Kevin was the love of her life. Leaving him was the hardest thing she ever had to do. Losing him broke her heart.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Kevin
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Death, Violence
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 18
Completed: No
Word count: 22788
Read: 40187
Published: 11/04/15
Updated: 01/15/16
Story Notes:
It's been a while...I hope you enjoy something new from me. :) I've missed you guys!!!
1. Chapter 1 by tiggerc128
2. Chapter 2 by tiggerc128
3. Chapter 3 by tiggerc128
4. Chapter 4 by tiggerc128
5. Chapter 5 by tiggerc128
6. Chapter 6 by tiggerc128
7. Chapter 7 by tiggerc128
8. Chapter 8 by tiggerc128
9. Chapter 9 by tiggerc128
10. Chapter 10 by tiggerc128
11. Chapter 11 by tiggerc128
12. Chapter 12 by tiggerc128
13. Chapter 13 by tiggerc128
14. Chapter 14 by tiggerc128
15. Chapter 15 by tiggerc128
16. Chapter 16 by tiggerc128
17. Chapter 17 by tiggerc128
18. Chapter 18 by tiggerc128
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 1
By Dottie
Copyright 2014
December 2014
Chealyn Smith quickly finds a seat in the nearly packed theater, silently cursing herself for not getting an earlier start. As with all the others in the room, she's been anxiously awaiting the documentary that highlights the career of the Backstreet Boys. She’s been a loyal fan for many, many years.
She pulls her cell phone out, sending a quick, coded text, letting the powers that be know where she is and when she plans to be home. Why was it coded? Well, Chealyn has secrets. Secrets she can never reveal...lest she put herself and the three people she holds most dear in grave, grave danger.
Pushing aside sad thoughts and dark memories, Chealyn pushes her phone inside her purse and crosses her legs just as the lights go down. For the next little while, she can forget what drove her to Chicago...and the reasons she can never go home.
Two hours later, Chealyn is sitting quietly as the theater empties. She's letting what she's seen sink in. She smiles inwardly, thinking about how goofy the boys still are; even after all they've been through over the last 20-some years.
Their ability to have fun and poke fun at themselves was one of the first reasons she became a fan. Something she never really was able to do. Growing up Chealyn was always serious. She was popular and had friends but she never broke the rules.
Like everyone else in the theater, she cried a lot too. Watching them fight, listening to them talk about the most painful parts of their lives was hard. Everyone thinks celebrities have it made…but the movie just goes to show how difficult the lifestyle is…and how sacrifices are made.
She's jarred from her reverie by someone falling against her seat as someone else screams, "Oh my God Kevin! It's the Backstreet Boys!"
Chealyn feels her heartbeat flutter and ducks her head as his Southern drawl meets her ears. "Hey, did everybody enjoy the show?"
Chealyn peeks around a tall woman's shoulder and finds her gaze met by Kevin's. She holds her breath as he stares at her intently. She can't look away. He smiles at her warmly and says, "Did you enjoy the show?"
She manages to nod before another woman pushes past her, blocking his gaze of her. She takes a deep breath and waits...wondering what's going to happen next.
She peeks around again, finding AJ and Nick laughing and waving at the crowd of fans while Brian and Howie stand by them smiling warmly. Kevin has moved closer to where she standing, scanning the crowd. She knew they planned on being at one of the premieres but the last thing she expected was for them to come to Chicago. She thought they'd go to Orlando, the place it all started.
As the crowd pushes forward, vying for a glimpse, a touch, or even the smallest hint of a smile, Chealyn tries to sink back, hoping to find an exit. No such luck as the crowd becomes a wall and she’s pressed forward.
The boys all stand together for an impromptu photo op for the lucky fans, smiling and hamming it up. Chealyn fights the temptation to pull out her cell phone and snap a few for herself, knowing if she does, it could be yet another start to another move.
Finally, she manages to squeeze through and opening. She pushes around the edge of the crowd and heads to the door. She feels the hair on the back of her neck stand up and she turns, finding her gaze once again locked on Kevin’s.
He smiles at the sandy-haired blonde trying to make her escape. He’s intrigued that she’s trying so desperately to leave when everyone else seems determined to stay. His eyes beg her not to go, but she does, giving him the briefest of smiles before dashing away.
As she hits the street, Chealyn doesn’t stop to think. She runs for the nearest train station to take the Blue Line. Once she’s on the train, her breathing returns to normal. She fights down the hysterical laugh bubbling up within her and focuses on what’s next. She usually avoids crowds and now she’s wishing fervently she had avoided this one. Sighing inwardly she pulls out her phone and sends another obscure text.
As she exits the train, she pulls the SIM card from the phone and drops it into a nearby trashcan. Yes…it’s going to be time to start over. Again.
May 2012
Carley Jane Smith stares at her reflection in the mirror. She doesn’t look the same. Her dark hair is now red. Her glasses replaced by contacts that make her eyes itch. And her heart filled with sadness. A few hours earlier, when she was her old self still...she had told Kevin goodbye.
United States Deputy Marshall Grant Desmond jars her from her reverie. “You don’t have to worry; we’re going to keep you safe Elena.”
She gives him a sarcastic smile. “Don’t you mean Carley?”
He nods heavily. “Yes. Carley. By the way, you look good as a red head. It suits you.”
She snorts. “Gee, thanks. Can’t I wear glasses? I hate these contacts.”
He shakes his head. “No, you know you can’t. But it’s only temporary. Once you’re settled in Omaha, we’ll get the Lasik done and then neither will be necessary. After what you’ve done, Lasik surgery is the least the taxpayers can do for you.”
She spares him a withering glance before going to back to studying her new look. “How long am I supposed to hide? I don’t want to live off the taxpayers forever. I want…need to be able to take care of myself.”
He shrugs. “Once you’re settled if you want to work you can. You know that. We just have to know where you are and what you’re doing.”
She nods. “Yes, yes, so you keep telling me. Will I always have babysitters?”
He shakes his head. “I doubt it. If we hang around too much, it could make you look even more suspicious. But you’ll have people you can turn to. You’ll be able to get me at a moment’s notice. If something happens, we can be prepared to move you within an hour and within a day, you can have a whole new identity.”
She grimaces. "How long will I have to hide?"
He shrugs cautiously. "There are so many factors Elena. You helped put away a dangerous person with dangerous connections."
She sighs deeply. "So I could be hiding forever."
Present Day
Two and a half years later and she now has sandy blonde hair and is called Chealyn Diana Smith. Her fifth and she had hoped her last, identity. Now, she’s not so sure. She knows when she gets home she’ll have to report to Grant what happened and wait. Wait for the decision about whether or not to move her once again, but she knows they will. Her past has a nasty way of creeping up on her when she least expects it. And she hates it. Sometimes she wishes she could just forget.
But there’s one part she’ll never forget. The one year she spent with the most amazing man in the world. Kevin Richardson. Sadness fills her heart. He was the man who cherished her. The man who encouraged her to do what was right. The father of her almost two-year old twins…the children he’s never met. She just came face to face with him and he didn’t recognize her. He didn’t see the love in her heart or the pain in her eyes. He just saw another fan. And that’s the way it has to be if she’s going to keep him safe. Keep them all safe.
End Notes:
Can't wait to hear what you think!
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 2
By Dottie
Copyright 2014
When Chealyn gets home, she spends a few minutes thanking her neighbor for babysitting. Once she’s alone, she checks on the kids, both sleeping soundly, before going into the kitchen to make the call on the landline.
When Grant answers the phone, she doesn’t even try to make small talk. “Grant, there may be a problem.”
He sighs heavily. “How did you know?”
His reply confuses her. “How did I know what?”
Clearing his throat, he says, “Umm, why don’t you tell me why you think you have a problem first?”
Taking a deep breath she mutters, “I saw…Kevin today.”
His voice rises in alarm. “You did WHAT? Chealyn, how many times…”
She cuts him off. “I didn’t TALK to him Grant. I went…I went to the movie premiere and for some stupid reason they chose Chicago to make their surprise appearance. I only saw him for a second.”
With concern in his voice, he asks, “Did he see you?” When she hesitates, he pushes. “Chealyn, did he recognize you?”
She sighs. “I really don’t think so. He just sort of smiled and asked if I enjoyed the movie. Then I ducked out.”
She knows Grant well enough to know that he’s rubbing his temples when he says, “This is the last thing we need.”
She feels a prick of fear in her heart. “What’s wrong Grant?”
His answer makes her heart stop. “Sawyer is going to court Monday. His attorneys are petitioning for a mistrial.”
She closes her eyes, fighting the wave of nausea sweeping over her. “WHY? For the love of God, Grant, he’s a murderer!”
Grant cuts off her rant. “Look, for now…let’s just keep things business as usual. We’ll deal with everything after we see what happens Monday. Sounds like Kevin didn’t recognize you so you should be ok.”
She closes her eyes, a single tear slipping out to slide down her cheek. “No, he didn’t know me.”
He hears the despair in her voice. “Chea…Elena I’m so sorry.”
Shaking her head, she whispers, “It’s ok.” Clearing her throat, she says, “I ditched the SIM card in my phone. Should I go buy a new one?”
He wants to talk to her about Kevin, but he can tell it’s not the right time. “Umm, no, I’ll have one delivered this afternoon. Just…stay in this weekend. We’ll see what happens Monday.”
Kevin sits alone in his hotel room sipping on a single malt scotch. The movie premiere was a huge success but all he can think about is the blonde haired, blue eyed woman that ran from him like he was a serial killer ready to pounce. He smiles slightly. At least he managed to find out that she enjoyed the movie.
As he reaches for the bottle to pour another drink, there's a knock at the door. He grimaces, knowing its Nick. Even at 34 years old, the youngest member of the group is still a brat...most of the time.
When he pulls the door open, Nick bounces into the room. "Kev, man, that crowd was off the chain! I didn't think Chicago would be like this!"
Kevin chuckles. "Well, you had to know it would be poppin' when Chicago won the competition."
Nick eyes the older man curiously. "Dude, you still hung up on the blonde? I mean, yeah, she was hot, but obviously she was spazzed about meeting us. You know, some of the fans are shy."
Kevin snorts. "You have to admit, we don't meet too many shy ones anymore." Before Nick can make one of his usual crude comebacks, Kevin says, "It wasn't just that she ran. She seemed...familiar."
Nick groans, digging on the mini-fridge for a bottle of water. "Seriously Dude, we did a show here two nights ago. She was probably on the crowd."
Kevin sighs. "I guess. Besides, the person she reminds me of wouldn't be at a show. And isn’t blonde."
Nick flops back on couch, throwing his leg up over the arm. "Dude, it sounds like you need to get laid. Maybe you should give this chick a call...your mystery girl you won't introduce any of us too. How long has it been since you got any?"
Without hesitating Kevin murmurs, "Two years and eight months."
Nick's mouth drops. "You're fucking kidding me! Almost three years? What the hell? You DO get time off so why don't you get with your girl? Work out a few...frustrations?"
Tired of hiding the truth he says, "I don't know where she is...I don't even know who she is anymore."
Nick leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "What are you saying Kev?"
Kevin rubs his hand over his eyes. "She's...Nick it's a long story."
Nick leans back and laces his fingers behind his head. "I've got all night so talk. Who is she?"
Kevin walks to the window, looking out as twilight descends on the city. "I met her when I left the group. She worked for a city councilman I was working with on some charity functions in L.A. Her name was Elena."
Nick's eyes widen. "Whoa, were dating someone and we didn't know? How did we not know?"
Kevin snorts. "You didn't know because I didn't tell you. It wasn't...she was uncomfortable with whole celebrity thing so we kept it low key. It was the happiest time of my life." Closing his eyes, he whispers, "Nick, she was incredible. I wish you guys could have known her."
Nick watches his friend's shoulders slump and he feels horrible for him. "Kev, man, why...I mean if you cared about her so much..."
Kevin turns. "I loved her Nick. I still do. I'd give up everything to have her back."
Nick leans forward again. "Where is she? Why aren't you together?"
Sighing, Kevin says, "Her boss...the councilman...was tied to the mob in L.A. She...she went back into the office late one night and saw him strangling a woman. A high priced call girl. She testified and the U.S. Marshall's have her in witness protection. I don't know where she is or who she is anymore."
Nick gasps loudly. "What the...why don't you know? I mean you loved her...they could tell you..."
Kevin shakes his head. "No. I had already decided to come back to the group. The publicity for the group...if we were together it would have put all of us in danger. We spent a weekend trying to figure it out before...well, she had to testify and being with me wouldn't have exactly been an ideal way for her to hide." Turning back to the window, he whispers, "We said goodbye that weekend and I haven't seen or heard from her since."
Nick stands and walks over to Kevin's side. Patting his friend's shoulder, he says, "Man I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't...I wish I had never asked."
Kevin glances at him, giving him a rueful smile. "I'm not. It's nice to have someone to talk to about it." His smile fading, he says, "Nick, listen, don't tell anyone. It can't get out that she and I were together. That we meant anything to each other."
Nick nods. "Don't worry Kev, your secret is safe with me." Lowering his voice he whispers, "I wish I could have known her."
Kevin smiles, choking back tears. "I wish you could have too Nick. She would have loved you. And you would have loved her."
In usual Nick fashion, he tries to lighten the mood. "So was she hot? I bet she was hot."
Kevin laughs as Nick intended. "You've got a one-track mind Carter." Moving to his suitcase, he pulls out a framed picture of himself with Elena. He hands it to Nick. "Hot is an understatement."
Nick takes the frame and whistles. "Good thing you kept her hidden, Bro. Wait…is this the girl from the pictures at your house?"
Kevin takes the frame back, chuckling. "She was a hot blooded Italian girl Nick. You wouldn't have stood a chance with her. And yes…she’s the girl from the pictures hanging in my house. These pictures are all I have left."
