to make it to work, “Chelsea sorry for the earlier behavior I’ll tell you later what happened I just need to clear my head,” she told her friend as she walked out and grabbed herself a glass of orange juice.

“I understand hon, I’ll see at work I have be there early today.” Chelsea said kissing her friend on the cheek before walking out.

“Yeah see you there, I’m heading out as soon as I finish applying on my makeup,” she told her.

Trisha was finishing up her hair when the familiar ringtone made her answer her phone; “Hey…” she said trying to sound normal.

“I called you last night but you didn’t answer are you ok?” Howie asked his sister.

“Yeah I just had a rough afternoon but I’ll manage.” Trish said smiling at her brother’s caring voice. He was not really her brother more like cousin but after she lost her mother at the tender age of twelve her aunt took her in as her own daughter. She was even adopted and so she loved him as her brother.

“Do you want to have lunch together?” Howie asked knowing there was more to her evasive answer.

She sighed and couldn’t say no to him he was his confidant, “Yeah sounds great how about Ceasario’s around twelve thirty?”

“Deal I’ll see you there. Love you got to go… my shift just ended and just arrived home so I will take a nap and meet there.” Howie said.


“Hey,” Trisha said as he walked into her job. Chelsea was already at work and all she got from her was a warm smile as she walked into her office. She was surprised to find her favorite flowers well arranged in a vase. She sighed as she looked around to see if someone was in her office but no was there, she walked toward the vase and carefully took the card.

To my wife the love of my life, last night is only the beginning. I am going to win you back.


She couldn’t help the smile that spread on her face but she quickly shook away her happiness and remembered the hell she had been put through this past year with that same man and with that she threw the card in her drawer with the wedding band he had brought her yesterday. She then got the vase of the roses and set outside in the lobby on a side table.

She saw the look Chelsea gave her and shrugged, “they look better there where people who walk by can appreciate them. I won’t” she told her and walked back to her office.
Chapter 3 by summer03
Alex cussed as he realized he had finished his cigarettes, “who the hell is at the door?” he said as the door bell rang. He let it ring but the ringing got annoying and whoever was there was not playing. “If it’s those Jehovah’s I am so giving them a piece of my mind,” he mumbled as he finally got up to get the door.

He was about to slam the door but Nick’s foot prevented it, “You look like hell,” he said as he let himself in. He followed Alex back to his living room, “Smoke much?” he asked as he saw the plate he was using as his ashtray.

“Nick if your here to continue to bitch about yesterday leave,” Alex said plopping back on the couch.

“Actually I came to apologize; you just caught me in a bad mood. So would you like to know who my new partner is?” Nick asked with a mockery grin on his face.

“You’re going to tell me either way,” Alex said not very appreciative of Nick’s good mood at that moment.

“Karen Rodgers,” Nick wiggled his eyebrows. “She’s back now that you’re gone,” Nick said getting comfortable on the couch.

Alex glared at Nick, “That is amusing to you?” he asked remembering clearly why his friend was teasing him. Karen was his almost slip up at his marriage.

“Dude she’s hot I mean Ramirez is nice looking in a tom boy kind of way but Karen… I can totally understand why you almost… well you know. She has the body and now she is my partner temporarily that is. I believe Brian is leaving homicide and will then join me.” Nick said finally realizing that his friend was really down. “Look at you man what is wrong with you? I mean yesterday when you told me you quit you kept saying you were going to get Trish back but all I see is you in boxers laying around at your house.”

Alex laughed a sour laugh, “I feel hurt and my heart is aching right now. Trish stomped on it and left it for dead.” He said reaching down to the bottle of Jack Daniels that was beside the couch taking a sip. “I think she really wants me feel what she did…”

“What do you mean? You’ve talked to her already?” Nick asked as he reached and took the bottle from his friend’s hand. “I think you’ve had enough of this for a while.”

“I not only talked to her we made love all night,” he snickered. “You should’ve seen her… she was as much a participant as me.” he gave a sly smile and then he pouted. “I wake up and she is leaving, I get up and tell her I love her. She just tells me it’s over…”

Nick listened a little disgusted by all the information his friend was giving. “So it wasn’t make up sex?” Nick looked at his friend and felt sorry as he saw the tears threatening to come out something he rarely saw from him.

“I guess not it was break up sex,” Alex said wiping his eyes and trying to toughen up, he didn’t believe in crying in front of his guy friends.

“Ok that’s it,” Nick said standing up and pulling Alex out of the couch, “You need to eat cause cigarettes and Jack is not very nutritious. Besides a little fresh air will help you come on got get in the shower and then we are going to eat.”


“I’ll be back in an hour or so,” Trish said to Chelsea as she walked out to the elevators. “I’m having lunch with Howie.”

“Ok hun,” Chelsea said giving her a half smile. “We still have to talk as well.”

Trish nodded and agreed, “Later I promise,” she told her right before the elevator doors opened.

The drive to Ceasario’s was used for thinking, was she going to tell her brother how stupid she had been yesterday? She felt that the drive was too short to solve her reasoning. She sighed heavily as she walked into a very packed Italian restaurant. “Hey Kathy,” she greeted her friend and owner of the restaurant.


“A table for two please,” Trish told her as she hugged her. “Where’s Jeremy?”

“In the kitchen, I’ll let him know you’re here in a bit, so your meeting your hubby here for lunch?” she asked her clueless to Trish’s decision to leave him.

“No actually I am meeting Howie,” Trish said trying to not sound hurt by the mentioning of her soon to be ex husband. “Kathy I left Alex for good…” she said biting her lip.

“Oh my god Trish sweetie I am sorry.” Kathy said hugging her friend. “Finally…” she whispered as she hugged her.

“Yeah finally I had enough but its ok… I am ok.” Trish said putting on her best smile.

“Watch him turn out gay,” Kathy said making fun of her ex.

Trish laughed but she knew that was not likely especially remembering the events from the night before. “Right?”

“Well let’s get you seated in the usual spot is that good?” Kathy asked.

“No a booth please.” Trish said as she followed her.

A three minute chat later she was alone looking at the menu and drinking her favorite, coke. She texted Howie to ask him where he was at, and instantly she received the answer he was running late he was stuck in traffic. “Hey Pete,” she told the waiter… “Go ahead and bring me some bread Howie is going to be late,” she smiled to the waiter.


“At least try to look alive dude,” Nick said as he parked in the parking lot of Ceasario’s. “Packed like always,” he said.

“I told you so,” Alex said not really caring about eating.

“You have to be fucking kidding me,” Nick said quickly covering his mouth.

“What?” Alex said finally looking a little alert.

“Maybe your right we should go somewhere else for lunch,” he said turning his BMW back on. He felt Alex’s hand stop him from reversing. “Look who’s here,” he said pointing to a few parking spaces down. The little black Beetle was unmistakable, because the plates read LVMYBTLE.

“No let’s stay,” Alex said opening the passenger door and walking out before Nick could protest.

“Man you got it bad,” Nick said as he caught to Alex who now looked more alive.

“She’s my wife,” Alex stated, “I love her.”

Nick rolled his eyes and then without thinking, “Well then you should’ve treated her better and you wouldn’t be in this situation.” He stopped and again his hand flew to his mouth. “Sorry man but it’s the truth.”

“That’s why I am not beating your ass.” Alex said before opening the door to Ceasario’s. He tried to smile as he saw Kathy, “Hey Kat,” he said walking up to her.

Kathy swallowed hard when she who was coming in, “hey…” she said nervously as she hugged him. “You want your usual spot?” she asked quickly.

“Yeah that’s fine,” Alex said scanning the crowded restaurant. He smiled as he found her and sighed in relief. She was busy looking at the menu and it looked like she was expecting someone.

“This way…” Nick told him pulling him out of his trance as they followed Kathy.

“What are you two having to drink,” Kathy asked as they took a seat.

“My usual Kat and Nick I what are you having?” Alex asked his gaze still across where Trish sat.

“I have a feeling I am going to need something strong, a bud light please,” Nick said as he began to scan the menu.

“Ok someone will be here with your drinks and your breadsticks.” Kathy said sighing and debating on telling Trish who had just arrived.


“Come on Howie,” Trish said as she looked through her purse and found what she was looking for. Her solace was reading and so she began where she had left in North Hanger Abbey. Jane Austen was one of her favorites and more modern was definitely Stephanie Meyer. “I would totally switch places with you Fanny Price at this moment,” she said as she began to read.

She was very concentrated on her book but suddenly lost her concentration as the young men in the booth across kept mumbling and staring toward her. She gazed up and was caught off guard when a set of blue eyes looked at her. She blushed and cleared her throat, “so not happening… I could be his mother,” she told herself as she smiled at the wink he had given her.

She tried to go back to reading when someone clearing his throat beside her. She looked up and was met with the same blue eyes; she gave him a smile closing her book. She was surprised by his forwardness and taking a seat in front of her. “Hi,” she heard him say.

“Hi,” she told him and shook his hand that was extended toward her.

“Sorry for my forwardness I’m Josh. I just happened to catch what you were reading, Jane Austen. I am majoring in literature so I was intrigued and had to come and ask if this was your first time reading Jane Austen.” He told her smiling at her.

“Well actually no, I love Jane Austen too and I happen to be reading her books again for the fifth time this past year.” She told him eying curiously. “So exactly how many years have you been in college?” she asked him he looked pretty young.

“I am in my second year actually. What is your favorite book?” he asked her ignoring her other question he knew why she was asking. She probably thought he was too young, but really what did age have to do with anything?

“Hmm…. I have to say Pride and Prejudice is my all time favorite. I just love Mr. Darcy. But then Captain Wentworth from Persuasions isn’t that bad.” She told him.

“I like personally like Emma,” he said laughing with her. “Listen there is this club of students that have this sort of discussion on Jane Austen every Friday night at Purple Haze… I think you should check it out it’s really good.”

“I uh don’t think so… I would feel really awkward being in the middle of students.” She said looking down to her half empty cup of coke.

“Oh come your pretty young yourself and just so you know my professor goes quite often.” He told her, she was becoming more interesting by the minute.

“I will think about it and thanks for the comment. For someone who is about to hit thirty it means a lot to be called young.” She said as she looked up to meet the brown eyes of her husband walking toward her. “No he didn’t” she whispered just as he approached the booth.

“Hey babe,” Alex said giving Trish a smile and turning to glare at the young punk that sat there.

“Alex… please.” Trish said smelling the alcohol in his breath. He had been drinking and that was not a good sign. “Just go please,” she told the young man with a nervous smile.

“Yeah go and find some one your own age. Don’t come around trying to seduce a married woman with your little pretty boy band look.” Alex said grabbing Josh hard from the arm.

“Man what’s your problem? I was not even hitting on her… besides she wasn’t wearing a wedding band. Let go of me,” Josh said now showing his angry side, and without warning threw the first punch hitting Alex on the jaw.

“He’s not my husband well not for long anyway,” Trish said getting in between them. “Alex stop!”

“No he fucking hit me, I can have you fucking arrested idiot.” Alex said pushing Trish aside and launching at Josh again.

“Alex!” Trish said and sighed with relief as Nick ran and literally pulled Alex off Josh.

“Stop Alex or I will handcuff you man. You know I will…” Nick said holding him back.

By then everyone was in the restaurant had they’re attention. “Are you alright?” Trish asked the young man as she helped him up. “I’m sorry about this. How can I make this up to you?”

“It’s ok I can totally see why he would be jealous and feel threatened,” Josh said wiping his lip. “How about by saying you will at Purple Haze this Friday?” Josh said glaring at a very angry Alex.

“Ok,” Trish said going to her purse and taking out her business card. “Just call me to remind me.”

“Ok,” Josh said going back to the table where his friends all stood frozen. He took out his wallet and asked for his tab.

Alex sighed, “I’m fine Nick let go… I won’t do anything.” He said pushing his friend. As soon as Nick looked like he trusted him he ran toward Josh with full force. “How dare you ask my wife on a date?” he said as he hit Josh on the face.

“God damn it!” Nick said pulling out his gun, “Alex I will shoot you if you don’t get off him!” he said anger now evident in his voice.

“No need,” Howie said finally showing up and pulling Alex away with full force. “What the hell is this?” he asked making Alex stare at him.

“He is fucking hitting on your sister,” he said trying to calm down.

“And?” Howie said making Alex walk and sit in the booth. “She can go out with anyone she wants she is free now or almost will be.” He said turning around and making sure the kid was ok. By then they were already leaving. He then realized everyone was looking at them. “Alright the show is over,” he said flashing his badge at everyone and soon the restaurant was back to normal.

“I’ll take him,” Nick told Howie as he walked to him. “He’s drunk I shouldn’t have brought him.

“Just get him out of here before I beat him.” Howie said glaring at him. “It’s your fault Alex that she left.”

“No I want to talk to Trish,” Alex said looking toward Trish whose anger was apparent.

“What makes you think that after this display you deserve to have her listen to you? Your drunk anyway… just go home Alex.” Howie said as he helped him up.

Nick didn’t allow Alex to walk on his own and began to pull him out, “Wait I have to pay the tab,” he said looking at Howie.

“I’ll take care of it just get him out of here,” Howie said glaring as his brother in law.

“Trish babe I’m sorry… did you like the flowers I sent you?” he asked he tried to get out of Nick’s grip, to no avail.

Trish just shook her head as she finally took a seat again and sighed, “I don’t know how all this happened.” She told her brother.

“It’s so Alex to get infuriated like that. Are you ok?” Howie asked concern in his voice. “He loves you though there is no doubt about that, I don’t know if he’s told you yet but he quit. Kevin told me last night.”

“Yeah I know,” Trish said biting her lip. “He told me last night….”

Howie looked at her curiously… “I thought you said you had left him the night before.”

“I did… but last night I don’t know how I ended up back at the house after work and well he convinced me to talk and instead we ended up sleeping together.” She told him ashamed to look him in the eye. “I don’t know what got in to me.”

“You love him,” Howie said in a serious tone. “Trish you need to really think this over…”
Chapter 4 by summer03
“Hey Howie,” Chelsea said as she saw him walk beside Trish.

“Hey there Chels” Howie walked up to her giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek. He liked Chelsea she was a good friend to Trish he knew that.

“Trish,” Sean said walking in as well. “Chelsea told me you had gone out to eat.” He said walking up to her and hugging her.

Trish blushed and pulled away gently trying not to hurt his feelings but she felt awkward when he hugged her. “Sean you remember my brother right? Officer Howard Dorough from LAPD.”

Howie eyed him not really liking the vibe he got from this man. “Hi,” he said he was not going to be disrespectful though.

After a few greetings finally Howie was sitting in her office, “So I know your birthday is coming up…” he said as he watched Trish try and concentrate on her work.

“Yeah but I really don’t feel like celebrating it. It will only make me feel haggard.” Trish said commenting on realizing that in a few days she would be the big three zero.

“Oh no you’re not giving me that dumb excuse we are so celebrating it.” He sighed heavily and spoke again. “Trish do you really want this? I mean do you really want a divorce? Alex has been a dick the past year I know, but I also know that he loves you. He tends to break down easily under pressure… but he quit his job for you. He fucking loves his job I should know because he was my partner first. But he quit for you… that right there Trish is him groveling to you.”

Trish sighed heavily and finally looked away from her computer her eyes filling with tears, “I know he loves me… he tells me all the time. But when his actions showed me the contrary Howie, I got hurt. What about Karen? Did you forget that? I tried to forget all that, start anew and instead he distanced himself from me. I can’t live like that anymore.” She said frustrated her tears now falling down her face.

