Prince Of Darkness by RandomRambler
Summary: Two Dark Worlds. One Born into a world of wealth, knowledge, strength, and Power. Another was once mortal, taken from the world of light to the world of darkness. Known for their Rebellion, feisty, trouble paths. A young beautiful mortal girl enters the Dark world without knowledge. Will she accept the world she once thought was just a myth? Better question, will they accept her in the Dark world? Or will death be her claim?
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys Characters: None
Genres: Alternate Universe
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No Word count: 16428 Read: 15337 Published: 11/03/07 Updated: 02/19/08

1. Chapter 1 by RandomRambler

2. Chapter 2 by RandomRambler

3. Chapter 3 by RandomRambler

4. Chapter 4 by RandomRambler

5. Chapter 5 by RandomRambler

6. Chapter 6 by RandomRambler

7. Chapter 7 by RandomRambler

8. Chapter 8 by RandomRambler

Chapter 1 by RandomRambler
Chapter 1

Sabri Mclean walked slowly into the big dark mysterious mansion on top of the world. Or at least it seemed to be, Sabri being from a small community of Tampa, Florida finding herself standing in the foyer of a Los Angeles mansion everything seemed so huge to her now. She dropped her two suitcases and looked up at the ceiling that had to be at least 10 feet up. A big crystal chandelier hung in the middle of the foyer. A long stair case with beautiful cherry wood banners and deep red carpet on every inch of the stairs. As she glanced to the other room she saw a figure in the left corner "Alex?"

The mysterious figure moved slowly from the darkness into the faded light. His sleek and slender body moved cat like as he made his way towards her. She smiled at the sight of the man she hasn't seen in four years. He looked a little different then the last time she say him. His nicely tanned Florida body was now pale with a little hint of a reddish pink color outlining his cheek bones and his lips a dark cherry red as if he just finished eating a cherry popsicle. He wore sunglasses hiding the eyes she remembered him always using to get a girl's attention. Those beautiful big brown lust filled eyes. She was happy to see he no longer sporting the blond dyed hair she couldn't stand, he went back to his dark natural brown color, his hair was nicely styled in a short stylish cut. Wearing all black made him look more mysterious then he ever was before. Was this Alexander or some lost soul?

She starred at him waiting for his response, he smirked before moving his hands up and outward as if he was showing her his home. He then spoke "Welcome to the city of Lost Angels." his voice brought a shiver down her spine. It was dark and deep not what she remembered.

She cleared her throat "It's good to see you A.J., Thank you for letting me come stay with you."

"No one has called me that in years." his voice was so deep and rough, it will take her time to get use to. He continued before picking up both her suitcases "This is your home now." he began to walk up the long staircase. She watched him move so sleek up the stairs. She studied him before following.

"So what have you been up to here in L.A.? The last time I talked to you, you were working at some club." she tried to get him talking. Which was odd for her, usually he would never shut up.

"A lot has happened. A lot has changed since then." he spoke no more and no less.

"Like?" Sabri was getting irritated with this game.

"We'll be able to talk in time Sabri." Alexander set the suitcases down near the bed as he moved pass her the hair on her neck stood. She watched him as he made his way out of her room, as he was ready to shut the door behind him he stopped, not looking at her he spoke so sincere "I'm sorry for your loss, your parent's were good people." she looked down at the floor in sorrow as he walked out of the room leaving her completely alone. She held back her tears and took in a deep breath as she raised her head, She turned around no longer staring at the door, Sabri scanned the room taking in every feature, the luxurious bedroom that would now be called hers. The floors were not carpeted they were shiny wood floors a mixture of dark and light oak. The bed was a huge tall King size bed that had a step stool laying at the side for her to get in easier. The four post held high a thin burgundy Chiffon fabric decorating the bed as a canopy. The bedding was a thick hunter green suede comforter with silk hunter green sheets to match, pillows of all different sizes some in dark green others in burgundy. The two dressers in the room were of cherry wood. Nothing on the walls, nothing in the drawers of the dressers and nothing in the walk in closet. It felt so empty, a room so huge being left so bare. The curtains being a thick dark burgundy keeping the room so dark. One lamp keeping her room from being complete darkness. She sat on her bed, feeling so alone and so cold.


Sabri shut the closet door as she hung her last clothing, she glanced down at her watch as she finished unpacking her suitcases. It was nine-thirty in the evening and she just realized she has had nothing to eat. As she made her way down the lightly lit hallway to the staircase that would take her down to the main level of the house she heard voices. She slowed her pace to hear the conversation.

"Do you think it's smart to have her here?"

"She's the only family I have left." Alexander responded.

"She's not apart of the family you are now." The voice showed anger.

"I will not turn my back on her. You will except this, and you will protect her from the clans if necessary. I want her no where near any of them you hear me? They should not know who she is nor should she know who they, or we are." Alexander's voice was frighteningly stern.

"Yes sir. As you wish." The voice that once was angered now showed honor.

"I will not be going to the Under Ground tonight. Go in my place make sure all is well and don't speak of Sabri." Alex ordered, his words were always well spoken in a slow strong tone.

Sabri heard footsteps as the tall dark and handsome man saw her standing on the last two steps of the staircase her breath shuttered. She swallowed her fear as he stared her down with his stern green eyes. The man said nothing to her he just looked through her before looking away and walking out of the home. Leaving her wondering who he could be. Her heart was beating extremely fast as she feared the man she now lived with and the company he keeps.

"You may come in now Sabri." His voice called to her.

Her eyes grew wide as she heard him call from the other room. How could he have known I was here? she thought. Her body became so cold as she walked towards the room he was waiting in. She slowly made her way into the sitting room, she stopped in the door way as he turned to look at her. He stood in front of a fireplace that was sending out the main light for the room. The flicker of fire that made the light passed his features as he stared at her made him look so beautiful. No longer wearing the shades over his eyes he tilted his head like a child as his brow creased.

"Why you fear me?"

"You're not as I remember you. I don't know you. Are you scary Alex? Should I be scared?" her voice was so soft in question.

Chapter 2 by RandomRambler
Sabri sat in her new room, she was going stir crazy already, and wasn't sure what she was going to do with her life now that she was having to start all over.


"Alex, I can't believe your actually leaving. Aren't you scared?" 17yr old Sabri asked as she helped her cousin pack his stuff up for his life changing move.

"I'm excited. L.A. is calling me. I'm gonna be a star someday Bri, just wait, someday I'm gonna call you up and be all 'Girl, I'm buying you a Cadillac!'" Alex's face was beaming.

"I don't want a Cadillac. I want you to stay here. You can be a star here. Move to Orlando. it's only an hour away but you still have plenty of opportunities. I don't understand why you think the only way you can make it is in California." Sabri frowned.

"I'm not going to be gone forever. I promise we will keep in touch. You're my best friend Bri, I could never leave you behind. You know that. I'll be calling you every day, and you can come visit me." Alex gave her a hug.

~End Of Flashback~

"Mmhmm, well that was all a lie. Got maybe five phone calls in four years. Never had a visit to L.A. until now and God forbid you brought your ass back home to see any of us." Sabri tossed her pillow to the side, in frustration.

"I need to get out of here." She hopped off her bed and made her way down to the garage. The place was empty making it even more creepy than before, the silence was making Sabri feel empty. She tip toed through the big house as she made her way to the garage "This place is way to big for one person." she whispered before she stopped in mid step "Why the hell am I whispering? This place is just getting the best of me." Sabri laughed, before walking on not so quiet.

As she opened the door to the garage she got a chill, as she shook it off she felt the sides of the dark room looking for a switch, she found it on her right, she flipped it on. The light filled the four car garage that was filled with many different transportation. "Wow, my cuz is livin' large." she walked slowly as she looked at each fancy car as she let her finger glide across each shinny automobile. BMW's, Cadillac's, Porsche, Mercedes, and even a few motorcycles. Sabri glanced around the garage in hopes of some keys, and to her surprise she found them hanging on a board at the other end of the cold room.

"Hmm, enie, menie, minie, mo.. This will do." She grabbed a pair of keys and made her way to the silver two seater Z8 BMW Roadster. As she took a seat in the fancy car she smiled, the black leather seats being one of the most comfortable she's sat in, in her life. She placed the key into the ignition and turned the car on. Checking everything out, she turned on the stereo scanned the stations until she found music to her liking. Took the top down and hit the garage door opener. She waited for the door to be open before she eased out of the garage. A click of the button the door shut behind her. She smiled and pressed her foot all the way down on the gas pedal and let the wind blow through her hair. She didn't know where she was going but she didn't care at the time, just to be free felt good enough for her.

Sabri slowed the car down as she found she was lost, "Where the hell am I?" she looked at the dark neighborhood she was passing through, she started to raise the top as she clicked the top back on she locked her car doors, she started to feel she wasn't in the safest area. "Oh come on, there's got to be a way out of her." She bit her lower lip, brow creased in fear.

A man runs in front of her cousin's car and she slams on the breaks, her eyes grew wide as she stared into the eyes of a very frightened homeless man. "Help Me! Help ME!" he yelled. Before she could react another man appears, he was dark and frightening, his movements were fast almost to fast for the plain eye. The dark man swooped the homeless man off his feet and bent down over him. Sabri honked her horn loudly hoping the man will run, knowing he was being watched. Instead he stood up and stared at her, his eyes weren't like human eyes, glowing almost like a cat. He snarled, in return she screamed.

