Feel like I was an Angel by RockAngel
Summary: Nicole Fox the captain of the worse team in Athena Academy history. Her soon to be retired defense teacher thinks she is incapable to be a captain and her team is not worthy to be in the tournament their 7th year. Her personal life is about to have some drama. It is a prequel to Misfit. (Tell me what you think so far.)
Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Genres: Action, Drama, Humor, Romance, Fantasy, Adventure, Supernatural
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 5107 Read: 4939 Published: 04/12/04 Updated: 08/10/04
I Knew Shouldn't Have Gotten Out of Bed Today by RockAngel
Chapter 03 * I Knew Shouldn’t Have Gotten Out of Bed Today

Nicole was forced out of bed. Ashley needed Nicole in history class to take notes so she can copy them later. Nicole stumbled around the room looking for her things for class. She got dressed into her school uniform but did not put on her boots instead she put on the shoes that went with the uniform. She was going to put her necklace on but it was not on the dresser where she all ways put it. She looked around on the floor but it was not there. She remembered she took it off and put down on the table down stairs after they got back from their assignment and before Nicole was called down to Mr. Wolfram’s office. She ran down the steps, she fell down half of them. Nathan William asked her if she was all right. She only ignored him and went straight to the table. It was not there.

“Nic, what are you doing?” He asked.

“My necklace. The one I always wear. I can’t find it.” She walked past him and looked under the couch. “I’ll have a bad day if I don’t find it.” Margaret, her younger sister came in. “Meg have you seen my necklace any where? I can’t find it.”

“No.” She said. “Have you tried looking under the couch in hell?” She said before she walked out the door to the school.

“Thanks a lot!” Nicole started ripping the cushions off the couch. Now she was becoming upset. Nathan did not like seeing her like this. “That witch!” Pointing at the door. “Is the reason I’m cursed.” Nathan remembered the story she told him. When Meg was only 4 years old, she had managed to cast a spell on Nicole, which was a cure. It was an accident, but since it was Meg you really were not sure it was an accident. Mrs. Fox did not know if she should be proud or concern. Since Meg was too young to remember the curse her parents could not remove it. So their grandfather gave Nicole the necklace that was a lucky charm for her. She was not cursed whenever she wore it. Nicole threw the last cushion to the floor in frustration and covered her face with her hands.

“Nic.” Nathan said softly pulling her into a hug and she buried her face in his shoulder. He stroked her hair trying to calm her down. “We’ll find it. For the mean time I’ll make sure nothing happens to you. Okay?”

“Okay.” Said her muffled voice. She moved her arms to around his waist. They had been friends since their first year at the Academy. Nathan had feeling for her since last year. No one knew about his feelings for her. During the summer he made up his mind to tell her how he felt but before he could he found out that Nicole and Zac Kelly were dating. He decided to keep his mouth shut about his feeling. He did not want to cause more drama then there all ready was in their room. Sean did not trust Zac. At the beginning of the year they got into an argument, which turned in to a fistfight. Zac was known for cheating on his girl friends. Sean threatened to kill him if he ever made her cry or hurt her in anyway. Nathan knew that if he told them they would get mad at him. And after seeing the fight they had he did not want to be on the receiving end of a punch.

Zac walked in form outside. He looked at them standing there hugging.

“Hey what’s going on?” Nicole and Nathan pulled away form each other. She whipped tears form her eyes.

“I lost my necklace and Nathan was trying to calm me down.”

“Oh, I thought William was trying to make a move on you.”

“You would know.”

“Hey, I’m a changed man!” He said giving her his most innocent face. Nathan only rolled his eyes at him, luckily he did not see. “I would never make the moves on another girl while I’m dating you.” He gave her a kiss.

“Okay.” Nathan said not wanting to see the scene in front of him any longer. “It’s getting a little mushy in here so I’ll be going to breakfast. I can trust you with her right.”


“See you two later.” He walked out of the front door.

Nicole walked out to the flying field with her beat up old broom. She was hoping she could get out of flying. She could see herself crashing into the ground then sent to the hospital wing where she will be labeled as terminal. Ashley, Molly and Leigh Ann walked with her. Nicole looked ahead nervously.

“Nic, you are not going to crash.” Ashley said.

“Don’t say that. You never say that. If you say ‘it won’t happen’, it will happen!” She then tripped over her own feet. “I knew I shouldn’t have gotten out bed today.” Then a boy with dirty blond hair stood over her.

“I give that fall a 3. That was not your best, Fox.” He said.

“Get away form me Blaze.” She said narrowing her eyes at him from the ground. Ashley and Leigh Ann pulled her up and walked away form him but he followed them.

“What is with you today? No snap comebacks. Come on, I know you can do batter then that, Fox.” Ashley turned around to face him.

