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Nick pulled into the parking lot of Emma’s apartment building and was surprised to see the look of it. The building was old and wasn’t in the greatest shape. The surrounding area looked as though it wasn’t the nicest place to live in and Nick was concerned because he didn’t see any security system. Growing up being surrounded by hundreds of people, he’d gotten used to equipping his houses with some type of protection.

Emma saw him looking around and got defensive. “It might not look like much out here but the inside’s better.”

Nick nodded and helped her out of the car. Hanging on to his shoulder, she hobbled over and unlocked the main door. She was right about it looking a little better on the inside and Nick led her in the direction of the elevator.

“Umm.” she said quietly. “The elevator’s kind of doesn’t work.”

Nick looked surprised. “What floor are you on?”

“The third.” she mumbled. “I can make it if you’ll help me.”

Nick shook his head and before she could stop him, he swept her up in his arms and started towards the stairs.

“Put me down!” she yelled. “You’ve never gonna make it up three flights of stairs carrying me!”

Nick stopped. “Well I can carry you or I’ll give you a piggy back ride.”

Emma just stared at him, trying to decide which one was better. She knew he wasn’t gonna let her go so she finally told him that a piggyback ride would be better because he could hold onto the railing.

“Ok.” Nick said and slid her around so she was on his back with her legs wrapped around his waist. “You can wrap your arms around my neck as long as you promise not to choke me.” he teased.

Emma laughed at the mental picture and promised not to. Nick made it up to her floor with no problems and leaned her against the wall while he opened her door. Once the door was open, he helped her hobble over to the couch and waited while she got settled.

His eyes scanned the apartment and he could tell that this was the old Emma’s place. The apartment was small, only a kitchen, living room, bathroom and one bedroom, but it was bright and welcoming. There were pictures everywhere; ones from the wedding, some of her and Della and some old pictures of her family. Candles were all over the place and he had to keep himself from joking that she lived in a Yankee Candle store. He was happy to see more life in this place than he saw in Stephen’s house.

“Thank you for bringing me home and getting me up here. I can take it from here.”

Nick raised an eyebrow and sat down in the only chair. “Really?”

“Yes really.” Emma replied, retreating back into herself.

“Ok. Why don’t you get some ice, some Neosporin and some Band-Aids?”

Emma’s stubborn side started to rear up and she struggled to get her foot back on the floor. The pain of moving it caused her to lie back down.

“Yeah right you’re ok.” Nick said and started into the kitchen. He returned with some ice in a towel and helped get it situated on her ankle. “Is the first aid stuff in your bathroom?”

She nodded and watched him head over. Once he came back with the stuff, she’d tell him she was all set and that he could leave. Nick returned a few seconds later with a damp cloth and everything else she would need. Taking a seat next on the coffee table next to her, he reached out his hand and started to pull one of her arms towards him.

“I can do that!” she said loudly.

“Can you give it a rest please? How are you gonna wrap your hands when you can’t use either one?”

Emma hadn’t thought of that and, had her hands been good, would have smacked herself in the head.

“So Superwoman, are you prepared to give in?”

“I don’t have any other choice do I?”

“Nope.” Nick replied and pulled her hand towards him.

He spent the next few minutes cleaning her hands with the wet towel and then put on the antibiotic cream. After bandaging them up and wrapping them, he put everything back and sat down on the table again. He wanted to stay with her but he knew that he’d be pushing his luck. She had agreed, reluctantly, to everything else and he didn’t want to go back to square one by asking her if he could hang around.

“I’m gonna leave if you’re sure you’re ok.”

“I’m fine.” she answered, grateful he didn’t ask to stay any longer.

Nick stood up and headed to the door. She called out and surprised him.

“Thank you for helping me.”

He turned around and smiled at her. “Anytime. I’ll take Howie to pick up your car when he gets back.”

Emma smiled for the first time and thanked him again. He nodded and waved goodbye; she couldn’t see it but he had a huge grin on his face. Finally, he thought to himself, things are looking up!