Nick's tone becomes serious. "From the look on your faces, Kev, no one would have stood a chance with her." When Kevin's eyes meet his, Nick says, "I'm really sorry Bro."
Kevin smiles, turning to put the frame back in his suitcase. "Thanks Nick. It's good to have someone to talk to."
Nick sighs. "Anytime man. I'm just a phone call away."
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 3
By Dottie
Copyright 2014
Kevin spends a quiet night in his hotel room, reminiscing about the year he spent with Elena. He knew her for almost a year before things got serious. At first they argued quite a bit. But only because he made the monumental mistake of trying to play up his celebrity status and show off for her. It didn't take long for him to come to understand that with Elena less is definitely more. Some of their best dates were spent cuddling in front of her television watching movies and making out.
He had planned on sleeping in on Sunday morning, having a leisurely brunch and maybe hitting a museum or two. He loves the kind of days off where he can just do whatever he wants to do. But his phone ringing at 8:30 am changes those plans.
Rolling onto his side, he reaches for his phone, answering it with a lethargic "Hello?"
He sits up more alert when he hears Nick's whispered groan. "Kev, man I think I'm dying."
Rubbing his eyes, Kevin asks, "What's wrong?"
He hears Nick moan before he says in an agonized voice, "I've been up all night sick. Every part of me just aches."
Sighing, Kevin asks quietly, "Did you call Lenny?"
Even in his weakened condition, Nick manages to snort rather loudly. "Our illustrious, temporary manager can't be found. When will Jenn be back? Man I think I need a doctor."
Kevin stands up, shifting into caretaker mode, just as he done for Nick for most of his life. "Let me make a couple of calls Nick. If I can’t figure something out, we'll go the ER."
Nick growls, "No, we won't. I don't do hospitals and you damn well know it."
Kevin sighs. "OK, fine, I'll figure it out. Just...lie down and rest."
He hangs up with Nick and grabs the hotel phone, calling the concierge. After explaining the situation, the concierge assures Kevin he will make some calls and find a private doctor for Nick. After thanking the man, Kevin gets up and hurriedly dresses, hoping it won't take long to get Nick examined. His friend is a royal pain in the ass when he's sick and he sounded horrible on the phone.
Chealyn is awake early, feeding her babies their breakfast, when the landline rings. Thinking it's Grant telling her to pack, she runs for the phone, shocked to hear her boss on the other end of the line. "Chealyn, I hate bothering you on a Sunday but I have an emergency at the office and none of the nurses are available. Could you meet me in an hour and help me take care of the chart and files?"
Sighing quietly, she says, "Sure Dr. Nichols. My neighbor was going to help me with the kids today anyway. I'll have her come over and I'll head straight to the office."
The doctor's warm voice conveys his gratitude. "I knew I could count on you. I don't know what I'd do without you." Chealyn lowers the phone slowly, knowing that in a few days the kind old doctor will probably be looking for a new office manager.
When Chealyn gets to the office, she lets herself in the employees' entrance in the back. She can hear the doctor in one of the exam rooms. She moves quickly into the office and drops her purse under the desk. Slipping on a smock, she grabs a clipboard and heads back down the hallway.
She meets the doctor in the hallway. He smiles, holding out a mask for her. "Looks like a nasty case of the flu, Chealyn. You better wear this and maybe get some gloves. You don't need to carry it home to the babies."
She smiles gratefully. "Two sick children is the last thing I need, thanks. How bad is it?"
He grimaces. "This poor young man has a severe case. He's dehydrated. I'm going to give him some fluids intravenously and give him a jump start shot of antibiotics. Could you go in and sit with him until I get back. There's someone in the lobby waiting to give you all the information you'll need for the files."
She nods affirmatively, slipping the mask into place. "Of course I'll sit with him. Did you start a chart?"
The doctor shakes his head. "No, I just wrote down his vitals on my notepad. Try not to tax him with too many questions. He's exhausted. His friend says he has all the information we'll need for our records."
She slips into the exam room as the doctor walks down the hallway to the storage room. She stops short when she sees the man lying on the table with his eyes closed. Nick Carter. Her heart pounds and she tries to slip away, but he opens his eyes. "Hey. I won't bite."
She smiles behind the mask, in spite of her nerves. "Dr. Nichols says you're pretty sick."
Her voice was low and husky but he managed to hear her. "Yeah, I'm dying but he won't tell me that. I'm Nick, by the way. Nick Carter."
She pulls the sheet up over him before stepping back and jotting his name down on the notepad on her clip board. "I don't think you're dying. But the flu will make you feel that way. Why don't you rest and save your strength? Dr. Nichols said there's someone with you that can give me all your information so don't you worry."
He closes his eyes and mumbles, "He can tell you everything. I couldn't survive without him watching over me." She smiles softly, thinking Nick must have a great manager to go to all this trouble for him.
Dr. Nichols comes walking through the door. "I'll take care of this Chealyn. Why don't you go get that file started?"
Nick slowly opens his eyes. "Chealyn? Pretty name."
She smiles at him. "Thanks. I hope you feel better soon, Mr. Carter."
She pulls the mask off as steps into the waiting room. The smile on her face fades as she comes face to face with Kevin Richardson. His eyes lock on hers and he smiles warmly. "Well, hello again."
She feels her heart sink as she realizes he still doesn't recognize her. The object of witness protection is to change her identity, but she never thought Kevin would forget her. Sighing, she whispers, "Hi."
He looks at her closely and his eyes widen. "Elena?"
She sighs, closing her eyes. He does remember. She opens them again and he's standing right in front of her. With longing in her voice, she whispers, "Kevin."
He pulls her into a bear hug. "My God I thought I was losing my mind! You look so different...but...still the same somehow."
She holds onto him tightly. " haven't changed at all."He kisses the top of her head and whispers "Are you ok? I mean, you've been safe?"
She nods. "I've had to move a few times as a precaution...but..."
He leans back. "Will you have to move again now? I mean because of me?"
She shrugs. "I think a move is coming, but not because of you."
She hears the exam room door open and steps away from him quickly. Dr. Nichols comes down the hall. "Chealyn, I'm gonna give him two bags of fluid so he'll be here about an hour. Once you get the file taken care of, you can go and I'll handle everything else."
She nods. "I can stay and help you Dr. Nichols. It's not a problem."
The doctor smiles at her. "You're an angel Chealyn. You'd make a wonderful nurse."
As he walks away, Kevin looks into her eyes. "Chealyn?"
She nods. "Chealyn Diane Smith currently."
He strokes her cheek. "That's beautiful." Bending closer, he kisses her softly. "I've missed you so much Baby."
She presses her face into his hand. "Kevin...there's so much I need to tell you. And I don't have much time. After...once you get Nick back to...where are you staying?"
He smiles. "The Plaza Hotel. Can you come there later? I know I'm not supposed to know where you live."
She nods. "But it won't matter. Like I said, I'll probably have to move again soon."
His eyes grow with concern. "What's wrong?"
She glances down the hallway. "I'll tell you later. For now, let's get Nick's chart started. He says you've always been the one to take care of him."
Kevin smiles warmly, wrapping his hand around hers. "My little brother from another mother." When she smiles with him, he murmurs, "I've missed you. More than anything in this world I've missed you. Ti amo ancora."
With love shining from her eyes, she whispers, "I've missed you too, Mia Adorata, Mi Amore."
Ti amo ancora "I still love you."
Mia Adorata, Mi Amore "My Darling, My Love"
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 4
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
Kevin sits in his hotel room and waits. He managed to get Nick settled in his room, making sure his assistant is going to keep an eye on him for the rest of the day.
Once he was sure Nick was settled, he called room service and ordered a bottle of Chianti, one of Elena's favorite wines, and a fruit and cheese platter. The platter is chilled and resting on a bed of ice, the wine is open, breathing in a carafe.
When her knock finally comes, he crosses the room in a few giant strides. He swings the door open and once again he's face to face with the woman of his dreams. He smiles brightly, reaching out to take her hand and pulling her into the room. When the door is shut, he whispers, "Cara...there's so much I want to know but..."
She steps closer to him, reaching up to touch his face. "I never should have left you Kevin. I shouldn't have testified. I should have walked away from it all and stayed with you."
He pulls her into his arms. "We talked about this a long time ago Cara. You couldn't have let Sawyer get away with murder. I would have done the same thing." When she starts to protest, he leans closer and whispers, "Elena..."
When their lips meet, she melts in his arms. He holds her gently, their kisses soft and gentle. When they part, he murmurs, "Would you like a glass of wine?"
She smiles softly. "Chianti?" When he laughs, she giggles quietly. “Maybe later Kevin. There's so much we need to talk about. So much I never got to tell you."
He pulls her into the room and offers her a seat on the sofa. When he's sitting beside her, he takes her hand."So...Chealyn. Tell me about the last two and half years. Every detail. What happened that you had to move around?"
She sighs inwardly, knowing the most important thing she has to tell him is about their children. But she can't start with that. He has to know she tried.
Staring at her hand in his, she whispers, "The first time they had to move me was because I tried to call you. Less than 24 hours later, one of Sawyer's men was spotted in Omaha. They moved me to St. Petersburg after that."
He squeezes her hand. "Elena, why did you call me? What happened?"
Raising her gaze to his, she whispers, "Kevin, there was something neither of us knew when I left. Something I knew you had to know. Something you deserved to know. Grant understood why I had to try. I thought he'd be angry, but he wasn't."
He strokes her cheek. "What was it Elena? What was so important you had to risk your life?"
She sighs. "Let me finish telling you what happened Kevin. It's important you know I tried."
He nods. "OK, tell me...tell me everything."
Giving him a half smile, she continues softly. “The second time they moved me, it was because I was caught in the background of a news report. Even though no one showed up, the marshal service thought it would be prudent to move me. I went from Florida to Montana. In winter."
He whistles, chuckling lightly. "That's quite a climate change."
She nods begrudgingly. "I hated it. I wasn't there long. Six months. They moved me to Texas because...I tried to contact you again."
His eyes widen. "Why? Baby, what made you think anything would be more important to me than your safety? I love you and I've missed you so much, but I'd have died if contact with me put your life in jeopardy."
Her lip quivers. "Kevin...Kevin I was pregnant." His jaw drops and he stares at her in shock. She murmurs, “I...gave birth January 3. I wanted you to know. I wanted...I wanted you to take them...keep them safe. But Sawyer's men closed in faster that time. They had to use a life flight to get me out of Montana. I was petrified because I finally came to realize I was putting you in grave danger. Grant told me you were safe...and after that I didn't try to contact you again. My heart was breaking but I couldn't put your life...our babies' lives in danger."
He stares into her eyes, shock and disbelief etched on his face. "Babies? Elena...oh my God."
She cups his face. "Please don't hate me Kevin. The only thought that's kept me going is knowing that you would understand why I had to do what I did."
He pulls her into his arms and squeezes her tightly to his chest. "I could never hate you, mi amore. You are the one true love of my life and I never gave up hope that one day you'd be able to come home to me. I just...babies?"
She nods, reaching for a chain around her neck and pulling a locket from her blouse. She opens it, showing him the pictures of their children inside, whispering, "A boy and a girl. DJ and Sophie."
He holds the locket carefully in his shaking fingers, memorizing every detail of the small picture he can. "Cara, they are beautiful. As beautiful as their mother."
She leans closer, snuggling into his arms as he wraps her tightly in a warm embrace. "They both have your smile. Sophie has your eyes."
He kisses her forehead. "Tell me about them. What are their full names?"
With her head on his shoulder, she whispers, "David James...he was born first. Sophie Michelle came thirteen minutes later. DJ weighed 5 pounds 4 ounces, Sophie was 4 pounds 2 ounces. It was around 2:00 am and I was so afraid."
With his head resting on hers, he whispers, "Is there any way...can I meet them?"
She leans back, her eyes meeting his. "My neighbor is going to drop them off here at 5:30. I was hoping...we could have dinner and...spend the night." When his eyes widen in wonder, she whispers, "Kevin, tomorrow Sawyer may get out. If he does, I'll be moved immediately." With tears falling from her eyes, she whispers, "I want you to take them with you. Keep them safe. Give them a life of happiness and stability."
He presses her against the back of the couch. "Elena, I want you...I want all of you with me. Let me protect you. You can be can have a whole new identity and I can keep you out of the limelight. I'll leave the group again. For good this time. Anything to be with you...and our children. Please, mi amore."
Cara: Darling
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
Author's Notes:
Sorry I'm slow to update. Holidays working retail SUCK! I'll try to do better. Someone nudge me if I get too far between updates. ;)
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 5
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
She falls against his chest and sobs into his shirt. He wraps himself around her, holding her tightly. She whispers in an agonized voice, "Kevin, you can't do that. I can't turn you into a hermit, hiding for the rest of your life. Not from your friends or family."
He tilts her head back, forcing her gaze to his. "But you...our're my family too."
She touches his face lightly. "Mi adorata, you wouldn't be safe. DJ and Sophie wouldn't be safe with me. Please...promise me you'll take them and protect them."
Tears shine in his eyes. "Don't do this Elena. Come back to me...come home with me."
She sniffles. "I'm...Kevin I'd die if anything happened to you or our children. I've spent the last two years trying to find a way to get them to you. Every sound I hear...every stranger I see is someone coming after me. I love them with every fiber of my being, but they aren't safe." Sliding her arms around his neck, she sobs into his shoulder. "Please Kevin, promise me if they let Sawyer out...if they move me again, you'll take them. Keep them safe."
He holds her tightly. "Mi cara Elena...I promise. If you promise me something. If he stays in'll come with me. You can be Chealyn Smith...I don't care. I know I can keep you as safe as the marshals do. Please Baby....please trust me."
