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Author's Chapter Notes:
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Chapter Three-Hundred-Thirty-Nine

“How come Sean seems to still care so much about Ellie?” Ashley spoke up abruptly, lifting her head up from the board to look at Max who still sat across the room. Her voice came out weaker and softer then she had expected it would. Sean dunking her under water and bringing her back up repeatedly all night long has definitely taken its toll. Plus she hasn’t eaten anything since the New Years Eve Party. Not only is he trying to drown her, but he’s depriving her of food and water as well. Unless you count those times where she’s accidentally swallowed some of the lake…

“Shut up,” Max snapped somewhat.

“It’s just a simple question…why can’t you answer my question? You have nothing else better to do anyway.” Max regarded her for a moment.

“Unless you are afraid Sean might bitch slap you for talking to me. You seem to cower at his orders – much more then I do and that’s pretty sad.” She watched unfazed as Max glared at her.

“You are what…just a couple of inches shorter then my Marcus?”

“Shut the fuck up right now.” Ashley shrugged the best she could but winced right afterwards. Her body aches so much.

“I’m sorry you aren’t able to hear the truth. All I’m saying is you shouldn’t let Sean order you around. You are much bigger then he is.”

“Size doesn’t mean a damned thing. You took me out with the chair after all didn’t you?”

“I guess that makes you nothing but a pussy then,” Ashley mused. She watched as his eyes flared, feeding off of his anger and regaining a little bit of energy. “Taking orders from little guys, getting knocked out cold by a girl…yeah you are really scary.”

“Shut the fuck up before I go over there and make you!”

“You can’t,” Ashley taunted. “Big Scary Sean told you that you aren’t allowed to touch me. And believe me he’ll know if you do. He takes pride in the bruises he gives me – like they are a bunch of trophies.” Max scowled but otherwise didn’t respond. Ashley looked around the room in silence for a few moments and then back over at Max.

“Well? Are you going to answer my question or what? I won’t leave you alone otherwise you know. I’ll eventually start to sing – and I know some pretty annoying songs too. I do have a baby you know. I sing to Bella all the time.”

“Just because Sean left the warehouse it doesn’t give you permission to start running your goddamn mouth.”

“Oh I could’ve run my goddamn mouth while he was here too,” Ashley told him with another painful shrug of her shoulders. “I don’t take orders from him like you do. I’m gonna die anyway, right? So why bother?” Max rolled his eyes growing very irritated with her. A headache is already forming just from her running her mouth. He would like nothing more then to go upstairs and lay on the couch but Sean would go ballistic if he came back and found him not watching her. Deciding that the only way to get her to shut up is to answer her damn questions, he looked at her and saw that she was staring back at him expectantly. Almost as if she could see the battle going on in his head and knew that he was going to cave.

“I don’t know, I guess a small part of him still loves her in his own twisted little way. If you’ve studied them both long enough like I have you will see that even though he clearly gave her up to that stupid Backstreet Boy of yours, he still has a very powerful connection with her and she responds to it like she is really apart of him. She always knows when he is around it never fails. She doesn’t even have to see him to know, she just does.” The New Years Eve Party, Ashley thought quietly to herself. She is very much intrigued by the insight on Ellie that he has given her. “And they’re so much alike too that its scary sometimes.”

“Have you been working for Sean for very long?”


“During the time that she was in his care?”

“Since the day she was born.”

“What was he like with her? Besides the fact that he abused her?”

“When he wasn’t treating her like crap or touching her in ways that he wasn’t supposed to he loved her very much. He would buy her things when she asked for them and sometimes let her watch TV. He wasn’t always so horrible. He would even show her some small affection behind his ex-wife’s back too sometimes. She on the other hand was different. In Shelly’s eyes the kid was a mistake. She abused her more then Sean ever did and that’s saying something because he did abuse her a lot. He never would’ve let her give her to the Orphanage if he knew about it.” Ashley hung there quietly thinking about this story of Sean that Max has told her trying her very hardest to imagine Sean being affectionate.

