It is November,....November 1st to be exact this year, whatever year you are reading this in. The Backstreet Boys are celebrating together with their families in Kentucky at Brian's family's place.
Can Brian and the guys take the pressure of having everyone under one roof. Will Nick help this year? Who will cook? How will they make the turkey? Grilled? Fried? Baked? Marinated? Or Order in from a local store? Will AJ cook? Will BSB survive this holiday? Is there any hope? What are the "surprises" Brian saw in his dreams? Are the guys having nightmares and dreams like Brian is? We'll see.
Sexual content just for BSB fantasies, nothing past PG-13 rating and even then like 1980's PG-13 rating. All background wallpaper courtesy of Backstreet Boys, Inc. and their permission and I don't work for them, just telling people what I used for my photoshop art.
Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction >
Backstreet Boys Characters: Brian,
Genres: Drama,
Fantasy Warnings: Sexual Content
Challenges: Series: Backstreet Boys 's Holidays 2011/2012 Series!
Chapters: 14
Completed: Yes
Word count: 9109
Read: 28187
Published: 11/08/11
Updated: 11/27/11
Story Notes:
Some cussing, sex fantasies, mild violence, and the true meanings of the winter holidays. Enjoy, it's all in fun! Happy Holidays!!! Rated PG-13.
1. Chapter 1: Novemeber 1st.... by Dani824 [ - ] (706 words)
It's Novemeber 1st at JFK airport, NYC, NY.
2. Chapter 2: Work, and work harder. by Dani824 [ - ] (585 words)
Brian and the guys work in NYC, while Brian and the guys discuss their fans and things they wonder why they want to change certain things. Why they treat some fans better than others. Brian is still depressed.
3. Chapter 3: Fake singing for a parade. by Dani824 [ - ] (559 words)
The Backstreet Boys film a pre-taped segment for "Macy's Thanksgiving Parade" for 2011. Their songs, "Don't turn off the lights" and "Lost in Space" in New York city, near the art district and centeral park.
4. Chapter 4: Thinking of my hearts and KFC. by Dani824 [ - ] (945 words)
BSB goes to KFC in NYC, as they go to a studio in NYC to finish some songs, before flying to Kentucky with Brian in another week. Brian misses Baylee and Leighanne, and begs them to come up to see him. Their managers surprise them and fans do too.
5. Chapter 5: AJ gets bored. by Dani824 [ - ] (513 words)
AJ is daydreaming of being with Rochelle on his honeymoon. Brian visits his grandma in Kentucky with his family.
Some cussing, mild sexual content.
6. Chapter 6: Cooking lessons from Kevin and Leighanne. by Dani824 [ - ] (473 words)
Kevin teaches Nick how to cook. Nick ruins a red velet cake.
7. Chapter 7: Dreaming for a girl. by Dani824 [ - ] (547 words)
Nick dreams about his dream woman. Howie and AJ try to get enough food for Thanksgiving. Brian comes to Kevin for advice.
8. Chapter 8: Moving in. by Dani824 [ - ] (1179 words)
Kevin talks to Brian in the hospital. The group moves into the farms and family home that Brian grew up in with Leighanne and Baylee. Leighanne tries to teach Nick, Howie, and AJ how to cook. Baylee prays before bed after an interesting day.
Mild cussing, yelling, and basically, some truth about what BSB doesn't see in normal people and fans and their families too. I won't be too mean, but it is the truth, even on a holiday week.
9. Chapter 9: Getting ready. by Dani824 [ - ] (306 words)
God hears his pray. Brian has a dream about it. Brian begans to wonder why he is dreaming that and what big mistakes BSB has made his Thanksgiving holiday week in 2011.
10. Chapter 10: BSB Thanksgiving begins! by Dani824 [ - ] (429 words)
BSB has BSB Thanksgiving, and prepares for Thanksgiving in their own homes.
11. Chapter 11: Having the turkey. by Dani824 [ - ] (224 words)
BSB has a "BSB Thanksgiving" with the group and their families. Brian and all the guys decide to prepare the dishes they promise and to eat them and follows through.
12. Chapter 12: Biggest travel day and shopping day, yet! by Dani824 [ - ] (818 words)
BSB goes home and waits to be seen on TV. Brian and his family prepare to bring Thanksgiving to family and grandma at the hospital and pray for a miracle.
13. Chapter 13: Thanksgiving DAY! The Real one and Charlie Brown too! by Dani824 [ - ] (889 words)
BSB has Thanksgiving day, Brian and his whole family visits grandma at the hospital. The wives and girlfriends prepare for the black sales weekend and to go alone, if they go at all. Nick has to cook for his family with his older sisters and so does AJ.
14. Chapter 14: Black Friday and other holiday problems. by Dani824 [ - ] (936 words)
Rochelle goes out on Black Friday and AJ stops her. It ends up on the news.
Note: This is not to be Rochelle at all. This is to show how the over-commericalization of the Holidays and the Christian religion has gone too far in this country. So all violence in this is from news reports and my experience over the past 4 years in retail of customers frenzzied behaviors. Never committ these crimes or acts, and don't blame me if you choose to, you do so at your own risk. Some cussing, violence in this chapter only. All companies here are parodies of companies and not real. Just made up for enjoyment of fanfiction and entertainment.