As the day goes on, they talk about their children. She tells him everything she can about them, but she knows it's a poor substitute for him missing the first two years of their lives. He doesn't seem angry at all though. He understands why she couldn't contact him...he's even worried that them being together now could be dangerous. But he's not willing to give her up. Not yet.
After sharing almost the whole bottle of wine, Chealyn excuses herself to answer nature's call. While in the bathroom, she pulls out her cell phone and dials the one number in the memory. When he answers, she whispers "Grant, are you ready to pick me up?"
He sounds worried when he asks, "Chealyn, are you sure you want to do this?"
She sniffles. "I have to, Grant. A life on the run is no way to raise my children. Kevin will love them and keep them safe. Just...I want to spend this evening with them. I'll sneak out around 2 am. Just be here, please?"
She can almost see him loosening his tie in frustration. "I'll be there, Chealyn. I've already been to your place and packed your things. We'll head straight to the airport."
She whispers softly. "Thank you Grant."
As she's exiting the bathroom, there's a knock on his door. Her eyes meet his and she can tell he's as nervous as he can be. She smiles, going to the door and peeking through the peephole. Seeing her neighbor, she smiles, opening the door.
Thankfully, her neighbor is in a hurry. After a quick hug and promising to catch up the next day, she sprints to the elevator. Chealyn watches her sadly, knowing she won't be catching up with her friend tomorrow...or any other day.
As she's pushing the double stroller into the room, she sees a look of awe on Kevin's face. Smiling, she says, "I don't think they'll bite you." Stepping to the front of the stroller, she murmurs, "Come here want to meet Daddy?"
The little boy smiles brightly and baby gibberish flows from his lips. Only one word is discernible. "Dada." She places him on his feet and watches as he clutches his stuffed crocodile in one hand and looks around the room.
As she picks Sophie up from her seat, she watches as DJ's determined gait brings him right up to Kevin's legs. Tears sting her eyes when Kevin kneels down and whispers, "Hey Buddy."
DJ laughs, holding up his crocodile and starts talking a mile a minute. Kevin looks up, laughing. "I have no idea what he's saying."
Chealyn smiles softly. "That's his favorite toy. He doesn't go anywhere without it and he tells everyone he meets about it."
Kevin, smiles brightly, holding his hands out to DJ. The little boy eyes him cautiously for about five seconds before reaching out. Kevin picks him up, his heart swelling with unconditional love and an overwhelming urge to protect his family.
He stands up, DJ in his arms as Chealyn steps forward. "And this must be Sophie."
Sophie clutches her teddy bear and lays her head over on Chealyn's shoulder. Chealyn chuckles, tickling Sophie's stomach. "Sophie is my shy one. DJ is so out going, she never gets a chance." Sophie turns her eyes to her Mama and Chealyn whispers, "It's ok Sophie. That's Daddy."
DJ squirms and demands in a forceful voice "Down."
As Kevin carefully places him on his feet, DJ takes off for the stroller, looking for his other toys. Kevin turns his attention to his daughter. She's watching him suspiciously, her thumb planted firmly in her mouth. Kevin smiles softly. "Hi Sophie. That's a cute teddy bear you have."
Sophie clutches the bear and watches him. When he sees a small smile creep across her face around her thumb, tears sting his eyes. Chealyn whispers, "Sophie, go see Daddy."
She puts the little girl on the floor and waits breathlessly. Sophie clutches her mama's pants leg, unsure of Kevin. He just kneels down and waits, smiling patiently, holding out his hands.
DJ comes running by, laughing. He falls against Kevin's back singing, "Da-da-da-da-da."
Sophie giggles at her brother's antics, wanting to join in on the fun. She lets go of Chealyn's pants and toddles over to Kevin. As she falls against him laughing, Chealyn brings her hand to her lips, holding back the sobs. She's so happy to see her children with their father...and she's devastated knowing this will be the only evening she'll be with them as a family. Then she'll be running away and will not likely ever see them again.
Kevin looks up, tears shining in his eyes. "Mi cara, they are so beautiful."
She smiles. "They already love you, mi amore. As much as I love you."
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 6
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
After feeding the kids and putting them down to sleep on the second bed in the room, Kevin orders a room service dinner for himself and Chealyn. As they wait for their dinner to arrive, Kevin pulls her into his arms and holds her close. "Sweetheart, I don't know what to say...they are amazing. So smart and so funny. I never dreamed I'd be a father. Tonight has been...incredible."
She smiles, leaning closer to him. "I wish I could have brought them to you...when they were born."
He covers her lips with his fingertips. "Don't. No regrets, I have none. You're safe, they are safe, and we're together."
She lifts her hand to move his, leaning closer to kiss his lips. When they part, she whispers, “Kevin.”
He pulls her close and they snuggle. She drinks in the feel of his body next to hers, looking at the bed where her children are peacefully sleeping. In a few hours, this will all be a memory for her. One she will cherish.
One week later…
It’s the day before Christmas and Chealyn is settling into a small cottage in upstate Maine. It’s cold and snowy and the world looks like a winter wonderland. But inside Chealyn’s heart, the world is a desolate, lonely place.
When she sleeps, and it’s not much, she dreams about her children. About Kevin. About how she abandoned them. She usually wakes up hearing DJ calling out for her. Or Sophie whimpering in the dark and her heart breaks all over again when she realizes it was only a dream.
Every day starts the same way. A call from Grant. Sawyer was released and from what Grant told her, he’s using every available means to hunt down Chealyn. They didn’t give her a new identity yet. They didn’t feel this one had been compromised so the only thing they’ve done is relocate her. For now.
She makes herself a cup of hot cocoa and turns on the news. Her world tilts into nothingness as the leading news story penetrates the fog of her depression. “Kevin Richardson, oldest member of the Backstreet Boys, is presumed dead.”
Her cup hits the floor and her feet are burnt by the scalding liquid but she doesn’t feel it. She turns up the television and listens as the reporter continues with the story.
“MSNBC has learned that the light plane that dropped off the radar last night was carrying Kevin Richardson, a member of one of the biggest boy bands of all time, the Backstreet Boys. The plane disappeared somewhere over the mountains of Kentucky and a search is underway. Right now, the only word coming from the Backstreet Boys camp is that Kevin was flying home to Kentucky to spend Christmas with his family. It’s also been reported there were five other people on the plane. The pilot and co-pilot, Richardson’s bodyguard and two small children. No report as of yet who the children belong to or why they were in Richardson’s custody. The Backstreet Boys as of yet have not made a statement. We’ll keep you informed as the story develops.”
Chealyn drops to the floor sobbing. She wails at the top of her lungs, “WHY? Why them? Why not take me instead?”
Her unanswered questions echo in the stillness. She falls over, curling into a ball and sobbing. It’s her fault. It’s all her fault. She clutches the locket around her neck, her heart breaking for her children and the man she loves. She killed them. She killed them all.
Alpharetta, Georgia
Nick Carter sits despondent in Brian’s front room as they all try to deal with the shock of Kevin’s death. AJ is sitting beside him, sobbing. Brian and Howie are talking with their manager, Jen, trying to figure out the best way to handle the press. Nick shivers, but not from cold. He knows more about this than any of them, but how does he tell them?
Brian comes into the room. “We can’t figure out who those kids were.”
In a shaky voice, Nick whispers, “They were Kevin’s kids, Rok. His son and daughter.”
AJ sits up as Brian drops on a chair across from Nick. “WHAT?”
Nick sighs. “Kevin didn’t want anyone to know. I promised to keep it quiet until he figured out…”
Howie walks closer to Nick. “Figured out what Nick?”
Sniffling, Nick says, “I guess it doesn’t matter now. Kevin…when he was away from the group…he was in love. Her name was Elena.”
Brian’s brow furrowed. “He never mentioned a girl to me.”
Nick shakes his head. “He couldn’t. Just as they were getting serious, she…she testified against some really heavy dudes and the government put her into witness protection. He…he hadn’t seen her for over two years.”
AJ sits up agitated. “What the fuck does that have to do with those kids Nick? What makes them his?”
Nick turns on AJ and snaps, “If you’ll shut up I’ll tell you!” When AJ slumps back, Nick mutters, “I’m sorry…I just…this is hard.”
Brian leans closer, lacing his fingers together. “Just tell us Nick.”
Standing, Nick moves to Brian’s desk and picks up a picture of them when the group first hit it big. “He saw her in Chicago. She worked for the doctor Kevin found for me when I got sick. They…she met with him later that day to tell him that when she left, she was pregnant. She wanted him to take the kids and protect them because she had to move again, I guess because Kevin saw her and recognized her. Then she just disappeared.”
AJ lowers his head, fresh tears streaming down his face. “Oh my God…she doesn’t know, does she?”
Nick shrugs. “If she’s got a television wherever the hell they took her, she’ll know.” Turning to their manager, he says, “Jen, we have to get in touch with the marshal service. I don’t know what we can or can’t say. I don’t want to put Elena’s life in any more danger because we fucked up and said the wrong thing.”
Jen nods. “Yes…you’re right; I’ll make a few calls.” She hiccups, walking over to Nick to hug him. “I’m so glad he stayed in Chicago with you Nick. That he had you to talk to or we wouldn’t know…”
Nick hugs her tightly, tears streaming down his face. “He was so happy about those kids. He knew why she ran. He knew she was trying to protect them. He was sad, but if you could have seen him with DJ and Sophie...even in that short week, Kevin said his life was whole. He wanted Elena back, but he understood why she couldn’t stay. He called them the greatest gift she ever gave him…aside from her love.”
Howie speaks up in a hoarse whisper, “Whatever we do, we have to make sure this Elena knows how he felt. Somehow.”
Jen nods. “I’ll go make some calls. For now, all of you just stay in and don’t talk to ANYONE. We have to do this right. For Kevin and for the woman he loved.”
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 7
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
Early Christmas morning, Grant Desmond lets himself into the cottage, the eerie silence making his heart pound. He reaches under his coat and pulls out his pistol. He walks slowly through the house, his eyes darting around taking in every detail.
When he pushes the door to the kitchen open, he stops short. The hand holding his side arm falls as he takes in the sight before him. Chealyn is lying on the middle of the floor, her eyes open and empty. He holsters his gun and kneels beside her. "Chealyn...Elena?"
She blinks slowly, turning her gaze to him. "Why?"
Her hoarse whisper nearly breaks his heart. "It's not your fault."
Her eyes drift downward, her tears long since dried up. "I never should have left him."
Grant reaches for her arm. "Come on; let's get you off this cold floor."
She allows him to pull her up and lead her into the living room. She sits on the couch, barely aware of him moving to the fireplace to get a fire going in the chilly room.
Once he's got the fire going, he turns back to Chealyn. She looks up at him. "Where are they?"
He kneels in front of her, gently taking her hand. "Don't...Chealyn..."
She snaps at him. "My name is Elena! Where are they? Where are Kevin and my babies?"
He expected sadness and anger. He doesn't want to tell her the cold hard truth, but considering Kevin was well known, there will be full news coverage and she'll know anyway. "They haven't been able to get to the plane yet."
He sees her lip quiver. "I shouldn't have ever left him. I should have left California with him and none of this would have had happened."
He sighs. "You couldn't let Sawyer get away with..."
She jerks her hand from his and jumps up, screaming. "He did get away with it! He's out, free as a bird and my family is dead!"
Grant stands and grabs her shoulders tightly. "He won't get away with it. There will be another trial..."
She pushes him away. "You think I'm going to testify again? You said they'd be ok."
He knows she won't believe him right now but he tries. "Listen to me, Sawyer had nothing to do with this. It was just a freak accident." Her body starts to tremble and he whispers, "Elena, it wasn't because he saw you or you saw him. It was accident."
She sniffles, fresh tears pooling on her lashes. Grant takes her into his arms as she collapses. "Grant, my babies! Kevin! Why couldn't it have been me?"
He holds her tightly. "Shh, don't think about it that way Elena. Please." As she sobs into his chest, he rubs her back and whispers, "I got a call from his friend...Nick. He wanted to make sure you knew...Kevin loved you and he said your love was the greatest gift he ever had. And DJ and Sophie...he...Elena, he was thrilled about them...and seeing you. He...Nick wanted you to know that Kevin..."
She steps away from him, looking at him through her tears. "It's not fair Grant. I loved him so much. I loved them all so much."
He cups her face and whispers, "And he loved you."
The next few hours, Grant lets her talk when she wants to. He lets her cry and rage. There's nothing else he can do. Around midnight, she's cried herself to sleep and he makes his way quietly to the kitchen. He makes himself a cup of coffee and a sandwich before taking out his phone to make calls.
An hour later he knows they found the wreckage of the plane and search and rescue is underway. The spotter plane that found the wreckage said there was evidence of a fire…meaning there’s a good bed any remains to be found possibly won’t be identifiable.
After he finishes eating, he goes back into the living room, finding Chealyn awake. She’s sitting up hugging a throw pillow staring off into space. He sits beside her. “Elena?”
She sniffles and turns to look at him. “Don’t…I’ll never be Elena again. Kevin’s gone. DJ and Sophie are gone. Elena needs to be gone too.”
He reaches for her arm. “Don’t. Don’t do this now.”
She shivers and he slides closer, putting his arm around her. She lays her head on his shoulder. “Grant I can’t live without them.”
He squeezes her. “Don’t say that. I…if I could bring them back for you…you know I would. I’d do anything.”
She starts to sob. In an aching whisper, she says, “I need…I need to go see them. His family…Nick…I just…Grant, please let me go to them.”
He stiffens. “But Sawyer…”
She pushes away and stands “What can he do to me now Grant? There’s no one left to protect! I’ll go public with what I saw him do and if something happens to me, you’ll have him for MY murder!” He starts to protest, but she turns and runs from the room screaming, “I’m going and you can’t stop me!”