“Ok… then end it now. Don’t keep giving him false hopes. You are my sister but he is also a very close friend of mine and I know that what has happened since you left him is killing him. Call Zullos tomorrow and tell him you want a speedy divorce, it will cost but I think that the faster you end it the sooner he will realize your done.” Howie said with care as he went around her desk and hugged her. “Trish maybe after the divorce you can ask for a transfer to another city, start anew.”

Trish hugged her brother, “I’m sorry for putting you in this situation, maybe your right I’ve wanted to go to New York. Maybe I can actually ask to be transferred there,” she told him. “I have to get back to work; you should go and try to get more rest before your shift.” She pulled away from her brother’s hug.

“Yeah I should let you work,” Howie said kissing her forehead. “Later. Call me at anytime if you need me. Mom’s been calling me telling me she will come home early this year if you need her to be here with you.”

“No please tell her to enjoy Florida. I’ll be fine… tell her I will call her.” Trish said wiping her face.

“Ok I will, love ya,” Howie said walking out.


“Trust me you need this after what you’ve been through,” Chelsea told Trish as she dragged her into the Karaoke Bar.

“I don’t understand how drinking and singing is going to help my mood.” Trish said as she let Chelsea continue to drag her along.

“Well sex didn’t help you either; you’d think that should have you in cloud nine instead your beating yourself about it. Come on now smile and look pretty. The other girls are already waiting for us.” She knew her comment was a little harsh but she knew Trish needed to hear it after what she had told her. Finally Trish had told her earlier about everything and she knew then that Trish was not ready to leave Alex and tonight she was going to show her just that.

“See that’s why I didn’t want to tell you my dilemma.” Trish said as she followed her friend into the bar. She smiled as she saw the other girls already drinking away.

“Trish, Chelsea over here.”

They walked up to them and after a quick hug and hello they began another round of martinis. “Trish baby after tonight you will be Alex who?” Simone said handing her the martini glass.

“Yeah and then some singing to bring your spirits up. Besides there are some nice looking guys here.” Kathy said smiling at her slyly.

“Oh honey this blazer has to go, you need to show what you got,” Simone said as she helped Trish out of her blazer. “There much better.”

Trish just smiled and began to blush, “You’re crazy Simone.”

“Hey crazy is the new thing,” Simone said calling the bartender toward them. “Hey hun, bring us all a round of tequila, we are all having a tequila shot Simone style.” She said smiling at her friends.

“You’d think that because she works in Forensics she would be the least crazy,” Kathy said laughing.

“Honey because I work with the dead I’ve learned to live to the fullest!” Simone said finishing her Martini. “We are glad to have Trish back out and about with us aren’t we?”



“Hey Jeremy,” Alex said as he opened the door.

“Hey to you… I had to come down here to ban you from my restaurant after the event earlier.” Jeremy said trying lighten the mood.

“Fuck I am so sorry Jeremy; I didn’t mean to… you know.” Alex said as he took a seat back on the couch putting the bag of frozen vegetables on his face. “So I guess you know about Trish dumping me.”

“Yeah Kat told me, are you now going to come out of the closet like me?” he asked laughing.

“Nope sorry to disappoint you there Jerms I am very much straight.” Alex said finally laughing a little with his friend. “What should I do Jeremy? I want her back, I love her.”

Jeremy sighed and then he took the bag off Alex’s face, “You want me to be honest?”

“Let her go,” Jeremy said only to laugh at Alex’s surprised yet hurt look. “Wait I am not done. Let her think your over her go on dates agree to give her the divorce. If she loves you like Kat and I know she does she will come back to her senses?”

“Your no help,” Alex mumbled taking the bag of frozen vegetables back and placed back on his face.

“Alex, trust me on this one… I am not asking you to stop loving her just to pretend too…” Jeremy said taking the bag back and tossing it to the coffee table. “If you keep beating of her new suitors and seducing her…ahem, sorry Kat told me about that. You’re only going to keep pushing her away.”

Alex arched his brow at what Jeremy was saying, “You are starting to sound serious. No fucking way you and Kat are budding in aren’t you all!”

Jeremy shrugged smiling at him, “Is it working? Because I also can share with you that at this moment Trish is out with the girls at The Monkey Karaoke Bar. She is has taken Kat’s advice about moving on.”

“Ok I can try what you’re advising, it won’t hurt to try.” Alex said.

“Ok then lets go out, I want you to meet someone that might take your mind off Trish for a little bit,” Jeremy said grinning. “You only need to go on one date with her please? She thought you were cute all angry earlier at the restaurant. So I of course told her you were going to a divorce and would love to go out. I’m so good,” Jeremy said.

“Yeah whatever let me get dressed,” Alex said finally standing up.

“Ok I will clean this mess while you dress.” Jeremy said.



You weren't there,
You never were,
You want it all,
But that's not fair,
I gave you life,
I gave my all,
You weren't there,
You let me fall.

So, so what
I'm still a rock star,
I got my rock moves,
And I don't need you,
And guess what,
I'm having more fun,
And now that were done,
I'm gonna show you tonight,
I'm alright,
I'm just fine,
And your a tool,
So, so what,
I am a rock star,
I got my rock moves,
And I don't want you tonight.

No, no, no, no
I don't want you tonight,
You weren't there,
I'm gonna show you tonight,
I'm alright,
I'm just fine,
And your a tool,
So, so what,
I am a rock star,
I got my rock moves,
And I don't want you tonight!

“Yes it really did happen to me!” Trish said slurred. “I want to sing another one… how about Gives you Hell –” she stopped surprised to see her brother grab her and carry her off the stage.

“It’s time to go Trish,” Howie said putting her down and taking her purse, blazer and Chelsea’s spare key. “Why did you let her get like this?” he asked her.

“She was having fun and then she just went a tad bit crazy. I am the designated driver so I had to call you, so I can take Simone and Kathy home.” Chelsea said a blushing a little as she saw Howie still with his work clothes attire.

“Well I’m not taking her to your house like this. I’m just going to leave work early and take her to my house.” He told her as he grabbed his sister’s hand and began to pull her out of the bar.

“Bye Simone, Kat and Chelsea… So what I’m still…” Trish continued to sing the song as she was pulled out.

“Trish please,” Howie said as he put her into the car where Kevin waited. “She’s wasted.”

Kevin laughed lightly, “I see and a big fan of Pink apparently.”

“AND YOU’RE A TOOL,” Trish sang then stopped as she saw Kevin. “Hey Kevin… Do you have that song? Can you play it for me?” she asked as she patted him on the shoulder.

“Hey Trish,” Kevin said very amused with her behavior. “I actually don’t this is LAPD’s car so we have no radio.” He laughed as he saw Trish pout.

“I think I have to call it a night for me, I have to take care of her.” Howie said as he made the call to the Chief omitting why he needed to take care of Trish.


“I have to get out of here,” Alex told Jeremy as he left Jackie sitting. “I will take your advice but Jackie is not…” he just sighed and began to walk toward the exit.

“Alex,” Jeremy called but to no avail he was out of the club.

Alex got into his car and drove off. He preferred to go home and watch something on TV. But for sure he was going to take Jeremy’s advice and give in.

“It might just work,” he said to himself as he played with his wedding band. He sighed heavily as he removed from his hand. He had to make it believable.


“I should go,” Trish said in trying to stand from the couch.

“Where are you going Trish and in that state?” Howie asked as he came back from the guest room with some pajamas. “Come on lets get you sobered up,” he said as he helped her up.

“I need to talk to Alex… Tell him its over.” She slurred as she tried to walk to the door instead of the bathroom.

“ah ah,” Howie said pulling her toward the bathroom. “I don’t think this is the right time,” he said eyeing her curiously.

Trish laughed and then she spoke again, “I want to serenade him with my new favorite song,” she said laughing again.

Howie couldn’t help and laugh at her, “Look at you Trish? If Alex saw you like this he would not believe its you… Look what he’s doing to you.” he said finally putting her into the shower turning on the cold water, “sorry for wetting your clothes,” he said as he heard Trish’s scream.

“Ok I’m better,” she yelled pushing him away, “I got it I’ll be out in a minute,” she told him.

“Ok see you in the living room,” Howie said shutting the door behind him.
Chapter 5 by summer03
“Good morning,” said a groggy Trish as she walked into the kitchen. She went straight to hug her brother, “Thanks for last night.”

Howie smiled at her and hugged her tightly, “that’s what family is for.” He let her go and offered her a cup of coffee… “So I called your boss told him you were not going to make it to work today. I think it’s a great opportunity for you to get your things organized. I also made you an appointment with Zullos.”

“You did all that for me?” she asked him as she took a sip of her coffee.

“Yes and I am actually going with you. Then if you still want to serenade your ex we can do that too. I would love to see his face as he hears you sing to him that he is a tool.” Howie said laughing at her and ducked as she threw a banana at him from his fruit basket.

“Uh, I can’t believe I said that… I was drunk for crying out loud.” She told him not being able to hold her laughter.

“Yeah blame the alcohol; I still can’t believe Chelsea actually took you out like that. I thought she was a quiet nice lady… but yesterday I was proven wrong.” Howie said as he placed plate of pancakes in front of her.

“She is nice and she only did it because she wanted to help me heal faster from my heartbreak.” Trish said rolling her eyes at him.


“Thanks,” Alex said as he took the plane tickets.

“So again why are you still purchasing the tickets? You know well she will not go to London with you anymore.” Nick told Alex as they walked to his car.

“I want her to go and maybe invite Chelsea to go with her or Kat.” Alex said smiling at Nick.

“Ok what happened to the Alex I had to drag out of Ceasario’s yesterday?” Nick asked looking at his friend with confusion.

“He crashed and burned last night,” Alex said lighting a cigarette. “I’m done too… I am going to give Trish what she wants.”

Nick almost fell with the surprise of his comment, “Wow… that’s interesting I almost got a heart attack here. May I ask why the change of heart? Does this also mean you will return to LAPD?”

Alex shrugged as he finished his smoke, “No… No LAPD for me anymore. Jason called me the other night and told me he was going to get me a job with him in LAX as head of security. He said it was good pay and a set schedule in the morning or night. Now about Trish… she wants space fine I’ll give her space.”

Nick began to laugh, “Reverse psychology….” He patted his friends arm. “You’re good you almost had me there. I think it just might work.”

“Its not about that Nick its about showing her she can’t live without me just like I can’t live without her. She is mad at me with all rights but she loves me I know.” Alex said as he climbed into the car. “Now to the pet store,” he told Nick.

“So your going to play the ex husband turns best friend role? Nice…” Nick said grinning.

“Your just never going to grow up are you?” Alex said rolling his eyes. “It’s more than what you think.”


Trish tapped nervously on the floor as she waited for her turn to see her lawyer, Antonio Zullos a close friend of the family. She pretended to be into the magazine she held, she began to flip through the pages realizing it was a wedding magazine.

“Why are you nervous,” Howie asked as he sat beside her.

“I’m not nervous…” she smiled weakly and then shrugged, “Ok I am nervous. I mean not even five years of marriage and I am already here asking Tony for help to get a divorce.” She said again looking at the magazine and frowning as she saw the beautiful wedding gowns.

“What would have happened if you would have married Tony?” Howie asked knowing exactly why she was dreading this visit. Tony had always had a crush on her and did date for a few months. Till Howie showed up to Thanksgiving dinner with Alexander McLean and he instantly took Trish’s attention.

He had always known that Trish liked the rough boys, not in the emotional sense but that looked bad. Alex was exactly that with tattoos everywhere, the fact that he was a cop was just the whip cream on the pie.

“Tony was Tony…” Trish said remembering well her relationship with him. He was just too nice for her own good. She felt obligated to continue with him for fear of hurting his feelings, but once Alex showed up there was no turning back. Tony gave her the most heart warming speech on why he was better than Alex….


“Tony we need to talk,” Trish told him as they walked down to her door.

“Yes we do,” Tony said as he turned to face her. “You’re so beautiful,” he told her as he kissed her cheek.

Trish stopped him and cleared her throat, “I can’t continue to go out with you. I can only see you as a great friend.”

“You’re breaking up with me?” Tony asked hurt apparent in his voice.

“I’m sorry Tony but I can’t…” she told him running up her porch and into the house.

[End of Flashback]

“Patricia Lorraine McLean,” the receptionist called.

“There’s us,” Howie said patting her sister on the knee. “He’s past that by now Trish.”

“I hope your right, but I will still get that look… you know the one that says see if you would have married me you wouldn’t be going through this.” Trish said as she grabbed her purse and put down the magazine.


“Hey Chels,” Alex said as he walked in.

“Hey Alex if you’re looking for Trish she did not come in today…” Chelsea said putting a strand of her red hair behind her ear.

“Oh well I wasn’t looking for her per say…” Alex said as he saw the vase of flowers he had sent her in the hall, it hurt but he just took a deep breath and spoke to Chelsea again, “I actually wanted to talk to you…”

“Oh,” Chelsea said looking at him curiously. “Ok sure what’s up?”

“I know well that either you or Howie are going to throw a big birthday bash for Trish. I know at this moment I am not in the list of invitees but its ok. I wanted to know if you would do me a favor…” Alex said giving his best smile.

“Alex I will not tell when or where I am on Trish’s side.” She told him biting on her pen, she felt bad for him and no matter what Trish said, she knew Trish loved him.

“I know but hear me out first… I had already gotten this present for her and well I would love to give it to her still. She deserves a well deserve time to be alone why not Europe? I also want to give her the best surprise ever… I want to tell her I give in. I am going to sign the divorce. I am going to move on. So what do you say? I got her two tickets it was one for her and one for me but… not its one for you instead.” He winked at her and hoped for the best, as he saw her debating within.

“I hate this… but you promise you’re not going to go there to ruin her night right?” she had given in who could resist those eyes. Now she understood why Trish had a hard time telling him to go.

“I promise,” Alex said making a cross sign over his heart. “I am serious I am letting her go…”

“Fine,” Chelsea wrote down on a sticky note the time and place. “Here and you did not get it from me.”

“Deal,” Alex said leaning in and kissing her on the cheek. “My lips are sealed.”



“Yo Dorough,” Paul yelled down the hall. “Someone is here to see you; she says she’s your sister.”

“Polly?” Howie asked as he walked up to the front of the station. He smiled as he saw who it was, “Oh my god… Trish.” He went up to her and hugged her. “Wow you look good.”

“Gracias,” Trish said smiling at him. “I am here to stay as well.”

“What wow that’s great.” Howie said excited to see his adopted cousin who now he considered his sister. She had gone to Florida to go to college and now she was back. “Sorry about missing your graduation, but I hope you liked your present.”

“It’s ok I know you’re a cop and I loved my present. The beetle is just perfect.” She gleamed with happiness.

“Yo Paul wheres…” Alex was just adjusting his badge as he walked up to the front of the station to stop as he saw his partner in conversation with the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. He quickly turned back around and left…

“I have to get to work but we’ll meet up later. Call me…” Howie walked to Paul’s desk and took a pad to write down his phone. “Later,” he kissed his sister again and hugged her.

“Ok bye… I’ll call you.” she waved at him and left, with one thing in mind who had that guy been. He was a cop for sure and his eyes were gorgeous. She hoped to see more of him soon.

[End of Flashback]

“Ok let’s go,” Howie told his sister who waited for him patiently in the front of the station.

