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Nick pulled back to see shock on Lindsey’s face. “I’m so sorry.” He muttered and stood.  “I don’t know why I did that. I have Veronica, you have David..” He ran his hands through his hair and paced.  “We don’t have to tell them.” He looked towards Lindsey to see her standing there looking at him.

“Nick, you were stressed, it was just a kiss.” She smiled but something in her eyes told him that she was not happy with the words she just said.  He ignored it though, she was probably just upset that she kissed him back. She didn’t want to hurt David, like he didn’t want to hurt Veronica.

“I should go,” He said and turned towards the door.

“Yah, okay.” She sounded disappointed but he didn’t have time to stop and consider it. He needed to get the stuff from the store and get back to Veronica before she wonders where he’d gone.  

Nick got to the store and sat in his car.  He leaned his arms on the steering wheel and leaned against his arms. What had he been thinking. He couldn’t ruin the friendship he had with Lindsey, she was too good of a friend to lose.  How could he do that?  

He should call Lindsey and apologize again and let her know just how much their friendship meant to him.  He reached into his pocket for his phone when he realized he’d left it at Veronica’s place.  He sighed and got out of the car to hunt down the popsicles for Veronica.   He had to get them, he didn’t want to know where he’d been or what he’d just done. 

A few minutes later he was parking in Veronica’s lot and heading up to her apartment.  He grabbed the bag of popsicles and headed upstairs.  As the door knob turned he heard feet walking away from the living room, he sighed and opened the door.  He glanced at the table where he left his phone, he grabbed it as he headed back to Veronica’s room.

“Hello,” He called out softly. He didn’t want to give away that he was sure she was awake.  He was even starting to think she wasn’t sick.

“Hello?” a small voice called out from the bed. 

Nick pushed the door open further to see Veronica under the covers rubbing her eyes.  “Nick,” She smiled and sat up.  “How long were you gone? I must have slept. “ Her smile stayed plastered on her face.  

“Stop playing,” The words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them.  “I know you were awake and out of the room.”

Veronica looked at him innocently. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Nick rolled his eyes and tossed the bag of popsicles on the bed. “I also heard you on the phone with someone. What are you taking care of?” He asked her.

Veronica looked at him aghast, “Work related,” she finally answered.

“Yah, I believe that.” He turned and walked out of the room.

“Nick? Wait, what are you doing?” She said as she got out of the bed and followed him.

“Leaving,” He said and walked out the door.  He stood outside the door and waited, it was only a few seconds and she was tearing the door open after him.

“Nick,” She sighed in relief when she saw him.  “Come back inside and let me explain.”  He followed her inside, the least he could do is hear her out.  Maybe she was just in shock he had confronted her about it.

They sat down on the couch, Veronica taking his hands and hold them.  “Have I ever lied to you before?” She asked him.  He cocked his head to the side and thought about it, she had never lied.  Everything she talked about online was who she was in person.  

“No,” he answered cautiously.

“Then what makes you think I’m lying now?” She smiled sweetly at him and he sighed.  She had never lied and Lindsey made good arguments for the rest of the conversation.  He had overreacted.

“I’m sorry I overreacted,” he said as he leaned in and kissed her softly. 

“Forgiven,” she smiled.  “I am sorry I didn’t tell you I was feeling better.” She pouted at him.  “I was enjoying you taking care of me.” She moved so that she was sitting on Nick’s lap, her head on his shoulder. 

They sat like that for only a few seconds before Veronica piped up again.  “Why do I smell perfume?”

“Isn’t it yours?” He asked, his heart beating faster. She must have felt his heart because she stood up and looked at him, hands on his hips.  “I just had to explain to you a phone conversation and you reek of another woman’s perfume.”

“Veronica, I was upset.  I went to see Lindsey and talk about it.” He stood and tried to pull her into a hug, but she moved away.  “She calmed me down enough so that I would return here.” He smirked and tried to pull her close again. This time she let him pull her into a hug.

“Buy me dinner and we can talk.” She whispered into his ear.

“Sure,” he pressed his lips to hers and felt disappointment swell through him. It was not the kiss he’d been expecting, not the feeling he’d been hoping for from her kiss.   The gypsy’s words rung true again, he no longer loved Veronica and he’d probably ruined his friendship with Lindsey, again. 

“Veronica,” He started.  “We need to talk.”  He sighed and sat down.

“What is it?” She asked.

“I don’t think it would be a good idea to see each other anymore.” He spat out quickly in an attempt to just get it over with.

“Is this about the conversation? I told you, it was nothing.” He shook his head in response to her question.  It really wasn’t about the conversation.  Now that he thought about it, he’d not felt the same towards her for awhile now but he’d shoved it aside since he was not sure how he would meet anyone else, and he didn’t want to be alone.

“I think this has been a long time coming, I haven’t felt the same for awhile.” He confessed. 

“Stay with me, I can make you love me again.” She stated flat out, desperation in her voice. “Don’t leave me Nick, I love you.” Tears formed in her eyes.

“I don’t love you Veronica.” He held out his hands palm up.  “I’m sorry.”

“It’s that Lindsey isn’t it? You’ve been seeing her behind my back, sleeping with her?” She asked.

“No, Lindsey is with David.  Our relationship is innocent,” He explained to her as the memory of their kiss came back to him.

“Nick I need you.” She whispered.

“I’m sorry.” He said again as he stood and left the room.  He walked out the door and closed it just in time, he heard something thrown against the door and shatter into pieces on the other side.

Nick shuddered felt a cool breeze come through the hall and shuddered.  He knew his destiny was to truly be alone and he would have to accept that.  He had chosen his path.  He walked to his car and touched his fingers to his lips and smiled.  Lindsey had David, but maybe he could tell her how their kiss had made him feel and everything would turn out alright. 

Nick got into his car and turned it once again towards Lindsey’s place.  This time fully aware of where he was going and what he wanted to do when he got there.