Grant follows her to the bedroom and watches as she throws clothes into a suitcase. He leans against the door jam and in a quiet voice says, “I’ll take you to them Elena.”
She stops moving, turning to face him. “Don’t call me that.”
He turns back to her. “But it’s who you are.”
She shakes her head. “No. Elena died with Kevin and her children. I don’t ever want to hear that name again.”
He nods. “OK Chealyn. I’ll…I’ll take you to Kentucky. But…about Sawyer…”
She shakes her head. “I mean it, I won’t hide anymore. I’ll testify again if I have to but I won’t hide again.” The venomous tone of her voice makes him step back. She sees his reaction and whispers, “Grant, I don’t blame you…it’s all my fault. Kevin…Kevin would want me to do what’s right and I will…but I’m not hiding anymore.”
He nods slowly. “I understand…can we…is it ok if we’re still friends? Even if I’m not protecting you?”
His question knocks down another wall blocking the pain and she starts to sob, running into his arms. “Oh Grant why did it have to happen?”
He cries with her. Chealyn’s been like a sister to him. His job was to protect her, but they grew to be good friends too. His voice is husky with emotion when he whispers, “I wish I knew why.”
After a few minutes she steps back. “Can you…will you really take me?”
He nods. “I will. Chealyn, we can’t make you stay in the program. And we can’t make you testify. It’s your decision.”
She nods. “I’ll do it. You know I will. Kevin…it’s the right thing to do. But I don’t want to hide anymore. I need…I need to be with Kevin’s family…with his friends. I…Grant…”
He nods. “I understand. We’ll leave first thing in the morning. Is there…anything else you need?”
She turns away, walking to the mirror to stare at herself. “My hair…I want it back to normal.”
He nods, expecting that. “But you don’t want to be Elena?”
She turns. “No. I want to legally change my name to Chealyn. Can you fix that?”
He nods. “I can help you with it.”
She steps up to him and takes his hands. “Thank you. I mean it.”
He smiles. “What are friends for?”
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 8
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
It seems like the whole world turns out for the funeral of Kevin Richardson and his children. Chealyn steps out of the car at the cemetery looking gaunt and desolate. Grant is with her, holding her up as a man wearing a Scottish kilt plays Amazing Grace on bagpipes. The press release from the Backstreet Boys camp named DJ and Sophie as his…children he wanted kept away from the limelight. Speculation about their mother is put to rest when it’s announced she had been in the witness protection program but has since chosen to leave it and let it be public knowledge who she is testifying against and why.
In the last few days, Chealyn sat in a courtroom with a judge, Sawyer’s lawyer, LA County’s district attorney, Grant and Sawyer himself. Her testimony is heard and recorded and Sawyer is warned that if anything happens to Chealyn, all eyes will turn to him and his organization. His eyes are filled with a burning hatred as he stares Chealyn down, trying to intimidate her. But he can’t. There’s nothing left to threaten and he knows it. He can see she wants to die. And she’s sentencing him to die by testifying.
Chealyn pushes thoughts of her testimony aside and waits with Grant by the car. The press is everywhere. When the crowd starts to break up, she’s noticed. One reporter runs up to her, but the marshals with Grant hold them off. The commotion garners the attention of the Backstreet Boys. Through his tears, Nick sees Chealyn. He breaks away from the group and runs to her.
She meets him halfway, throwing herself against him sobbing. He whispers over and over again, “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Brian, AJ and Howie come over to them, surrounded by their bodyguards. Nick manages to say, “It’s Elena.”
Brian reaches out and touches her arm. She pulls away and looks at him through her tears. He sniffles loudly and whispers, “My cousin adored you.”
She moves from Nick’s arms to Brian’s, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault.”
Brian squeezes her tightly. “No it’s not. It’s not your fault and you can’t blame yourself. Kevin wouldn’t want you to do that.”
Grant steps up. “I…is it ok if Chealyn has a minute? Then we can go somewhere and…talk.”
The Backstreet Boys step back respectfully and watch as Chealyn walks shakily to the graves of her children and their father. In the back of her mind she knows there are television cameras and this is being seen around the world…but she doesn’t care. She has to say goodbye.
Seeing the fresh turned soil…the headstones lying to the side of the grave are her undoing. She drops to her knees sobbing. She clenches hands full of dirt in her hands and sobs, “I’ll love you always mi adorata.”
Grant comes forward and kneels beside her. “Chealyn…we need to go.”
She nods slowly. Even though she’s not worried about herself, she knows being with the Backstreet Boys puts them in danger. She needs…she needs to talk to them…about Kevin.
Grant helps her stand and half carries her to the waiting car. Nick comes over. “Will you come to Brian’s house? For a while?”
She nods slowly. “Yeah. I just…I’m so sorry Nick.”
Nick gives her a quick hug. “We all are…but it’s not your fault. We’ll talk at the house.” He watches Grant help her into the car before saying, “Do you want to follow us?”
Grant shakes his head. “We have the address.”
Nick almost asks how, but then he remembers what Grant does for a living. Nodding slowly, he whispers, “Thank you for bringing her.”
Grant sighs. “She needs you…all of you. She says she has nothing to live for anymore. She won’t go back into witness protection.”
Nick turns away. “She doesn’t have to. We’ll keep her safe with us. Where she belongs.”
They sit around Brian’s dining room table waiting for Grant to show up with Chealyn. AJ clears his throat. “Man, I don’t know if I can handle this. I need a drink.”
Nick snorts. “We all do…but that’s not what Kevin would want. Right now, Chealyn needs us as much as we need her.”
Brian cries quietly, whispering, “She…she really loved him more than her own life.”
Nick nods. “Yeah, she did. I saw…on the news last night, she’s already recorded her testimony for the trial. She…what I heard was that the DA wanted it on record in case this Sawyer guy and his people tried to hurt her again.”
Howie chimes in. “And they said she won’t hide anymore. I can’t…she’s putting herself in so much danger.”
From the door way, Chealyn whispers, “What can he do to me now? I’ve lost everything that ever mattered to me.”
Howie stands and walks over to her, hugging her tightly. “I’m so sorry Elena.”
She pushes away, shaking her head. “No…call me Chealyn. Elena died with her family.”
He nods slowly. “I’m sorry. I just…”
She reaches out to touch his face. “It’s ok.” She looks around the room. “I guess…you all have questions about Kevin and I.”
AJ shakes his head. “No…we don’t have questions. Not now. Now it’s about us getting to know the woman our brother loved. Nothing else matters.”
Chealyn sniffles and walks into his arms. “He was so proud of you.” She steps away and looks around the room. “He was proud of all of you.”
Nick holds out his hand. “Come on, sit down.”
Brian nods, standing to pull out a chair for her next to Nick. “Please, sit. Anyone want anything to drink?”
Chealyn nods slowly. “Thank you…I…”
Jen slides into a chair across from her. “Chealyn…whatever you have to face, we’ll be by your side. Kevin would want us to take care of you. And we will.”
Grant puts his hand on her shoulder. “I’ll be outside if you need me.”
Chealyn looks up. “Thank you Grant.” After he leaves, Chealyn whispers, “I don’t know what to say.”
Brian settles in his chair. “Tell us how you met Kevin.”
For the rest of the day, Chealyn gets to talk about the man she loves. She relives every happy memory and learns more about the man she loved from his friends. She sticks close to Nick. He was there in Chicago. He saw Kevin with Sophie and DJ. She feels…connected to him. After dinner, he whispers, “Where are you going?”
She shrugs. “I don’t know. I…I haven’t thought about what’s ahead.”
Nick nods. Brian jumps up. “You can stay here if you want.”
Chealyn shakes her head slowly. “I…is there any way I can stay at Kevin’s?”
Jen takes a set of keys out of her purse and hands them to Chealyn. “Do you want one of us to stay with you?”
Chealyn shakes her head, taking the keys in her trembling hand. “No. I…I need to say goodbye.”
When she breaks down sobbing, Nick takes her in his arms. “He loved you…Chealyn…Elena…he loved you so much. Hold on to that.”
She sobs harder, her heart breaking all over again. “I loved him too. I’ll always love him.”
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
Author's Notes:
Sorry it's been a couple of days. I've been having problems with my eye so looking at the computer has been forbidden (well, strictly limited) by the doc.
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 9
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
Chealyn sits on the couch in Kevin’s living room and looks around. Hanging above his fireplace is a single picture of them together, surrounded by pictures they had taken on the special trips they had taken. Pictures of things they had seen together, her for the very first time. She sniffles as she looks at each picture in turn, remembering the times they shared…the love.
The front door opens and Grant sticks his head in. “Chealyn, Nick is here. He wanted to check on you. Is it ok?” She nods, turning back to contemplate the wall over his fireplace once again.
When Nick walks in, he looks around, missing Kevin even more. He walks over behind Chealyn and looks up at the wall. No one ever asked Kevin about the picture. They had all seen it, but no one thought to ask who the pretty girl was.
He moves around the couch to kneel by Chealyn. “I know you said you wanted to be alone, but…”
She shakes her head. “Don’t go. I just…Nick how can I go on without them?”
He reaches for her hand, his own trembling slightly. “I’ve been trying to answer that question myself. The only thing I can come up with is Kevin would want us to.” She nods, drawing strength from his grip. He wipes fresh tears from his face and whispers, “Want to talk about it?”
She turns her eyes to his. “I…yes.” He smiles and moves to sit on the couch beside her, keeping her hand in his. “Talk to me.”
She looks back up at the pictures. “Kevin showed me so many wonderful things I wouldn’t have seen.”
Nick looks at the pictures. “Tell me.”
She gets up and one by one takes the pictures off the wall. Settling back down on the couch with Nick she picks up one. “On our one month anniversary, he took me to Randy’s Donut Shop.”
Nick chuckles. “I’m not surprised.”
She laughs, running her fingertips lightly over the frame. “He did it because I was such a fan of Iron Man. He said no one living in California should miss seeing the big donut.”
Nick scoots closer to her. “Where else did you go?”
She reaches for the next picture as Nick takes the first and puts it beside him on the couch. “Our second anniversary, he took me to Alcatraz.”
Nick looks at the picture she’s holding. “That’s an odd place for a date isn’t it?”
She glances at him, smiling at the memories she’s sharing. “You’d think…but it was so much fun. We did the whole tour and I couldn’t tell you one thing the guide said. Kevin was so flirty that day. He kept pulling me into corners and behind stuff to…”
When she blushes hotly and starts to stammer, Nick chuckles. “Sounds like Kevin.”
She shakes her head. “When we left the island, he said he wouldn’t mind being locked up with me.”
Nick nods. “That sounds like Kevin too.” When he sees tears forming in her eyes, he whispers, “Where else did he take you?”
One by one they go through the pictures and she tells him about her life with Kevin. Though their time together was limited to only a year, Kevin showed her as much of the world as he could and loved her with all he had. Twice during their talk she had broken down and sobbed.
The first time she was telling him about their trip to the Grand Canyon. From what Nick could gather, that was the first time they had made love. When Chealyn started crying, he pulled her against his chest and cried with her, wishing they could turn back time and somehow stop her from leaving Chicago that night. Then he realizes if they had done that, Chealyn might be dead too…and none of them would have ever known the truth.
The second time was when she got to the last picture. Holding it gently, she whispers, “He took me to Hawaii for our one year anniversary. I had never been. Didn’t think I’d ever get to see it. It was…oh it was breathtaking.”
Nick smiles. “Yeah, it’s beautiful. He always loved going there.”
She sighs, hugging the frame. “We went on a helicopter tour the first day. Then it rained the next six, but I didn’t care.”
He watches her face and he sees so much love in her eyes he starts tearing up again. “Why didn’t you care?”
She glances at him. “Kevin…he proposed at this waterfall.”
Nick’s eyes widen. “He… were going to get married?”
She reaches up and grabs the chain of her necklace, pulling it out from under her blouse to show him. On it, he sees a locket…the locket she wore in Chicago. But, he also sees two rings on it. She looks up. “I kept these hidden for so long.”
He sees a diamond ring and a wedding band. He looks up at her. “Why hide them?”
She sighs, shivering slightly. “I was trying to protect him. If Sawyer ever found me, he’d know…and he’d go after Kevin.” Nick stares at the rings. She wraps her fist around them and whispers, “Nick, Kevin and I were married the day before I went into witness protection.”
His eyes fly up to hers. He stares at her briefly before pulling her into a tight hug. “Oh my God…Chealyn…you…Jesus!”
She sobs into his shoulder and wails, “I loved him so much Nick…I loved him and I got him killed! And my babies! Oh my God, I killed my babies!”
He holds her as tightly as he can. “No! God Chealyn, you didn’t do this! It’s not your fault!”
Grant comes flying into the house after hearing her cries. Once he sees Nick holding her as she sobs, he backs out slowly. He doesn’t know how long the marshal service will allow him to ‘protect’ Chealyn…Elena. He slips back out, grinding his teeth and biding his time. If the last three years have taught him anything, it’s patience.
Over the last three years, he fell in love with Elena. If she ever found out she really wasn’t in any danger, she’d probably kill him. All the moves…all the times he told her Sawyer’s men were there, they really weren’t. Sawyer was a small time player and the mob washed their hands of him when he was convicted and put away. But Elena doesn’t know that. She never knew it. She went on believing the lies he told.
Everyone believed them. His boss believed it when he told them she was being threatened. The ‘evidence’ he concocted to stay on the case worked well. But now that she’s so vocal about getting out of the program, he can’t…he can’t keep finding ways to keep her in. He knows he’ll have to make a move and soon. If only that plane hadn’t crashed. That was a wrinkle he didn’t need. Now he has to find a way to make it work for him. He has to find a way to bring Elena home with him…where she belongs.