She has never seen it that’s for sure. But the way Elenore protects him all the time there must have been something good between them. She remained quiet for awhile deciding that she would much rather be alone in her thoughts now. She wants very much to make sense of Max’s story. She wants very much to understand because then maybe it will be easier for her to understand Ellie’s request. A little girl’s remarkable love for a father who has done so many terrible things. But again, out of all of those terrible things he must’ve done something right…because her love for him is strong, she saw that at the party. And he must really do love her deep down inside if he is willing to drop everything to run off and rescue her. Especially since he gave her up.

“Why is he like the way he is?” Ashley spoke up again. “Why did he abuse her?”

“I suppose its because he was abused as a small child himself,” Max answered with a sigh, his irritation for Ashley increasing. “His mother ran off when he was very young and his father beat him on a daily basis. He was never taught how to love – until Trevor that is…the only person in the world who has ever loved Sean. It effects him greatly even though he tries not to let it.” Ashley suddenly felt intrigued at this information as well. She has seen that quality in Elenore a lot of times since she’s known her. No matter what she does, trouble always seems to attract her even when she tries so hard to be good. She gets so down on herself when it happens and automatically expects to get beaten for it or given up that when someone shows affection towards her instead she doesn’t know what to do with it but it effects her deeply and brings out the good in her each time.

Could Sean be the exact same way? Could Trevor’s love be strong enough to bring the good out of Sean sometimes? If even for a second she believes that there is any that is. If that’s the case though…then maybe Elenore is right. Maybe the death penalty is a cruel and unfair fate for Sean. If there is any good in him at all then its just his father’s abuse and whatever sick and twisted sort of anger that is going on in his mind that is standing in the way of him being good. He just doesn’t know how. Don’t get her wrong; she’s not thinking for even a second that he should run free on the streets, no. The world is not a safe place with him being a free man.

But going to prison for a very long time would do everybody justice just fine and maybe he could use some very strong professional help plus Trevor’s unconditional love that she’s heard about but has never seen. She doesn’t think she could ever forgive Sean for murdering her parents and tearing her life apart even if he became a good man with a lot of help but she could find it in her heart to let it go for Ellie’s sake. Because Ellie is the best part of Sean that there ever was. He’s made a lot of stupid mistakes, did a lot of terrible things, but Ellie is not one of them. And he did the best thing he could ever do for that child by handing her over to Kevin whom could love her unconditionally the way he never was. So that there wouldn’t be another Sean in the world in the future to tear someone else’s life apart. That was the best thing he could ever do as a father. She’ll give him credit for that.


“I found her Elliot, I know where she is at!” Detective Benson suddenly shouted from the office in Sean and Trevor’s Lake House. Detective Stabler dropped the papers he was looking at and made a mad dash for the office. Just as he reached the door she was on her way out with an excited look on her face.

“You know where she is at?” He asked, double-checking that he heard her right.

“Yes I finally found the journal entry that tells us! I know which Warehouse – it’s only a fifteen minute drive from here.”

“Well what are we waiting for? Lets go!” Detective Stabler exclaimed before turning around and hurrying out the door with his partner right behind him. When they got outside he jumped in the passenger’s seat while she got in the driver’s seat, started up the car, and drove off in the direction of the warehouse while Detective Stabler got on his phone to call Nick. He has to have him a long when they go in the warehouse because that will make rescuing Ashley even better.


“Come on baby…please take a nap, you are so tired…” Nick pleaded as he sat in Ashley’s rocking chair with Dakota in his arms. She has them wrapped around his neck as he is cradling her and he is rocking back and forth with her slowly as she stares up at him with watery eyes, tear streaked cheeks, and she has pretty much gone into straight up depression. He managed to finally get Sarah asleep after struggling with her for awhile and he lay her in the middle of the bed with Bella lying next to her who was also finally sleeping thanks to Denise and the magic she worked on her. Now it was just Dakota who not only misses her mommy now but also her best friend. He brushed some of her damp hair out of her face and leaned forward and planted a kiss on her cheek as his heart ached for his little girls. He wishes so much that he could tell them everything is going to be okay but for the first time ever he isn’t so sure himself and it kills him.