As the dark man went to break the car window he stopped, his face turned gentle. Sabri looked at him curious, still frightened yet not as much as a second ago. She watched him turn his head from left to right like a dog watching his master in question. "Sabri, open the door." his voice was deep, almost chilling.

She froze, scared and confused of how he knew who she was. "Who are you? What do you want from me?" she asked through the still intact window.

"Kevin, a friend of your cousins. Remember, from the other night?"

She scrunched up her face as she tried to remember, and then she relaxed somewhat "What are you doing here Kevin? What were you doing to that poor man?"

"That's something you don't need to know. Let me in, I'll take you home." he tapped the window for her to unlock the door.

She hesitated for a second, as she unlocked the door she swallowed a big lump in her throat, hoping she wasn't making the wrong move. She moved slowly to the passenger seat as he slowly took the spot of the driver. She watched him with frightened eyes. He looked over at her as he restarted the car. "Don't be frightened, I'm not going to harm you."

She didn't say anything, she also couldn't believe him. The ride home was the longest ride of her life, as she listened to her heart beat pound extremely fast. She couldn't look at him, the more she thought about him with that man earlier the more scared she got. She glanced over at him and found him with no emotion as he just drove her home like it was his robotic duty.

As he pulled into the drive, he parked the car in front of the door. He got out of the car, as she was getting out he was waiting for her at her side of the car. Sabri jumped "My God, has anyone told you you're a little creepy?"

He didn't break his emotionless features as he just stared into her, He turned and walked towards the door, "Are you coming?" He called without turning to see her still standing at the car.

Sabri began chewing on her bottom lip once again as she followed him into the house. As she stepped into the huge home she found her cousin.

"Where have you been?" his voice was stern in question.

"Just needed to take a drive, didn't think you'd mind." she shrugged it off.

"You didn't think. This city is not safe for you, when you leave this house you are to tell me where you go. Next time you want to take one of MY car's, you ask." His voice was frighteningly strict.

Her mouth dropped "Excuse me? Alex when did you become my father? You have no right to tell me when and where I can go, and I don't need a leash like some dog. What has happened to you Alexander McLean?" She snapped back, before running off up the stairs to her bedroom.

Alex whipped his head to Kevin "What did she see?"

"Nothing boss, just me roughing up some homeless man." Kevin answered.

"Did you feed?" Alex questioned.

"Not in front of her."

"You may go." Alex ordered.


He sat on the balcony of his fathers home, staring up at the full moon. "Why is the moon so beautiful when everything of the night is so harshly ugly?"

"Why do you always say the night is ugly?" his cousin asked.

"Brian, how can you be happy with what we are? With what are family has done through out the centuries? Do you want to be the next generation of what are fathers are now?"

"Nickolas, my prince, you will be king whether you want the title or not. And yes, I want to be in our fathers position. To be respected, honored and have the power to make changes. My dear cousin, I wish you wouldn't hate yourself so much." Brian frowned at the man who sat sadly in front of him. His blond straight hair shinning in the moon light, pale skin with a hint of pink out lining his cheek bones. Red lips set in frown.

"I sometimes wonder if I may have a soul, as if I was cursed the day I was born to pay for all my father has done before me." the young prince sighed still staring up at the moon.

"Sometimes you're to much cuz." Brian laughed.

"Maybe I am." Nick smirked, "Where shall we hang about this evening?"

"I wish I could cuz, but I've got sister duty tonight. I was told to come get you, your father would like to speak with you."

Nickolas stood up "Wonderful, I'd love to talk with him myself."

"Please don't push the Kings buttons tonight." Brian sighed, knowing his cousin to well.

"Why Brian, I would not do such a thing." Nick smirked as he passed his cousin as he entered his bed chamber, he glided through the apartment size room, as he departed the room Brian followed "I mean it Nick, both our fathers have a lot on their shoulders right now, he doesn't need.. I mean.."

"I know cuz, stop worrying so much." Nick went left as his cousin went right, not saying goodbye.

Nick walked down the long hall, before descending the long stair case, he took an immediate right as he made his last step off the stairs. As he opened the heavy tall french doors to his fathers lair he stood tall and entered. "You wanted me father?"

"Nickolas, I need you to go with me tonight. You need to learn your duties as a Prince who will soon be a King."


"I don't care if you had plans nor do I care if you don't want to take your responsibility to this family. You'll be attending this meeting with me tonight." his father turned to look at his son, who no longer stood shorter than him, now a tall man like himself standing six foot.

"Father you know I don't mean to disrespect you. But, I can't be king of a world I don't agree with. I don't wish to continue in your foot steps I'm sorry father. I respect and love you, but I can not do this."

"You have no choice. You are my eldest son, you will be king some day. You will learn of your duties and be proud and honorable."

"Honorable? How can anyone be honored when they kill their own kind, kill innocent mortals and use their power and money against other night walkers? I can not respect your duties father."

"How dare you speak to me that way!" Roberto roared.

"I do not mean to disrespect you father, but, I can't change who I am. Nor can you." Nickolas walked out on his father in to the night he hated so much.


Alex sat on the red velvet couch that was placed in the middle of the room facing the fireplace. He sat alone, staring off into the fire "I will keep you safe." he spoke out loud to himself.

"Of what?"

Alex turned startled to find Sabri was standing in the entry, he didn't sense her or hear her foot steps. "What are you doing up? I thought you have turned in."

"Never go to bed angry, remember?" she walked into the room and took a seat next to her cousin.

He nodded in remembrance "Why did you run off tonight?" he asked.

"Because I needed out of this house. Why haven't you talked to me since the night I came here? You sleep all day, you're out all night, but you never tell me where you go, or even ask if I'd like to go. So when you had the nerve to question me tonight, I'm not going to lie I was pissed. What's happened to you?"

He looked away from her and stared back at the roaring fire not answering her at first, she turned to look at the fire figuring he wasn't going to answer her questions. "The Alex you knew has died. He will never return, and I can't answer all your questions, nor even know if I am willing to answer the ones I can." his voice was soft.

She turned to look at him just staring at the man she once knew, wanting to cry at the man he has become. She sighed as a tear dropped "I hope some day you choose to answer."

The two cousin's sat in silence, both with plenty running through their minds, neither planning to speak any more that evening, but both needing to be in each others presence.
Chapter 3 by RandomRambler
"Your kind is not welcome here. I suggest you remove yourself or be removed." The Big Vampire growled as he guarded the club door.

"Am I supposed to be frightened? Of you? I'm stronger and more powerful than you could ever be, What I suggest is you step aside."

"Brent, let's just get out of here." a young pale boy with blond messy hair spoke softly, timid of the two big men growling to each other.

Another man, walked to the door "Are we having a problem?" he looked at the bouncer before looking over at the two standing waiting to get into the hottest underground club of the night walkers. The man snarled at the sight of the two "Are you lost?"

"We are not lost. We want in." Brent the older boy threw attitude.

"Your clan isn't welcome here. And you know it."

"When will your kind ever get it through your heads, we are rulers of you and you should bow down?" Brent hissed.

"I don't bow down to NO ONE!" the bouncer's fangs were shown as his face turned. His movements were fast but not fast enough. Brent broke the neck of the bigger man, before stabbing him in the heart with his wooden stake, The other bouncer watched with fire in his eyes.

"BRENT!" the younger boy yelled in horror.

"Let's go Aaron." Brent grabbed the younger boy and walked off while the other man watched them leave.

Brent and Aaron hopped into the black Prowler "Brent, what did you do? You know you can't just.."

"That's enough Aaron, you don't know of what you speak." he started the car.

"I know that vampire's aren't supposed to kill each other." Aaron threw attitude back.

"You don't speak of what happened this night to anyone. And I mean ANYONE Aaron." Brent stared into the boy.

Aaron stared back trying to not show he was scared "I will not speak of this night."


"Please, let me go with you." Sabri begged.

"I told you, I want you to keep out of my business life. Why don't you go check out Sunset Blvd. Most people who come to L.A. can't wait to check it out." Alex suggested.

She sighed "Yeah, whatever." Sabri turned away from her cousin, to run up the stairs once again .

Sabri slammed her bedroom door just like a temperamental teenager "Why is it that he treats me like I'm some child? When he use to be my equal! I'm no more than three years younger." she screamed. She paced the floor with full anger and frustration thanks to her cousin. "What is so freakin secretive about his 'Business life' like he's in the fucking mob or something." She vented to no one.

Sabri plopped on her bed with a loud sigh "I'm so BORED!" she yelled with anger at the word bored. Tired of being locked in the house and under supervision. After her last adventure Alex made sure someone was around at all times, making sure Sabri didn't get into anything she shouldn't.