“Yeah let’s go…” Trish said as she shook away her memory of the first time she had seen Alex. “So what you’d think about Tony?”

“He’s still the same,” Howie said as he opened the door to his car for his sister. “What about you?” he arched his brow as he asked her.

“He will always just be my friend. I am glad he didn’t bring anything up though and just told me he would take care of everything.” Trish said as she put her seat belt on.

“So now what?” he asked her.

“I was thinking that maybe I should get a new hairstyle… more appropriate for a single middle aged woman.” She told him as she ran her fingers down her long hair.

“Ok I’ll pay for it that will be my birthday present for you.” Howie said just as his phone rang. “Hey Polly,” he said a smile on his face. “No she’s here with me…”

“Hey sis,” Trish said out loud realizing it was her sister on the line with Howie.

“She’s coming down from San Diego for your birthday,” Howie informed Trish. He then handed her his phone, “she wants to talk to you.”


“Hello?” Alex answered his phone as he walked into the tattoo parlor.

“Where are you?” asked Nick as he began his shift with his partner officer Rodgers.

“I am about to get a new tattoo,” Alex said as he walked into the tattoo parlor. He smiled as he saw his tattoo artist, he was well known at this place. “Yeah I’ll call you later,” he told Nick hanging up.

“Hey Alex,” Ben said approaching one of his best clients. “What an honor we hadn't seen you in a few months when you came in to finish that one tattoo. What can I do for you today?”

“Well I want a new tattoo and I have an idea that I would love for you to help me with.” He said as he shook hands with Ben.

“Sure lets get something so when sketch it out,” Ben said as he took him more into the tattoo parlor.


“Hey I’m home,” Trish said as she saw Chelsea sitting on the couch. “What you think?” she asked her as she showed of her new hair.

“Oh my god I love it… awe but you no longer have your beautiful long hair.” Chelsea said as she walked up to her and taking a closer look at her hair.

“It’s good though very flirty and screams single.” Chelsea said with a laugh.

“Yes I need to feel a difference, so how about a toast to a new me?” Trish said walking toward the kitchen to find some wine or something to drink to.

“Ok,” Chelsea said a little more at ease with Trish’s new attitude.
Chapter 6 by summer03
A few days had gone by and Trish was still not at ease. It was like Alex had finally understood her phone hadn’t once rung showing his name on her caller ID. She sighed heavily as she looked out of her office window.

“You ready?” Chelsea asked as she walked into her office with a cupcake in her hand. She slid the small candle into the cupcake and lit it. “Happy birthday.”

Trish smiled and shook her head, “Geez thanks for reminding me that I am turning to an old prune.”

“Your shouldn’t think like that Trish, you should think of yourself like wine the older the better.” Chelsea said handing her the cupcake. “Well make a wish and blow it out!”

Trish did as she was told and blew out the candle, but a wish she could not think of one. “Thank you for my cupcake.”

“Oh your welcome but in exactly ten minutes we are leaving to the spa to get ready for the best part of today… your birthday bash!” Chelsea said with excitement.


“I will not leave with you dude if you get thrown out.” Nick told Alex as he waited for him to finish getting ready. “So what I don’t understand is why you need to go just send her the gift.”

“I want to look her in the eye when I tell her; I will give her what she wants.” Alex said as he came out of his room ready to go.

“I guess you ready?” Nick asked as he stood up from the couch turning of the TV.

“Yeah, let’s go.” Alex said grabbing his hat and the envelope with his present for his wife. “I glad I got my tattoo done; it made me clear my head. Now I know I can go in there and tell her what I need to tell her.”

“That is one badass tattoo dude,” Nick said commenting on Alex’s new addition to his body art his badge from his precinct. It looked so real like it was imbedded in his skin.

“Working as a cop has its good memories.” Alex said sighing as the best of the all memories flooded his mind…


“Don’t worry my mother likes a full house on Thanksgiving. The more the merrier she says.” Howie told Alex as they walked to his parent’s house.

“I should have brought something a least,” Alex said nervously.

“Don’t worry ok just be friendly and I know you don’t have any problems with that.” Howie told his partner.

As soon as he opened the door he was bombarded by his nephews and nieces, “Hey there yep uncle Howie is here.” He said as all of them wrestled him to the floor.

“Alright everyone off him now….or he will arrest you all.” Pollyanna said as she helped her brother up and then froze as she saw the stranger just smiling at the seen in front him. She cleared her throat and then eyed Howie, “I so sorry my nephews and nieces don’t see much of my brother so they tend to take advantage when they do see him.”

“Oh right sorry Alex,” Howie said as he hugged her sister. “Polly I want you to meet my partner, he’s actually a really good friend as well. Alex and Alex this is Polly one of my sisters.”

Alex shyly shook her hand and cleared his throat, “Nice to meet you.”

“Same here but we should at least get you comfortable come on in,” Pollyanna said she gladly to his coat.

Most of there family was already there and like Howie had said were super nice. They had welcome Alex like one of them. It wasn’t till Mr. Dorough began to complain about why they weren’t already eating that the mention of the youngest of the Dorough’s was mentioned.

“Sweetie we are waiting on Trish,” was the words that came out of Howie’s mother.

No sooner had she said when the front door opened and a giggle was heard. “I’m sorry I’m late but Tony had –” Trish stopped talking when she realized there was a stranger amongst them. She quickly let go of Tony’s hand and cleared her throat.

“Hello everyone,” Tony said as he walked in and began to greet everyone like family.

Trish finally moved from where she stood and went to hug her father. After greeting everyone else she took a seat next to her favorite brother… Howie. “So who’s the stranger?” she asked him as she eyed Alex curiously he was sitting on the other side of Howie.

“Well hello to you too,” Howie said kissing her sister on the cheek. “Trish this is my partner Officer McLean.”

“Officer McLean do you have a name?” She asked as she extended her hand to him.

“Alex,” he managed to say as he looked her. She was the same girl he had seen two months earlier at the station. He had never brought her up to Howie fearing it was Howie’s girl but now new hope arose when he realized he was only her brother.

[End of flashback]

“Yo Alex we’re here,” Nick said as he waved his hand in front his friend.

“Sorry there I was just thinking.” Alex said as he shook away the memories. “It looks like everyone is here.” He said out loud as they began to walk toward TJ’s.


“Thank you everyone.” Trish said as she blushed and smiled. Everyone was there even Tony.

“You look great,” Polly said walking up behind her.

“Oh my god Polly,” Trish said hugging her sister. “I am so glad to see you.”

“Same here so the big three O,” she told her laughing.

“Ugh I know I feel haggard.” Trish said accepting the drink she was handed by a waiter.

“I’m even older than that Trish and I am not complaining,” Polly said as she took a drink of her glass.

“Ahem,” Howie said walking up to her sisters. “Happy birthday…” he said.

Then all of a sudden everyone began to sing to her making her blush. She hated having attention on her but every year she would still get the big bash. She looked around and was surprised to not see Alex anywhere. Not that she expected him too… but he never forgot her birthday since they had begun dating.

She couldn’t remember how many people she had already spoke too and the party was running smoothly. She had already danced a few times with Simone and Jeremy.

“You look great,” Tony interrupted her thoughts.

“Hey thanks,” She told him giving him a smile. “Well it’s to start fresh, a new life as well.”

“Yeah…” Tony agreed as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I still don’t understand how Alex could’ve let you go so easily? I mean your one of a kind…”

Trish looked away dreading what was sure to come from Tony, “I didn’t give him a choice,” she told him finishing her drink right after her comment.

“Well I know it’s still soon but, maybe now you can give me the opportunity to make you happy.” Tony said giving her a smile.

“Tony… I don’t think that’s a good idea. I think we are good friends and we should leave it at that.” Trish told him sighing in relief when she saw Howie carrying her cake with thirty candles on it.

“Happy birthday to you…” everyone sang as she walked up to Howie.

“Well little sis make a wish and blow out your candles.” Howie said as everyone surrounded the birthday girl.

Trish closed her eyes and blew her candles as she wished to be put in the right path to her happiness. “Thank you everyone.” She said as she opened her eyes, “Lets eat some cake!”


Alex and Nick had just walked in as Trish blew out her candles. If it wouldn’t have been for that fact he probably wouldn’t have recognized his wife. She was breathtaking with her new hair and the dress she was wearing.

“Ok I don’t know you from here on,” Nick told Alex with a wink to reassure him he was joking. “Oh and good luck,” he said as he went into the crowd soon disappearing into it.

Alex stayed where he was just waiting for the right opportunity to be alone with Trish. He soon smiled as Trish began to walk away and take a seat at the bar all alone. He walked toward unnoticed just like he wanted.

“Happy birthday,” he told her clearing his throat.

Trish gasped as she recognized his voice, “What are you doing here?” she asked as she saw him take a seat next to her.

“I haven’t forgotten your birthday. Besides I have the best birthday present for you,” He told her giving her weak smile. He reached in his jacket for the envelope and then handed it to her. “Open it,” he told her.

“Alex please take your gift and go,” Trish said as he tried to stand up and walk away.

“Please just open it.” Alex asked her as he stopped her from standing up.

“Fine,” she told him tearing the envelope and her eyes widen as she realized what they were. “I am not going with you to London Alex.”

“I know… I am not going with you. I had already paid for them before all this happened. I was going to surprise you with them and make plans to go just the two of us. But well now we can’t. I would still like you to go I know how much you’ve been wanting to go. I think it would be a great idea to take one of your friends with you.” he told her smiling at her. “You look good by the way.”

“Thanks, Alex I can’t take this. You should go and take Nick with you or one of your friends.” Trish said trying to be strong and not hug or kiss him at that moment.

“No I brought them for you, but that wasn’t the only gift. I also wanted to tell you something.” He said standing up and whistling, “Excuse me everyone…” Alex said getting everyone’s attention.

You could hear the gasping of surprised guests to see who was there. “I won’t take to much time here,” Alex said ignoring the murmuring going around the crowd. “Howie please just let me say what I have to say.” He told his friend who was now beside him grabbing his arm. “Trish please tell him to let me talk,” he said turning to look at a still very surprised Trish.

“Make it quick,” she said clearing her throat.

“Thank you.” Alex said pulling his arm out of Howie’s grip. “I wanted everyone to be my witness as I tell Patricia Lorraine McLean that I have come to the conclusion.” He paused and then spoke again, “that you’re right we should go our separate ways. So my other gift for you tonight is that YES I will gladly sign the divorce papers. Whenever you’re ready. Happy birthday Trish.” He said and walked out of TJ’s as fast as he could. He didn’t want anyone to doubt his words.


She had to be alone so there she was in the restroom stall. She kept wondering why Alex was now ok with giving her the divorce. She was happy yet finally it dawned on her. She would have no ties with him anymore. Alex had given up on her for good.

“How did this happen?” she asked herself. She could feel the tears threatening to come out. She didn’t understand why his words hurt so much when she wanted him to agree all along.

“Trish you ok?” asked Pollyanna as she walked into the restroom.

“Yeah I’m fine… I’ll be right out.” She told her clearing her throat.

“Looks like he finally understood and he is ready to move on.” Polly said as she waited for her sister to come out. She looked at her sister tenderly and hugged her when she saw the tears rolling down her face.

“This it no more Alex.” she said as she began to sob. “I don’t understand why I feel like this when this exactly what I have been asking of him.”

“You still love him…” Polly told her.
Chapter 7 by summer03
“I hate that you did this Polly…” Trish told her sister as they arrived at LAX. “Mom should have stayed in Florida, there is no need for her to come back early. I have Howie if anything.”

“Oh hush it Trish I saw how much it hurt you to hear Alex give in that night at your party. I am about to leave and I wanted someone here to help you and Howie is not the best person for that… he’s a guy a very old single guy. Maybe we should find him a wife…” Pollyanna said as they walked into the building.

“Quit trying to change conversation… even though I agree we do need to marry Howie. So when will there flight arrive again?” Trish asked eyeing her watch.

“Soon…” Polly said pulling her sister along toward where they were to wait for there parents flight to come through.


“The outfit suits you well,” Gloria told her new partner in LAX patrol. “LAPD huh? So what made you quit?”

Alex only smiled as he saw his partner, “Yeah only thing I am going to miss is the doughnuts,” he said laughing ignoring the second question.

“Well you look pretty good to have been on the doughnut diet, I should know my brother is a cop,” she told him.

“Really here in LA?” Alex asked trying to keep the light conversation as they did there round around the airport.

“No Dallas,” she told him. “I think I need my coffee would you like one?”

“Ah yeah sure why not?” Alex said as they saw the Starbucks. He smiled at her she was so friendly and she definitely was a talker.

“I know the barista he’s a good friend of mine,” Gloria told him as she winked at him. “What do you want?”

“Expresso…” he told her as she went straight toward her friend. He decided to look for a place to sit.


Polly had been right they didn’t have to wait to long to hear that there parents flight had landed. Ten minutes after that they were hugging each other. “My dear Trish I had to come as soon as I heard Polly tell me this was serious. You have left him for sure?”

Trisha pretended to no be offended by her mother’s comment but the truth was she had always ended up at there house for a night or two when she had a fight with Alex. “No mom this time it’s real,” she assured her as she helped her with her luggage.

“I don’t know sweetie,” Mr. Dorough said to her as he patted her cheek. “I liked him he was a decent man.”

“Dad you like any man that likes to golf and takes you golfing or fishing.” Polly said patting his back.

“Well whatever the case may be Trish you are more than welcome to stay with us.”

“Mom I am fine and actually I am thinking about asking for transfer to New York.” Trish said biting her lip waiting for her mother to protest.

Instead of protesting Mrs. Dorough was staring toward Starbucks, “Talking about the devil himself,” she said beginning to walk toward the coffee shop.

“Mom,” Trish said following her and the rest of her family. She felt her blood rush when she saw that Alex was not alone and was laughing with someone a woman to be exact.


Gloria reminded Alex a little of Trish, in her sarcastic point of views anyway. There was no comparison in beauty with Trish. Or maybe he was too in love to see the outer beauty Gloria was. “For the first day on the job I am enjoying it,” he told her giving her a smile.

Gloria was actually liking her new partner and she had already noticed the lighter shade on his ring finger, he must have been married, “So what, I assume your not married anymore,” she told him as she pointed to his finger.

Alex smiled and he saw why she had caught that, “Technically I still am and I am hoping to be wearing my ring again soon. We’re going through a rough patch that’s all.” He said trying not to sound offended by her forwardness.

“Ah, right rough patch well if you want to talk about it I am good listener and I didn’t mean to pry either. Sorry.” Gloria said realizing she might have been too forward.

“No it’s cool it’s hard for me to talk about it,” he said. He looked up just in time to see his mother in law walk in with his father in law and sister in law. He felt awkward as he saw she was coming straight toward him, he cleared his throat… “Hey Mrs. Dorough,” he finally said standing up to greet her.

“Well look at you in a uniform, Howie had told me you me quit LAPD but I didn’t think you would soon find a job elsewhere.”

“Well… when you know people you can find a job quick. So I assume you just came back from Florida? So Mr. Dorough we should make plans to go golfing soon.” Alex loved his in laws and well he hoped they still liked him.

“Mother –” Trish stopped when saw it was too late to stop them they were already talking to Alex. She only looked away and then turned back composed, “Hey Alex,” she said turning to gaze at who was sitting with him.

“Trish,” Alex said smiling at her. Somehow her new hair really did suit her and then he caught the slight curiosity in her look as she saw his partner.

