The Willow Tree by scooby
Summary: This is the story of how love tests us all. I had known the day that I had met him that I had fallen, hard. I didn't want to admit it then but I will now. But what exactly happens when you start to fall out of love? When you begin to have second thoughts on the man you thought loved you with his whole heart? What can a girl do to make herself feel loved? Many things but there are consequences. My name is Willow Dorough and this is my story.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: AJ, Howie
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: No Word count: 12399 Read: 20426 Published: 05/12/07 Updated: 08/26/09
Chapter 6 by scooby
As days turned into weeks, I found it harder and harder to keep away from him. Every time I would see him, I would try to go another way but eventually I would run into him and get googly eyed. This day, I wanted him to stay again. I missed his embrace and the comfort I felt with him being around since that night. I ran into him before our last period for the day.

“ Hi Mr.Post.”

“ Hi Mrs. Dorough.” I almost cringed at the sound of my name. Is it wrong to feel a little angry at a name of the husband who really doesn’t care a damn thing about you?

“I was wondering if we could have a consult over some new theories tonight.” He looked at me with surprise.

“New theories huh? Is there some experimentation?” I almost didn’t know if I could take the teasing.

“Possibly. Could you meet me at my house at 7?”

“I would be more than delighted to.”

I smiled as I walked back into my classroom. It’s nice that this is my open hour so I could really sort out my priorities. Sex was a word that kept popping up here and there. I knew better but how was I supposed to control myself when I haven’t been laid in a year and a half? Damn it. I didn’t know right from wrong back then. It was all starting to blend together. Don’t look at me with those judging eyes. Let me hear your story and then you can judge.

Just as I was about to leave my classroom, my desk phone began to ring. My heart leapt a little thinking of who it could be.

“ Hello?”

“ Hi Honey. How are you doing today? I hope that I’m not interrupting your class.”

I felt a smile cross over my face. “ No, you called at just the right time. I was just about to leave for home. Where are you? Are you coming home tonight?”

“ Sadly no. I told Jerry that I was going to work on setting up some stuff around the tour. I won’t be coming home for another couple of weeks. The rest of the guys are home though. I miss you so much Willow.”

Anger and sadness struck at the same time. Sad that he wouldn’t be coming home as soon as he said and angry because he hadn’t called me in the past six months. I think back on that and I think he heard both in my voice.

“ I miss you too Howie. You have no idea. You have been busy all this time…I miss hearing your voice.”

“ Honey, I know you must be really upset with me right now but I promise that I will make it home as soon as I can.” At that moment I heard a woman in the background “ Howie, when are you going to bed?” I was shocked as hell as a heard the voice of another woman. “ Honey I…”

“ I gotta let you go Howie. I will talk to you later.” I slammed the phone back in the cradle and didn’t know what to think. Was he cheating? Was it just one of the dancers wanting to use the phone? At that point I instantly considered it cheating…considering it was 2 in the morning where they were according to the schedule.

I kept thinking about him as I was driving back to the house. I only wish he could show his true emotions to be like we used to. There is that thin little line that a married woman is never supposed to cross. What if I didn’t cross it but stepped only on the line?

I had made up my mind for that night. I knew what was going to happen and I would not regret it one bit. After a little bit of reading on the couch, I decided that I should set up my little plan for tonight. I had heard him open the door. I had given him a key for this occasion. I could hear him walk thought the kitchen to the living room.
“ Will? Where are you?”

“ Right here Danny.” I had walked out of the hallway wearing a black teddy and a silk black robe. My hair was down and slightly curly. He had the look of awe on his face.

“ Willow…you look…amazing.”

He started to slowly make his way toward me. I could feel myself blush a little.

“Thank You”

He placed his hands on my waist, feeling the heat from them through the teddy. He lifted me in his arms and took me back to the bedroom. He laid me on the bed and I watched as he slowly took off the shirt he had worn to work that day.

“ Are you sure about this Willow?” he asked, his chiseled chest bare to me.

“If I wasn’t sure about it, I wouldn’t have invited you tonight.”

I was sitting on the side of the bed and he came over, softly kissing my neck. My hands moved over his chest. He was starting to lay me down on the bed when I heard it. The door had opened into the kitchen. I knew it.

“Danny,” I whispered, “ Did you hear something?”
“No I…”

“Willow? Ya home?”

“ Oh my God!” I jumped up. “ You gotta get out of here! Go out the back door to the porch.”

Danny ran to the sliding door and opened it. Before he made a mad dash out, he looked back at me and said “ I love you Willow”. I smiled a moment and stared at the innocence in his eyes. “ Quick go!” He went out the door. I was about to leave the room when I noticed him shirt still on the floor. I stuffed it quickly under the bed just as I heard the bedroom door open. I wanted to look convincing so I pulled the baseball bat that we kept under out bed to look as I was about to attack. I quickly spun and Howie ducked.

“Oh my God…honey are you ok?” I looked at him with concern. “ I was sleeping when all of a sudden I heard the front door open. I thought you were a burglar!”

“Everything is ok Willow don’t worry. You look lovely for just sleeping.” He had a questioning look in his eyes. “ You left some candles burning in the living room too.”

He must have seen the shock in my face. He must have.

“ Who was parked in our driveway Willow?” This was not turning out to be a good night.

“What do you mean? There was someone parked in the driveway?”

“Don’t play games with me, love. Who is he?” Love? He has never called me love. Something really weird is going on.

“It must have been the neighbor again. His son has had to…”

He walked to where I had gotten the bat from under the bed. He pulled out Danny’s shirt.

“Then what the hell is this?”

“Howie, it isn’t what…”

“What I think? Then tell me what I’m thinking Willow hmm? I’m thinking that my wife has turned into a sneaking whore.”

I slapped him square across the jaw. He had no right to call me that. Well maybe a little but I never did sleep with Danny so I never cheated on him.

He had his hand on his face. “ I’m leaving the house for half an hour. When I get back, you better be gone.”

He left the room before I could get another word in. I started to break down and cry. I know I shouldn’t have done any of it but it was not entirely my fault. I got my cell phone and tried to call Ang. No answer. My cousin was out of town for the next week and I was not going to call my parent. I can’t stay with Danny because he is the one that got me into the situation. Damn temptation. That left me only one person. He is close to me like a brother. But if Howie found out, it could be holy hell. Too bad, I was already there.

*Ring* *Ring* Hello?

“Hi, it’s Willow. I have a situation. Can I please stay at your place for tonight?”

“Yeah no problem babe. What’s wrong?”

“I really fucked up. I’ll tell you when I get over there. It will be about half an hour.”

“Ok Will. Bye.”

I grabbed all three of my suitcases and grabbed piles out of my closet, the dresser, and bathroom. Wasn’t wise for him to leave me alone. Guess we’ll have to go through it all in court. I knew it was going to be the end. I took one last look around the house before walking out to the Mustang. At least I knew he couldn’t get my car. I bought it all by myself without his help. My willow tree! Now that was something I would have to worry about. If he so much as touches my tree he was going to get it. He knew how much the symbol of the tree meant to me. I started driving away from my home. What have I done?
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