Sabri hopped off the bed and went to the closet, grabbed her black form fitting leather jacket and slipped on her favorite knee high black hiking boots, she laced them all the way up when she finished with lacing them up she dropped her flair faded jean pant legs. Jumping up and down to make sure they were lose from the boots. She looked at herself in the mirror, Smiling mischievously "Mmhmm, I am looking good, Trouble here I come." she smirked as she headed for the window. She walked out onto her personal balcony and checked her surroundings for anything that will get her down. "Nothing. Anyone ever hear of trees?" She sighed with determination. She walked back into the bedroom.

Sabri decided to take her chance with sneaking pass the lackey Alex left behind, as she walked quietly down the staircase she heard nothing, thinking she maybe clear for the door but had a feeling it wasn't going to be that easy. She paused and waited for her breathing to come back to normal, her nerves were not going to screw this up. Just as she paused she heard a snarl, she froze.

"Billy, you animal." A girl giggled.

Sabri rolled her eyes 'Billy getting his jollies as he's supposed to be keeping an eye on me, good guard Alex, you really pick the winners. What am I talking about? THANK YOU for Billy." Sabri smiled to herself as she hurried to the door, opening it slowly and sneaking out without a sound.

She took a deep breath of fresh air as she ran down the road, hoping for someone to give her a ride to town.


"Hey little man, what's up, where've you been?" Nick asked his younger brother.

"No where, why?" He asked paranoid.

"No reason, just making conversation. You okay Aaron? Have you feed tonight?" Nick's brow creased in question.

"I've feed, nothing is wrong. If anything is wrong around here it's you. Father has been more testy since your last meeting. Why do you disrespect our father so?" Aaron turned the subject against his older brother.

"I love our Father, I do not respect what he does, It's none of your business of what goes between Father and I, your two young to understand." Nick began to exit the room, before leaving the room he stopped to turn back at his brother who stared at him hurt. "Someday you will understand."

"I'm not a child! You can't treat me like a child anymore Nickloas! If you don't want to be the next King than maybe I will be!" Aaron hissed back.

"I'll be saddened if that day may come. For I will have to look at you the way I look at our Father." Nick left the room. He walked out of the house accepting the cool night air hitting his pale skin, he closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh air.

"You plan on going off tonight dear cousin?"

Nick opened his eyes "Brian, you know it's not smart to sneak up on someone, especially when they've been on edge from another family squabble."

"I'll make sure to raise a ruckus next time. You avoiding my question?" Brian smirked.

Nick smiled "Yes."

"Would you care for company on this journey?"

Nick said no words, just a simple nod to let his cousin know he would like his company. They both headed for the shiny black Escalade. Nick taking the driver seat, he said no words for the rest of the ride, blocking his thoughts so Brian couldn't come in. He needed to just escape tonight, no more worries of what he may have to do later.

"Where shall we venture to this night?" Brian asked curious.

"Where ever we end up." Nick answered. As he continued to drive Brian tried his best to ask for what his cousin is burden with. But Nick gave him no answers.

Nick parked outside the brick building, the sign in deep red "The Under World" Brian's eyes widened "Prince Nickolas do you feel this is wise?" Brian asked skittish.

"Relax dear cousin."

"Relax? My Prince I realize you have a yearn to live dangerously, be free from our king but, must I be involved?"

Nickolas glared at his cousin "Run home my friend."

Brian smiles in thanks before running off into the darkness. Nick walks into the night club of his rivals and makes his place in the dark corner. He has been watched ever since he entered, he was surprised he was let in so easily, bringing him to be more aware of his surroundings and the vampires around him. He knew he wasn't wanted there, but, he didn't want to be anywhere else.

Nick watched the dance floor, the movements the dancers made were almost hypnotizing, he blinked and continued to scan the room. His senses picked up someone new, he scanned toward the door, and spotted someone he hasn't seen before. "She doesn't look to be our kind, how did a mortal get pass the door man?" he thought. He watched her, he was intrigued by her movements, her confidence, and her freedom.


Sabri walked into the club, she licked her lips and smiled at the men looking at her with hungry eyes. More hungry than she realized, She strolled over to the bar, Sabri leaned up against the black top bar and smiled at the man behind the counter, his hair slicked back in a low pony tail, dark black hair shaved nicely around his mouth, deep brown eyes looking back at her "Do you think it's smart for you to be here?"

She looked at him confused "I don't see why not."

He looked up and over her shoulder, his demeanor changed from warm to closed off, he just looked straight ahead, she looked at him strangely before looking over her own shoulder to see who was coming towards her, she sighed "Why me, is the world against me?"

"Sabri what are you doing here?"

"Look I don't know what Alex told you, or why you are like his little dog who does all he asks, but I'm an adult, I have every right to be here. So, you can just.."

"I think you have it all wrong." Kevin grabbed her arm roughly, staring her down with his cat like eyes.

"LET ME GO!" She did her best to get out of his grasp.

"Is there a problem here?" Nick butted in, knowing he should have ignored the struggle between the vampire and mortal, though something pulled at him to step in.

Kevin looked over at Nick, his frustration with Sabri turned to anger towards the tall blond man who over stepped his boundaries "YOU could be the problem, if you don't remove yourself from this club. Your kind isn't welcome here." he snarled.

"And her kind is?" Nick growled back, stepping closer to Kevin to show he wasn't backing down.

Sabri was frightened of both men, and even more confused with their conversation back and forth "Kevin Let Me GO!" she tried to get out of his grasp once more, hoping his attention would be on the other man, but it didn't work.

"Let her go Kevin, And escort the Carter boy out." Alex ordered.

Kevin let go of Sabri's arm, she rubbed her now beat red arm, trying to bring circulation back to it. Kevin stepped to grab Nick but Nick moved away with angry eyes. "I know my way." Nick clinched his teeth making his jaw line be more define, shoulders back and eyes peering into Kevin.

Sabri watched him give into her cousin, as he took a step away he looked over at her he locked eyes with her for what felt like eternity, his ocean blue eyes, not like any other she's seen before, he had such beautiful eyes, she was losing herself in them. "Carter, you were going." Alex's voice was stern almost losing control, breaking the eye contact between Nick and Sabri.

Nick walked away, out of the club and back into the night. Leaving Sabri to defend for herself, Alex looked at his cousin and she stared back into his eyes, making sure he knew she wasn't backing down, not allowing him to command her like he controls those who work for him.

"If you want to be here, you will be working." Alex spoke in control, realizing Sabri wouldn't be giving up, so he gave a little.

"I could use a job." She responded.

"Howie, you need help tonight?" Alex raised his voice as he still looked at Sabri.

"Sure thang, I could always use a hand." Howie answered as he poured another drink.

"You will be working for me now Sabri, any odd job or fill in I need here you will be doing. Let that not confuse you with what you are here for, Don't get mixed up with any of the people who come here, You work, you go home. This is not where you meet people. You understand?" Alex's voice went back to being stern.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes as she took off her leather jacket and tossed it behind the bar counter and made herself comfortable behind the bar.

Alex watched her for a moment before looking over at Howie, Sabri didn't hear anything but, something was said between the two, as if they could read each others thoughts. Howie nodded and Alex walked away.
Chapter 4 by RandomRambler
Sabri walked out of the club, early that morning, before dawn. The sky was dark still, the moon lit the street enough for her to see her surroundings. She yawned as she stepped out of the door-way onto the pavement. She moved slowly to her car, eyes heavy. Sabri pulled her keys out of her pocket and went to unlock the door. As she went to push the key in she dropped them. "Damn it." she whined, as she bent down to get the keys, someone else's hand got there first.

"HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE?!" She grabbed her chest trying to get her breath back.

"I'm sorry if I frightened you." He handed her the keys, his movements were quick, startling and mysterious.

"Well you did, and you didn't answer my question. Why are you out here at this hour?" She questioned him.

"I wanted to apologize for the scene earlier. It had nothing to do with you. I have bad blood with those men. And I probably should have minded my own business."

"Actually I should be thanking you for stepping in. Even if it wasn't really any of your business. My cousin can be bull headed sometimes." She went to put the key in the keyhole of the driver side door. She opened the door and looked over at the man.

"Well is that all you wanted?" She gave him attitude.

He looked at her, his eyes frightened her but at the same time intrigued her, she didn't know whether she should stare back or look away. Nick studied her, more than she realized. He heard her heart beating faster than normal, her chest moving up and down heavy, as if she's trying to show no fear. She swallowed, his eyes focused on her neck vein. He shook his head quickly "That's all." He spoke softly, holding back his hunger. She moved to get into her car, but stopped, she looked up to speak, but he was already gone. Her forehead creased "What..." she sighed "I don't even want to know." She spoke to herself as she got in her car, locking the doors and starting the ignition.


Sabri dragged herself into the mansion, expecting Alex to be there. Instead she found the home to be quite empty, her steps echoed through the hall as she made her way to the stair case, she hated being in that house alone, it gave her the creeps. She rushed up the stairs, around the corner and down the hall, didn't stop until she got to her room. She shut the door and felt some peace.

Her room was the warmest place in the entire mansion. Alex kept his surroundings so cold, she found the club to be just as cold as his home. And yet somehow her room was always so warm. Sabri tossed her clothes to the floor and slid under her covers deciding to not bother with PJ's. It was going to be dawn soon, and she just wanted to shut her eyes, before the light started to come through her curtains. Sleep creeped up on her quickly, and the image of the tall blond mysterious man invade her dreams.