“Oh right I’m so rude,” Alex cleared his throat. “Gloria these are my in la- wait really great friends of mine the Dorough’s, Polly and Trish my soon to be ex wife. This is Gloria my partner,” he finished.

“Nice to meet you,” Polly said feeling the tension between Trish and the Gloria girl. “My parents just wanted to say hi when they saw you. But we must go now… It’s nice to see you found a nice job Alex.” Polly said as she began to push her parents and pull on Trish’s arm.

“Nice meeting you all,” Gloria said feeling the awkwardness. She turned to face Alex and felt for his anguish as he saw the way looked at his ex wife. “Wow…” she told him as he finally took a seat again.

“Yeah,” Alex said sighing. “I didn’t plan for that…”

“She seemed a little pissed to me,” Gloria said as she took a sip from her Frapuccino.

Alex smiled, “Probably because she was; knowing her parents they don’t think our divorce is serious and still consider me part of the family. There son is a great friend of mine and he is the one to present me to her. Trish is probably mad about the way they are taking this situation.” He smiled also remembering the glare at Gloria, she was jealous he knew it, he saw it on her face.

“No I think she felt threaten by me… like she was jealous.” Gloria told him as she stood up. “Let’s finish our round,” she told him smiling. “I think you liked it too.”

“So you saw that too?” Alex said smiling he was starting to like Gloria she understood him.

“Yeah it’s my woman intuition, I happen to know what you’re going through. But in my case he gave up on me and well as much as I tried to win him back…” she paused and then spoke again. “It never worked for me because he really had stopped loving me. But your wife… she still loves you. She hates whatever it is you two had problems with but she loves you. I can see right through that wall she is trying put up. Fight…”


“You have to be kidding me!” yelled Trish as she walked into Chelsea’s apartment.

“I assume you’re not so happy with your parents return,” Chelsea said looking up from her book.

“No I am happy but uh!” she said in frustration as she took a seat. “Guess who is working at the airport as Security?”

Chelsea put her book aside and after putting a strand of hair behind her ear spoke, “Why would I know? Just spill it already.”

“Alex!” she said angrily. “My parents don’t think of this situation serious and decided they wanted to go and say hi to him. With me there! The nerve of them… then that Gloria girl flirting with him!”

Chelsea listened with a small smile playing on her lips, “Gloria?”

“Out of all that I told you all you could say is her name?” Trish asked pouting as she began to take off her shoes. “Gloria is his partner but she is very pretty you know… he was all flirty with her and he had the nerve to present her to us.”

“Well he’s moving on like he said he would. Besides maybe they were just on a break? Can I ask you something?” Chelsea asked sitting front of her friend and grabbing her to hands with hers. “Why is that bugging you? Weren’t you hoping for this outcome?”

“It’s… Its not bugging me I am angrier at my parent’s reaction to this. You know my dad wants to go golfing with Alex? It’s like they honestly believe we will get back together.”

“Is there a chance that you will?” Chelsea asked patting her friend’s knee. “It’s ok to forgive your husband and work your problems out. He did come clean when all that things about Karen were happening.”

“No I am determined to move on, you know what I think I am definitely going out with Josh, he seems pretty descent for a college student. He likes Austen too so we might have a lot in common. I’m going to call him,” She told her friend as she walked away and into her room.


Alex had decided to go see his old friends from the station at Chang’s where the hung around after work. There he smiled when he spotted Howie, “So are we going to not talk to each other anymore?” Alex told Howie as he took a seat next to him on the bar.

“No we’re just not going to be related anymore.” Howie told him giving him a smile, “want something to drink?”

“Glass of Jack,” he told the bartender at Chang’s. “I didn’t mean to be so stubborn but I have to admit I couldn’t picture being without your sister. Now I have resigned on ever getting her back.”

“You know what Alex; I didn’t buy the bullshit you said at her birthday party. My question is what are you up to?” Howie said taking a drink from his beer.

Alex smiled at his friend, “That I have stopped loving her? Your right I haven’t but that I am willing to give her what she wants so she can be happy that is true. I can do it… I can forget. I’ve done before with the low life of my father…” Alex said taking the glass of Jack with his hand. “You know I haven’t even called mom to tell her the news.”

“Well I’m still here Alex but you also have to understand that Trish is my sister and I will do whatever it takes to make her happy. Tony is back to courting her… that is a sight to see.” Howie said laughing he was already a little buzzed.

“Tony seriously? He didn’t get it the first time? He’s a dodo head when it comes to romance. He’s a good lawyer but in love man…I have nothing to worry about with him then,” Alex said finishing his drink.

“No but the young guy from Ceasario’s wasn’t so bad,” Howie said feeling bad when he saw the pain it brought to his friend.

“Your not letting her go that easy are you? I know you Alex and you’re up to something… I’ll warn you though; if whatever your conniving doesn’t work promise me you’ll leave her alone. She doesn’t deserve to hurt…” Howie told him as he ordered another beer. “Or I will hurt you myself.”

“I love her; the least I want to do is hurt her. I want her back and that is all I am telling you.” Alex said facing his friend. “Why don’t we play some pool? I know I can beat your ass in that!”
Chapter 8 by summer03
“I really am glad you came, see you enjoyed yourself.” Josh said smiling at his new friend.

“I did and your professor wow…talk about wise.” Trish said as the walked down the sidewalk after exiting Purple Haze.

“Yeah he’s pretty good,” Josh said as he looked ahead to the bench in the park just a few steps further. “Do you want to sit and talk some more about Austen?”

“Why not?” she said as she also saw the bench. “So I have to ask this what about Shakespeare?”

“Total Genius,” Josh said laughing. “Love his plays… he knew how to express love at its purest. I mean take Romeo and Juliet amongst others of course.” They reached the bench by then and both took a seat.

“So Josh besides college what else do you do?” Trish asked as she looked at the people walk by.

“I play soccer, centerfield.” Josh answered happy to know Trish was interested in knowing more about him. “So what do you do?”

“Well I push a lot papers for INS and I love to ballroom dance. I know it sounds corny but it really is nice, Alex and I actually took lessons and…” she stopped when she realized she had mentioned Alex. “Sorry, let’s just say I now know how to dance well. I hate the color Pink and bananas. What about you Josh what do you dislike?”

Josh sighed heavily as he listened to her, “Well I hate kiwis and I don’t know why I just don’t like the color orange. So can I be forward and ask how is your divorce going? I mean you were pretty vehemently in stating that at Ceasario’s when you know.”

Trish knew she was blushing; it had been a while since she went on a date with someone aside from Alex. “Good he actually agreed to give me the divorce. We are to see each other with our lawyers and settle our other stuff. You know who keeps the house, the dogs, and cars. You get the picture.”

“Yeah I know my mother went through all that recently when she divorced my third stepfather.” He said emphasizing his comment with three fingers flashing at her.

“Wow that’s a lot,” she giggled a little. “Sorry I didn’t mean to be rude,” she said.

“No its ok I tell her all the time, I mean she is thirty nine she should settle you know. Maybe she should stop trying and just admit she should be single. I still think she is hung on dad, but dad had to move on to someone younger.” Josh shrugged and then cleared his throat. “Want to go grab a bite? I know this great Mexican place the best Carne Asada ever.”

“That sounds good I haven’t had Mexican in a while,” Trish said smiling at him. He was such a good boy and suddenly she felt guilty going out with him, his mother was only nine years older than her. But at least for tonight she would pretend to not notice the age difference, he was her first attempt at dating.


“Yes Mark put it on the market,” Alex told his lawyer as he sat in his office. “I want to sell it if I do get divorced then we’ll split the profit. I am actually thinking of moving maybe to smaller house near the beach,” he smiled as he remembered talking to Trish about a vacation house near the beach in Malibu or Florida.

“Fine I’ll get to work on that, so will you be going with me to see her lawyer to discuss all this?” Mark asked his friend and client.

“Yeah totally I want to see Tony’s lame attempts to woo my wife and I have to admit I want to see her again. Remember I want you to take the longest route to getting me divorced because I tend to stay married.” Alex told his friend.

“Can I ask you something Alex?” Mark said as he stopped what he was doing and faced him. “Why are you going through all this trouble? I mean it’s apparent she is over you.”

“She’s not she is just over our lame attempts at reconciliation. But this time I am going to prove to her I am made for her.” Alex said seriously.

“Well I hope it works man, don’t forget three days from today at Zullos building for the meeting it starts at ten be punctual.”

“Yeah I will be there thanks again man,” Alex said shaking his friends hand before walking out.


“So remind me again why you brought Rodgers with you to our lunch?” Alex asked Nick as they watched her disappear into the ladies room.

“She was asking about you, I thought maybe she could help with your plan. I mean imagine the face Trish will make if she saw you with her?” Nick giggled at the thought.

“Your pathetic Nick, I should kill you. Rodgers is a bad idea and I don’t need your help in that department!” Alex said taking a drink from his coke.

“Ok I’m back,” Karen said taking a seat next to Nick. “So McLean I heard about the divorce. I’m sorry to hear about it, Trish is a really nice girl.”

“Yeah she is and I still love her very much.” Alex said giving her a sincere smile, “I loathe myself for being an asshole to her.”

“Poor guy maybe it was fate stepping in and its trying to tell you to move on. I know I enjoyed our time together very much in fact I haven’t been able to forget it,” Karen said biting her lip. “When Nick here told me about your misfortune I just had to talk you.”

“Misfortune indeed,” Alex said glaring at Nick. “I didn’t know you and Nick were that close on such short time being partners. But I really don’t need any consoling Karen, I am perfectly fine.” With that Alex got his wallet out and laid a fifty dollar bill on the table, “Well I really have to go… but it was nice seeing you again Karen. Hopefully you can find someone you can help you forget.” With that Alex walked out of the restaurant. The nerve of Nick he thought as he drove away.


“I don’t know what to do Chelsea,” Trish said as she ignored Josh’s call for the fifth time that day. “It’s only 8:30 for crying out loud I have to admit going out with Josh was a bad idea. He is only a little boy…” Trish said as she walked into the kitchen where friend was fixing breakfast.

“I am not giving my opinion anymore… it’s your life your choice. I think you should just answer him and tell your not interested him like that. Damn there I go giving my opinion scratch that and just change your number!” Chelsea said in annoyance her friend had been blubbering about that Josh kid for over three days since her date with him.

“I guess your right but right now I have to get ready to go see my lawyer and my pathetic soon to be ex-husband.” She said as she took a bite of an apple.

“You know you didn’t even sound insulting when you said that… I think you’re having second thoughts.” Chelsea said giving her friend a sly smile. “Maybe all you need is a one nightstand with a stranger before forgiving your husband.”

Trish glared at her friend, “I am going to ignore your last suggestion just because I know you didn’t mean it… I think the person that needs to get laid is you. I have an idea…” Trish said now smiling a little at her brilliant idea, “Howie maybe be able to help you that.” she winked at Chelsea as she walked away to get her purse. “But we’ll talk more when I come back about that,” she yelled before she exited the apartment.”

She had just turned on her car when her phone rang and she felt relieved when she realized it was Howie. “Good morning bubba,” she said.

“Ah, don’t call me that anymore,” Howie said as he heard his sister’s voice. “So I was wondering if you wanted me to go with you today. I can if you want.”

“Awe, no thanks hon I have to do this on my own. I can’t always rely on you what will happen when you settle down with a wife and all? I have to learn to do this alone you rest I know you had a rough night protecting my city.” Trish said nervously wishing he would still offer to come with her.
Howie giggled to choke his real comment, “Your silly you know, we live in a city where being is single is the new thing!”

“Right well sorry but we are so on to you!! Polly and I will make sure you don’t stay single for to long! But anyways I have to go… talk to you later love you.” with that she hung up on him before he could find a smart remark to say.


“Fuck!” Alex said as he waited for the light turn red. “I can’t be late!” he said as he sighed in relief when the light turned green. Finally he could see the building and sighed when he saw he had five minutes to get there.

He quickly parked and ran into the building smiling when he saw Mark already there waiting for him, “Sorry traffic,” he said.

“You really need to find a better excuse,” Mark said patting him on the arm, “let’s go we have three minutes,” he then walked into the vacant elevator.

“I am nervous is that normal?” Alex asked.

“I would if I am about to split my stuff with my ex,” Mark said looking at his watch. “But then again I don’t understand why you should if you say you still love her!”

“I don’t think I am nervous about this meeting. I am nervous because I am going to see her today and I won’t be able to touch her.” Alex said just at the doors to the elevator opened and they walked to the lobby of Zullos & Zullos.

“Good morning Miss,” Mark said as he approached the receptionist. “We are her for a meeting with Tony Zullos and Patricia McLean.”

“Right they have been waiting for you,” the receptionist said as she stood up. “Follow me this way please.”

“Thank you,” Mark told the receptionist as they walked into the conference room where Trish and Tony sat waiting patiently.

“Just in time,” Tony said standing up and going up to shake Mark’s and Alex’s hand. “Alex long time no see… you look good. I didn’t get to say hello at Trish’s party you left pretty quick.”

Alex cleared his throat and put on his best smile, “Nice to see you again Tony.” He didn’t want to be rude and say something hurtful to him. He was trying to show he was ok with all this. “Trish,” he gave her smile and a nod.

“Hey Mark...” Trish said as she hugged Mark. She knew Mark he had actually been a groomsmen at her wedding. “Alex,” she finally said only giving him a glance.

“Ok well let’s get this started,” Tony said as he took a seat again and began to take out paperwork.

“To my knowledge both parties are agreeing to clean fifty fifty split of there belongings,” Mark said as he and Alex took a seat as well.

“Well then that should be fine but what about the dogs? I believe my client wants to keep them.” Tony said looking up from his paper work.

“No I don’t think so I had those dogs even before we got married those are mine.” Alex said surprised by her request.

“But for the past two years they’ve seen more of me than you. I bet if I go to the house and get them they will gladly come with me!” Trish said as she got a agitated by Alex. “I think I deserve to keep them. They feel just as abandoned as I did from you…”

“I am not giving them up that’s all I am not willing to give into.” Alex said looking straight at his wife. “You’re just trying to fuck with me!”

“Excuse me? No I am not I love those dogs as much as you! You won’t take care of them as I would!” Trish said standing up and leaning toward him.

Alex only smirked, “Sorry Trish I am not going to give them to you… if we have to go to court we will.”
Chapter 9 by summer03
“Hello?” Trish answered as she walked into her apartment.

“Is this Mrs. McLean?”

“Yes may I ask who’s calling,” she asked wondering why so much formality.

“Hello ma’am I am Dr. Reed from Cedar’s and we are calling because your husband Alexander McLean has been in a car accident and is in critical condition here. We were able to retrieve his cell phone and that’s how we got your number.”

Trish felt a jab of guilt as she heard the doctor that is my ex husband she thought to herself as she tried to speak, “Ok… I’m on my way.” As she hung up.

“What wrong?” Chelsea asked as she saw her friends color drain from her face. “Is everything ok?”

“No Alex…he was in a wreck and is in the hospital.” She said in monotone state.

“Oh my is he ok? Do you want me to go with you?” Chelsea asked as she hugged her friend.

“I don’t… I don’t know if I should go.” Trish said controlling the urge to cry. “I was just with him discussing our divorce and now he’s in the hospital.”


“Is he ok?” Howie asked he spotted his sister and Chelsea sitting in the waiting room.