End Notes:
Let me know!! :)
Author's Notes:
Sorry for the delay updating. Weird things happening lately. I'm off tomorrow, I'll try to update again. :) Thanks for sticking with me!
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 10
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
When Chealyn's sobs are nothing but sniffles, Nick whispers, "What can I do?"
She stays curled up against his chest and in a tired voice, she says, "Will you stay? I wish...I wish all of you could just stay here with me a while. I miss him so much and when you're here..."
He pats her back and says, "You know I will. I'm sure all of the guys will come over and stay as long as you need us to." When she sighs quietly he whispers, "What else?"
She sniffles again. "I never want to leave here. Ever. I miss them so much!"
Nick squeezes her. "You don't have to leave Chealyn. You can stay as long as you want."
She cries herself to sleep in his arms. He lets his own tears fall, managing to get his cell phone from his pocket. He dials the phone and waits. Brian answers on the second ring. "What's up Nick?"
In a tearful voice, he whispers, "Brian, get everyone over here in a couple of hours. Bring dinner."
Brian's voice has a catch in it. "What's wrong?"
Nick fairly trembles when he says, "Chealyn needs us all here." He glances down at her before whispering, "She was married to him Brian. They got married before she went into witness protection. She was his wife."
Brian gasps. "Nick! He...WHAT?"
Nick sighs. "Just come Brian. She needs all of us."
A short time later, Grant starts getting edgy and quietly opens the door. When he sees Nick holding Chealyn rage consumes him. Before he can storm in and rip them apart, Chealyn cries out, "Kevin come back!"
Grant pulls up short, watching as Nick soothes her. His need to whisk her away is almost overwhelming, but Nick Carter is in the way. Some part of him wants to just kill him, making everyone think the mob is playing a part.
As the plan forms in his mind, he reaches for the gun hidden in the waistband of his pants. Before he can pull it out, he hears Nick say, "The guys are coming over Chealyn. We'll be here as long as you need us."
Grant backs out slowly, cursing under his breath. They aren't going to give him a chance to take her. Time is running short.
By the time the rest of the guys show up, Chealyn has calmed down considerably. She clings to Nick. He’s like a lifeline for her. Once they all settle down and are picking at the food Brian brought, Chealyn glances at Nick. “Were Sophie and DJ ok after I left?”
Nick nods. “Yeah, they were. They cried for you but Kevin kept telling them you had to go and they you loved them and you’d be back.” When she lowers her eyes, he whispers, “Kevin told them every night you loved them. He played with them…fed them. He was…he…they were ok.”
She nods slowly. “I knew he would take care of them. I just couldn’t keep running with them. Every day the danger was there. I was afraid to take them out. I was getting to the point of needing to put them into preschool and I didn’t know if I could do it. I’d think about Sawyer and everything I saw…I was paralyzed with fear.”
Brian takes her hand and whispers, “Chealyn, why did you marry Kevin?”
She sighs, giving him a sad smile. “He insisted. We knew we were going to be apart for a long, long time. He said he wanted me to be assured that when it was all over and I could come out of hiding, he’d be waiting for me.” Her lip trembles and she whispers, “When they took me away, I told him not to wait. I told him to get a divorce and move on with his life. One of us going through life alone was enough, but he swore he wouldn’t.”
Nick folds his arms on his stomach, the plate of food in front of him still untouched. “He didn’t Chealyn. He never looked at another woman. Those pictures on his wall, we all wanted to ask…but we didn’t. The one time we mentioned it, he told us she was someone who made a difference in his life. Someone he cared about deeply and someone he had lost. We all assumed…”
AJ clears his throat. “We all assumed you had…died.”
She sniffles. “Part of me did the day I walked away. I knew what I was doing was right, but the price was too high.”
Howie takes a sip of his wine. “Chealyn, we all knew Kevin…he loved you…we saw that in those pictures. Knowing what happened, I know he would have gone into hiding with you if he could. You couldn’t let Sawyer get away with what you saw. He needed to pay for it…the woman he killed deserved justice.”
She nods slowly. “I know that. She did. Her name was Savannah. She was only 19 years old.”
After a lengthy silence, AJ asks softly, “Chealyn, why did you want us here?”
She shrugs, looking down. “It’s like…he’s still alive when you talk about him.”
AJ moves to kneel beside her. “He’ll always be with us Chealyn. And so will DJ and Sophie.”
She hugs him, fresh tears pooling on her lashes. “Can I show you something?”
AJ pulls away. “Of course you can.”
She looks around, wiping her eyes. When she sees her bags, she gets up and wanders over to them, opening a shoulder bag and pulling out a bunch of DVDs. Turning back to them, she whispers, “This is…this is all I have left of Sophie and DJ. I made them hoping Kevin could…”
AJ walks over to her and takes the discs. “Chealyn, are you sure?”
She nods quickly. “Please…I…I held my babies and Kevin in Chicago and said goodbye. I always thought that one day we’d all be together again. I need…I don’t know…I need you to know my babies…I need you to understand what Kevin and I had was…perfect. It was…beautiful.”
AJ touches her face and wipes away her tears. “We know that Chealyn. We’re grieving for your babies too.”
She falls against him. “Why? Why did this have to happen? Why couldn’t it have been ME? They were so little…and he was so wonderful!”
AJ looks lost, not sure what to say. Brian comes over to Chealyn and pulls her away from AJ. Holding her hands, he whispers, “You know how faithful Kevin was, don’t you?” When she nods, he whispers, “Kevin believed God has a plan and a purpose for us all. Right now, it hurts too much to believe, but God does have a plan. Kevin is looking down on you…and he’s still taking care of Sophie and DJ. They are all watching over you.”
She lets Brian pull her against his chest, her sobs consuming her. The others watch helplessly, wishing they could somehow lessen her pain…but they know they can’t. They are feeling the exact same kind of pain. None of them know how they will ever be able to just let go.
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 11
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
After spending the entire evening watching Chealyn’s videos of her kids, laughing and crying and remembering, everyone is exhausted. They see Chealyn fighting to stay awake. Howie hugs her gently and whispers, “You need rest, Chealyn.”
She nods. “I know I just…thank you for being here tonight. I don’t know how to explain it but…when you’re here…”
AJ whispers, “We’ll always be here, but Howie’s right. We all should try to rest. The past week has been hell.”
One by one they leave. When Chealyn looks at Nick, he says, “I’ll stay.”
She shakes her head. “I…thank you but I think I might need some time alone.”
He nods slowly. "I..if you're sure. Just...promise me you'll call me if you need anything. Even if it's just a shoulder to cry on."
She nods. "I will." He starts to turn away but she reaches for his arm. "Nick." When he turns back, she whispers, "Thank you for...everything."
He steps closer to her and hugs her tightly. "Thank you Chealyn." He kisses her temple. "Don't forget; call me if you need anything."
After he leaves, Chealyn moves to the couch and sits, staring up at the pictures on the wall...her short life with Kevin...the happiness they shared...the love. She sniffles, her heart still aching at the loss of her husband and children. Her mind reeling from exhaustion and grief.
Grant sneaks in the front door, watching her closely. He knows this could be the only chance he has. Walking quickly to the couch, he startles her. She jumps up. "Grant, what's wrong?"
In a strained voice, he says, "You're not safe here, Elena. We have to go."
She sighs. "No. I'm not leaving. I'm not going to hide, I told you that. And please...don't call me Elena. My name is Chealyn now."
He grabs her arm in a tight grip and says, "I said we're leaving. NOW!" She tries to pull away from him and he mutters, "Don't. I said it's time to go."
She keeps struggling. "Grant, NO! I don't want to leave. I want to stay here and..."
He cuts her off. "Elena, stop arguing. It's my job to take care of you and I'm going to. You're mine now." She pushes against his chest, trying to get away but he it only makes him angry. He slaps her and mutters viciously, "Stop it!"
She's dumbstruck by his actions. "Grant, what are you doing?"
He drags her to the door. "I'm taking you somewhere safe. Where we can be alone and you can finally realize you belong with me."
Fear clutches her heart. "Grant, I don't...we don't belong together."
He pushes her against the door and whispers vehemently, "Don't you say that! Don't you dare! You've been with me for 3 years now Elena. I've kept you safe. I took care of you. I realized when you left DJ and Sophie behind you wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with you. Us together."
She trembles. "Grant, stop it! Stop it!"
He pushes his face close to hers and whispers, "We'll be happy Elena. We'll have our own family once we're settled. You'll forget the past and realize you belong to me."
Once he has her in the car, she whispers, "Grant I don't want to go with you. I don’t want another family. Please, leave me alone. Let me think about my husband and my children."
He growls, "NO! They are dead and gone and you are MINE!"
She sniffles loudly. "No! No Grant..."
He hits the steering wheel in frustration before turning in his seat. She doesn't see it coming when he balls up his fist and hits her in the face, knocking her head against the window and driving her into unconsciousness. As he turns the car around, he mutters, "You're mine Elena. You're always going to be mine."
Early the next morning, Nick wakes up to his phone ringing. Thinking it could be Chealyn, he rolls over quickly to answer it. "Hello?"
The voice on the other end is a stranger. "Hello, my name is John Sampson. I'm a forest ranger with the Kentucky forestry service. We found your number on a cell phone..."
Nick cuts him off. "I don't understand...what?"
The forest ranger sighs. "I'm sorry. It's hard to explain without knowing...the contact list has you listed as Kaos. I don't want to be disrespectful...could I ask your name? Then I'll explain what's going on."
Nick sits up, flipping on a lamp and wincing at the glare. "My name is Nick. Nick Carter."
John sounds tired when he says, "Mr. Carter, I…I’m with a group of rangers that’s been searching the mountain top for over a week…since the plane crash. We’ve been…looking for…the victims’ remains. I don't want to give you false hope but...well…we found this phone...and we found 2 bodies, the pilot and co-pilot. The terrain is rough, but knowing children are involved, we haven't rested...we've combed almost 30 square miles...and we have absolutely no evidence there were three more victims."
Nick gasps. "What? What are you saying? They're alive?"
John cuts him off. "I'm not saying that. I don't know. When we found the phone...Mr. Carter, there's a picture on the phone that was taken after the crash. I believe your friend survived the crash itself…with the children."
Nick lets his tears fall and whispers, "Why are you calling me now?"
In a shaky voice, John whispers, "I think somewhere on this mountain, someone is helping him...taking care of him...and those kids...or they buried them. It would take months to comb the land. My superiors think it's a long shot, but your group is famous...if you could make an announcement...ask for someone to come forward...offer a reward...anything."
Nick stands up, looking for his clothes. "I'll pay whatever they want...anything. Let me...I'll talk to the guys...our managers. Oh my God, Chealyn! I have to call Chealyn!"
John cuts him off. "Mr. Carter, my superiors wanted me to tell you there's no guarantee...if you and your friends would like to meet at the forestry service office with us, we can go over what we've done...where we've searched…and what we’ve found. Maybe a joint announcement can be made."
Nick feels his excitement wane a little...but he can't let go of the thought that Kevin, DJ and Sophie could be alive. In a decisive voice, he says, "I'll have them there in a couple of hours. I...I don't know how to thank you."
John sighs. "Don't thank me yet. My coworkers think I'm nuts, but my gut tells me those three survived and are somewhere on this mountain." In a slightly embarrassed voice, he says, "My wife is a fan."
Nick whispers, "Thank you...thank you so much for calling me."
After he hangs up, he calls Jenn. If there's one chance in a million Kevin and his children are alive, they have to do whatever they can to find them...and bring them home.
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
Author's Notes:
SO I'm sorry about taking to long to update. I really appreciate you guys sticking with me. Between the problems with my eye and now my computer issues, I feel like the world is giving me a sign. :) Thanks for hanging in there!!
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 12
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
Jenn meets the group at the forestry service office, and after a short discussion, it's decided that Nick will go tell Chealyn what's going on. After recording a plea for help in finding the truth regarding the whereabouts of Kevin Richardson and his children, dead or alive, Nick takes off for Kevin's house.
When he gets there, he feels a stab of fear. Grant isn’t waiting on the porch. The car is gone. The place looks deserted. When he steps up on the porch and sees the front door slightly open, he panics. He pushes the door open and runs in, finding Chealyn's bags still sitting on the floor. And the rest of the living room in a shambles.
Pulling out his cell phone, he calls Jenn. "Hey, it's me. Chealyn's gone and the place is trashed. I'm going to call the Marshall's Service and find out what's going on."
Jenn sighs. "You want me to call?"
Nick heads back out the door. "No, I'll call. Just stay on the hunt for Kevin."
Jenn feels the need to caution him. "Nick, it could just be someone found them...their bodies."
Nick's steps falter. "Jenn, I don't...I have to believe he's alive. I have to believe Sophie and DJ are alive."
After a brief silence, she whispers, "Call me after you talk to the marshal service. I'll call the police and meet you at Kevin's house."
When he hangs up, he pulls out the card Grant gave him. First he calls Grant's cell phone. It doesn't even ring, just goes straight to voice mail. He calls the office number and is put on a brief hold. The man that finally answers sounds angry. "This is Baker."
Nick clears his throat. "Marshal Baker, my name is Nick Carter. I'm trying to get in touch with Marshal Grant Desmond."
The agitated marshal on the phone growls, "You and me both. He's been MIA for over a week. What did you want with him?"
Nick feels even more confused. "I just saw him last night with Chealyn..."
Baker cuts him off sharply. "Chealyn? What's he doing with her? That case has been over for well over a year now. He has three other cases he's supposed to be..."
Nick butts in. "Wait! What do you mean the case is over? The man she testified against is out again, right?"
Baker sounds distracted. "He's small time. Once he was convicted, the mob washed their hands of him. He has no connection to them. I told that son of a bitch to keep his personal life away from work..."