Nickolas rushed into his home as the sun rised, at the shut of the door a voice welcomed him "Do you like scaring me, my son?"

"Mother?" his voice turned from strong man to innocent child.

"I swear I've lost more sleep over you now that your a man, than I ever have when you were a boy." She moved so graceful, he loved watching his mother, she was an ancient, just turned 364 last month, but she was as beautiful as the 22 year old girl he snacked on earlier that evening. She will never have to worry about a wrinkle, or age taking away her beauty. The older she got, the more beautiful she became. A strength and beauty that has always been around him, nurturing him to become the man he is now. He knew and she knew that he was old enough to never need her again, but neither of them wanted it that way.

"I don't mean to worry you mother." he spoke sincerely.

"Hmm, I'm sure you don't. A mother I will always be, so worry I will continue to do. Especially when my eldest son is looking for a way to end his immortal life." her words spoke smooth and slowly, her voice always carried grace.

"I do no such thing." Nick tried to argue, but knew he wasn't going to win.

"I wish you could understand your father, our ways. It pains me to see you hate your family, and what you are. I know you have such hate and anger towards your father... And me."

"I never could hate you mother?" Nick reached for her, but she sauntered off, "Your bed awaits Nickolas. You need your rest."

He hung his head, not wanting to watch his mother leave. He wanted to tell her everything, how and why he doesn't agree with the ancient ways, and how his father prides in them. He wanted to tell her how much he loves her, but can't agree with her following his father. He also wanted to tell her of the girl he encountered that evening. But, knew his mother would not be happy with him messing with a Mclean. Nickolas made his way up the long staircase. His bed was calling him, it was morning, even if the house would never see the light, he knew it was out there, and it drained him just thinking about the brightness and heat that comes from that sun. The sun he will never see.

He dropped his long black leather coat on the back of a chair as he entered his room. His eyes already closed as he walked to his bed, kicking his shoes off right before crawling into the bed he missed.


Sabri moaned at the noise at her door, a strong loud pounding. She growled "WHAT?!"

"Get up, I must talk with you." Alex spoke from the other side of the door.

She whined as she turned to look at the digital clock next to her comfortable bed 3:45 p.m. she yawned and stretched "I can't believe I slept that long. I've never slept ten hours before." She pushed herself out of bed, and made her way to the door. She yawned as she opened it. "What do you want?"

"Put some clothes on, I need to talk to you. Meet me down stairs in the Den." Alex moved swiftly as he turned to walk away. She thought nothing of it, she shut the door and walked across the cold wood floors to her bathroom. She shivered at the cold that came from the hall. Now wishing she wore more than just her panties and bra. She wondered what Alex could possibly need to speak to her about. She pulled on a pair of sweat pants and a UCF sweatshirt before making her way to the Den.

She stepped into the room "You know it wouldn't kill you to open some curtains around here? This gloomy gothic feel you're going for around here is putting a damper on my moods." She yawned again as she plopped on the couch not paying attention to her surroundings.

Alex standing by the fireplace, arm rested on the mantelpiece, his head resting in his hand. She looked up to find her cousin looking stressed. "What's up Alex?"

"I need to speak with you, about something that may.." he let his sentence drift.

She looked at him to finish but he didn't "May? What? Look if you can't seem to find the words, would you mind me getting some coffee while you search for them?" Sabri went to get off the couch but Alex's abrupt movement towards her frightened her, she fell to the couch. Not knowing what to say or comprehend what she just saw.

"I need you to just for once, keep your mouth shut, and listen to me." He began, as she looked at him fearful. Afraid of him for the first time in her life. He continued.

"I am not who you think I am. I didn't want to show you my world, or the man that I have become. But, you just can't listen to rules I've given you. You will find out, and I guess, it would be best if I was the one who told you."

"Alex what are you talking about? Your confusing me, and.. Scaring me." she pressed her knees up against her chest, hugging her legs against her. Her feet barely hanging over the edge of the couch. She rested her back against the corner of the couch, keeping distance from Alex.

He sighed "I'm trying to tell you something very difficult. Something you probably could never conceive. Something that could make you hate me or worse. Be frightened of me."

Her brow creased in more confusion. He stared at the fire, knowing she was studying him, he kept the silence for way to long, he started to hope she would actually just tell him she already knew, and didn't care. But he was being foolish, he knew that she knew nothing. "I'm a monster some would say." he finally spoke.

"Why, because you run a underground night club? Or because you're some sort of mob boss? I'm not stupid Alex, I've noticed how things are run around here, how people look at you and..."

"You're not listening." he said with frustration.

"I am." She argued.

"I don't want you here anymore Sabri. It's not safe for you to be in my presence or any of the people that surround me."

"Bull shit. Where else would I go Alexander? I've got no where else. You are all the family I got now. Just because you don't live a clean cut life, doesn't mean it's wrong for me to be apart of. If it's good enough for you then it's good enough for me." she was hurt and angry at him for wanting to push her out of his life.

"You don't want to be apart of this life trust me Sabri. It's nothing you could ever comprehend, you know nothing." He shook his head chuckling.

"Don't treat me like a child Alex." her anger rose.

Alex looked at her trying to control his own frustration "I'm sorry for making you feel like a child Sabri. You want to be treated as an adult, then let me tell you a story. A story of how I became the man I am today." he took a seat in the chair next to the couch that faced the fireplace. Sabri stayed on the couch and watched her cousin, looking at his profile, still not use to seeing him in his new appearance.

"I moved to Los Angeles with hopes and dreams to become a star someday. I got into a crowd of others who wanted the same. A woman caught my attention, her beauty was unlike any other woman I've ever seen. She was fearless, mysterious and sexy. I wanted her like no one else, she wasn't just a girl, she was more than anything I could ever dream. I had to have her, and so I did. For weeks, she made me drunk off her love, when she spoke, I got light headed, when she kissed me I lost my breath for hours. And when we made love, we could go for days." Alex seemed to be watching the fire, almost in a trance as he spoke of his past.

Sabri didn't know why he was sharing this story with her, but for the first time, it felt like they were back in Florida, AJ coming over to her house to tell her everything he did and thought. She welcomed his story.

"Natasha was her name, Mmmm Natasha." He drifted into silence, as if he was reminiscing his love affair in his mind. Sabri didn't say a word, she just stared at him, waiting for him to continue, or at least tell her why he's been so distant since she got there. Was it because his heart was broken? Did Natasha leave him?

"No she did not leave me, She did much worse." Alex responded to her thoughts.

"But I..." Sabri began to question him. But he cut her off.

"Natasha met me at a secret spot we shared one evening, told me she had to have me for the rest of eternity. I laughed at her, telling her she could never be happy with one man for eternity. She turned furious on me saying I really meant I couldn't be happy with her for an eternity. We argued, until I convinced her I loved her and would be with her until I died. She changed the moment I spoke those words, her beauty turned to horror, I couldn't believe the creature that stood in front of me. She grabbed my face with both hands, her strength was inhuman. She spoke and it was no longer the soft and intoxicating voice I loved to hear, It was a sound unlike I ever heard, she spoke and I for the first time ever was more frightened then any other time before. She told me she had to have me, and no one else was allowed to have me, she bent down and pierced my neck with her teeth. The pain was quick and sharp, I could feel the warmth of my blood draining from my veins as she drank me. Soon my heart slowed, and I became so tired, my body became so heavy, I let my eyes close, I couldn't fight her, she was to strong. I felt my lifeless body on the cold ground, I was drifting away, I was scared of death, I didn't want to die, Not yet. I was still yearning to live. Then I tasted something so bitter and warm. I drank her blood. I filled my veins with her poisoned blood, until I felt strong again."

Sabri sat there completely horrified by what her cousin spoke, She didn't know if it was just a story or if he spoke the truth, either way it terrified her. She sat there bitting her bottom lip, feeling sick to her stomach. And wanting to hear no more. But, she had to, he had to finish.

"I felt pain again, her blood was flowing through me and changing me, I was changing from man to monster. I wasn't afraid, I was finding myself being intrigued by the feeling of being stronger than ever before, moving with a grace not even dancers could learn, my eyes saw things differently, I saw colors that have never been painted from any artist. Everything was dark and mysterious, beautiful. I was... A vampire." he licked his lips, and turned to her still sitting in his chair. Sabri's eyes were big and frightened.

"I am a Vampire. We are not a myth, we are not from story books. Vampires are very much real. We are dangerous, we are many. And I don't want you in this world. You must go back home Sabri."

She just sat there, not knowing how to comprehend all she's just been told. 'A vampire? It can't be, how can Alex be a Vampire. It's daylight, but he's sitting in front of me. He hasn't ever tried to hurt me, Vampire's can not be real.' Sabri's mind over flowed with doubts and questions. Alex cringed and held his head hearing all her thoughts pound through his mind "SHUT UP! STOP QUESTIONING!"

Sabri jumped from his rage, "This is nothing but LIES! If you don't want me here just say so, Don't come up with LIES!" she yelled back with tears.

"I wish I was lying Sabri. I wish all I told you was lies." He turned and his face contorted to show the monster. "I am Real." he growled showing his fangs.