“He is in the OR as we speak,” Chelsea said standing up to let Howie sit by his sister. “She’s been like this since she got the call,” she whispered to Howie. “I’m going to get some coffee want one?”

“I’m fine but how about you bring Trish a sprite?” Howie said as he sat by her his hand automatically wrapping around her shoulders.

“Ok I’ll be back,” Chelsea said as she walked away.

“I haven’t been able to call Denise,” Trish said finally looking up to her brother. “You should call her I am sure she is not very happy with our current situation.”

“She doesn’t know,” Howie told her as he took her phone from her hands. “Alex didn’t want to tell her till it was all done and over with.”

“He’s going to be ok right?” Trish asked concern evident in her voice. “I mean I don’t hate him I hate what came of our relationship.”

“I know Trish I know,” Howie said hugging her. “I’ll ask on his status in a minute just relax ok. Now do you know what happened?”

“Well after our meeting I know he was a little upset and he ended up wanting to go to court to for our dogs. We screamed at each other, I know I told him a few harsh things and then Mark took him. I was arriving home when I got the call; he still has me as a contact for emergencies.”

Howie took a deep breath, “this divorce thing is getting out of hand. Seriously… I mean look at you?” Howie handed the phone back to her as he stood up, “I am going to ask a nurse about him and I think we should wait till he is out of the OR to call Denise.”


“Mrs. McLean?”

“Yes?” Trish said standing up as she saw the doctor walk to her.

“He’s fine still unconscious for the moment but he should be coming too soon. He does have a fractured ribcage only one rib is broken though. We are glad the broken rib didn’t puncture his lung though. He did get a few stitches on his head and he did break his left leg. His internal bleeding has been stopped though. He will make it, but it will be a long recovery.”

“Can I see him?” Trish asked as she heard the good news.

“Sure just one visitor at a time,” Dr. Reed said as he gave her smile.

“Thanks,” she told him as she saw her brother approaching.

“What did the doctor say?” Howie asked as he made it to his sister’s side.

After explaining to Howie what the doctor told her she told him about going in to see him. “Could you call Denise… I just don’t think I can.”

“Yeah ok, don’t be to long in there,” Howie told him as he took her phone.


She stood beside his bed, somehow she felt guilty for this. He had left pretty pissed from the office. She cringed as she saw his bandaged head, “I’m sorry,” she whispered as she touched his hand.

She wanted to pretend that seeing him like this didn’t affect her so much but it was useless it did. She still loved him; she remembered exactly when she first realized that Alex was it for her…


They had been dating for year already it was there anniversary. He never pressured her into anything and he was very sweet. Very gentlemen like, of course they did make out a lot but yet they had not gone further than that. She was sure Alex did but never insinuated it to her and he respected her views on that he had told her that when they had talked about intimacy.

One of the reasons for that was because well call her old fashioned but she still hadn't had sex yet… not because she hadn't dated in college or let alone high school. She hadn't felt that spark with any of the guys she had dated at any point.

She was also very aware of teenage pregnancy and she was not one to do that stupid mistake. She didn’t care much if that made her weird among her friends and she had been happy with her choice.

Any who back to the night of there one year anniversary he had taken her out for dinner and dancing. He actually had surprised her with a ballroom instructor and the subscription to his classes with him of course. He was going to be in them too.

They actually had dancing classed that night and were dancing to Dean Martin when he leaned in to her and whispered he loved her. After spinning her he stopped her and kneeled down on one knee. Of course she remembered the shock and the feeling of her air supply being cut short.

It had been a teary proposal, Alex was not so tough. He really was a softy and she knew that very well by then. After accepting his proposal her family including Howie who knew all along came out from wherever they were hiding.

It was that day that she really faced the fact that Alexander James McLean was her soul mate and that night had been a memorable one for both. She gave herself to him completely and it still was one of her favorite days in her life…

[End of Flashback]

“Trish,” Howie tapped her shoulder as he approached her. “Denise is on her way she is taking the first flight available. I offered to pick her up when she got here.” He stopped talking when he saw the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

“Ok,” she gave him a weak smile and cleaned her tear stained face. “I hate seeing people in hospitals you should know,” she told him clearing her throat.

Howie only shook his head and sighed, “I think its more than that.” He shrugged when he saw the glare from her. “Come on sis you can’t fool me… its ok to admit that you love your husband, you’re not going to go to hell for admitting it.”

Trish rolled her eyes at him and took a seat on the chair close to his bed, “You as my brother you should be taking my side not his. Then again you two did spend a lot of quality time together. You two were partners,” she eyed him suspiciously. “Is there something I don’t know about you two?” Hey he had started it.

“I am going to pretend I did not hear that,” Howie told her just as he saw Alex stir a soft moan escaping his mouth. “I think he’s coming to, we should get a nurse.”


“I’m sorry that you got called about this… but you can go now my mother should be here soon and Nick.” Alex told his wife who had not left his room at all.

“I don’t mind Alex; I’ve told you already I don’t hate you. I want to be your friend not your arch enemy just because we got divorced.” She told him as she helped as he tried to adjust his pillow with one of his hands. “Let me do it don’t strain yourself I know your in pain with the broken rib and all.”

“Thanks,” he told her as she leaned in to help. He face so close to his, “You look tired,” he told her as his finger automatically touched the area under her eye. A dark spot was there it was subtle but it was there.

“Yeah I had a lot of things to do lately and haven’t been getting my beauty sleep,” she told him as she pulled away. She was glad she had because no sooner had she when Nick walked in.

“Dude you scared the living shit out of me…” Nick said shutting up when he saw who was there. “Trish,” he acknowledged her and he automatically went to hug her.

“I should go check on Chelsea she’s been here for a while. I should tell her to go home and sleep.” Trish said avoiding the look Nick was giving her.


Trish turned the corner and froze as she saw who was standing there. She felt the anger and she had to control herself from running up to her. Karen Rodgers was the person she did not want to ever see in her life ever. As she began to walk again toward her, her brother and Chelsea she compared Karen to herself.

They were so different for one Karen was much taller and had the all American girl look, including the blond hair. She on the other hand was short and her Latin roots showed very well in her body. They were two very different women and it only made her question Alex mentality more.

Karen was gorgeous she had to give that to her and it made her wonder if Alex had lied to her when he had confessed of his almost slip with her. She stopped tormenting herself as she reached them. “Chelsea,” she spoke.

“How’s he doing?” Chelsea asked her realizing the glare Trish was giving Karen.

“He says he’s ok of course he would say that. I actually came to tell you to go home and get some rest I’ll ride with Howie when he leaves.” She gave her brother the look as to ask why she was here and why was he talking to her.

“Yeah sure,” Howie said nervously a grin apparent on his face when he saw the look on his sister’s face. “Nick only passed by he is on duty. He and his partner just came by for a little bit.”

Trish shrugged at Howie’s explanation, “I’m going to go get something to drink and maybe eat. I’ll come back later,” she gave Karen a not so friendly smile.

“Wait I’ll go with you and then I’ll go home,” Chelsea said with relief she also could not stand Karen.

“I’m sorry about that,” Howie said apologetically to Karen. Somehow he felt like he needed to say that.

Karen smiled at him, “No I guess I deserved that I don’t think I am in her best friends list. I just hope she doesn’t think I am here because I know about there divorce.” Karen said actually happy she had caused Trish jealousy. Even if Alex had been clear of not being interested in her anymore.

“Trying to sleep her husband puts your on her not friends list,” he said catching her sarcasm.


“Totaled?” Nick asked bewildered by his friend’s accident.

“Yep you almost were going to my funeral instead.” Alex smiled sourly.

“Don’t say that… so Trish has been here?” Nick gave him a sly grin.

“Yeah but I think its only cause she feels guilty for trying to start a fight with me at the meeting with our lawyers. Can you believe she is trying to take Spike and Spencer away from me?” Alex told his friend.

“NO way dude those are your dogs,” Nick said and the he sighed, “Wait but aren’t you really not going to divorce her? Isn’t that you genius plan?”

“Yeah that’s why I said I would see her in court for the dogs.” He smiled and then grimaced when a jolt of pain hit him from his ribs.

“I guess listen I’m actually on duty but I’ll come back after I am out. Besides I am sure by now Trish has seen Karen.” Nick smiled evilly as he picture Trish launching herself at Karen. He liked Karen but Trish was like family.

“What?” Alex said surprised.

“Well like I said I was on duty she is my partner now, but I’m leaving I’ll be back later. Toughen up chief,” Nick told him tapping his good leg and wincing when he realized even that caused his friend pain.
Chapter 10 by summer03
It had been an awkward week for Trish. To have to pretend everything was fine between her and Alex. Till today as she helped Denise bring Alex into his new home a good forty five minutes away from the city. “It’s gorgeous,” she whispered as she looked at his view.

“I know I have to really thank Mark for this,” he told Trish as he lay in his bed. “I think it’s safe to tell mom now that I am of a better condition.”

“Good because I was not planning on staying here for anyone’s sake,” Trish said as she took a seat on the bed careful not hurt him.

“Tell me what?” Denise asked as she walked in with three glasses of tea.

Trish groaned and looked at Alex, “I think Alex should be the one to tell you,” she said as she stood up.

“Mom,” Alex said giving her a smile. “I screwed up again and now I am getting a divorce.”

Denise looked confused and turned to look at Trish. “Is it true? Since when?”

“I moved out almost a month ago a week before my birthday. I couldn’t pretend anymore Denise and now we’re fine. We still see each other as friends.” Trish said looking down at the floor. One was for sure she had nothing bad to say about her mother in law and that made this conversation much more painful.

“I just can’t believe its true… wow.” Denise said taking a seat on the bed.

“Mom please… I think its best if we both are not happy not to pretend anymore.” Alex said eyeing Trish. She looked guilty as if she had done something horrible by telling his mother the news about there divorce. “I actually have been on a few dates, I am sure Trish too. Right?” he asked trying to keep his façade.

“I – guess you’re right I mean I’ve been divorced before.” She looked at his son and smiled as she saw the look on his face. He still loved Trish there was more to his look too.


Alex struggled with his one crutch as he made his way to the kitchen. “I’m fine mom I have to try if not I won’t heal fast.” He told his mother as he slowly took a seat on one of the chairs in the kitchen table. “It smells good,” he said as he saw his mom making breakfast.

“Good because I am doing it for you,” she told him as she went to get a plate to serve him. “I already fed your babies and walked them… they are loving the beach.” She told him as she served him.

Alex smiled, “that means might have a chance win them in court,” he said before taking a fork full of pancakes to his mouth.

Denise eyed him curiously, “we have to talk more about this divorce…” she said after hearing the door bell. “I’ll get,” she told him as she left the kitchen. She opened the door and there stood Trish. “Good morning dear,” she smiled at her and let her in.

“Good morning mom,” she couldn’t get used to not calling her that. “How is he doing?” she asked as she walked in.

“Better he actually walked on his own today, want some breakfast?” she asked her as they walked to the kitchen.

“Trish?” Alex asked as he saw her walk in with his mother. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

“Yeah I kind of took my week vacation…” she said as looked at him, she cleared her throat and turned to pretend to look out the kitchen sliding doors. She didn’t want anyone to see her blush as she saw her husband shirtless. “I wanted to be able to help you get to your doctors appointments and what not. I mean I know you would do the same for me right? Friends remember?”

“Right…” Alex said eyeing her. She cared and he knew he had to play the right card that was all. “Well I’m done,” he said as he struggled to stand up, he was surprised to see her by his side her hands automatically helping him. “Thanks,” he said in a whisper afraid to say more. Her touch still gave him chills.

“So you want some breakfast dear?” Denise asked a grin evident on her face. Something was up and she was going to find out.

“No thank you I actually had breakfast before I came,” she told Denise as she helped Alex walk toward the living room area. “Is that a new tattoo?” she asked as she saw it.

“Yeah,” Alex smiled as he too looked down to his right side of his ribcage there it was his badge tattooed with the dates he served as a cop. “I thought it was worth putting this on,” he said as he made it to a couch and went to sit.

“It’s nice,” she told him trying no to touch.

“Thanks, if you think it is than I know it was a good idea.” He told her.

“Want me to get you something to put your broken foot up?” she asked him.

“Yes please there is a small stool in the computer room.” he told her as he reached for the remote control.

Trish hadn’t been too long in the computer when she emerged with the stool and stopped in her tracks. She felt a jab of jealousy when she saw who had just walked in that Gloria girl from his new job. She bit hard on her lips when she saw her greet Alex with a kiss on the cheek and all.

“How are you feeling?” Gloria asked Alex as she took a seat beside him.

“I still feel like shit but you could say I am a little better. Thanks for coming,” Alex said smiling when he saw who approached them.

Trish cleared her throat, “here you go Alex,” she said as she helped him put his foot up. “Hi,” she finally told Gloria and she knew she should be polite so she extended her hand to her.

“Oh hi… Trish right?” Gloria said taking her hand gladly. “Did I come in a bad time?” she asked looking at Alex.

“No your fine,” Trish said giving her the best smile she could manage. “I was about to tell you I was going to take the dogs for a walk…” she said looking at Alex.

“Well…” Alex stopped talking when he saw Trish was already out of ear shot… “I guess never mind,” he said clearing his throat.

“She’s here wow,” Gloria said excited for him.


Trish was busy looking in the fridge for the rest of what she needed to make dinner she didn’t notice she had an audience till she finally turned around and caught Alex staring at her. “What?” she asked as she went to finish chopping the vegetables.

“Nothing I just knew that you weren’t mom,” he smiled and then he wobbled with his crutch toward the island where she stood preparing the food. “What are you making?”

“Chicken Puerto Rican style… with rice.” She told him as she continued to cook.

“You will not believe me but I actually was craving your food… I miss that. Lately I have been craving the craziest and weirdest things. I actually had a pickle with ice cream last night after you had left.” He said as he watched her prepare. “I really do appreciate you taking your vacation for me but you didn’t have to Trish.”

“Alex you are my friend and I know you would not want to be stuck with your mother alone… I know you love her but she tends to get to you. So I knew it was best if I was here since I seem to really get along with her. You would do the same for too wouldn’t you?” she asked looking up at him. She regretted as soon as she got lost in his eyes.

“Yeah… you will always have a special place in my heart. No matter how much shit we went through you are my friend too…” he swallowed hard to not say what he really wanted to say… that she was the love of his life.

Trish nodded and smiled, “before you know it we will be the best of friends you’ll see.” She did not want to admit she did not believe that herself because she would always be jealous of any girl he would go out with. But she also knew it was better this way.

“Where’s my mom?” He asked not really wanting to agree with her last comment.

“She went to take the dogs for a walk and I offered to cook dinner before I left for the day.” She told him as she busied herself again chopping. She was not even paying attention and that’s when she felt the sting. “Ow,” she said and looked at her finger it was now oozing blood. “Great,” she said as she went to the sink to run her finger through the water.

Alex finally made it to her around the island with a napkin in hand. “Are you ok?” he asked as he took her hand in his and looked at the cut on her index finger. “It’s not that bad,” he said wrapping the paper towel around it and applying pressure on it.

She continued to stare at his hand on hers not wanting to look up to him or his shirtless chest so close to her. “Thanks,” she said in a shaky voice. “I will pay better attention next time.”

He giggled and then he unwrapped the paper towel examining the cut. “You’ll just need a band aide and you will be fine,” he said and without thinking kissed her index finger gently.

Trish was going to protest but couldn’t and just cleared her throat taking her hand away from his hand. “Thank you, I’ll go look for one in a bit.” But she didn’t move instead she leaned in and kissed him on the lips gently and then more aggressively.