Nick growls. "There is no personal life between them! She was married...her husband and children were in a plane crash on Christmas Eve. She came back to Kentucky with Grant in tow...for the funeral. She was at Kevin's house...WITH him..."
Suddenly it dawns on Baker what Nick is saying. "Mr. Carter, are you saying Desmond has been using his job to keep her hidden?"
Nick practically yells, "I'm telling you he's TAKEN her! I’m at Kevin's house. He's gone...she's gone...the house is a wreck."
Baker sighs loudly. "He told me he and Elena had fallen in love while he protected her. He said they kept in touch and when he wasn't working they..."
Nick looks around wanting to hit something. "He's a fucking liar and a kidnapper. She thinks her husband and children are dead! She doesn't even know they could be alive. Where would he take her? Can you find him?"
Baker reaches into a drawer on his desk and pulls out his service revolver and badge. "I'll do my best Mr. Carter. Where were they last seen?"
Nick rubs his eyes. "Kentucky. I...what do we do now?"
Baker says quietly, "Trust us. We'll find them both and bring her home to her family. Mr. Carter...I'm sorry. This doesn't..."
Nick cuts him off. "Just bring her home. She needs to be here when we find Kevin."
When Chealyn opens her eyes the sun is shining brightly through the car window. She winces when she tries to move, moaning lightly. From the driver's seat, Grant says, "Good morning Baby. Sleep well?"
It all comes back to her and she pushes herself up in the seat. "Where are we?"
He reaches over and squeezes her leg. "We're almost through New York. I got your new license and passport in my briefcase. You'll be Elena Desmond when we get into Canada."
She pulls away. "I don't want to go to Canada with you. I want to go back to Kentucky."
He shoots her an angry glance. "Stop it. Stop right now. You and I are starting our life together. No more marshal service, no more secrets."
She cringes away from him. "What secrets? I haven't had any secrets. I laid everything on the line. I want to go my husband's home."
The smile he gives her makes her feel sick. His words scare her. "I am your husband. We are going home."
Her agonized whisper barely reaches his ears. "Kevin Richardson was my husband. His in Kentucky."
He reaches over to grab her wrist. "I am your husband Elena. Say it!"
She knows he's very unstable but she refuses to give in to his demands. "No. Kevin is my husband. He's the only man I'll ever love."
His grip on her arm tightens. She tries to pull away but he jerks her closer to him, almost losing control of the car. She cries out as her wrist snaps. He lets go of her quickly, muttering a vile curse. Checking his mirrors, he pulls off the road and turns to her. "Baby, what happened? Are you ok?"
She cradles her arm to her stomach. "Grant, let me go!"
He leans closer to her and presses a kiss to her temple. "I'll take care of you Elena. I love you. Once we get to Canada, I'll get you to a doctor. You'll be fine."
She whimpers, pulling away. "Grant…my arm…I think it’s broken. Please, I need a"
He moves back into his seat and shifts the car back into gear. "When we get to Canada, I'll give you everything you need. And once we take care of your arm, I'm going to take you home and make love to my bride."
She sniffles loudly. "I am NOT your're never going to touch me. I'd rather be dead."
Before pulling out onto the road, he whispers darkly, "You'll want it Elena. And you'll enjoy it. You...are...mine!"
He turns the radio up loud to drown out the sound of her cries. She looks towards the sky and prays softly, "I love you Kevin. I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry."
End Notes:
Let me know!! :)
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 13
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
The door opens and Maggie Parker leans heavily on her walker as she makes her way slowly into the cabin. Her guest is slowly coming around again. She peeks into the bedroom to find the children still sleeping soundly. Closing the door quietly, she turns back to find the young man sitting up, rubbing his head. "How do you feel?"
He looks up at her. "About the same. How are the children?"
She smiles. "Still sleeping."
He smiles weakly. "I wish I could remember something. Anything."
She looks at him and says, "I...think maybe I figured out what happened."
He looks up. "What? How?"
She moves to sit across from him. "I went down to the store for a few supplies. I...there was a news report...on the television. People looking for you."
His face is pale with fear. "What did I do?"
She shakes her head. "Nothing. You and your children were in the plane that crashed on Christmas Eve. When I found you...I didn't know who you were. I brought you here because I didn't want to deal with the police. I'm an old woman and I like my privacy. Now that you're stronger...and I know what's going on...I...called the forestry service. Someone will be out to pick you up soon."
His eyes widen. "Tell me who I am. Who's looking for me?"
She smiles. "Your name is Kevin Richardson; the children are Sophie and DJ. Your children." His eyes soften and she whispers, "We knew that. What we didn't know is that you are one of the Backstreet Boys."
He rubs his eyes. "Who are the Backstreet Boys?"
She laughs again. "I had to ask too. Being an old woman on a mountain keeps you pretty much closed off from the world. The Backstreet Boys are a singing group."
He leans back. "Why can't I remember?"
Maggie struggles to stand. Kevin jumps up and helps her. Once her hands are on her walker, she murmurs, "They'll be here soon. Why don't you get the children?"
He hugs her gently. "How can I ever thank you Maggie?"
She laughs. "Keep those filthy reporters away from me and bring those babies back to visit."
Tears sting his eyes. "I promise. I won't forget you."
She pats his face and says, "I know you won't. I'm glad we know who you are now. I ain't ashamed to say for a while there I thought you had kidnapped those babies. I'm glad I was wrong."
He gives her a watery smile. "Thank you for helping us."
An hour later, Kevin finds himself in a hospital exam room with Sophie and DJ. He insists the doctor check out the kids first. As he’s watching them look over DJ, Sophie sits cuddled in his arms sucking her thumb.
The door opens and he looks up to see Nick standing there with tears in his eyes. Kevin doesn't remember the younger man. But deep in his heart he knows they are friends. His suspicions are confirmed when Sophie perks up and reaches for him.
Nick comes in and whispers, "Hey Sweet Cheeks." After kissing her cheek, he looks at Kevin, letting his tears fall. "" He steps closer and envelops his friend in a huge bear hug. "I'm so damn glad to see you."
When he steps back, Kevin whispers hoarsely, "I...I don't know..."
Nick clears his throat.”It's ok. You'll remember me. All of us." He holds his hands out for Sophie. "Come here, Beautiful. The doctor needs to check out Daddy."
Kevin watches Sophie lean for the tall stranger happily. He looks over to see DJ reaching for him too. His children know the man. As Nick moves to the corner to entertain the children Kevin scoots back on the exam table and lets the doctor start his examination.
When the doctor mentions sending Kevin for a CAT scan to determine the severity of his concussion, Nick clears his throat. "Umm...can our friends come in before...we all just need to see him."
The doctor nods. "Of course. I'll make the arrangements and give you some time. Other than the concussion, you all look fine."
After the doctor leaves, Nick turns to Kevin. "I know you don't remember us yet, but before the guys come in...Kevin, they don't know DJ and Sophie yet."
Kevin rubs his eyes. "Why?"
Sophie reaches for her daddy and Kevin takes her, hugging her close, smiling as DJ lays his head over on Nick's shoulder. Nick pats the little boy's back. "It's a long story Kevin. A really long story. For now...they want to see you and then...if you're ok with it, we'll take care of the kids so the doctor can take care of you. The quicker you get your memory back, the easier this is going to be to explain."
Kevin kisses Sophie's head. "I don't know much, but I can see my children trust you."
Nick smiles. "We became good buddies in Chicago before Christmas. I can't believe that was only a couple of weeks ago." He looks down at DJ curled up against his chest before looking up at Kevin. "They'll be three years old in a few days."
Kevin smiles. "I hope I remember them by then. And their mom. Where is she?"
Nick's eyes cloud over. "That's another long story Kevin. I'll tell you once they've examined you."
Kevin's smile frowns. "Are we divorced?"
Nick shakes his head. "No. I've never known two people more in love. Just...I'll tell you everything later. OK?"
Before Kevin can reply, the door opens. He looks up as Brian, AJ and Howie come in. All of them are crying. Brian reaches out and hugs him tightly. "Thank you almighty God." When he pulls away, he grabs Kevin's face and whispers, "I didn't think I'd ever see you again, Cuz." He looks down at Sophie snuggling up to Kevin, watching him suspiciously. He wipes his eyes and says, "You must be Sophie."
As she's giving him a shy grin, AJ slips past Brian to hug Kevin. "I'm so glad you're ok, Kev." He bends down to kiss Sophie's cheek. "Hey Cutie, where's your brother?"
From the corner, Nick says, "He's over here with his favorite Uncle."
As they all chuckle and AJ and Brian go to meet DJ, Howie takes his turn hugging Kevin. "Welcome home Kev. Welcome home."
Kevin rubs his head. "I wish I could remember home."
Brian turns back to Kevin. "You will. Let the doctors take care you, ok? You'll get your memory back."
The nurse comes in. "Mr. Richardson, we need to take you for your CAT scan."
By now, AJ has coaxed DJ into his arms, so Nick stands and moves to the bed. When Sophie fairly leaps into his arms, they all looked shocked. Howie laughs. "Nick Carter with a kid. Two of them no less. I've seen it all."
Nick laughs with them and hugs Sophie close. "These two are special."
The nurse helps Kevin into a wheelchair. "We'll be putting Mr. Richardson into a room as soon as the scan is complete. If you wait..."
Kevin cuts her off. "No, I'd rather go home with my kids." When they all start to protest, he says, "I survived for over a week with an old woman in the woods. I'm not leaving my kids."
Nick passes Sophie to Brian and turns to Kevin. "Dude, you have to do what they say."
Kevin sighs, rubbing his eyes again. "Look, you're all here, I have two kids, and their mother isn't here. That tells me something isn't right. When I mention her, you all look away." When no one says anything, he whispers, "I'm going home with my children and one of you is going to tell me exactly what's going on."
As the nurse turns the wheelchair to take him out of the room, AJ mutters, "You might not remember us, but you're remembering how to be bossy."
Kevin laughs as the nurse takes him from the room. As the door closes, Sophie whimpers, "Dada."
Nick turns and gives her a smile. "It's ok Sweetie. Daddy will be back soon." She leans toward Nick and he takes her in his arms.
She lays her head on his shoulder and cries. "Mama."
Nick pats her back and whispers, "Mama will be home soon Sophie. We're going to find her and bring her home."
All the men look at each other and they're thinking the same thing. Every minute Chealyn is missing, the chance she'll be found alive grows dim. Thankfully the FBI is involved now and a nationwide manhunt is underway for Grant Desmond and his hostage, Chealyn...Elena Richardson.
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 14
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
When Kevin is brought back into the examination room, Sophie reaches for him immediately. He takes her into his arms, looking around at his friends. "OK, who's going to tell me what's going on?"
They all look down at their feet. All but Brian. He sighs heavily and says, "Kevin, it's a long, confusing story. A few years ago..."
Before he can delve too deeply into the story, the door opens and the doctor walks in. "Mr. Richardson, considering all you've been through, you seem to be healing. I can't tell you how long it will take for your memory to return, but I'm confident it will. We didn't find any kind of permanent damage from the blow to your head."
Kevin perks up. "So I can go home?"
The doctor smiles. "I don't see why not. We'll give you a list of things to watch for in case of complications, but I don't think you'll have any problems."
Brian chimes in quickly. "You can stay at my house and I can help you with the kids until you're stronger."
Kevin eyes him suspiciously. "Why can't I stay at my house?" When none of them say anything, Kevin murmurs, "Please, someone just tell me what's going on?"
DJ is sleeping soundly on AJ's shoulder, so AJ answers him quietly. "Kevin, it really is a long story. Let's go to Brian's house and we'll tell you what we can. Please?"
Kevin sighs, rubbing his eyes. "Fine. I just want the truth."
The doctor turns to leave. At the door, he turns back. "Mr. Richardson, maybe it would be best if you're not alone for a few days. Especially with small children. If you do start to have a setback, someone should be there."
Kevin nods slightly. Nick speaks up. "Trust me Doctor, after what we've been through over the past week, I don't think any of us will be leaving Kevin and the kids alone anytime soon."
The doctor smiles. "I had a feeling there would be plenty of volunteers. The nurse will be in with a prescription for you for pain if you need it. She’ll also have a list of things to look for over the next few days. Do you have a family doctor...?” He smiles ruefully. "I'm sorry Mr. Richardson."
Brian speaks up. "Kev, you see my doctor. I can call and make an appointment for you in a few days."
The doctor smiles. "I think you're in good hands Mr. Richardson. If you have any concerns or notice any new symptoms, come back immediately."
Kevin looks down at Sophie who's falling asleep in his arms. "What about the kids? Are they really ok?"
The doctor smiles. "They are just fine Mr. Richardson. Considering what you've all been through, I'm happy to say you're all healthy...other than the bump on your head."
Kevin smiles. "Thank you Doctor. Thank you for everything."
After the doctor leaves, Brian puts his hand on Kevin's shoulder. "Come on, let's get you to my house and we'll tell you everything. I promise."
Three hours later, DJ and Sophie have eaten lunch and are both sleeping on Brian's bed. Kevin has been told almost everything. The only thing left to tell him is that he's actually married to Elena...and that she's been kidnapped.
As they all settle in Brian's living room for the rest of the story, Kevin rubs his neck. They all see it. Nick says, "Kevin, why don't you rest a while? We can finish..."
The older man shakes his head. "No. Tell me the rest." He sighs, "You say I fell in love, lost her for almost 3 years to the witness protection program, I got her back for one night and she left again, leaving me our children." He looks at Nick. "You said you had never seen two people more in love. What aren't you telling me? Why did she leave? Why couldn’t I keep her safe?"
Nick sits beside him. "She thought she was keeping you and kids safe. She was afraid if she stayed with you, the people that were after her would get to you. After the plane went down, Chealyn came out of hiding."