Sabri screamed and ran from him, she went for the front door but it was locked, she ran up the stairs falling over herself, crying and screaming. Terrified of what she just saw, what she was just told. Alex followed her, no longer the monster, but a hurt man, knowing she would never see him the same again. He didn't chase her, just followed.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" she stumbled up the stairs crying.

"Listen to me, I'm not finished." he spoke softly.

Sabri got to her room and slammed the door, locking it, hoping he would just go away. But Alex doesn't give up. He turned the nob and opened the door, his strength was stronger than anything she could put in front of him. She ran from the door to her bed, still crying "Don't hurt me."

"I would never hurt you Sabri. Please just listen to me." he begged. He came no closer to her, just stood in the door frame.

"What do you want from me?" she cried.

He sighed "For you to understand. But that could never be. You should know I will never hurt you, I just want to protect you. But there are things stronger than me that I'm afraid will find you and I will be left not being able to protect you. I need you to go back to Florida. Leave here, forget me, forget everything that is Lost Angels. Hate me forever, but just leave." a tear fell from his eyes as he turned to leave her room. Shutting the door behind him leaving Sabri to her thoughts and fears.

She found herself crying no longer scared but confused and angry. So many things are making sense to her now, but also so many new things enter her mind that confused her and frustrated her. She cried herself to sleep.
Chapter 5 by RandomRambler
Author's Notes:
Just wanted to make a quick note to the readers. Thank you for reading. And thank you to those who have left such kind reviews. I appreciate you reading and letting me know you enjoy Prince Of Darkness. *hugs* :)
He watched her glide across the room towards him, staring into him showing lust in her eyes, making him starved for her. She reaches out for him with a smirk, her hand lightly touches his as he reached for her. He pulled her to him and collapsed his mouth onto hers. Both full of fire their mouths move as if there was no time to savor. Her moans made him feel the beast become stronger, her heartbeat was racing, the heat of her blood flowing through her veins was calling him. He ripped away from her mouth and growled, she looked up at him startled. Seeing no longer the young gorgeous blond she longed for, a monster that frightened her stood before her, holding her tightly in his grasp. She screamed at the sight. "LET GO OF ME!!" His grasp got stronger as he showed his fangs, he spoke no words. He just moved with a quickness she could have never been ready for. His mouth crashed against her neck. Her cries become silent as his fangs tore into her skin, puncturing her veins letting her blood flow into his mouth. As he drained her, the intense sound of her heart beat became more and more quiet, she let her heavy eyes close, taking all she had left she tried to push him away as she spoke "You're a monster."

Nick flew up out of his bed dripping of sweat, he couldn't stop his chest moving quickly up and down. He couldn't stop feeling terrified from the nightmare. He did all he could to calm himself. "Monster," he spoke to himself "That's what I am, I can never have her, she could never see me more than a monster." he told himself as he moved from his bed to his bathroom. Turning the faucet on he placed his hands under the cold water letting it be caught within his hands. He splashed the puddle of water against his face as if it would wash all his thoughts away. He hung his head while holding himself up with each hand placed on the sides of the sink. He closed his eyes, and a flash of her face appeared again.

"I've got to get her out of my mind." Nick swiftly moved through his room, throwing on his coat and out the bedroom door.

As he took his last step from the long stair case, he was stopped "You going on a journey this night?"

"No Journey tonight, just clearing my mind. Go off and follow our father and leave me be." Nick shooed his brother as he left the house.

"Leave you be? I can not abide that tonight my brother." Aaron grabbed his coat and followed, not to close, he didn't want Nick to sense him.


Sabri stared up at the canopy that hung over her bed, she has barely slept, and can't stop thinking of all Alex told her just hours ago. "I can't go back to Florida, there's nothing there for me, I have no one. I don't even have Alex anymore."

Sabri wiped a tear and crawled out of bed, she knew there wasn't going to be much sleep for her with all the thoughts that weighed her mind. She put on a sweater and her favorite Nike's before leaving her room. She hoped that Alex would be gone, knowing he wouldn't be asleep made it harder for her to get out. She didn't want to see him, or deal with anyone or thing that was connected to him. She just needed to clear her mind. She slowly and quietly made it down the stairs, she held her breath hoping he couldn't sense her if he was near. When she peeked into the den she saw he wasn't there. She sighed of relief and opened the front door.

She didn't mind the brisk air or the darkness the late evening brought, she just wanted out of the house. She walked away, not thinking of where to go or where she could end up, all that mattered is she was away from Alex.


He sat in his dark office brooding over the evening events, nothing was going right for him. "She will have to understand. I can't just allow her back in my life, it's not safe for her. It's not safe for anyone." Alex's brow creased even more when he heard his office door open "Leave, I don't want company." his voice was stern and full of anger.

"I don't understand what keeps you tied to her." Kevin stood in front of the desk, Alex facing the window not giving Kevin a glance.

"She's all the family I have." Alex answered.

"I don't mean to get out of line, but, she hasn't been your family since Natasha turned you. You don't belong in her life anymore. It's that simple." Kevin like always showing no emotion.

"It's not that simple." Alex left it at that. No longer speaking to Kevin.

"Uh, Boss? Are we going to keep things as planed for tomorrow night or shall I cancel?"

Alex didn't answer, Kevin was pretty sure he heard him, but wasn't getting a response. "So be it, I'll leave you alone." and Kevin did just that.

"Simple? It should be so simple, but it's not. I have no heart, I have no soul, yet I feel. It's more of a burden now than it ever was when I was mortal. How can it be? Have I been punished somehow? Have I been given a connection to her for a reason? I can't deal with this now, I have to command my clan, be strong and do what I must." his thoughts stopped for a moment until he remembered what Kevin said "Tomorrow. Are we ready for tomorrow? The Mclean Clan has been preparing for this yet I still feel we are not ready."


Nick drove for miles, his mind was finally clearing all thoughts of Sabri until he saw her again. He drove past a girl who looked just like her "Wait, was that really her or am I hallucinating now?" Nick slammed on his breaks and looked in the review mirror. He watched a feminine figure walking away. He wasn't quite sure if it was her but needed to know either way. He put his car in reverse and pulled up beside her "Hey, you need a ride?"

Sabri looked over with attitude "Do I have the word 'stupid' written across my forehead? I'm not getting in a car with.." She stopped, she got a good look at the man and realized he wasn't completely a stranger.

"Remember me?" He smiled.

"What are you doing here? If I didn't know better, I'd think you’re following me." she flirted.

"Can't say that I've been following you. But, it is interesting how we keep running into one another. Come on, I'll give you a ride, it's freezing out tonight." He reached over and opened the passenger door.

Sabri hesitated for a moment, but realized she was cold and it was getting a little creepy out on that lonely road. Sabri got in and shut the door "Thanks."

"Don't mention it. So, Where shall I take you?" he tilted his head and gave an innocent smile.

"Um, I." She paused to think "Honestly, I wasn't going anywhere. I just was in need of a walk."

"Alright. So then where exactly would you like me to go?" He chuckled.

"How about just driving and once I figure out what I want, I'll let you know." she raised an eyebrow.

"That's what I was basically doing anyway." He shifted into drive and was back on his way to nowhere.

"Just driving tonight? You must have things on your mind." Sabri started small talk.

"Yes, things have been on my mind. How about you? A young innocent girl like yourself just strolling a deserted highway in the middle of the night must have something going on in her mind."

She sighed "Yea."

"Care to share?" he glanced at her before looking back at the road.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. And I'd rather not talk about it anyway. I'm trying to clear my mind of all that is bothering me. So how about a change of subject?"

"Topic is all yours." he smirked.

"Okay, um, how about you tell me why my cousin hates you so much."

He wasn't expecting that question. He looked over at her finding she was staring at him. He looked back at the road and sighed "Probably shouldn't get into that."

"Well if we keep going this way, we'll never find a conversation to stick with." She gave a little chuckle.

"Your cousin and his," he paused to think of a good way to phrase his words "employee's have had differences with my family and my father's business."

"So basically just a lot of egos and money?"

"More or less." Nick answered hoping the subject would change. He wasn't sure if she knew what he was, and was even having doubts she knew what her cousin was.

"I'm not much for the whole political thing. But, y’all must really have done something to tick off my cousin so much. Or you have something he wants. Either way it sucks to be on the end of being an enemy of any Mclean." Sabri laughed shortly until she realized Nick wasn't finding anything amusing.

There was silence for minutes before Sabri had to break it "Sorry if I hit a nerve. How about change of subject once again? What do you do around here in L.A.?"

"Not much, I like going to the beach and watching the moon shine across the ocean. It brings peace on many dreadful nights."

"Never did the beach at night thing."

"You should, it's better in the evening. Want to go?" He looked at her in question.

"Now?" She laughed.


"Uh, okay, I guess it's better than driving." she shrugged.

Nick turned off at an exit and headed back the other direction, taking her to his favorite location. For a moment Nick was finally feeling normal. She brought him a gentle calmness and he doesn't want to let that go. The small talk continued, more of Sabri asking questions and Nick being as vague as possible.

They arrived at the beach he has spent many nights at. No one around, very little light from the Moon that hung over them, and the sounds of the ocean. Nick closed his eyes as he allowed the cold air hit his face. He always wished he could breath in the air that dances against his skin.

