Seeing Ghosts by tiggerc128
Past Featured StorySummary:

Kevin was the love of her life. Leaving him was the hardest thing she ever had to do. Losing him broke her heart.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: Group, Kevin
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Death, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: No Word count: 22788 Read: 40188 Published: 11/04/15 Updated: 01/15/16
Chapter 2 by tiggerc128
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 2
By Dottie
Copyright 2014

When Chealyn gets home, she spends a few minutes thanking her neighbor for babysitting. Once she’s alone, she checks on the kids, both sleeping soundly, before going into the kitchen to make the call on the landline.

When Grant answers the phone, she doesn’t even try to make small talk. “Grant, there may be a problem.”

He sighs heavily. “How did you know?”

His reply confuses her. “How did I know what?”

Clearing his throat, he says, “Umm, why don’t you tell me why you think you have a problem first?”

Taking a deep breath she mutters, “I saw…Kevin today.”

His voice rises in alarm. “You did WHAT? Chealyn, how many times…”

She cuts him off. “I didn’t TALK to him Grant. I went…I went to the movie premiere and for some stupid reason they chose Chicago to make their surprise appearance. I only saw him for a second.”

With concern in his voice, he asks, “Did he see you?” When she hesitates, he pushes. “Chealyn, did he recognize you?”

She sighs. “I really don’t think so. He just sort of smiled and asked if I enjoyed the movie. Then I ducked out.”

She knows Grant well enough to know that he’s rubbing his temples when he says, “This is the last thing we need.”

She feels a prick of fear in her heart. “What’s wrong Grant?”

His answer makes her heart stop. “Sawyer is going to court Monday. His attorneys are petitioning for a mistrial.”

She closes her eyes, fighting the wave of nausea sweeping over her. “WHY? For the love of God, Grant, he’s a murderer!”

Grant cuts off her rant. “Look, for now…let’s just keep things business as usual. We’ll deal with everything after we see what happens Monday. Sounds like Kevin didn’t recognize you so you should be ok.”

She closes her eyes, a single tear slipping out to slide down her cheek. “No, he didn’t know me.”

He hears the despair in her voice. “Chea…Elena I’m so sorry.”

Shaking her head, she whispers, “It’s ok.” Clearing her throat, she says, “I ditched the SIM card in my phone. Should I go buy a new one?”

He wants to talk to her about Kevin, but he can tell it’s not the right time. “Umm, no, I’ll have one delivered this afternoon. Just…stay in this weekend. We’ll see what happens Monday.”

Kevin sits alone in his hotel room sipping on a single malt scotch. The movie premiere was a huge success but all he can think about is the blonde haired, blue eyed woman that ran from him like he was a serial killer ready to pounce. He smiles slightly. At least he managed to find out that she enjoyed the movie.

As he reaches for the bottle to pour another drink, there's a knock at the door. He grimaces, knowing its Nick. Even at 34 years old, the youngest member of the group is still a brat...most of the time.

When he pulls the door open, Nick bounces into the room. "Kev, man, that crowd was off the chain! I didn't think Chicago would be like this!"

Kevin chuckles. "Well, you had to know it would be poppin' when Chicago won the competition."

Nick eyes the older man curiously. "Dude, you still hung up on the blonde? I mean, yeah, she was hot, but obviously she was spazzed about meeting us. You know, some of the fans are shy."

Kevin snorts. "You have to admit, we don't meet too many shy ones anymore." Before Nick can make one of his usual crude comebacks, Kevin says, "It wasn't just that she ran. She seemed...familiar."

Nick groans, digging on the mini-fridge for a bottle of water. "Seriously Dude, we did a show here two nights ago. She was probably on the crowd."

Kevin sighs. "I guess. Besides, the person she reminds me of wouldn't be at a show. And isn’t blonde."

Nick flops back on couch, throwing his leg up over the arm. "Dude, it sounds like you need to get laid. Maybe you should give this chick a call...your mystery girl you won't introduce any of us too. How long has it been since you got any?"

Without hesitating Kevin murmurs, "Two years and eight months."

Nick's mouth drops. "You're fucking kidding me! Almost three years? What the hell? You DO get time off so why don't you get with your girl? Work out a few...frustrations?"

Tired of hiding the truth he says, "I don't know where she is...I don't even know who she is anymore."

Nick leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "What are you saying Kev?"

Kevin rubs his hand over his eyes. "She's...Nick it's a long story."

Nick leans back and laces his fingers behind his head. "I've got all night so talk. Who is she?"

Kevin walks to the window, looking out as twilight descends on the city. "I met her when I left the group. She worked for a city councilman I was working with on some charity functions in L.A. Her name was Elena."

Nick's eyes widen. "Whoa, were dating someone and we didn't know? How did we not know?"

Kevin snorts. "You didn't know because I didn't tell you. It wasn't...she was uncomfortable with whole celebrity thing so we kept it low key. It was the happiest time of my life." Closing his eyes, he whispers, "Nick, she was incredible. I wish you guys could have known her."

Nick watches his friend's shoulders slump and he feels horrible for him. "Kev, man, why...I mean if you cared about her so much..."

Kevin turns. "I loved her Nick. I still do. I'd give up everything to have her back."

Nick leans forward again. "Where is she? Why aren't you together?"

Sighing, Kevin says, "Her boss...the councilman...was tied to the mob in L.A. She...she went back into the office late one night and saw him strangling a woman. A high priced call girl. She testified and the U.S. Marshall's have her in witness protection. I don't know where she is or who she is anymore."

Nick gasps loudly. "What the...why don't you know? I mean you loved her...they could tell you..."

Kevin shakes his head. "No. I had already decided to come back to the group. The publicity for the group...if we were together it would have put all of us in danger. We spent a weekend trying to figure it out before...well, she had to testify and being with me wouldn't have exactly been an ideal way for her to hide." Turning back to the window, he whispers, "We said goodbye that weekend and I haven't seen or heard from her since."

Nick stands and walks over to Kevin's side. Patting his friend's shoulder, he says, "Man I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't...I wish I had never asked."

Kevin glances at him, giving him a rueful smile. "I'm not. It's nice to have someone to talk to about it." His smile fading, he says, "Nick, listen, don't tell anyone. It can't get out that she and I were together. That we meant anything to each other."

Nick nods. "Don't worry Kev, your secret is safe with me." Lowering his voice he whispers, "I wish I could have known her."

Kevin smiles, choking back tears. "I wish you could have too Nick. She would have loved you. And you would have loved her."

In usual Nick fashion, he tries to lighten the mood. "So was she hot? I bet she was hot."

Kevin laughs as Nick intended. "You've got a one-track mind Carter." Moving to his suitcase, he pulls out a framed picture of himself with Elena. He hands it to Nick. "Hot is an understatement."

Nick takes the frame and whistles. "Good thing you kept her hidden, Bro. Wait…is this the girl from the pictures at your house?"

Kevin takes the frame back, chuckling. "She was a hot blooded Italian girl Nick. You wouldn't have stood a chance with her. And yes…she’s the girl from the pictures hanging in my house. These pictures are all I have left."

Nick's tone becomes serious. "From the look on your faces, Kev, no one would have stood a chance with her." When Kevin's eyes meet his, Nick says, "I'm really sorry Bro."

Kevin smiles, turning to put the frame back in his suitcase. "Thanks Nick. It's good to have someone to talk to."

Nick sighs. "Anytime man. I'm just a phone call away."
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
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