Kevin looks up. "Chealyn?"
AJ sits on the coffee table in front Kevin. "Chealyn was the last identity she had from the marshal service. She...after the crash, when she came back...she said she wanted to be called Chealyn."
Kevin looks up. "Why?" When no one says anything, Kevin gets upset and raises his voice. "Will someone just tell me what the hell is going on?"
Brian touches his arm. "Calm down, you’ll wake the kids.” Kevin sighs loudly and nods gratefully, glancing toward the stairs leading up to where his kids are sleeping. “She...she said that Elena died with her family."
Kevin feels tears sting his eyes. "Where is she?"
Howie is the first to find the courage to say, "We don't know Kevin."
Kevin looks around the room at each of them. "What are you all hiding?"
AJ reaches out and puts his hand on Kevin's knee. We found out early this morning...before we found you...the marshal that was handling Elena's case...he...he kidnapped her."
Kevin's face goes deathly pale. "Kidnapped? From where?"
AJ softly replies, "Your house."
Kevin looks at each of them in turn. "When Sophie and DJ wake up, I want to go there." They all start shaking their heads but he ignores it. Raising his voice, he says, "Dammit she's my wife! I'm going to look for her!"
All their mouths drop. Howie whispers, "You remember her?"
Kevin's eyes widen. "I...I don't know. Why? What did I say?"
Nick says, "You called her your wife. We didn’t tell you that you were married to her before she went into the witness protection program."
Kevin feels his heart start to pound and he whispers, "I remember...oh God I remember marrying her...but I can't remember what she looked like."
Nick puts his hand on Kevin's shoulder. "Kevin, let Brian and watch the kids. I'll take you to your house. Maybe if you see it..."
Kevin just nods. Brian says, "I'll call Jenn and have her come over. She might even still be at your house. She wanted to come to the hospital but she was dealing with the police...about your house."
Kevin looks at him. "Jenn?"
Brian gives him a small smile. "Our manager. Kevin, you'll remember us all before you know it."
Kevin lets his head fall back on the back of the couch. "I can't explain it but I know I know you...and I know I trust you." He opens his eyes, a tear escaping and sliding slowly down his cheek. "I know I'm in love with my wife...I just can't remember who she is."
Howie clears his throat, emotion making his voice husky. "You will Kev. You will."
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
Author's Notes:
Let me say I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long...and those of you who have reviewed and I haven't responded, please know I've read your reviews and I appreciate your taking your time to read. I've had a very emotional and tragic week and my mind isn't exactly functioning as it should. After the holidays, I'm hoping I can get the rest of this story up and take some time to let me heart heal. Please, continue sending me your thoughts and I really hope you continue enjoying the story. Love, Dottie
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 15
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
When Nick parks outside Kevin's house he turns off the car and waits. Kevin stares at the house intently, trying to find something familiar. He slowly gets out of the car. Nick watches as he takes slow steps toward the house.
When Kevin steps up on the porch, he turns back toward the car. Nick climbs out. "You ok Kev?"
Kevin shrugs and turns back to the door. "I'm afraid to go in."
Nick jogs up to the porch. "What's wrong?"
Kevin stares at the door. "What if this doesn't work? What if I go in and I don't remember anything?"
Nick puts his hand on Kevin's shoulder. "You will remember’ve already started remembering. Maybe it will just take time."
Kevin looks down at the porch. "I need to remember now Nick. I have to find her. Sophie and DJ...they need their mother."
Nick can feel his friend's anguish. In a soft voice he whispers, "You need your wife too."
Kevin takes a deep breath and steps up to the door. When he steps inside he feels calm. He glances around; everything looks familiar...but still unknown.
He moves further into the living room, taking in several things at once. Overturned furniture. A broken lamp. Throw pillows strewn across the floor. He still doesn't see anything familiar...until he turns to the fireplace.
When he sees the portrait of himself and Elena he drops to his knees. Nick rushes forward but stops short when he hears Kevin's strangled whisper. "Mi amore, Elena."
In a shaky voice he whispers, " you remember?"
Kevin looks up with tears in his eyes. "Everything. I remember everything." Taking a shaky breath, he whispers, "Why would Grant take her?"
Nick steps closer and kneels beside him. "His boss said he thought Chealyn...Elena...was having an affair with him. He said the case was over a long time ago. Grant lied to keep her hidden."
Turning his gaze to Nick, he whispers, “She wouldn’t…I know she wouldn’t.”
Nick nods quickly. “We know that Kevin. Anyone that saw her at the cemetery could tell…”
Kevin cuts him off. “Cemetery?”
Nick nods. “Well…we thought you were dead. We all were trying to find…closure of some kind. When she showed up…the whole world saw how broken hearted she was Kevin. She’s not having an affair with him. She never has. You are the man she loves and you always will be.”
Kevin walks to the couch and drops down, staring up at the picture on the wall. “How can we find her?”
Nick moves to sit by him. “The marshal service is all over it and they are bringing in the FBI. Kevin, we’re going to find her. I know it.” When Kevin leans forward and drops his head into his hands to cry, Nick feels tears well up in his eyes. “What can I do?”
Kevin doesn’t move. He whispers softly, “You’re doing it Nick.” Looking up he whispers, “Thank you…thank you for everything.”
Nick wipes away his own tears. “Come on; let’s get back to Sophie and DJ. The guys need to know you remember.”
Chealyn slowly opens her eyes. She’s in a dingy motel room handcuffed to a bed. Her broken arm is lying across her stomach throbbing. She looks around. Grant is sitting on the other bed in the room with the television on. He’s watching something intently. She closes her eyes again, feeling nauseous.
He had kept her in the car parked in the woods close to the border until dark. He waited until 2:00 am before attempting to cross. Grant had told her if she tried anything, he’d make sure Nick and the others ended up in the ground next to Kevin. She pretended to be sleeping during the crossing, covered up with a blanket to hide her broken arm. She had heard Grant tell border security his wife was sick and they were cutting their vacation short to get her home to her doctor.
Thinking back on it now, Chealyn wonders if she could have gotten away. She bites her lip, knowing she couldn’t take that chance. She spent the last three years away from the man she loved to keep him and his friends safe. He may be gone, but she still feels compelled to protect his friends…his family.
She jumps when Grant roars, “Dammit all to hell!”
Looking at him fearfully, she whispers, “What’s…wrong?”
He turns on her. “Don’t you go getting any bright ideas about leaving me Elena.”
Wearily she whispers, “Don’t call me that. Elena is dead. I’m Chealyn.”
He looks at her thoughtfully. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe the only way to get rid of your fucking past is to forget Elena. You’re never going back to him. You’ve been mine for the last three years and you’re always going to be mine.”
Feeling the weight of her grief weighing her down, she lets her tears fall and whispers, “No, I’m always going to be Kevin’s.”
Grant jumps on the bed, straddling her waist. He grips her broken arm, causing her to cry out in agony. “NO! You’re mine! What do I have to do, go back and kill the fucking bastard and those brats again to prove it to you? You’re mine!”
He starts ripping at her clothing but she struggles, latching onto his words like a life line. “He’s alive? They’re all alive?”
He slaps her face. “NO!” He grabs her shoulders and slams her up and down on the bed. “You’re mine!” He lifts her up, slamming her back against the headboard. The wood cracks. He does it again and it splits. The hand that is cuffed to the bed is free. Elena grabs the metal bracelet and swings her arm as hard as she can, catching him in the temple with the cold steel.
He falls back and she keeps hitting him. She’s swinging with all her might. Her babies are alive. Kevin is alive. Her family. She pummels his face with the metal. Suddenly her arm falls and she looks at him. His face is covered in blood. He’s unconscious. She scrambles away from him sobbing.
She staggers to the door, cradling her useless arm against her abdomen. She’s gotta get help…but where? She staggers out of the motel room and starts pounding on doors. No one answers and her panic starts to escalate.
She manages to make it to the motel office. When the clerk looks up and sees her, he says, “What the hell?”
She manages to gasp. “Help me, please! He kidnapped me! Please, call the police. Please!”
The guy shakes his head. “Don’t want no part of this!”
Chealyn hits the countertop. “Please! For the love of God, I think I killed him! Call the police!”
The guy stares at her for a brief moment before reaching for the phone. She slumps against the counter, fighting to stay conscious. She hears the clerk explain to the police what’s happening. She slowly slides to the floor, letting her eyes close as she sinks into oblivion thinking only one thought. Her family is alive. Kevin will come for her. He’ll take her home.
End Notes:
Please let me know! :)
Author's Notes:
Thanks for your patience. :)
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 16
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
Chealyn is only unconscious a few minutes. When the police show up, she’s still lying on the floor of the motel office, shivering in pain. As three of them run for the room she escaped from, the fourth kneels by Chealyn. “Ma’am, an ambulance is on the way. Just lie still. Can you tell me what happened?”
In a hoarse voice, she whispers, “I need to go home. I need to see Kevin, my babies!”
He pats her arm. “Ma’am, we have to get you taken care of first. Now, can you tell me what happened?”
Before she can even begin to tell her tale, one of the other officers comes in. “There’s no one in room six.”
Her eyes widen and she tries to sit up. “NO! Oh God, he got away?”
The man beside her grabs her uninjured arm and holds her down. “Ma’am, who was he?”
She shivers, fear chilling her blood. “He’s…he kidnapped me. His name is Grant Desmond, he works for the United States Marshal Service.”
The other officer says, “We got a bulletin on him from the FBI. They were afraid he’d come into Canada. His parents are Canadian. He has dual citizenship.”
Chealyn’s eyes widen. “The FBI? They know about him?”
The officer nods. “Yes Ma’am. There’s an active manhunt underway for him. For you both actually. I need to report you’ve been found.” He looks out the window. “The ambulance is here. I’m sure by the time the doctors examine you, someone from your government will be here.”
Chealyn sniffles loudly. “I want Kevin! I need my husband, please!”
The officer pats her arm. “Ma’am, we’ll get you home. Just calm down. You’re safe now. He won’t ever hurt you again.”
Once back at Brian’s house, Nick manages to get Kevin to lay down to rest. Once he’s sure his friend is sleeping soundly, he checks on Sophie and DJ, finding them thoroughly enthralled by Mickey Mouse and Uncle AJ’s tattoos.
When he gets to the kitchen, Jenn is on her phone looking excited and Brian is standing close by begging for information. “What Jenn? What’s going on?”
She lowers her phone. “They found her. She’s in Canada. She’s ok.”
Nick and Brian just stare at each other for a full five seconds before they grab each other in a huge hug, cheering loudly. AJ comes running in. “What the hell…” The look on his face tells him all he needs to know. “She’s ok? They found them?”
Brian and Nick nod emphatically and they all high-five each other. Jenn waves her arms to quiet them. “Yes, I understand. We’ll have a plane chartered and up there to bring her home in a couple of hours.” Brian pulls out his phone and starts making arrangements to charter a flight. “Yes Marshal Baker, I understand. No, Kevin won’t be going. He has a concussion and just regained his memory.”
Nick chimes in quickly. “I’m going. Don’t tell Kevin until I’m gone or…”
From the doorway, Kevin asks in a subdued voice, “Don’t tell Kevin what?”
Nick sighs and turns. “Kev…”
All it takes is seeing the look on his friends’ faces. “She’s ok? They found her?”
Nick smiles and nods. “Yes. I’m going to get her and bring her home.”
Kevin steps forward. “I’m coming too!”
They all start shaking their heads. Nick says, “No, you’re staying here with Sophie and DJ and I’ll bring her to you.” When Kevin raises his hand to protest, Nick whispers, “Man, we just got you back. You had a serious concussion. It won’t be long. I’ll fly to Canada, get her on the plane and be back before you know it. Just stay here with the kids and let them know Mommy is coming home.”
Kevin is trembling. He knows Nick is right. Physically he’s exhausted and his head is still throbbing. He manages a weak smile as tears fill his eyes. “Nick…just tell her I love her.”
Nick smiles through his own tears. “Tell her yourself.”
They hug each other tightly. Brian comes over. “Nick, the plane will be ready to take off in half an hour. Go. We’ll take care of Kevin.”
Jenn hangs up her phone and says, “She’s ok. She has a broken arm and a bump on the head, but other than that, she’s ok. The RCMP got her to the hospital and they are helping the FBI guard her until she’s treated and ready to come home.”
Kevin leans heavily against the door as DJ and Sophie come toddling into the room. AJ scoops up Sophie while DJ tries to crawl up his Daddy’s leg. As Kevin gingerly lifts him up he says, “What about Grant?”
Jenn’s smile fades. “He got away. But his face is plastered everywhere in Canada and in the US. He won’t be able to hide forever.”
Kevin lays his head against DJ’s and whispers, “I just want her home.” When DJ pulls back and looks at Kevin smiling, Kevin whispers, “Mommy’s coming home.”
DJ’s squeal of glee makes them all chuckle. He jumps in Kevin’s arms and chants “Mama” over and over. Sophie joins in quietly, mirroring her brother’s excitement.
Nick kisses Sophie’s cheek loudly, making her giggle. “I’ll be back before you know it, Sweet Cheeks. Make sure Daddy naps.”
Sophie giggles and gives Nick a long line of gibberish that has them all laugh. All they know for sure is she’s happy about her Mama and Daddy. Nick kisses DJ on his way out and squeezes Kevin’s arm. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
Kevin stops him long enough to pull him into a tight embrace. “Thank you for everything Nick. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you…”
Nick pulls away, cutting him off. “You don’t have you. You’re family. Now go rest. Chealyn…Elena is going to need you when she gets here.” He sees the tears forming again in Kevin’s eyes and he whispers, “I’ll tell her you love her.”