Sabri looked over at him and smiled with thoughts in her head, "He's so beautiful. He becomes more and more sexy as the minutes pass. I can't believe he wants to hang out with me. A man like him must know how much he drive women crazy? The whole mysterious, brooding, sexy vibe he holds. Okay Sabri, girl get a hold of yourself."

"Come on." Nick took her hand and guided her down to the sand.

"I thought I was cold, his hands are ice." She thought.

Nick stopped two feet from the water. He stared out looking at the deep darkness across the sea. A wave of light gliding across the darkness, the moon brought beauty to his eyes. Sabri found herself looking more at him than at the ocean, she didn't want him to know she was so entranced. She kept her head straight forward taking moments to capture his face in the moonlight out of the corner of her eye.

"Who is she? Is this what keeps him from the family so many nights?" Aaron spied from the parked car. "Why must she be such a secret?"
Chapter 6 by RandomRambler
"Did you hear that?" Sabri looked behind her as she heard a car door close.

Nick never looked in the direction of the noise, he just stared out into the black ocean. "It was nothing."

Sabri squinted trying to see any movement coming from the dark parking lot. She saw nothing though she knew she heard a car door shutting, yet never heard a car leave or a person walk towards them. She found herself more nervous and jumpy these past few days. She wasn't sure of anything anymore and after her talk with Alex she wasn't able to wrap her mind around anything that she once thought was real or not real. It was starting to get chilly and her comfort level wasn’t too steady. She looked over at Nick, she couldn’t help but stare at him. He moved his eyes before turning his head towards her. He tilted his head to the left before speaking, "Do you fear me?"

Sabri scrunched her brow, "Fear you? Why would I fear you? So far you’re the only guy who seems normal around here."

He showed no emotion and turned his attention back to the ocean, "Normal.. I like normal."

Sabri chuckled, "That is not what I expected you to say."

He looked at her once again with a tilt of the head, "What would you have liked for me to say?"

"Well, most guys would take normal as being boring. You actually take it as a compliment. Maybe you’re not so normal after all."

He stared into her, she felt herself falling into his gaze, "No, I’m normal." He spoke and then smiled. He moved slowly making sure she saw his movements as he reached for her cheek. He brushed his cold hand against her warm skin. She pressed against his hand, closing her eyes for a brief second before looking back into his. He brushed his thumb back and forth against her soft cheek.

She couldn’t bring herself to speak, she found him intriguing and at the same time a little intimidating. He was different from anyone she’s met before. He was the only one she enjoyed spending time with. She knew it wouldn’t be easy to share her time with him. Not when it was obvious her cousin wouldn’t want her seeing Nick.

"I should take you home." He let his hand drop as he turned to walk away. She didn't move she wanted to watch him, he walked with grace. His movement was like an animal, a predator. She found it sexy. When he stopped he looked over his shoulder at her, he smirked, "Are you coming?"

She loved how he spoke, it was not like how anyone else she knew talked. He had a maturity about him, an old soul maybe. She wondered what his story was, even more as he dodged any question she asked about who he was or where he came from.


"I don t think it is wise to have her working at the club sir."

"Kevin? Did I ask for your opinion?" Alex clinched his jaw.

"No, No you didn’t. But.."

Alex raised his hand dismissing anything else Kevin would want to say. Alex took a seat in the leather chair near the fireplace "I’m not sure we’re ready for tonight. I’ll go to the meeting and we’ll deal with the Carter Clan later. Let the others know. Keep them training, I want everyone prepared."

Kevin let out a deep sigh, "As you wish."

"We’ll leave in twenty minutes. I need to check on Sabri before we go." Alex pushed himself up out of the chair and headed for the stairs.


As Nick pulled up to the McLean mansion Sabri bit on her bottom lip. She looked over at the place she now calls her home and sighed, "When I was a little girl I would have died to live in such a big and beautiful home. Now.. It’s more of a jail." She looked over at Nick finding him watching her.

"You should probably go." Sabri spoke slowly, she felt as if she was in a trance as she stared into his crystal blue eyes. "It wouldn’t be good for my cousin to see you here. Or any of his goons."

"I’m not worried about them." He spoke firm.

"I believe you, but I’d rather not deal with the drama." She went to open the car door, Nick leaned into her grabbing a hold of the hand that held the door handle. He leaned in, "When can I see you again?" he spoke soft as his body pressed against her.

"Time will tell." Sabri smirked keeping control. She moved away from him and was free to get out of his car. She went to walk up the walkway but stopped and turned to look back at his car. She gave him a wave before turning quickly and going into the house. He couldn’t help but smile, she couldn’t see his reaction through the tinted windows, but he gave a wave back anyway. Sabri couldn’t take the smile off her face as she entered the house. The evening was perfect.

"You’re cousin is looking for you." Kevin startled Sabri.

She looked at him annoyed, "Don’t you have a home? Why are you always here?"

"Who were you with?" he stared into her, making her very uncomfortable.

"What, did Alex make you my keeper now?" Sabri dodged his question as she started to climb the stairs. As she climbed she found Alex descending.

"Sabri? I thought you were in your room."

"Sorry, I needed some fresh air. I didn’t go far. Did you need me?"

He frowned, He hated that she never listened. "No, I just.. Never mind. Kevin and I have somewhere important to be. Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure thing." She smiled.

"Don’t leave the house tonight." His eyes begged.

"I have no where to be."

Alex looked at her for a moment, her attitude has changed. He hasn’t seen this side of her since before he left Florida. She was bubbly again, happy. She gave him a smile as he stared at her, he gave her a smile before walking down the stairs, "Goodnight Sabri."

"Nite Alex." Sabri climbed the stairs and headed to her room still not able to remove the smile.


Nick stormed into the house he moved swiftly up the stairs, "Aaron!" he growled as he stormed into his younger brothers bed chambers.

"Ever heard of knocking dear brother?" Aaron calmly looked over at Nickolas

"You were spying on me tonight. Why?!"

"I was doing no such thing." Aaron moved from the velvet black chair that sat in the corner of the room.

"You lie." He clinched his teeth.

"I lie? I’m not alone in that Nickolas, am I?” Aaron met his brother head on.

"You have no right to spy on me. Stay out of my life Aaron and don’t you say a word about what you saw tonight."

"What I saw? Or Who?" Aaron raised an eyebrow.

"She’s none of your business. Just for once stay out of my life."

"Who is she Nickolas? Why must you hide her from us?" Aaron’s curiosity was killing him.

"No one. She’s no one to you. Forget you ever saw her."

"If you want to protect her so much, then she must be someone. She must be special if you’d rather spend the evening with her when you should be with our father learning the ways of being a king."

"Why don’t you just walk into the sun." Nick hissed before storming out of the room.

As Nick slammed his very own chamber door he stopped cold as he found his mother waiting for him, "Mother."

She was sitting in the dark, but her presence was known. He always knew when she was around. She stayed standing in front of the window not turning to look at him, her long gown flowed with the breeze that came from outside. He watched her long blond hair move with the wind. He wasn’t sure of why she was waiting for him, unless Aaron opened his big mouth.

"Nickolas, I love you and your siblings. But, you are special. You are the first son.."

"I know mother, I know what you’re getting at." He sighed with a frown.

"Nickolas, let me finish." She finally turned to face him. Their eyes locked, her eyes held strength as her voice was gentle.

"I’m sorry mother." He lowered his head before looking back up at her.

"Tonight was a very important night for our family. And your father needed you there. I’m disappointed in you Nickolas. You’ve not just let down your father but you let down your family, your clan."

"I don’t have a clan. I’m sorry if you feel I let down the family. But, if you can’t understand why I can’t be the King then there’s nothing more I can say."

She let out a sigh, "I’m tired Nickolas. Why must you make things so difficult? Your father wasn’t asked to be King, as much as you want to hate him. You are so very much like him."

"I’m nothing like him." Nick spoke sharp.

His mother smiled, "Oh my sweet child. You are more like him every day. He didn’t want to be his father anymore than you want to be yours. But, there comes a time when responsibilities are stronger than any selfish reasoning you may have for not wanting to grow up and take on the position of King."

Nick was feeling anger, but couldn’t show his mother that side. He didn’t say anything he just walked passed her and stood where she once waited for him. He let the breeze from the night air caress his face as he closed his eyes. His mother headed for the door, "I wish you good night." and the door closed behind her. Nick opened his eyes and found himself in need to escape.

"Why can’t anyone understand me? I need to be free. I need to no longer be a Carter."
Chapter 7 by RandomRambler
Alex starred out the dark window of his midnight black Mercedes Escalade. Thoughts of the clan meeting flooded his mind as he worries of what is about to happen, will this end in more death? He knew there was no other way to deal with the Carter’s. Their clan only maneuvered in old fashioned ways. His cousin’s image floated into his mind making him shut his eyes tight. The thought of her being hurt in the middle of his business situation scares him more than losing his own immortality. Before she arrived he feared nothing. He would face the toughest enemies with no thoughts of danger entering his mind. He wasn’t afraid to lose the darkness of being immortal. He desired and welcomed death.