“I love you,” he told her softly, deciding that was the only sure thing he could tell her and she sniffled and hiccuped as she nestled into him. He leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers as he continued to sit there rocking her in silence. After sitting there for a few moments, he felt his phone vibrate. He had turned the sound off so it wouldn’t wake the other two if it should ring. He reached into his pocket, pulled it out and glanced at the caller ID. When he saw that it was Detective Stabler he flipped the phone open and placed it to his ear.

“Hey Elliot, what’s the update?” he asked eagerly.

“We found Ashley.”

“What?” Nick asked in surprise and he abruptly stopped rocking. Dakota looked up at him anxiously. “You have her?”

“No but we know where she is and we’re on our way there now. I thought you would like to join us in the rescue though.”

“Of course I would,” Nick insisted. “I just need to get Denise in here to watch the kids and AJ, Kori, and I will be on our way.”

“Okay we’re going to sit a little ways from the Warehouse and wait for you,” Detective Stabler explained and then told Nick the directions on how to get there after getting them from Detective Benson and then they hung up. Nick smiled down at Dakota and planted another kiss on her forehead.

“We found Ashley baby. Daddy is gong to go get her and bring her home right now” he told her.

“Yay!” Dakota cheered happily and she threw her arms about Nick and hugged him tightly. Nick hugged her back as he stood and brought her over to the bed. He sat her down gently next to Sarah and Bella.

“Stay right here sweetie and Denise will be right in okay?”

“Kay” she told him and he handed her the remote.

“You may watch TV but please do it quietly,” he told her before hurrying out of the room. He rushed down the hall to the room AJ shares with Howie, Ryan, and Laila and he poked his head inside to find Denise, AJ, Kori, and Wiley all sitting in there.

“Detective Stabler just called me. They found Ashley! They’re on their way now and are going to sit outside the warehouse and wait for us to get there so we can help rescue her. Denise will you please stay with my kids?”

“Of course,” Denise answered as relief washed over her at the news of her daughter being found. She got up and gave Nick a brief hug and kiss on the cheek and then she walked past him and hurried out of the room.

“Wi stay here incase Spencer needs anything okay?”

“Mhm,” Wiley answered and she and AJ got up and followed Nick out of the room.

“Where is the warehouse at?” AJ questioned and he listened as Nick told them on their way out. When they arrived at the Warehouse 20 minutes later they parked Nick’s car right behind Detective Benson’s before all three getting out and they found them standing there waiting patiently. Detective Stabler handed them each a bulletproof vest before he and Detective Benson went over their plan with them that they made on the drive there.


“So how long ago did Sean come out of the closet about being gay?” Ashley threw yet another question at Max needing so badly to talk to someone as she feels so lonely. Its so quiet in the tunnels for one, and two, she hasn’t had a real conversation with anyone since the New Years Eve Party. Max sighed heavily.

“Will you shut up?” he snapped. “I’ve answered all 50 of your goddamned questions in hopes that you would shut up but so far it hasn’t worked! If you don’t soon I’m going to go over there and hold you under water for awhile and we’ll see if you are in the mood to ask more questions then!” he threatened. Ashley saw how serious he was and went very quiet as she is rather enjoying her break from the water. If she manages to make it out of this kidnapping alive she will probably never go swimming again. She’ll be lucky if she’ll be able to take a shower – or a bath. Especially a bath. Thinking about how Nick used to accompany her in most of her showers and baths and would never be doing so again a single tear slipped down her cheek. The first tear she’s cried in awhile – she thought they all dried out and that she no longer could but obviously she underestimated herself. She let out a sniffle despite how hard she tried to hold it back and Max groaned.