Alex didn’t rebuttal instead he took her mouth as well. This was definitely unexpected but her knew that her attraction to him was just as intense as his. Lately he could feel it more, he just hoped this would not be short lived. But as he was thinking that she pulled away and realized she had because he could hear his mother walking in.

“I’m sorry,” she told Alex a she cleared her throat and walked away.

Alex just smiled as his finger went to his mouth. “I’m not sorry,” he whispered as his mother walked into the kitchen. “Hey how was the walk?”

“Oh my goodness your dogs are terrible,” she said as she went for a glass. “Its smells good what is Trish cooking? Where is Trish?”

“Uhm she cut herself so went for a band aid,” he said a smirk still clear in his face.
Chapter 11 by summer03
“Ok talk to me,” Howie said as he sat beside his sister. “You never come to me unless you have something to tell me,” he finished as he took a seat beside her.

“You know me so well,” she sighed as she leaned on her brother. “I just need someone to listen to me,” she continued as she thought of how to tell her brother her dilemma.

“Ok what’s bugging you now?” he asked as he hugged her.

“Well… its all about my stupid divorce.” She couldn’t help but pout.

“Stupid divorce?” Howie asked sarcastically.

“Are you going to let me talk or are you going to be this annoying?” she asked him knowing well why he was doing what he was.

“I can’t help it Trish I mean I knew you were not ready to give on your marriage but you’re so stubborn you just had to go against everyone else. Now your having seconds thoughts but your afraid to say something because it looks like Alex finally has moved on right?” he asked in a stern voice.

“Right,” she said in resignation. “I kissed him yesterday… he did kiss me back but I don’t know if he only did it to not hurt my feelings. I mean I’ve seen how much he flirts with that Gloria chick.” She said jealousy clear in her voice.

“Gloria?” Howie asked curiously. “Isn’t she his new co-worker? Yeah she’s pretty hot,” he said ducking as he saw Trish through him a punch.

“You’re not helping here,” Trish said annoyed by how Howie was taking her situation.

“Ok sorry but I really don’t think there is anything going on there,” he said giving his sister a warm smile. “My question is why do you complicate your life? Seriously? You love Alex deal with it and stop tormenting yourself.”

“I do love him…” she asserted as she thought of the kiss she had with him only the day before. “That’s not the problem Howie; it’s him he doesn’t seem to care for me as much I care for him. He literally abandoned me after his almost infidelity. I feel like he just doesn’t really care about us he lost interest in me.”

Howie laughed and then cleared his throat, “do you remember the fight at Ceasario’s at all? Alex loves you or loved you…” he said hesitantly not really believing Alex’s bullshit about giving up on his sister.

“What should I do?” she asked him finally hugging her brother. “I mean I want to run back to his arms and pretend that nothing has happened yet I also want to see if maybe I was meant for something else? I don’t want to be unhappy that is for sure.”

“But you are unhappy Trish, look at yourself? Alex makes you happy yeah you guys are always arguing about something but we are all used to that. We are also very used to your very passionate make up sessions. Face you and Alex work in some bizarre out of this world way.” Howie said patting her sister on the shoulder. “So stop being a baby and go and have some hot make up sex with your husband. It’s ok to admit that you love him, wait no make up sex yet he’s ill.”


Alex smiled as he sat in the sand. He hadn't been able to forget his kiss with his wife, how was she going to explain that one? He giggled as he pictured her flustered as she tried to make an excuse on the kiss, which he would have to pretend to believe. He didn’t know how much longer he could play this roll of acceptance. He finished his cigarette as he took in the late morning son. “Man I need to get well soon I need to work out.” He told himself as he realized he had gained some pounds his moms home cooking was not helping either.

“I don’t see how you could say that? I still see you the same,” Howie said as he walked toward him. “Nice… loving your new home,” he said as he sat beside his friend.

“Thanks, nice to see you…” Alex said smiling at his friend. “So what brings you here?”

“Well Trish was coming to help like usual and I just decided to tag along. It is my day off… you should feel special I decided to come see you.” Howie said as he took in the view.

“Trish is here already?” Alex asked with more excitement than he really wanted to show.

“Yep she’s with your mother. I was told you were down here so here I am.” Howie said turning to face his friend. “So how’s the fractured rib?”

“It’s still painful but tolerable I can’t wait to get this cast taken of my leg…” Alex knew Howie was not here only to ask about his health. “Ok enough of the small talk I am sure you know well how I am. What do you have in mind Howie spit it out?”

Howie sighed, “You know so well,” he said laughing a little.

“Hey we’ve known each other long enough to know a lot about each other.”

“True,” Howie said taking another sigh. “Ok your right I want to know what are you planning to do about my sister and you. I mean you should know I know about the kiss right?”

Alex giggled and nodded, “I knew you would and I didn’t have anything to do with that. It was all her and I can’t deny I enjoyed it. But I have no say in what that does for our relationship, I mean I was serious if she wants to only use me I will take that… heck I have agreed to only be good friends.” He shrugged, “at this point Howie if she only wants to use me I will take it. I don’t have an objection you could say.”

Howie took in Alex’s answer, “She still loves you…”

“I only hope that she still does and finally forgives me but until then I am whatever she wants me to be for her.” Alex said finally realizing that maybe the words coming from his mouth were true. He would only safe place for her to come when she is afraid of her new life. He shook his head trying to not picture that.

“She wants to be with you still but she is stubborn you know she has the Dorough blood.” Howie said laughing. “Now come on I am suppose to help you get back in.”


“Thanks,” Alex said as he took the bowl of ice cream from her hands.

“Your welcome,” Trish said rubbing the back of her neck contemplating the door her exit to another part of the house. “Do you need anything else?”

“Uhm no I’m good… where’s mom and Howie?” he asked curiously noticing how nervous she looked.

“Well very conveniently Denise went to walk the dogs and Howie went to get something’s your mom needed at the grocery store.” She said sighing heavily.

“Oohh,” Alex said smiling now knowing that Trish was very aware that his mother also knew about the kiss. “Well that’s nice of him,” he said taking a spoon full of ice cream. As he watched Trish he smiled she was beautiful but lately she was looking even better. “Can I ask you something with no offense?”

Trish eyed him curiously, “Ok.”

“Have you gained weight? I mean you don’t look fat you just look fuller and it suits you well,” he said smiling at her.

“I don’t know if I have…” she told him feeling a little embarrassed. “Great I should start working out.”

“No I mean you look fine very fine actually…” he gave her a sly smile and then took another spoon to his mouth. After swallowing he spoke again, “Really you look fine you shouldn’t worry about it.”

“Alex we need to talk,” Trish said after she recovered from his words. She sat on the edge of his bed trying not to hurt him. “What happened yesterday…? I am sorry about that I don’t know what came to me… I mean we are so used to each other you know and then all of a sudden we are getting a divorce… so I am trying to adapt to my new life and well yesterday for an instant I still saw myself with you.” she stopped talking and looked down to avoid his stare.

“Is that something bad to still see yourself with me?” he asked as he placed his bowl of ice cream on the bed side table.

“Yes!!! I mean I know you’re moving on and I am moving on… this only throws us back to something that just will never happen.” She said regretting every word she said.

“It would have happened,” Alex said trying not to sound hurt by her words. “I tried but you don’t want so I am trying to move on your right… Gloria is a really nice girl and we have a lot in common just like I am sure that kid you’re dating does. Cause I know for a fact your not going back to Tony you’ll die of boredom…”

Trish laughed only to hide the pain she felt when Alex confirmed that Gloria was becoming someone special in his life, “Yeah no Tony…”


She felt her head pound as she walked into the restroom, “Ok I really should not drink,” Trish said as she went straight in for a shower. After leaving Alex’s house and realizing he was moving on she went to drown her sorrows with Simone her drinking buddy.

She couldn’t believe she had actually tried every drink Simone had given her but she had to put a stop to it when she also offered her help in the men department….

[Flash Back]

“Come on don’t be all holy now have some fun… look at him Trish he’s hot and I bet he can make you forget whatever is bugging you.” Simone told her as she down another shot.

“No… its not about that Simone its about principals I don’t do one night stands!” Trish said firmly.

“Ok your loss but I must say good bye I do have my eyes on one of them… you’ll be ok getting home?”

“Just fine,” Trish said as she stood up and hugged her. “You enjoy…” she winked at her friend and walked out of the bar.

[End of flashback]

The last thing she remembered is barely making it into the apartment…
End Notes:
ok for those who have been reading this story and wondered where it had gone here is an update... I had erased all my stories but I am starting to put them back up little by little. So please let me know what you think.
Chapter 12 by summer03
It had been almost two weeks since her day out with Simone and she still seemed to not get over that night of alcohol. She only seemed to feel worse, starting to get dizzy spells and she was starting to feel very fatigued. She yawned as she worked through some files on a deportation case when she heard the knock from her boss. “Hell sir please come in,” she said standing up to shake his hand.

“Mrs. McLean I am here because I have good news for you,” Mr. Henderson said. “I got the ok for your transfer, so if you’re still interested you can move to New York in two months tops.”

Trish felt her heart stop when she heard the news. That was what she wanted but yet she still felt horrible about it. “Wow that sounds great,” she said still very perplexed.

“I am very contempt with your work Mrs. McLean I don’t want to loose you. But if this is what you want I am more than happy to help you. I know you just came back from your vacation but why don’t you take another few weeks off and really think about this. You will have to get trained over there with certain laws that here in California do not apply and well it is a dramatic change for you too… its much colder over there.”

Trish smiled at him and realized that her boss was very hesitant in letting her go. “I do have a lot to consider Mr. Henderson, I suppose your right and I should think it through. I will do that but it’s not necessary for me to be off sir…I do have a lot of appeals to go through.”

“You do what best suits you Trish just please really think about it. But like I said the Department in New York does have an opening for you if decide that is what is best for you.”


“I really think you should go see a doctor Alex,” Denise said as she watched her son take a seat on a kitchen stool. “Maybe they are side affects to your accident and maybe severe.”

“Mom it’s just a stomach virus… it will go away. I just hate throwing up.” Alex said as he downed a bottle of water.

“Well it’s been a long virus since you got out of the hospital,” she said still concerned.

“I’ll be fine,” Alex said giving her a smile. “Now how about making your favorite son some food? I am starving,” he said laughing at his mother’s expression.

“You were just throwing up a few minutes ago and now you’re starving?”

Alex shrugged and smiled, “Do you know if Trish is coming tonight?”

“It hasn’t failed once since she returned to work,” she eyed him suspiciously. “You know she seems to like coming here and spending the night out there in the beach with your company.”

“I do too I missed listening to her read and explain to me whatever she was reading. I am actually now very into the “Twilight” series.”

“Sweetie have you talked about your true feelings because you can’t fool anyone you two still love each other.”

Alex sighed and then spoke, “I love her I do but mom in this exact moment I can’t tell her that she doesn’t want me like that. She is still trying to forgive me for my stupidity. But I do have to say that this friendship we are creating now is pretty strong and I know she feels it too.”

“You do know and realize that maybe she will never be more than your friend anymore. Also keep in mind that you still have a set court date for your divorce and the custody of your dogs.”


“So now she is falling for Jacob?” Alex asked as he interrupted Trish from her reading. “Is she going to give him a chance?”

Trish laughed, “I can’t tell you. Just let me read…” She said as she went back to reading only to be cut off again.

“Well I still can’t believe Edward left her in the first place… he only left in danger with that other vampire chick Victoria. Besides I don’t really believe he stopped loving her…” he said a little frustrated with the reading today.

“Ok how about we cut the reading short today since you want to tell me your own ending of this book.” Trish said shutting New Moon and putting aside on the sand. “So when will your cast come off?”

“Next week I have the appointment,” he said sighing… “Sorry for my interruptions and I do want to know what happens to Bella just not tonight. I feel so exhausted,” he yawned laid back into the still warm sand.

“Me too,” Trish said as she lay back too not caring about getting her white shirt dirty. “So I got accepted in New York in the same department and everything.” She said not really wanting to tell him but yet feeling like she should.

Alex opened his eyes as he heard her, “Wow… that’s good I guess.”

“You guess?” she asked him turning to face him.

“What? I just don’t think you’ll fit in New York that’s all. For one if I recall well you hate cold weather especially when it involves rain and possible ice.”

“Ok but it’s only during winter and then it’s a decent hot weather in New York.” She retorted.

“Ok then I am sorry for giving you my opinion then, you asked me I simple answered.” He said he struggled to sit back up successfully doing so, but not without a sharp pain on his ribcage that was almost fully recovered per say.

Trish sat back up feeling guilty he was right; she hated to admit that he was right. He was only giving his opinion and it was true she did hate cold weather. She smiled slightly as she realized that Alex was changing and she didn’t know if it was because of his near death experience or not. He was truly being the friend she wanted him to be, laughed a little louder as she leaned in towards Alex. “I’m sorry I am over reacting.”

Alex sighed as he felt his wife’s hands on his back and her chin resting on his shoulder. “What’s so funny?” he asked trying to ignore the urge to kiss her.”

Trish stopped laughing and sighed… “You’re not going to believe me but lately I have been in some emotional rollercoaster and I don’t know what to make of it.” She looked at him his vain on his neck was definitely stick out he was tensed and she could also feel it. “I,” she whispered, “I don’t understand myself Alex… this moment right here makes me realize just how much I cared for you.”

Alex sighed and spoke, “And you don’t feel like that anymore?” he asked slowly shifting to face her making her face him.

Trish cleared her throat and looked away into the ocean. “I don’t know anymore I’m confused,” she turned back to face him. Right at this moment she wanted to kiss him and be with him badly her body was screaming for her to kissing him and touch him.

“I love you Trish and if you just give me sign that you’ll take me back I will be by your side in an instant. I know I’ve been a stupid man for not realizing what I had in my hands and you don’t know how much I torment myself for that.” he was going to continue his speech but instead his lips got busy as Trish’s lips met his. The kiss was full of passion and desperation. He kissed her back forgetting any pain this position was causing him.

Trish moaned as she felt Alex’s lips on her neck and his hand working on unbuttoning her shirt. She finally opened her eyes and controlled herself. She could do this and she abruptly stood up putting space between them. “I have to go… sorry for this.” she said as she began to walk toward the house. She didn’t go far when a dizzy spell got her and last thing she remembered was falling into the sand….

“Trish!” Alex said as he struggled to get up and go to where she lay motionless in the sand.
End Notes:
ok so here is the next chapter.. hope you all like sorry for a very long wait but i had computer issues... please let me know what you think.
Chapter 13 by summer03
“How is she?” Howie asked as he and his parents made it to the hospital.

“We don’t know yet, she is being seen by a doctor,” Alex said as he wiped his hand over his face to keep from showing how much he wanted to cry. He was worried for her health maybe all these problems between them were really affecting her. But yet then why did it sometimes feel like they were really getting along like she wanted to anyway?

“Alex what exactly happened?” he heard his still mother in law ask. He just shrugged as he gave a short version of the talk that they had had at the beach of course not mentioning the making out session.


“I’m fine can I please go?” Trisha asked as she tried to stand up only to get hit by vertigo. “Ok maybe I should lay back down.” she said just in time to see her doctor come back with what she assumed were her test results.

“Well welcome back Mrs. McLean, you've been unconscious for while.” Dr. Wallace said as he took a seat beside her.