“Having her here, brings you danger.” Kevin spoke, announcing to Alex that his thoughts were not in private.

“I bring danger to her. I bring her death.” Alex spoke without glancing at Kevin.

“This is true. But, before her presence, you had strength and power to fight that you no longer have. She’s made you vulnerable. The Carter’s will be able to smell it and I fear for you my friend. I fear for our clan.”

Alex didn’t respond, he still has yet to glance over at Kevin. He knows Kevin is right, and it changes nothing. Sabri is now apart of their lives and it will stay that way for as long as Alex can protect her. The car came to a stop. “Will you be needing me anymore this evening?” Kevin asked Alex as he put the car in park in the drive way of the Mclean Mansion. Alex looked over at Kevin for the first time since they left the meeting. “Go enjoy the night.” Alex spoke with a rugged tone as he climbed out of the passenger seat. He looked up at his home for a moment before taking in a deep breath, “Do you ever miss breathing in the night air?” he asked before looking over his shoulder to see Kevin.

“Never thought about it.” Kevin answered before handing over the keys to Alex. “You sure you don’t need me tonight?” Kevin’s forehead creased in question. Alex gave a soft smile, “Good night my friend.” Alex stepped away from Kevin and walked up the lose stone driveway before opening the heavy door to his home. The mansion was silent, his brow raised. “Either she actually is sleeping or she snuck out again.” Alex smirked. He walked up the long staircase and down the hallway to Sabri’s room. He creeped the door open slowly to find his cousin sound asleep. He watched her for a few moments, watched as her body rose and fell with each breath. A thirst came over him, for the first time since she arrived he hungered for her. He shook it off before shutting the door. He knew the sun will be coming up in less than two hours, he made his way to his own bedroom to put his mind to rest.


Sabri woke up the next morning and knew it’d be just her around the mansion. Even with the thick velvet curtains through out the home Alex and his ghouls never awoke before sunset, unless something important was happening. She took over the house, indulging the freedom. She wore only her panties and a faded well worn black t-shirt of the rock band; Black Sabbath. It was her fathers, it was his favorite band. He saw them on the Master Of Reality tour on March 3, 1972 as a young carefree 18 year old, he told the story of being there wasted and rocking out, he barely remembered the experience. He had the tour shirt to prove he was there. Sabri loved that he shared all his stories from his younger days. The shirt was all she had left of her father, besides the memories. She sighed heavily out loud. She opened the freezer door and pulled out the pint of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. She snatched a spoon from the near by drawer and made her way to the front room.

“There is no radio or tv in this place. I’m going to lose my mind.” She spoke to no one but herself. She took a seat on the soft red couch. The fabric was soft velvet and stuffed like a feathered pillow, it comforted her as she sunk more and more into it. She took her first spoonful of ice cream and couldn’t help moan out loud as she let it melt in her mouth. “This is heaven.” she giggled.

“Most would call it hell.” Alex made his presence known.

Sabri jumped out of her skin, startled by his voice. She almost choked on her ice cream, when she got herself composed she stared up at him with big brown eyes, “I didn’t realize you were awake.”

“I awoke when you awoke.”

Her brow creased, “Was I loud?”

He smirked, “No.”

She continued to give him a confused expression. Alex walked further into the room stopping in front of her. He took the spoon slowly and had a bite of cookie dough. “I miss the taste.”

Sabri looked down at the ice cream and then back up at her cousin, “You can’t taste ice cream?”

“I lost sight, taste, touch, remorse, I lost all things that make me human.”

“You didn’t lose all things.” She took her spoon back from him, not phased by his dark mood.

“How do you figure?” He asked as he took a seat in his chair near the fireplace.

“You have heart, it might not beat like mine. But it functions in the best way..” She paused as she looked up, making eye contact with her cousin, “.. You still love.”

“Love..” He spoke the word, not in question, not as a statement. He spoke the word as if it was music. A lyric to a beautiful masterpiece. It intrigued Sabri the way he spoke just then. She couldn’t take her eyes off her cousin, he was hauntingly beautiful. She never noticed before that moment.

“Do all vampires love? Or know how it feels to love?” She was curious. All she knew was from the myths, not much of her knowledge was found to be accurate now that she was aware that Vampires truly exist.

“Vampires. Night Walkers. None of us can love. Not the love mortals have. We know obsession, we know jealousy, we know lust, and we know pain. But not love.”

“I don’t believe that. You love me as family. You love your friends.” She stated as a fact. Or so she thought.

He laughed, his laughter was abnormal. It was wicked and frightening, “I don’t love you dear sweet naive Sabri. I have loyalty. I remember what love felt like before. I remember enough to know that I can no longer feel it or have it.”

“I’m sorry.” Sabri felt somber for her cousin, to not ever feel love again would be unimaginable to her. “So loyalty is the only reason I’m here. The only reason I’m still alive.” She wasn’t asking.

“You are very unwelcome in my world. You are food, you are a toy, mortals are never safe. I fear for your well being Sabri. I wish you would understand how dangerous this world really is. There are clans who have never been mortal. They have no memories of what being mortal was like. They hate even my kind; Mix-breed. That puts you in an even more dangerous position Sabri. You Are Not Safe. Even from me.”

“What? Alex...” She was baffled at his words. Before she could question or protest all he has spoken, Alex continued, “I mean you no harm Sabri. I can’t be for certain if I’ll always feel this way. It is unheard of; a mortal living in the presence of a night walker. I worry more about those who work for me harming you, than myself. Knowing, how your heart beat taunts me. Your warm blood flows through those veins arouses me. That it takes all my strength to keep the beast from taking your life, THAT brings fear to me. If I have to fight it. Want to fight it. What keeps those who work for me from taking your life?”

“You.” Her heart was pounding so fast. His words were seductive but frightening. She realized that her life was in danger even with Alex. And yet she felt there was no where else to go. “You stop them Alex. You’re powerful. I’ve seen it. You’re strong like a king. They would never turn on you, they would never go against your words. I’m safe because of you Alex.”

“Maybe.” He spoke soft, no longer was the vampire present. It was just a vulnerable man.

“I promise to not put my life in danger. I will do as I’m told. If you don’t want me to go somewhere I won’t. You don’t want me talking or being around certain people, I won’t. I will trust you and listen from now on Alex. I understand.” She hated it, but she knew it had to be this way.

“I don’t know if that’s enough.” He spoke as he stared into the fire.


“Nickolas... Nick.. Wake up, Nick...” the familiar voice echoed through his slumber. Nick opened his eyes slowly, “What Brian?”

“You awake?” Brian smirked, knowing his cousin is never in a good mood when he first awoke.

“I am now. Why did you wake me? I was having a blissful dream.” Nick smiled as he stretched in his over sized bed.

“I can see that.” Brian raised an eyebrow as he motioned towards Nick to cover up.

Nick quickly grabbed his comforter and covered his erection. Even in his dreams Sabri was so real. She was more forward and filled with such seduction in his dreams, how he hoped for her to be in life. He never wanted to wake up from those dreams he had of her. It was knowing he’d see her in reality that made it okay. Nick drifted away not hearing Brian talking, thoughts of Sabri from the night before running through his mind. He worried about his brother ruining things now that he knows of her.

“My prince, are you even listening?” Brian chimed into Nickolas’ thoughts once again.

“Huh? I’m sorry my dear cousin I have a lot weighing on my mind.”

“Who is she?” Brian smiled knowing his cousin all too well.

“Who? There is no she.” Nick tried to be convincing as he climbed out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. Not making eye contact with Brian.

As Nick freshened up, he listened to Brian go on, “Well, if it isn’t a girl on your mind, is it your father?”

Nick opened the bathroom door while wiping his face off with a towel, “What about my father?”

Brian shook his head, “My what a well informed Prince you are.”

“Cut the sarcasm Brian. Just get to the point I don’t have time...”

“ planing to go somewhere this night? You can’t leave your family, the clan tonight. You have to be here. The Mclean’s...”

“.. Mclean’s? What about them? Alexander finally going to face my father?” Nickolas now paying attention to Brian. Needing to know what The Mclean Clan was up to.

“No, he has postponed again. But your father wants everyone to gather tonight. We must prepare ourselves for the time the Mclean Clan does want to meet.”

“I have no quandaries with their clan. I have no need to prepare for anything, I want no part.”

“Nickolas, you can’t keep denying what you are.” Brian disappointed with his cousin’s loyalty.

Nick ignored his cousin and finished getting ready. Brian took Nick’s silence as a cue to leave the room, so he did. Nickolas knew that his neglect towards his family and clan would not go over well, he was prepared for the backlash of it all. Nicolas didn’t want to worry about that now, all he could think of was her. Sabri. And what the thought of her meant to him. A whole other world he always wanted.

He spoke to the moon as he stood on his balcony like he did every evening. “Will this night bring her to me?”
Chapter 8 by RandomRambler
Sabri followed Alex down the long staircase, “Where are you going?”

“We have business tonight..” He turned around quickly, having to catch Sabri from falling down the stairs, she wasn’t use to his fast movements. “I need you to stay here. Promise me Sabri. Promise me you won’t leave this house.”