“And if you start that crying shit again I will definitely go over there and hold you under so help me god.” Ashley looked up at the ceiling as she tried so hard to stop but she felt a lump in her throat only making it much worse. She so badly wants to really grieve for Nick but she hasn’t been able to while being held captive by dumb, dumber, and dumbest. She wished with all her might that she could wipe her tears away from her face but seeing as how her hands were in restraints that proved to be difficult as well. She hung there waiting impatiently for the emotions to quickly pass her and when it finally did about ten minutes later she felt something that she hasn’t felt since the moment Sean blew the car up at the gas station – Nick’s presence.

How she can feel it when he is supposed to be dead, she doesn’t know. How she could feel it even if he wasn’t dead, well she can’t explain that either. She just always knew when he was near. She lost that feeling the moment the car exploded though and thought she would never feel it again. She looked around the room hoping to somehow see him – whether it’s in spirit form…or what? She doesn’t care. She just wants to see some kind of form of her Nick. Anything would make her feel better. She frowned when she didn’t see him but that doesn’t matter. She senses him and she can safely say that her Nick-Dar never lies. He is around there somewhere. Ghost or real…well that is yet to be discovered. She hung there looking around the room, watching especially the two entrance ways until suddenly she spotted a figure standing just around the corner of the entrance on the left wearing a shirt that looks exactly like her boyfriend’s.

Just then he peered quietly around the corner at her causing all sorts of things to happen to her body all at once. Her stomach did flip-flops, her heart fluttered, her eyes widened, and tears flooded them, threatened to fall, and it took everything in her not to break down and sob right there as a feeling of relief rushed through her. He placed his finger to his lips silently telling her to be quiet and she obeyed understanding exactly how crucial it is that she listens to that light command. He mouthed hang on baby I’m coming to her and she nodded believing with every fiber of her being that he is coming to get her.

She then spotted AJ peering out at her over Nick’s shoulder and she wondered just exactly who else is there to rescue her. She looked around the room and there at the other entrance was Detective Benson and Detective Stabler peering out at Max from around that corner. Ashley felt a feeling of warmth rush through her at the sight of an entire rescue team there in front of her just waiting for the right moment to attack. She looked back over at Nick then, as it felt good just to see him alive and well.

How could that be? Sean made it perfectly clear that he was in the trunk and she watched the car the whole time they were driving away. He never climbed out. Was Sean lying to her in order to make her behave? How could she let him have that control over her? Most importantly…how could she stop feeling Nick? Was it because she was too far away from him? Or was it the fact that Sean put it in her head that he was dead and she believed it? Well it doesn’t matter now, because he’s alive and in just a little bit he will be holding her and making this nightmare disappear. She hopes anyway. She hopes with all of her heart. Suddenly remembering that he has to get past Max, she looked over at him and saw that he was now up and walking around – how did she miss him get up? He seemed to be headed toward her when suddenly he paused and Ashley froze. Why did he stop walking?


“Nick I really don’t think it’s safe for you to go to her yet,” AJ whispered quietly in Nick’s ear as he kept his arm out blocking Kori from moving any closer to the edge his protective brother instincts at it’s highest.

“That was the plan though – that’s what we discussed. I’m the one that goes and gets her.”

“Yes but we didn’t anticipate on Max being there guarding her either. I’m not letting you go out there.”

“But she needs me. Can’t you see the pain going on inside her? It was a huge shock for her to see me…she thought I was dead.”

“You’re the only one who can get inside my sister’s head Nick, remember?” AJ whispered quietly and he gently squeezed Nick’s shoulder.

“Well if one of you two don’t go get her, I will” Kori insisted impatiently as she tried her hardest to get around AJ but he only lightly pushed her back.

“Like hell you will,” he muttered in her ear. “Stay put.”

“You are not going to tell me what to do. We came here to rescue Ashley not stand here and watch her hang there.”

“I already have one sister hanging there in trouble I don’t need another one up there too. You will stay there until Detective Stabler gives us the okay.” Kori rolled her eyes.

