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Chapter 12

I gazed over at Anita who was sitting on my bed hugging herself. She had borrowed some clothes from my younger sister B.J. I was on the phone with Julio.

"No man, it's bad. She has completly cracked. No, she is not at all the same girl that we know. She's silent and its bad." I told him.

"Duh Nick. Did you really expect her to act normal after what happened?" Julio asked.

"No, I guess not." I sighed. I was so scared for her I had no idea what to do.

Julio and I continued to talk then I hung up the phone and turned to her.

"Anita?" I asked softly crouching by the bed.

She didn't answer or even look at me. I felt pain in my heart. Slowly and gently I reached out and pushed back a strand of hair. She jumped and looked frightened.

"Don't touch me." She said. Her voice was soft. It ate my heart. Unsure of what to do I sat back watching her.


Anita's POV

I sat on the bed in Nicks room. I wasn't really aware on how I had gotten there. I had no idea what clothes I was wearing or what was going on. All I could think about was how Jeff raped me. This was no ones fault but my own. Nick tried touching me but I didn't want him to. I was afraid of him.

"Anita?" He asked.

I turned and looked at him. I had no idea what to say to him or what to do, I didn't know if I could trust him.

"Honey, what can I do?" He asked his voice was gentle.

"I want to go home." I answered softly.

His face looked pretty sad. I didn't know why. Maybe he was feeling guitly about something.

This made me want to get away from him even more.

"Ok, I'll take you home." Nick said soflty.

Slowly I got up. My legs felt shaky and I just wanted to curl up and never leave my room again.

He helped me into his car.

I sat still just staring out of the window. I had nothing to say. Soon we pulled up to my house. He stopped the car, then turned and looked at me.

I stared at my car. It looked cold and uninviting. Suddenly, I thought maybe coming home alone was a bad idea.

"Anita?" Nick asked.

I jumped out of my thoughts. In a way I wanted to stay with Nick, yet I needed to be alone.

I turned toward him and offered a small smile.

"Thanks for the ride." I tried to sound like my normal self however my voice sounded foreign to my own ears.

He nodded still looking unsure. Slowly I got out of the car and went inside.

I walked slowly up to my room lost in my thoughts. Tired I lay down and fell asleep.

Suddenly I was thrown back into what happened. I watched everything that Jeff had done to me.

I was having a nightmare of the worst kind. Living the worst thing that could and did happen to me.

Quick as a flash I was sitting up in my bed breathing hard. My sheets were tangled around me and I was wet with prespiration.

My room was dark and there were a lot of dark shadows that scared me. I grabbed my phone and dialed.


"Nick please come get me, i'm scared."

"Ok darling, don't worry I'm on my way."

After I hung up, I changed my clothes and waited for him. The doorbell rang and I opened the door for him.

We looked at each other not saying a word. He was wet from the storm that was outside, the storm I was too scared to even notice.

I fell into his embrace sobbing. My head reminded me I was just rapped and I should be careful, my heart on the other hand told me I needed Nick and I could trust him.

"Let's go to my house." He said soflty.

"Thank you." I told him and follwed him to the car.

Once at his house I changed into his football jersey then he turned his bed down for me. I hesitated unsure if I would want to share a bed with him or not.

"It's ok, i'll sleep on the floor so you won't be alone." He said breaking through my thoughts.

I smiled and got into his bed. His pillow smelt like him and as he tucked me in and kissed my forhead, for the fist time, I felt safe.