As he jogs from the room, Kevin looks at AJ, Brian and Jenn. “Thank you all. I mean it. I…I’m sorry I kept everything a secret from you…”
Brian smiles at him, wiping his eyes. “Kevin, we understand. We really do.” He clears his throat. “I’m gonna call Howie. He’ll want to be here when Chealyn…Elena comes home.”
Kevin is thoughtful. “Rok…when she comes home…I really want her to come home. I need to go to my house.” He looks down at DJ sucking his thumb. “I want to take my family home.”
End Notes:
Please let me know!! :)
Author's Notes:
I'm SO sorry guys!! I keep trying to update but life has become a roller coaster of stress. I'm posting the last two chapters of the story tonight so you don't have to wait on me. (And yes, part two is in the works. I hope your patience can be rewarded soon. I love you all for your encouragement, support and understanding as of late with my many issues. :)
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 17
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
Nick can’t sit still on the plane. He barely wears his seat belt long enough for the take off. Once the plane is airborne, he spends the entire flight, short as it is, shadow-boxing up and down the aisle. He’s so happy for Kevin and Elena. He’s beyond excited his friend is home alive.
He’d be the first to admit when they were told Kevin’s plane went down, somewhere in his mind, he just knew Kevin couldn’t be gone. But he couldn’t tell his friends that. They always thought he was crazy when he said he believed in ghosts and the super natural. But he believes there’s a connection between him and the people he’s closest to. When they are in trouble, he knows it. In his heart, he knew Kevin was in trouble, but he never thought he was dead.
The pilot’s voice comes over the loudspeaker. “We’ll be landing in about twenty minutes Mr. Carter. Please make sure your seat belt is fastened.”
Nick falls into a seat and snaps the seat belt into place. His knees bounce constantly as he fidgets. He needs to get Elena home to Kevin. Where she belongs.
When Nick clears the door of the hospital, he can hear Elena sobbing. “Please, just let me go! I need to go home! He’s alive…my babies are alive and I just want to go home!”
Nick follows her voice. When a police officer stops him, he says, “I’m Nick Carter. I’m here to take Elena home.”
She hears his voice and calls out hysterically, “Is that you Nick? Nick?!”
The policeman steps aside and he pushes past the curtain. When he sees Elena sitting on the bed cradling her arm, he could just cry with relief. He walks closer and cups her face. “Elena, calm down. You have to let them take care of you.”
She sniffles and falls against his shoulder. “Is it true? Nick, tell me it’s true!”
He rubs her back. “He’s ok Elena. They are all ok and waiting for you. So let’s get you fixed up so I can take you home to your family.”
She sobs into his shirt. “Where were they? What happened?”
Nick holds her gently and whispers, “Elena, I’ll tell you everything on the way home. For now, just let them take care of you ok? I promise, I’m not going anywhere.”
She pulls back and looks up into his face. “Nick…is he really ok?”
Nick smiles. “He said to tell you he loves you.”
She sniffles. “Stay with me Nick. Please?”
Nick looks up at the doctor. “You can stay. We just need to get her arm set and in a cast and clean up the cuts.” He looks at Elena. “You’re going to be fine and on your way home to your family soon.”
Three hours later Elena is in a car on the way to the airport with Nick sitting by her side. She glances at him. “What happened?”
Nick smiles. “No one knows. The accident is still hazy for Kevin. He remembers getting the kids out before the fire. He wandered around a while before an old lady that lives in the mountains found them. She took care of them.”
Elena feels tears sting her eyes. “I want to meet her…to thank her.”
Nick smiles. “We all do.” He wipes his own eyes before continuing. “One of the forest rangers found Kevin’s phone. He snapped a picture after the crash. That’s how they knew he was alive. We did a press release and Maggie saw it.” At her puzzled look, he says, “The woman that found them. She called the rangers and told them where to find Kevin.”
She reaches for Nick’s hand. “Is he really ok?”
Nick nods. “He had a pretty severe concussion and had amnesia for a while. But he’s remembered now.” Reaching over, he brushes her hair back. “What happened Elena?”
She shivers. “He came in after you left. He said I was in danger. I told him I didn’t want to run and he just lost it. He kept saying we could be together now.” Looking down at her lap, she whispers, “I don’t know why.”
Nick pats her hand. “He fell in love with you. He told his boss you guys fell for each other. The Marshal Service didn’t know he was still hiding you.”
Her head snaps around to meet Nick’s gaze. “Wait, what? HE was hiding me?”
Nick nods. “The guy you put away…he was small time. The mob washed their hands of him a long time ago. You haven’t been in danger for over two years.”
She can’t stop shaking. “He…he kept me from Kevin because…Nick, what the hell? Where was the Marshal Service?”
Nick slides closer and puts his arm around her. “They didn’t know Elena. They thought he cut you loose and you had chosen to stay with him. He fooled everyone because he was obsessed with you.”
She sniffles against his shoulder. “And he got away with it.”
Nick shakes his head. “No he won’t. He’s a wanted fugitive in both the U.S. and Canada. They’ll get the bastard and he’ll pay. One way or another I’ll make sure he pays for what he did to you and Kevin.”
She sighs deeply and whispers, “Thank you Nick. Thanks for coming for me.”
Once on the plane, Elena falls into an exhausted slumber. Nick sits quietly watching her. The co-pilot comes out and says, “Mr. Carter, you have a call on the radio.”
Nick unbuckles his seat belt and heads for the cockpit, not at all surprised to find Kevin on the radio. “When will you be here?”
He sighs loudly. “Why aren’t you at home?”
Kevin’s voice is strained. “Nick, I just have to see her. Now. When will you be here.”
Nick looks at the pilot. “How long until we land?”
The pilot checks his instruments. “Maybe half an hour. We have a good tail wind.”
Nick turns back to the radio. “Did you hear that? Who’s with you?”
Kevin sounds relieved. “AJ and Jenn. Brian and Howie are watching the kids at my house. Nick, I don’t know how to thank you…”
Nick cuts him off. “Don’t. Just take care of yourself. We’ll be there soon.”
When Nick goes back to the cabin, he sees Elena is awake. He sits across from her. “How do you feel?”
She gives him a small smile. “Excited. Nervous. Tired.”
He reaches over and takes her hand. “Why are you nervous?”
She shrugs. “I believed him Nick. Kevin missed his children’s milestones because I believed Grant.”
Nick cups her hand in his. “Elena, all that matters to Kevin is you’re coming home. You had no reason not to believe him. He lied to you.” She sniffles and he whispers, “Elena, you’ve got to let the past go. All that matters is you and Kevin can be a family now with your children.” When she smiles and nods, he whispers, “Kevin’s at the airport. I just spoke to him. We’ll be there before you know it.”
She unbuckles her seat belt to lean forward and hug him with her good arm. “Thank you so much Nick. For everything.”
He pulls back and kisses her cheek. “Name your next kid after me and we’ll call it even.”
She laughs with him and wipes her eyes. “That’s a promise.”
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
Author's Notes:
Winding up part one...let's see what you think and where you think it should go. I have ideas, but I'd love your thoughts. :)
Seeing Ghosts
Chapter 18
By Dottie
Copyright 2015
Kevin is standing by the building as the plane touches down. He waits impatiently for it to taxi to a stop nearby. When the door opens and the stairs lower he starts walking toward the plane. He stops when he sees Nick clear the doorway, helping his wife step out into the cold Kentucky sunshine.
She looks up and sees Kevin waiting and her tears start to flow. Nick helps her down the steps and then lets her go, his heart nearly bursting with happiness as Kevin wraps his arms around Elena.
Ignoring the throbbing pain in her broken arm, she clings to him sobbing. He holds her close, pressing his cheek to her temple. "Shh, don't cry mi amore...I'm ok. We're all ok."
She pulls back enough to look up at him. Using her good arm, she touches his face gently. "Oh Kevin...I...I love you so much. When I thought you were dead...I was empty."
He brushes her hair back from her face and whispers "Don't...Baby, don't think about it." He lowers his face to hers and kisses her softly. When their lips part, tears are streaming down both their faces. He whispers softly, "It's over Elena. Welcome home."
Jenn had arranged for a limousine to take them back to Kevin's house. They were going to let Kevin and Elena have some time alone, but both insisted everyone ride together. Once in the car, Elena curls up next to Kevin. He holds her close to his side and looks at his friends. "I don't know how I can ever thank you...all of you...for taking care of Elena while I was in the mountains. Especially you Nick."
Nick blushes and says, "Shut up Kevin."
They all laugh. Elena murmurs softly, "I want to thank you for coming to get me Nick. I was so happy to see a familiar face."
AJ throws his arm around Nick and squeezes his shoulder tightly. "That's our hero." As they all laugh, AJ kind of sobers up, but the smile never leaves his face. "Listen, in case any of us forget to say it's good to have you home...and see you happy."
Jenn wipes her eyes. "AJ's right. The last few years we all knew something was getting you down. We didn't know how to make it better."
Kevin kisses Elena's forehead. "I knew Elena was safe...but I missed her. I could never stop missing her or loving her. And it was killing me that I couldn't tell any of you about her."
Elena sits up quickly. "What about Grant? He got away."
Jenn folds her arms. "We're working on hiring extra security. We're running background checks now with the help of the FBI. Until the new teams are in place, local off duty police officers and the Marshal Service will help with protection." She smiles at Elena. "I promise you and your children will be safe."
Elena sits back and whispers, "I didn't think I'd ever be able to feel safe again."
When they get to Kevin's house, Howie and Brian come out onto the porch. Brian is carrying Sophie and Howie has DJ on his shoulders. Both are bundled up against the cold winter air.
When Elena sees them laughing, with DJ pulling at Howie's ear, she sobs in relief. Kevin hugs her close. "Sweetheart...let's go see the kids."
When Sophie and DJ see Elena climb from the car, their squeals of delight makes all the grownups start to cry. Howie and Brian put the kids on the ground and watch through their tears as Elena drops to her knees on the cold ground and manages to pull them against her chest in a tight embrace.
Kevin kneels beside them as everyone else goes into the house. Elena kisses each of her kids and whispers, "Mama missed you so much!"
Sophie clings to her mother's neck but DJ pulls back. He reaches out and grabs the strap of sling, confused about why her arm doesn't work. Kevin kneels and pulls DJ against his chest. "Mama has a boo boo."
DJ's brow furrows. "Boo boo Mama?"
She smiles at him tenderly. "It'll be ok DJ. Mama's ok."
DJ bends over and places a gentle kiss on her cast. "Better Mama?"
She bends closer and kisses his cheek. "Yes DJ, that makes it all better."
His big, toothy smile makes her cry. He falls against her. “Mama sad.”
She manages to whisper, “No…Mama’s happy. SO very happy.”
Kevin gently pulls DJ and Sophie away from Elena. “Let’s help Mama get into the house. It’s cold out here.”
Kevin lifts Elena from the ground, placing her gently on her feet. DJ reaches for her hand to walk with her as Kevin scoops Sophie up against his chest. She reaches for Elena crying. “Mama!”
Kevin tries to soothe her. “Mama’s not leaving. We’re going to go in the house and then you can both see Mama ok?”
Elena leans against Kevin as he slides his arm gently around her waist to guide her into the house. DJ lets go of her hand and runs to the porch, clamoring up the steps. Elena turns to see Sophie staring at her with tears falling down her soft cheeks. She holds out her hand. “Come here Sophie.”
Kevin helps Elena get Sophie on her good arm. “I can carry her.”
Elena looks up and smiles. “It’s ok. Let me. I need…I need this.”
He smiles and wipes her tears. “Welcome home Mama.”
Once they are inside and everyone has had a chance to give Elena a hug, everyone leaves to give Kevin and Elena some much-needed time with their children. Sophie and DJ seem rather subdued and cling to Elena. Kevin sits close by, watching her. She can’t seem to take her eyes off the children.
He turns on cartoons and waits. DJ climbs down first and grabs his stuffed crocodile, still his favorite, and a blanket. Kevin watches Elena as she stares at DJ, amused by his independence. He carefully spreads out the blanket before stretching out on it, using his crocodile for a pillow.
Sophie sits a bit longer with Elena before carefully sliding off her mama’s lap. She toddles over to the side chair and grabs a stuffed bear before lying down beside DJ on the blanket, using her bear as a pillow. Elena watches them intently.
Kevin slides closer to her and puts his arm around her. When she turns her gaze to his, he whispers, “Are you ok?”
She nods before laying her head on his shoulder and letting her eyes fall back on her kids. “Yeah. I just…I never thought I’d see them…or you…again.”
He squeezes her shoulder. “It’s all over now Elena. You’re back where you belong.” Her broken arm is against his side. She ignores the pain as she turns and grips his shirt, burying her face in his neck to cry. He wraps his other arm around her and whispers, “I’ve got you Baby.”
DJ looks up at Kevin and Elena. “Mama?”
Kevin smiles down at his son, taking note that Sophie is fast asleep. “Mama’s ok DJ. You wanna go get in bed and take a short nap?”
DJ stares at him intently and Kevin thinks he’s going to have a tantrum. Instead DJ shakes his head and lies back down. “No, Daddy.”
Kevin laughs. “OK, but be quiet and let your sister sleep.”
Elena sniffles and pulls away from Kevin, watching DJ pull the corner of the blanket up over his sister before lying back down to watch the cartoon. Elena turns to Kevin and touches his face. “I love you.”
He smiles, covering her hand with his and turning his head to kiss her palm. “I love you.”
They snuggle together and watch their children. Elena says a prayer of thanks, knowing it was God that kept her family alive…and brought them back together. God and an angel named Maggie Parker. She promises herself that she will one day thank the woman that saved her family. She closes her eyes and inhales Kevin’s scent. She’s finally home.
End Notes:
Let me know! :)
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.