“Well actually you can start calling me Ms. Dorough please. I am going through a divorce,” she told her doctor as she took a deep sigh.

“Well then we have a problem,” Dr. Wallace said as he looked down at folder he held in his hand. “Ms. Dorough you’re in your third trimester of pregnancy. I don’t know if I should congratulate you or not?”

Trish looked baffled and began to laugh nervously, “No I can’t be pregnant I mean I haven’t been with any-,” she paused as she remembered her one slip with Alex right after there split. “Oh my god,” she whispered as she remembered.

“Now I want you to start on your prenatal vitamins and I need you to start your appointments with your regular doctor. You didn't notice any changes with in you?” he asked as he wrote on her folder.

“I didn’t really, I guess I’ve been to busy worrying about other stuff. Uh, Doctor could I ask of you to not mention this to any of my family. I want to tell them… just not yet.” She said as began to dread how she was going to tell her parents or even if she was going to tell them. Alex was out of the question right? Maybe moving to New York would work out perfect after all. She wasn’t showing yet so she could definitely hide her pregnancy.

Dr. Wallace smiled and nodded; “Now you are a little anemic so I want to start you on some iron pills as well. Remember now you are eating for two,”


“How is she,” Howie asked as he finally saw a nurse come up to them.

“She’s fine and she will see Howie?” she said as she looked at everyone around.

“That’s me,” Howie said smiling as he realized out everyone else she asked for him to be first to be with her.

He followed the nurse and finally he couldn’t take it anymore, “I know you said she was fine but what was wrong with her?” he asked the nurse.

“Well sir she fainted because of stress and not eating properly.” The nurse as she kept the rest of the diagnosis a secret like the patient had asked.

“I need to start making sure she relaxes and eats well then,” Howie said as they finally made it to her room. “hey,” Howie said as he ran to her bed hugging her. “You scared the living hell out of all of us.”

“Sorry,” Trish said trying not to let any hint of her hiding something be shown in her face. Howie could read her well. “I just have to take better care of myself,” she told him. “Good news is that I get to home tonight,” she smiled.

“Mom and dad are here too,” Howie said as he kissed her cheek. “I should let them come see you… you should also see Alex and Denise they are here too and they were the ones to call the ambulance.”

“I know I just feel awkward… but I know and I will see them. I have to thank them.” She said in a pensive way.

“Ok well let me get mom and dad,” he said as he left her room.


“How are you doing?” Howie asked he took a seat next to Alex.

“I feel like shit and I don’t want to worry anyone but my side is killing me. I think I hurt my fractured rib when I ran to Trish’s side. I guess the adrenaline didn’t let me feel it till now,” he said as he tried to smile.

“Thank you for that, she will see you your next she said,” Howie said.

“So she’s been stressed to the verge of fainting?” Alex asked him not really believing that.

“That’s what the doctor said,” Howie said also feeling there was more to her illness. “Maybe you should go home and rest you are in pain”

“I want to see her first.” Alex said in a matter fact tone. “I want to see for myself that she is doing well. She’s been here for me during my ordeal so now I want to be here for her. Like good friends,” he said sarcastically at the last part.


Finally he was allowed to go in, he was in crutches but he made it to her room, “Hey...” he whispered.

Trish gave him a weak smile, “I'm sorry for this I bet you hurt yourself trying to help me,” she padded a spot on her bed for him to sit in. “Thank you,” she told him as he took a seat.

“No I am just being here for you like you have been for me,” as he took her hand and kissed it. “So why are so stressed, you know you don’t have to move to New York and if being near me even as a friend is causing more stress on you… well I have to ask you stop coming over to read me New Moon.”

She smiled a little, “No your fine it’s just you know me I worry for everything.”

“I am here for anything you know that right?” Alex asked as he took her face with his hand to make her turn to look at him. She was avoiding his stare today and it was probably from the kiss they had shared before she fainted.

“Yeah I know,” she told him clearing her throat. “I really think New York will suit me you know I think I really am going to take that job. I need to find something new…”

Alex swallowed the lump that formed in his throat as he heard her decision, “I will always be a call away then and of course you’ll have to fly back for our court date.”

“I say we split one dog for each?” she asked arching her brow.

“Uhuh don’t make me get mad right now Trish we both really can’t afford to be angry right now. You could just let me keep them both and you could have visitation rights. Besides they love the beach and the sun… I don’t think they’ll like New York.”


“Chels,” Trish said as she hugged her friend.

“I was worried sick I was about to drive to the hospital but Howie told me you had been dismissed and on your way here,” she told Trish. “Hello Howie,” she greeted Howie.

“Hey, now she insisted on staying with you and assured me you would take great care of her. She wouldn’t even let me get her prescriptions for her.” Howie told Chelsea who listened intently.

“I will don’t worry go to work if not I know your parents number.” She smiled at Howie who hesitantly kissed his sister’s forehead.

“If you need anything call me.”

“I will now go!” Trish said giving him a weak push. As soon as she was sure he was out of earshot she broke down in tears. “Chels what I am going to do?”

“Why what’s wrong Trish?” Chelsea asked alarmed.

“My illness very normal when you’re pregnant…” she in between sobs she waited for Chelsea to finally understand what she had just said.

Chelsea sighed in surprise, “Oh my? You’re pregnant how far?” she asked her.

Trish just handed her the papers she so much had hidden from Howie as he drove to her apartment. She saw as Chelsea read how far along she was and make calculations. “Its Alex’s baby isn’t its from when you know... after you had left him?” she asked still counting she assumed.

Trish only nodded and began to sob again. “I can’t tell him or should I? This is only going get our divorce into a bigger mess. I can’t believe I did not notice the changes the little pounds I thought I had gained. The dizzy spells but yet no morning sickness.”

“Wow…” Chelsea said as she plopped beside her friend still trying to let it all sink in…

“Yeah… wow.” Trish said as she put her hand on her still not noticeable bump. It was still a joyful thing she had always wanted at least one kid and it was Alex's.
End Notes:
Ok hope you like the surprise...hehe.. please review.
Chapter 14 by summer03
“Coming,” Trish said as she walked to the door. She was ordered to take a few days off from work after her incident. She hadn’t even gone to see Alex especially knowing that she was trying to hide something from him.

She still had that guilt bite at her every time she came to realization that she had a new life growing inside her. A baby that she would’ve have loved to have with Alex hadn’t they decided to split. Well had she not decided to split?

“Hey,” Alex said handing her a vase of flowers. “How are you feeling” he asked as he made his way in.

“I’m better it was just a little exhaustion,” she told him as she went to his side to help have a seat.

“I can actually do this all on my own now, but thanks.” Alex said as he took a seat on the love seat. “I had to come see you for some reason… I felt like I needed to come see you.”

Trish blushed as she saw the way he was staring at her, “Well I have to admit I’ve missed our reading…” she told him as she took a seat on the other couch.

“Trish,” Alex said as he removed his sunglasses.

“Yeah?” she answered still not wanting to stare at him.

“I have tried really hard to pretend that I am ok with you leaving me, but the truth is I hate it. I love you Trish with all my heart and you finally doing all this has made me realize that I am nothing without you. I have tried to make you jealous and I really did try to move one but I can’t its like I need you. There is pull toward you my heart can’t seem to deny… Please don’t leave to New York. I honestly think I will loose my will to live without you even if we continue to be whatever we are now.” Alex finally breathed after his speech only to look at his wife.

Trish didn’t know if it was her imagination or had she really felt her little baby move already? She didn’t know but suddenly she was feeling very attracted her husband… technically he still was her husband. “Awe Alex,” she said going to sit beside him.

“I can’t deny that right at this moment I really want you so bad and that you a mighty good looking thirty something guy. But you have to see from-”she suddenly couldn’t speak Alex’s lips were on hers with urgency asking for permission which she could not deny at that exact moment.

Alex didn’t understand why he was feeling like he was but at that moment he just didn’t care. All he knew was that Trish was straddling him and his shirt was coming off. Maybe it was a bad idea because he did not well what she really was going to do. “I love you,” he whispered to her as he began to remove her top as well…


“I’m sorry for…” Trish laughed when she felt Alex’s finger on her mouth. “We- I mean I didn’t hurt you did I? I mean I know you’re still injured and I don’t what got to me,” she finished after he had removed his finger.

“I’m fine,” Alex said facing her with a very sincerely smile. “I think that we just defiled Chelsea’s love seat…”

“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her…” Trish said as she leaned on him he was shirtless and she couldn’t keep herself from touching him.

“You ok?” He asked after a few minutes of silence.

“Mhmm…” she laughed when her stomach made it clear she was hungry.

“Someone’s hungry…” Alex said laughing along.

“Yeah do you want a sandwich? I’ll go make some…” she told him standing up and making sure to have all her clothes back on properly.

“Uh, no thanks I’ve been having issues with my stomach lately. I get nauseas at almost everything and this horrible morning sickness like if had been partying the night before and was hung over.”

“Really?” she asked curiosity getting the best of her. Was Alex the one getting the pregnancy effects? She made a mental note to ask her doctor.

“I’ll accompany you to the kitchen though,” he said as he struggled to get up and grabbing his shirt from the coffee table. Only to have it snatched away, “what was that for?” he asked looking at her curiously.

“I prefer you like that,” she told him blushing. What was she doing was this a sign of reconciliation from her part? Was she resigning on going back to him because she now was caring his child? So many questions and doubts, but one she knew was that she couldn’t deny she had feelings for him.

Alex smiled at her comment and then they walked to the kitchen where he watched her go on about making her sandwich. “You seem to get better with age, you are gorgeous but then again you’ve always have been.”

“Alex?” Trish said as she felt the guilt crawl right back up and remind her that she was not being completely honest with him.

“Huh?” Alex said as he wiped some mayo from her lip.

“Thanks,” she told him and then looked him right in the eyes. “Did you ever think about having children with me when we were together?”

“Wow nice way to get my attention,” Alex said caught by surprise. “When I asked you to marry me Trish I saw myself having a family like yours. All the kids gathered at our home for Christmas and thanksgiving. I wanted that for us… I just don’t know when it all came unclear to me… I hate myself for that. I hate myself for being afraid of being happy with you… you have to understand I never had a normal childhood not that I regret my childhood. My mother is someone very important to me… but any who the answer to your question is yes I want to have children with you I still have hopes that you will take me back.” He finished as he leaned in taking her hand and kissing it.

By then Trish was trying not to cry… why was she crying. She loved this man and it was apparent he did too… “Alex…” she said in a whisper as she looked up to him. Tears coming down her face, “when I married you… that was my dream too.”

Alex wiped her tears, “then lets give us a try… baby I love you and now with my new job I can be there more for you and maybe you could quit. We can try to start having babies… I will do my best to be the husband you wanted.”

“Alex…” she said smiling a little. “I’m pregnant…”
End Notes:
a little short but it needed to be said... please let me know what you think...
Chapter 15 by summer03
“You’re what?” Alex asked as he heard Trish. Suddenly his stomach didn’t feel so well and he felt a little dizzy. He had to hold himself on the kitchen counter. “You’re pregnant? How long?” he finally asked.

“Yes very pregnant and that’s why I fainted and why I believe you’re having all those symptoms.” She said going to his side when she saw him stumble.

“You’re having my baby?” he said more to himself.

“Yes,” Trish said in a whisper. “You’re the first to know not even Howie knows. Well only Chelsea.”

Alex looked at her and hugged her taking her by surprise when his mouth crashed on hers. “I love you and I want to be with you and now our baby. Trish we need to work this out…” he said after kissing her.

“Ok,” Trish said leaning up to kiss him.

After the kiss Alex just smiled as he in instinct put his hand on her stomach… “I want a boy…”

“Yeah? I think a girl will be nice too… whatever god blesses us with is fine.” She told him.

“Let’s go home,” he told her taking her lips again. “I can have Nick help take your stuff to the house later…”

“I’d like that… and we still have to tell everyone else you know.”


“Mom?” Alex yelled as Trish and he walked in. “I guess she’s out with the dogs.”

“Its ok,” she told him as she helped him settle on a couch. Only to have him pull her beside him.

“I think we should tell mom first and go from there…” he said as he caressed her hand.

“We are going to be the laughing stock, I know my family will be laughing at this.:” she said knowing well that her accepting to give Alex another chance was what all her family knew she would do. “Alex…” she said seriously looking at him.

Alex stared at her and then he sighed, “Yes babe?”

“I am putting my heart back in your hands… please don’t hurt it anymore. I don’t think it could handle more stabs from you…” she told him. “I love you Alex and I am going to give this a hundred percent and hope you do to.”

“I am I promise…I am going to be here for you. I am not letting you go this time.” he told her as he took her lips.

“Oh I’m sorry,” Denise said with a grin on her lips as she tried to turn and leave with the dogs.

Trish cleared her throat and blushed, “No, we’re sorry.”

“I’m not,” Alex said grinning and then finally laughing. “Mom don’t go please we need to talk to you.”

“Ok…” Denise said taking a seat on the love seat.

“Trish is moving back in, we’re going to give us another try.” Alex said elated. He turned to look at Trish. “Do you want to tell her or do you want me to tell her the other part?”

“What other part?” Denise asked curiously.

“You go ahead,” Trish said shyly but still smiling.

“Mom you’re going to be a grandma,” Alex said not being able to hold anymore.


“You look fine babe relax, you and I both know that everyone has been waiting for this to happen.” Alex said as Trish parked his rental in her parent’s driveway.

“Look Howie is here,” Trish said nervously.

“Well even better,” he turned to smile at her. “I bet your mother called him and told him we both were coming here to talk,” he leaned in and kissed. “I going to be doing that to you more often now,” he said kissing her again.

She smiled at him and spoke, “good I’ve always liked you kisses.” She sighed and turned off the ignition. “I nervous not because of the decision I made but because they’ll make fun of me...”

“If you don’t want to do this now you don’t have to we can wait…” Alex said looking toward the door.

“No we have to do this now… I want everything to be back to normal per say…” she smiled at him. “Let’s go,” she told him as she got off and went around helping her husband who still had to walk with crutches.

She looked nervously as they waited for the door to open. “we can still run,” Alex whispered to her ear.
Chapter 16 by summer03
[Few weeks later]

“How are you feeling Mr. McLean?” Dr. Johnson said as he removed the cast.

“I couldn’t be better,” Alex said surprised to finally see his leg, “Wow its so skinny…” he commented as he touched his leg.

“Yeah it will get back to normal with time. How’s the fractured rib?”

“I think its fine will I be able to head back to work?” Alex asked just as his wife came into the room. “Hey,” he smiled at her.

“I will give you permission to go back to work for next week,” Dr. Johnson said as he greeted Trish with a smile. “So I want to see you in three weeks just to see that everything is well. Any questions for me?” he asked.

“No I guess that’s it,” Alex said as he moved is now healed foot.


“I’m hungry,” Trish said as they drove back from the doctor.

“Ok what does the missus want?” Alex said smiling at her.

“I am craving enchiladas,” she told him. “I know this good Mexican place down that way…” she told him remembering when she had tried the food there.

Alex drove to where she directed and soon they were parking, “Let’s go you got me craving Mexican food too.”

“What? Why are you staring?” Trish asked as she got out of the car.

“It’s just you look so beautiful pregnant,” Alex told her as he caressed her cheek and leaning in to kiss her.

They walked into the restaurant and got situated, “I’ll be right back I’m going to the men’s room.” Alex told her as he walked away.

