- Part Of The Plan
April 1993
We will be legends once,
We will call ourselves big stars,
We will be legends once,
But without you, I won’t make it that far.
He had thought about it for a long time, but still couldn’t figure for the life of him why he needed to do this, as he stared at the newcomer. He was scrawny and short and if Nick didn’t know any better, he’d say the kid was younger than AJ. No way he’s eighteen. But Nick did know better. He’d been interrogating Kevin the entire day before New Guy had shown up. The information had given Nick a pretty good picture of the fact that New Guy shouldn’t be in their band. The only musical experience New Guy had seemed to consist out of church and school plays. He hadn’t been working his ass off at Disney, like Kevin, neither had he sauntered from audition to audition, from talent show to talent show to get even the littlest bit of recognition, like Nick, AJ and Howie had. The kid didn’t have a right to be in this group of awesome people, and that was final.
Why am I even getting so worked up? The guy probably sings like shit, and once everyone’s heard him, we can vote him out. But he knew that was not gonna happen. He knew New Guy already auditioned on the phone and Lou had been ecstatic. Nick had never seen him like that, all happy and bubbly, claiming that he had finally put together the ultimate boy band, which resulted into Kevin arguing they were a vocal harmonizing group again. Nick didn’t want them to be called a boy band either, but he found Kevin’s term a little hard to remember, so from that moment on he decided he would call them a ‘man’ band, which sounded so much cooler. You needed to sound cool to be in their band…
“Hey y’all, I’m Brian, how’re y’all doing? Y’all doing awight?” which totally sounded not cool.
New Guy had probably figured out that Nick was not going to make a first move and stretched out his hand towards Nick. Nick could only do his best to keep his laughter in as he saw AJ cracking up behind New Guy’s back. He's got the thickest accent known to men! But when he made eye contact with Alex he couldn’t help himself anymore and snorted. New Guy’s goofy smile faltered and he let his arm fall back at his side again. He frowned and looked uneasily from Nick to AJ, back to Nick with a confused expression on his face. Nick watched with a wicked grin as New Guy’s shoulders slumped and he turned around, to where Kevin and Lou were waiting for them. That’s it, just crawl back to whichever Kentucky farm you came from, freak, Nick though, his mind filled with hatred. He’d noticed New Guy was blond, blue-eyed and short, just like Nick, and he would make sure those were the only resemblances the two of them shared. Besides, the school doctor had promised he’d grow very tall once he would reach puberty. Nick didn’t mind, as long as he was taller than New Guy. He watched with malignant satisfaction as New Guy didn’t even bother to look in his direction anymore for the rest of the day. Today was ‘getting to know each other’ day. And as far as Nick was considered, they were doing hell of a good job so far. Tomorrow they would all go to their makeshift studio to sing together as a group of five for the first time. Tomorrow New Guy would have to audition. Tomorrow New Guy would be weighted and he would be found too light. Nick smiled to himself, part one of the plan had been successful.
September 2015
We were legends once,
We used to call ourselves big stars,
We were legends once,
But without you, I wouldn’t have come that far.
He had thought about it for a long time, but still couldn’t figure for the life of him why he needed to do this, as he stared at the newcomer. It had only been a year… After that afternoon in 1993, he’d never thought that he’d have to welcome another New Guy into their band. The longer he thought about it, the more absurd it seemed. Here they were, having auditions for a new fifth member, while they shouldn’t even been trying anymore. Up ‘til this point, he had denied every single guy auditioning, just because of one reason. It wasn’t Brian, it would never be Brian. That was reason enough.