“Please pull you lip over your head and swallow it.” She said. “She’s not having a good day. She lost her necklace okay!” Leigh Ann let go of Nicole and turned around too.

“Don’t tell him that!” She yelled

“Oh this is what happens to her when she’s without that stupid necklace.” Blaze said pleased. Nicole tripped and fell again. They turned back around.

“Oh Nikkei!” They helped her up again and walked her to the rest of the class.

“You think we wouldn’t have to do this any more.” Nicole said. “We know how to fly.”

“But we do need to learn to fly faster.” Ashley said. Nicole glared at her.

“You were supposed to agree with me!”

“Sorry.” Their teacher, Mr. Merl, got all their attentions.

“All right class, I have a new obstacle course.”

“Now he changes it.” Nicole mumbles. She feels someone staring at her. She looks at Blaze, who was giving her his evil smile.

“You will race each other through it.”

“He won’t.” Nicole said.

“So who will go first?”

“Nicole and I will go first!” Blaze yelled.

“He would.” Molly said.

“Why does he like making my life a living hell? ” Nicole walked up to the starting line where Mr. Merl and Blaze was. “Um sir, I don’t think I can do this today.”

“Nicole, you are undefeated you can do this.”

“Yeah, Nikkei, undefeated.” Blaze said obnoxiously. She glared at him.

“I don’t see how today would be any different.”

“Well, you see…”

“Now go beat Mr. Doyle again.” He said giving her a pat on her back.

“Okay.” She said with a fake smile. “I knew I shouldn’t have gotten out of bed today.” She walked to the starting line.

“Fox, prepare to eat my dust.” Blaze said.

“Doyle, prepare to eat my fist.” She said holding up her fist.

“There’s the Nicole we all know and love. I have to admit you are cute for a mutt.” It was a name Nicole had grown up known for an insult to her but never been called one until she got to school. Zac was the first one to call her a mutt and a mongrel but he realized that being a full wizard or witch was not everything that and his older sister, Jessica, beat him up for calling her a mutt. But the Dolyles were old fashion they will always think this about someone like Nicole.

“When I get my luck back you will eat those word.”

They both mounted their brooms and waited for Mr. Merl’s whistle. When he did blow the whistle they both kicked off from the ground and sped off into the air. They weaved in and out of poles after that they come to two narrow ways where fist size balls were bouncing between the walls. Nicole went to the left and Blaze went to the right. Nicole dodged most the balls but got hit by a few. She got past them their was a straight away but there was something there, arrows. Where they were shot from was hidden by magic. Nicole saw at the end of this was a tunnel in the ground. Only one of them could get in there at a time. Nicole made her body more aerodynamic on her broom. She could see Blaze on her right and an arrow to her left. She jerked her head to the right and flung her hand out. A shot of light blue light came from her fingers hitting the arrow the other way. She looked back ahead of her the tunnel was getting closure. Blaze was not going to let her in first. She made her body as flat as it can get on her broom. She was pulling a head of him. A small smile came across her lips as she saw the black hole got close. She got in front him and they both went in to the tunnel. It was so dark in there that Nicole could not see her hands on her broom or her broom for that matter. A light showed up a head and she could feel him behind her making her go faster. Once out there was just a clearing nothing to worry about except for your opponent. Which was no surprise to Nicole that Blaze hit her in attempted to slow her down but she was not about to let this stop her. He hit her to make her go back but she did not. When he went to hit her again she caught his arm and started to him with his own arm yelling, ‘Stop hitting yourself!’. This comes from being one of the middle children of 6 kids. She let go of his arm and pulled ahead of him. She was close to the finish line and everyone cheering her on. She was almost there but her broom started to feel unsteady.

“No! Not now!” She yelled she tried to keep control of it but it was angling to the ground. It was now zooming to the ground she could not pull up. Her broom hit the ground and she took dive roll off the broom. The first thing you ever learn about flying on brooms was how to fall. Nicole lied there looking up at the sky not hurt just not wanting to move. She heard feet running to her.

“Nicole!” He brother’s voice said when he reached her. “Are you OK?”

“I knew I shouldn’t have gotten out of bed today.” She said. Ashley showed up next to him.

“Nic, Are you all right?” She asked. “That was some spill you took.”

“I’m fine.”

“Um Nicole.” She heard Zac say. “You better see this.” Nicole sat up slowly. Jack Kidman stood there holding up her broken broom. It was split down the middle and most of the bristles had fallen out. Nicole looked at it like she was about to cry.

“My broom.” She squeaked. “Mom’s going to kill me.” She fell back again.

“Good news is that you beat Blaze.” Molly said.

“Sir, can I take Nicole to the hospital wing?” Zac asked Mr. Merl.

“No I’ll take her.” Sean said. “She is my sister.”

“Sean take her to the hospital wing and Zac, you and Nathan are up next.” Sean picked up his sister and took her back to the school.