“I’ve been doing this sneaking around shit a lot longer then you have big brother,” she told him while lightly jabbing him in the side as she emphasized you. “I will be perfectly okay.” Nick rolled his eyes as he could see the typical sibling rivalry starting up. Of all the times they could argue, now would be the worst. They should’ve separated the two of them. AJ should’ve gone with Detective Stabler. Shaking his head he watched as the two of them quietly argued back and forth for a couple of moments and then deciding he would take advantage of it he peered out at Max and saw him walking around with his back turned on him. Seeing that he wasn’t paying attention, he quietly snuck out his back against the wall as he made his way toward Ashley.


Ashley watched in horror as Max stood there staring at Nick in surprise as Nick stared at him suddenly frozen in his spot. She watched as Max’s hand flew to his pocket, pulled out his gun, and then suddenly the whole world according to Ashley went into slow motion as everything happened at once. Max aimed his gun at Nick and placed his hand on the trigger but it wasn’t Max’s gun that went off. Detective Stabler reacting rather quickly shot his instead and Max yelped as he felt a sharp pain in his leg. He stumbled slightly and pressed the trigger by accident sending a bullet flying at Nick.

“NICKY LOOK OUT!!!!!!” Ashley shrieked tearfully, thrashing about against the cuffs even though she knows it’s no use. Suddenly out of nowhere AJ went flying toward Nick making it just on time to push him out of the way but not on time for him to miss the bullet himself as it went flying into AJ’s stomach. Ashley shrieked and sobbed and thrashed around as she watched her brother and Nick fall to the ground, AJ landing on top of him and not moving. Amidst her sobs she watched as Nick cradled AJ’s face in his hands and rested his forehead against his and he whispered words to him. A few seconds later he looked directly at her making eye contact and giving her a look that clearly stated AJ is okay – that they’re okay. Ashley calmed down at his reassuring gaze but continued to cry as all of this shock and excitement is too much for her to handle. Suddenly she heard a loud thump and struggling. She whipped her head around and saw that Detective Stabler had tackled Max to the ground and he is wrestling with him.

“Where is the key? Give me the key!” She heard him demanding.

“I don’t have it! Sean took it with him” Max insisted stubbornly as he struggled to break free. Detective Stabler placed his gun to the back of Max’s head then as Max lie on his stomach underneath him.

“You tell me where it really is right now or I will pull this trigger. I know Sean wouldn’t leave you here without a way to get her down incase of an emergency.”

“It’s in my pocket,” Max answered after a moment.

“Get it out – and don’t try anything stupid or you’re gone.” Max watched as Kori who had gone across the bridge during all of the chaos started lowering Ashley down. He reached into his pocket, pulled out the key, and handed it to Detective Benson who had her hand out waiting. Detective Benson turned to take the key to Nick but found him already behind her waiting with AJ who had finally recovered from the shock of being shot. She handed the key over to Nick and Nick turned and hurried over to Ashley going through the water, as it was the quickest way to get to her. When Kori had finished lowering her enough that Nick could reach her without her getting in the water he reached up and quickly un-handcuffed her causing her to drop down. He caught her before gently putting her down so her feet were touching the bottom of the lake and she was standing in front of him. Ashley threw her arms about him, buried her face in his neck and cried harder at his touch, her body shaking violently as she sobbed. Nick slid his arms around her waist and hugged her close to him protectively as he placed soft kisses on her forehead.

“I’ve got you…it’s okay…you’re okay…” he whispered soothingly in her ear. “You’re safe…nothing is going to hurt you ever again.” After a long while when he managed to calm her down some she looked up at him and she reached up and placed her hand to his cheek rubbing her finger over it lightly.

“I was so scared I was never going to see you again…” Nick placed his hand to her cheek in return and leaned forward so their foreheads were touching and eyes were connected.

“It’s going to take a lot more then a car blowing up to keep me away from you baby,” he promised before brushing his lips lightly over hers and Ashley closed her eyes and kissed him back savoring that sweet feeling of his lips on hers never wanting to be without that feeling again.