Trish smiled as she watched her husband walk away. Things couldn’t be better her family was excited about the baby. She did get a little joked on but everyone admitted that they knew this was the best for her. She looked down at her barely noticeable stomach; she rubbed it and had to admit she did want this to have a child with Alex. He was the love of her life and somehow she knew this time it was real…

She looked up just in time to see who was coming in, Josh with one of what she assumed was his college friend. She sighed heavily and quickly looked away trying to ignore there presence. It was to no avail it was like Josh had seen her since he had entered the restaurant.

“Trish?” Josh said walking up to her with a surprised look. “I’ve been calling you and I haven’t heard from you?”

“Josh,” Trish said smiling politely to him. “Yeah I’ve been really busy with work and family problems. I haven’t had a chance to do much more.” She bit her lip her eyes looking toward where the restrooms were.

“You look nice so when can we hang out again?” Josh asked taking a seat on one of the chairs. He smiled at her and spoke again, “I had a wonderful time when we went out.”

“Yeah it was nice Josh but I really can’t go out anymore.” Trish told him trying not to hurt his feelings.

“Well not today but maybe this weekend?” he asked hoping she would agree.

“I can’t Josh I have many things to do and –,” she stopped talking when Alex got there.

Josh snickered when he saw who was with Trish, “I see you’ve been busy.” He told her looking at Alex.

“I know you?” Alex asked looking at the young man.

“Yeah I am still waiting to get arrested,” Josh said disrespectfully.

“Ok Josh please,” Trish said standing up and getting in between her husband and Josh.

Josh gasped as he saw Trish noticing her small yet visible now bump… “I can clearly see why you had to go back to him.”

“Excuse me? I remember you now…” Alex said a little annoyed by the kid.

“Alex please,” Trish said softly staring at him.

“I knew you wouldn’t have the nerves to leave him…” Josh said staring at them.

“Let’s just go…” Trish told Alex grabbing her purse. “I love him Josh that’s I went back with him not because I’m pregnant.”


They drove in silence not saying a word. “I’m sorry,” Trish said finally looking at her husband. “Are you still hungry?”

“Are you?” Alex asked in a pensive voice.

“A little,” she said biting her lip. “Are we going to talk about what just happened?”

“I don’t know are we? He looked pretty upset about seeing you with me? Were you dating him was it a serious relationship? Did you two…” he stopped himself from going further with his question. He didn’t even want to think about it.

“Did we what? Why don’t you finish your question Alex?” Trish said finally feeling angry about the whole situation.

“I don’t want to know if you did… we are starting fresh so let’s drop it.” Alex said jealousy obvious on his voice.

Trish couldn’t help but chuckle, “Alex it was one date out of anger and all I kept thinking about was you and your co-worker Gloria. It didn’t go further than that… I felt like a pedophile really. I love you and I want this to work. I’m sorry you had to go through that today but you have to know I love you and only you.” she leaned in and kissed his cheek.

He stopped the car and parked it, “I love you too… I just well I didn’t know how much you hated me when you left. I didn’t know how far you would go to forget me? I should be sorry for even putting you through this… if I would’ve been there for you like your husband you wouldn’t have even met that kid.” AJ said surprising her with a long passionate kiss.

Trish was flustered and smiling when he finally broke the kiss, “So what are we eating then?” she asked as she rubbed her belly. “Remember I am eating for two.”

“Right, whatever you want babe,” he said as he put his hand on her belly.

“McDonalds?” she said smiling, “A Big Mac sounds really good right now.”

End Notes:
So what ya think? Please let me know so I can see where to take this story... :)
Chapter 17 by summer03
“You nice,” Trish said as she stretched on the bed.

Alex smiled as he bent down to kiss his wife, “I wish I could be in bed with you all nice and warm,” he said as he rubbed her belly. “Is it bad to want to have my cast back on so I wouldn’t have to go to work?”

Trish laughed, “I am sure you really wouldn’t… there is many things you can do when you don’t have a cast in the way.” She winked at him.

“True,” Alex said straddling her but not putting his weight on her. “I’ll be back later. If you want I’ll have Nick take mom to the airport so you don’t have to.”

“No I’ll take her and that way I will have a chance to see you.” She told him pulling on his neck to kiss his lips. She moaned as she felt Alex’s hand slip under her night shirt.

Alex was really getting to this morning make out session but when he glanced at the clock he grunted, “As much as I would like to continue this… I really have to go. But later we will finish this.” He said pulling away sighing.

Trish pouted, “Awe…” she sat up and watched her husband put on his shoes. “I’ll make dinner today…”

He looked up and smiled at her, “That sounds nice but you don’t have to… I understand that right now your in a hormonal attack.” He said grabbing his wallet and keys. “By the way we need to go car shopping… I don’t think I can borrow Nick’s car forever.”

“Car shopping? How about Saturday? Or you could’ve kept the rental longer.”

“Maybe,” he said as he kissed her one last time.

“Or you could always borrow my car,” she smiled as he made the face.

“I’ll pass,” he said laughing lightly, “I would look like a total fruit cake.”

“I think you would look very sexy…” she laughed when he rolled his eyes.

“Later babe and baby…” he said rubbing her belly and bending down to kiss it.


“I will be back a couple of weeks before your due,” Denise told Trish as they drove to the airport several hours later.

“I would love for you to be here Denise but like I told you don’t feel obligated. It appears I have lost against everyone about recording my baby’s birth. So I am sure you will get a copy of the video.” She told her mother in law.

“Are you kidding me? This is my first grandchild I am not missing this for the world.” Denise laughed and then sighed, “Thank you.”

Trish looked at her curiously, “for what?” she asked finally.

Denise smiled and patted her shoulder, “For giving my son another chance, I know and god knows I know how Alex is. But I honestly think he’s done… he does love you he just needed a reality check.”

Trish smiled, “Denise Alex is my everything and as painful as all this situation has been, it was nothing compared to the pain I felt… to be honest I had given up on him till this little miracle,” she said rubbing her belly. “It made realized that I could continue to fool myself about Alex or I could try to work it out.”

“That’s why I thank you for… for following your heart.”

“I know we have a lot to work out and we will. I guess we have to fight to be happy but I think it will be worth the fight don’t you think?”

“Yes,” Denise said, “When is your appointment to find out the sex of the baby?”

“Next week,” Trish said smiling wider, “I don’t think I want to know I want it to be a surprise.” She bit her lip.

“A surprise?” Denise said digesting in the news. “Could I call the doctor and me find out what your having?”

Trish laughed, “I’m not decided yet, Alex and I still need to discuss thoroughly. I will call you and give my doctor’s number if we both decide to not find out the sex of our baby till birth.”

“I’d like that,” Denise said smiling.


“I really am happy for you Alex,” Gloria said as they did there rounds in the airport.

“I am happy too, I am excited to be a dad.” He exhaled a deep breath.

“Well I really am glad you two worked things out. Trish is very pretty,” she told him as they walked back to the office.

“Yo Alex” Nick said walking toward him.

“Nick,” Alex said shaking his hand, “What are you doing here?”

“I knew your mom was leaving today so I wanted to have a chance to say good bye.” Nick said smiling at Alex’s co-worker.

“She’s on her way she should be here soon Trish is bringing her over here. Nick remember Gloria she went to see me at the hospital when I was there.”

“Nice to see you again,” Nick said putting his best smile.

Alex couldn’t help the smile that crept on his face as he saw the way they both look at each other. “I uh, I am going to be right back…” he said leaving the two alone.


“I’ll see at home,” Alex told his wife kissing her one more time. His mother had just left LAX and was heading back to Orlando. “You’ll be ok?”

“Yes I’ll be fine Howie is supposed to meet me there.” Trish said still embraced with her husband. “So what’s up with Nick all talkative with your co-worker?” she asked in a whisper.

“I’ll tell you later,” he told her in the ear with a grin on his face.

“Ok,” she kissed him one more time. “Later…”


“Stop laughing at me!” Trish told her brother as she threw him a pretzel.

“Seriously its so weird for me to see you eating seafood,” Howie said looking at his sister eat shrimp cocktail with pretzels. “You’re so pregnant,” he said laughing at her.

“Definitely because you know I hate seafood with all my heart yet right I am enjoying this.” She told him taking another bite. “Thank you for being a good brother and bringing me this though.”

“Well I don’t want my niece or nephew coming out looking like shrimp!” he said taking a shrimp from away from her mouth and eating it.

“Hey! That’s mine.”

“Ok no more jeez you stingy pregnant. So question?” he finally said as he sat beside her.

“I may have an answer,” she told him as she took another spoonful of her shrimp cocktail.

Howie laughed, “I hate to bring this up but Tony called me and well I told him I would talk to you. He wants to know if you’re proceeding with the divorce.”

Trish cleared her throat, “Of course not I am going to give my marriage another try.”

“Well then you have a call or visit to make to Tony. As much as I would like to accompany you I think you should go with Alex. Oh and for the record I like the choice you’ve made. To think your rendezvous with Alex the next day after you left him would produce such joyful reunion between you. I think this baby is a sign to tell you that you and Alex have to be together.”

She threw him another pretzel, “Shut up! At least even when I was “alone” I still got laid…” she blushed and then she eyed him curiously. “How about we turn the wheels and put the lime light on you, I haven’t met a girlfriend from you in what three years? Come on let me hook you up with someone just one date? Please?”

Howie shook his head, “nope… I am fine I go out have my fun and don’t have strings attached.”

“You don’t feel lonely?” Trish asked.

Howie looked away clearing his throat, “When did this conversation turn about me?” he asked snatching a pretzel from her bag.

“Well now that I am happy again its time to find you someone. Just one date please and if you don’t like it… I won’t ever budge in your life again.”

“No,” Howie said sighing with resignation when he saw his sister’s pleading eyes. “Fine one date and I want someone smart that I can keep a conversation with!” he said pointing his finger at her.

“Yay!” Trish jumped excited and hugged her brother. “Your going to fall in love with who I hook you up with you’ll see!” she kissed his forehead.

“I can’t believe I actually agreed,” Howie said smiling.

“Agreed to what?” Alex said walking into the kitchen.

“Baby,” Trish said going up to him and embraced him in a hug. “Howie agreed to accept me to set him on a date with whoever I choose,” she grinned.

“Nice,” Alex said eying his brother in law.

“I had no choice she gave me the eyes.” Howard said making a disgusted face when Alex began to eat what Trish was eating. “How can you eat that pretzels, shrimp and guacamole?”

“I don’t know man,” Alex said with a mouth full… “I have what did the doctor call it babe?” he asked his wife.

“Couvade syndrome,” Trish said laughing.

“Cou- what?” Howie asked again.

“He feels and craves some of the things I crave. But, he actually was the first to start having symptoms before me right babe?” Trish said as she explained it to her brother.

“Crazy I know,” Alex said when he saw the look on Howie.

“Yeah,” Howie said clearing his throat, “Well you’re here I have to go and get ready for work.”


“I can’t believe I can’t get anything to fit me right!” Trish said as she ended up wearing an elastic waist skirt. “I am not even showing a lot yet… I have to go shopping soon.”

“Yeah I think we do,” Alex said smiling at her. “Don’t worry babe its normal, now come on we have to make sure we catch Tony in the office still. He told he would wait for you so lets not make him wait.”

“Ok,” Trish said as she took a descent shirt and put it on. “I hope he doesn’t get offended I will still pay him something for his effort.”

“I don’t think he will.” Alex said kissing her.
End Notes:
ok... a little drama coming soon. Please review...:)
Chapter 18 by summer03
“I don’t understand,” Tony said with a very pained voice. “He fucks up not once but I’ve known more than once and you take him back like nothing. What is wrong with you?”

“Excuse me?” Alex said feeling a little angry at the way Tony was talking to Trish.

“Well its true Alex I fucking loved her and I would have made a great husband. But no she chose you… I thought she had finally seen through it all but I guess she likes to be a masochist. She likes to be treated like she is not important.” Tony said frustrated as he glared at Alex.

“I love Trish…” Alex said biting his lip to not say more. “We may have some marriage issues to work out but I love her and she loves me.”

“Tony… when I came to you for this it was because I trusted you and I knew you would help me but it was never for you to take the wrong impression. Alex and I really do love each other but he’s right we do have some hardships along the way.” Trish said as she put her hand on Alex who was ready to stand up and pounce.

“Fine go on go back to him and when he does it again…don’t come back for my help. I don’t want to see you again Trish… You chose this.” he pointed to Alex and that was all it took for Alex to jump and with his right fist hit Tony right in the jaw.

“Don’t threaten her! She won’t need your help because we are going to stay together.” Alex said as he hit the floor with Tony on the bottom.

“Alex!” Trish said running up to them. “No don’t…” and before she knew what she was doing she tripped on the chair’s wheels and fell. “Ow,” She managed to say.

“Trish,” Alex said leaving Tony and running to his wife. “Trish babe you ok?”

“I’m fine,” She said as she allowed Alex to help her up. “Let’s just go,” she told him with a small smile on her face…


“I know I shouldn’t have acted like I did,” Alex told Trish as he helped her into there house. “you sure you’re ok?” he asked as he realized she was limping.

“Yeah I just kind of bruised my ankle, I’ll be fine.” She told him with a smile. “I’m hungry though… how about you order pizza? Hawaiian for me...” she told him as she began to walk up to there room. “I’m going to the potty.”

“Ok,” Alex said as he went into the kitchen to get the number to Pizza Hut.

Trish sighed in relief as she changed into some comfortable boxer shorts from her husband and her Aerosmith T-shirt. She walked to the restroom sighing as she remembered the chaos. “I hope I did the right thing.” She told herself as she rubbed her little baby bump.

Alex hung up the phone and sighed as he began to walk up the stairs to tell his wife the pizza would be here in a few minutes. “Babe?” he asked as he walked and smiled when he saw she had taken off her clothes. “Trish your still in the bathroom?” he asked as he knocked on the door.

“Yes…” Trish said with a sob.

“What’s wrong?” Alex said worriedly as he opened the door to the restroom to find Trish frozen. She was bleeding and was very pale.

“Trish,” Alex said walking up to her. “Lets get you to the hospital.” He scooped her in his hands not caring about the blood. “Don’t cry baby everything will be fine.” He told her as he sped down the stairs and out the house.


“Where is she is she ok?” Howie asked as he and his parents made to the waiting room where Alex sat.

“I don’t know they won’t let me in or come out here to tell me anything,” he said impatiently. “It’s my fault I shouldn’t have listened to her when she said she was fine after she had fallen.”

“What do you mean she fell?” Howie asked.

“Yeah she fell at Tony’s office but she said she was fine… it wasn’t till after we got home that this happened. Fuck… my wife and my baby are in there.” Alex said as he broke down.

“Don’t worry son everything will be fine I’ve been praying nonstop since you called.” Mrs. Dorough said as she patted him on the shoulder.

“I hope so,” Alex said as he covered his face with his hands.

“How is she?” Nick asked as he walked in too.

“We don’t know yet… they haven’t come out to tell us anything.” Howie answered as he looked at Nick.

Nick took a seat and looked toward Alex he looked worried for the first time it had hit Alex. Not that he ever doubted Alex’s love for Trish but now it looked like Alex had finally realized how important Trish was in his life.

“Mr. McLean?” Dr. Harris said as he walked into the waiting room.

“Yes that’s me…how is she doctor how’s our baby?” Alex asked standing up and walking toward the doctor…
End Notes:
Finally an update! haha... enjoy. I will try to update sooner. :)
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9992