She looked him in the eye, she could see he was serious and worried. She gave him a weak smile, “I promise Alex, I won’t leave the house tonight.”

He nodded and turned back to take the last few steps. Sabri stood where she was, now looking down at Alex, Kevin, Howie and the rest of the goons that followed her cousin. She couldn’t help have fear for Alex. He turned around with a smirk, “Everything will be fine Sabri. Enjoy having the house to yourself and don’t worry about me.”

She smiled back, “You really need to stop with that whole mind reading thing. It’s invading privacy Mister.”

He chuckled, “I’ll work on it. Good night Sabri.”

“Nite.” She sighed as she watched the men walk out of the house leaving her all alone.

Nick once again sat on his balcony watching the moon. No longer wishing to live on the moon, now he wish to be anywhere Sabri was. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, he obsessed about her even in his dreams. No woman has ever made him feel so good and so crazy at the same time. He was addicted.

Brian walked into the bed chamber, not seeing his cousin he walked out onto the balcony, knowing he’d be there. “You’ve been more distant than usual.” Brian breaking Nick from his thoughts.

“I don’t mean to be distant cousin.” Nickolas keeping his eyes on the moon.

“It’s a girl isn’t it? You met a girl.” Brian smirked.

Nick smiled before glancing over to his cousin, “You know me too well.”

“Have you fallen in love, my dear cousin?”

“I’m enchanted.” Nick smiled dreamy.

“Do I know this enchantress?” Brian questioned.

Nick became uncomfortable by the question. He decided to avoid the question and change the subject, “I need to ask a favor of you.. I need you to go in my place tonight, at the meeting. Cover for me, I need to see her tonight. Can you do this for me, cousin?”

Brian didn’t like it, but had a hard time saying no, “Just this once, yes I can go in your place.”

He watched the house, lurking in the dark. He moved like a panther stalking it’s prey. The mansion was all lit up that evening with many cars parked out in the drive. He stood near the brick wall that surrounded the mansion, it’s way to secure unwelcomed guests. It didn’t stop Nick from trespassing, he stayed in the shadows quietly spying upon the home of the girl he is infatuated with. The door of the mansion opened, making Nick move back into the shadows.

“Tonight, we only talk. Understand?” Alex spoke to his entourage as they all moved from the mansion to their respectful cars.

“Got it boss.” Kevin responded.

Nick clinched his jaw, he knew they were headed to meet with his family. A ping of guilt washed over him. He watched the cars leave the drive way, leaving the mansion unprotected. Also leaving the young girl he admired unattended. Nick moved closer to the mansion. Peering in the window his eyes laid upon her, she was so beautiful and innocent. She intoxicated him even from this distance. Nick watched her sitting on the sofa reading a magazine while enjoying a bowl of ice cream. Her movements were seductive without even trying, he ached for her. For the first time, he ached for the woman, not the blood.

Nick watched Sabri’s every movement, he studied her for almost an hour before he decided to knock on the door. He feared his vampire ways would come out and she’d catch him peering in the dark. As he knocked on the mansion door he chanted in his head, “Be normal, be normal.”

When Sabri opened the door, she was surprised to find Nick standing there, he gave her a sexy smile. She couldn’t help but smile back for a second before realizing this was all a bad idea, “What are you doing here? If Alex catches you...”

“.. Don’t worry about Alex. I can handle him if necessary. Besides, he should be gone for a few hours.” He leaned in the doorway, waiting for her to invite him in.

Her brow creased, “How do you know where my cousin is?”

“Are you going to leave me standing in your doorway?” He avoided the question.

Sabri noticed Nick avoided the question, and as much as she should get the answer, she was more focused on how much lust was filled in Nick’s eyes. And that smirk, that sexy smirk he was constantly giving her. His words tonight were sensual no matter what was said. He was different tonight. She knew her next step was probably a wrong move, “Come in.” she moved from the doorway allowing him to enter her home.

Nick stepped inside, keeping his eyes on her. “Are you surprised to see me?”

“Yes. Most guys would take it personal if a girl seemed to be avoiding them for three days.” Sabri spoke as she walked away from Nick into the sitting room. Nick followed her, “I’m not most guys.”

She turned to face him and found he was only inches behind her, she gasped as it startled her. Nick bent his head down to her, closing even more space between them. His mouth was close to hers, he sucked in her breath as she quivered. He never touched her, but the power of his presence was enough to make her whole body feel on fire. Her lips parted, wanting him to kiss her. He didn’t move in for the kiss, “Do you want me to leave?” he spoke with full seduction.

“No.” she breathed, before closing the little space between them. Her mouth captured his in a kiss of passion. Her heart beated faster as Nick’s grasp on her tightened. He was aggressive and powerful, taking control of every touch. Sabri felt as if lightening bolts were shooting through her veins. Nick was losing himself in her, he felt the beast taking over. Just before he turned from man to vampire, Nick pulled away from Sabri. Leaving her shocked and confused. He turned his back on her, if he could breath he’d be panting. He mentally pulled himself together as Sabri stood by watching and wondering what just happened.

“Did I do something wrong?” She questioned, her voice soft.

Nick turned around slowly to face her, “No. You could never do wrong.”

She didn’t know what to say, Sabri stood there eyes locked with his. She barely knew this man who stood in front of her, and all she wanted was for him to kiss her again. “Maybe we should go upstairs, I mean, just incase Alex comes home.”

“Maybe you’re right.” He kept her gaze, this time showing no emotion. Sabri walked passed Nick, grabbing his hand to pull him behind her. They climbed the long staircase and made their way down the hallway to her bedroom. She almost hesitated opening the door, but her hormones got the best of her. The two walked into the bedroom. Both all of a sudden feeling awkward and unsure of what to do next.

Sabri sat on the edge of her bed watching Nick stand in the middle of the room. She patted the space next to her, welcoming Nick to sit, “I won’t bite.” she teased.

He smirked, “I might.”

“And I might let you.” She giggled.

The two didn’t waste time and found themselves lip locked once again, this time Sabri was taking control. The two lost themselves in each other and neither felt like fighting it. The night went by fast, Sabri and Nick found themselves holding very little conversation and a lot of making out. The next thing they knew, they were asleep in each others arms and being awoken by a loud knock at Sabri’s bedroom door.

“Sabri, you awake?” Alex called from the other side of the door.

Both shot up out of the bed. “Omg, if he finds you here, we’re both dead.” Sabri yelled in a whisper.
“Nick you have to hide.” She pushed him off the bed and into her closet. Nick tried not to laugh at the situation. He didn’t fear Alex, but knew that Sabri didn’t want either men to be at each others throat. He never imagined himself hiding in a girls closet. He enjoyed the silly situation, it made him feel more like a human than he’s ever felt before. Even though Nick didn’t fear Alex, he did fear Sabri finding out what he really was. It was the only thing he feared these days.

Sabri opened the bedroom door, finding her cousin looking at her confused, “What took you so long?”

“I was in a deep sleep. Thank you for waking me up.” She spoke with sarcasm.

“Sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, before I go to bed.”

“What time is it?” She asked with a yawn.

“Five in the morning.” He answered.

“Did you just get home?” She did everything she could to not think of Nick in her closet.

“No, I’ve been home for a few hours. I think you should stay in the house for a few days. Things are going to get, uh, complicated and I want to keep you from getting mixed up in certain situations.”

Sabri looked at him concerned, “Am I in danger?”

“Not if you stay here.” he spoke honestly.

“Are you in danger?” she was worried, “What happened at your meeting Alex?”

“It’s no concern of yours. Just do as I ask, and everything will be fine. Alright?” He gave her a weak smile.

“Alright.” She wasn’t alright with it, but had a horrible feeling that Alex has a lot of danger coming their way. Sabri wish she could know exactly what was going on.

“You don’t need to know what’s going on Sabri, I know you’re worried. But I promise everything will be fine.” Alex once again reading her mind.

“You know, I hate when you do that. I feel completely exposed, at least give me my thoughts without you invading them, Alex.” Sabri was annoyed.

“I’m sorry. And I’m sorry for waking you. I’ll let you be. Just promise you’ll stay home.”

“I promise.” She sighed. Alex nodded and then walked away. Sabri shut the door leaning against it, she watched the closet door open. Nick gave her a weak smile, “Hey.”

“You probably shouldn’t have heard any of that.. My cousin is going to bed, you can sneak out in a few minutes.” Sabri wasn’t in the mood for any company now. As she spoke she made her way back to her bed.

Nick knew he couldn’t go anywhere, the sun has risen and he was trapped in that mansion until sunset. “How about we spend the day together. Just you and me, here. Alex made you promise to stay home, but didn’t say anything about who you spent your time with while at home.” He gave her that sexy smirk again.

“You’re nothing but trouble.” she chuckled.

“True, and you love it.” he pounced on her, making her fall back onto her bed. She giggled to his kisses on her neck. He pulled away a few seconds later, “So you going to kick me out?”

“Hmm, Should you stay, or should you go? Maybe I should go ask Alex.” She giggled. Nick attacked her with kisses again.

Sabri laughed, “Okay, Okay, I think you should stay.”

Nick placed a kiss to her lips before speaking, “You drive me crazy you know that?”

“That makes us even.” she smiled.
This story archived at