Nicole stayed in the infirmary for the rest of the period with Sean. They went to their last class, which were potions. During potion class Zac had received a note form someone and right after class he just took off without saying a word to her on where he was going. Classes were done she had to go back to the library because of an incident that happened during lunch. She climbed up the steps and stopped.

“Nicole!” She got startled and spun around. She lost her balanced and fell into Nathan’s arms. He stood her on her own feet on the step he was on. “That was a close one.” He said smiling at her.

“Yeah.” She said looking around. “I wish you had been around earlier. I fell down two flights of stairs.”

“Where was Zac?” Nathan asked concern for Nicole’s safety.

“He was there the first time but he was not paying attention to me and second time he wasn’t there at all.”

“Where is he now?”

“I don’t know. He disappeared after potions.”

“He’s been doing that a lot lately.”

“Yeah I guess.” She said feeling down. He reached in to his pocket.

“I have something that will cheer you up.”

“Doubt it.” He pulled out her missing necklace. Her scream echoed through the marble hallways. “But that will.” She threw her arms around him. “Where did you find it?” She pulled away from him taking her necklace and put it on.

“Sunny found it yesterday and put it in her bag to give to you but she forgot. When she saw me she gave it to me to give to you. She says she’s sorry.”

“I forgive her. I have my necklace back. Thank you.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek. He felt his cheeks get warm. He cleared his throat before talking.

“So where were you heading?” His voice squeaked a little.

“The library. I have to clean up the mess I made during lunch.”

“Do I need to know what happened?”

“I was trying to get this book and it was out of reach so I got up on the ladder. Well the ladder moved I grabbed the shelf and I pulled the bookcase on me. But lucky for me it was on the end. So it’s not that big of a mess.”

“So you need help?”

“Yes please.” Nicole said grabbing his hand.

“Well, I hope you find it.” He turned to walk down the stairs. She only held on to his hand and gave him a pleading look.

“No, please help me.” He looked up at her standing there and smiled at her.

“Okay.” They went to the library. When they entered they saw the two bookcases fallen over that the other side of the library. They got the bookcases up right then sat on the floor sorting through the books. They were there for hours they were having so much fun they did not notice. Nicole put the last book in its place. She and Nathan stood back and looked at their handy work.

“The only thing in this day that did not turn out in tragedy.” Nicole said.

“I though you beating Blaze was pretty cool.”

“Yeah, that was pretty cool.” She said with a big smile. Her stomach growled loudly. “Man my stomach is empty. What time is it?” He looked at his watch.

“Oh man its 12:30!”

“We missed dinner! I haven’t eaten a thing since breakfast.”

“We could sneak into the kitchen and get a midnight snake.”

“I second that.” They pick up their school bags and snuck to the kitchen where there was no one. They helped themselves to anything there. They were use to doing this with their teammates after late night practice. When they finished they got back to the house without being seen by any of the teachers patrolling the halls.

“Have I told you how much I appreciate your help?” She gave him a hug.

“A few times but once more won’t hurt.” She let go of him.

“Thank you.” She kissed him on the corner of his mouth. She walked over to her dorm stairs where she turned back around and waved to him. He waved back and stood there till she was up the stairs. He touched where she kissed him. A little smirk played on his lips.

Nicole got up the stairs to her floor she saw the door to her room close. She could hear her roommates trying to get to their beds. She rolled her eyes as she opened her door. She saw them all pretending to sleep. She could tell by Ashley, she had her eyes tightly closed. Nicole placed her school bag on the floor and remover her shoes.

“I know you’re not asleep.” She said. They all sat up at once and the lights came on.

“I told them it was none of our business what you were doing out late with Nathan.” Christina said pointing at her twin sister.

“Now that is a bunch of BS if I ever heard it.” Ashley said.

“So what were you and Nat doing out late?” Molly said with her elbows on her knees.

“Doesn’t it concern you that you probably kept your daughter up?” Nicole said.

“She’s asleep. That girl can sleep through any thing. Kare Bear!” She yelled towards the crib by her bed. “See. Can sleep through anything like her auntie Nicole. Don’t change the subject.”

“He was helping me clean up the mess I made in the library.”

“Why didn’t Zac help you?” Leigh Ann asked.

“I couldn’t find him. And I hadn’t hung out with Nathan in a long time.” Nicole changed into sweat pants and a T-shirt.

“So that it.” Ashley said. “We stayed up all night to get the goods on you and Nathan and that’s it. Nothing scandalous, nothing juicy, NOTHING!” Nicole looked at her.


“But I want gossip! I need it! I can’t live with out it.” She whined.

“I have good gossip for you.” Leigh Ann said.

“Ooh tell about me.”

“Leta De Witt has a new boy toy.”

“That’s not good. She always has a new boy toy every year.”
This story archived at http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=2373