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Author's Chapter Notes:
This was a fun chapter for a lot of reasons. I think it turned out well. I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 161

At AJ’s…

“Veronica, Nick, welcome!” AJ cried, giving Veronica a hug and kiss on the cheek, taking her hand and leading her out back. “Everyone is here already, hey everyone, Veronica and Nick are here.”

There were various hi’s and hello’s all around.

“Veronica, it’s great to see you again!” Leighanne smiled.

“Same to you, it’s been a while.”

“Yes it has. How about we leave the guys to do their manly things and you and me and Kristen catch up ok?”

She nodded, thankful for the reprieve. Ever since they’d woken up that morning, things had been weird. Nick seemed like he was trying to overcompensate for what he’d said the previous night and she was trying hard to act like it hadn’t bothered her, but of course, it had. It’d made everything, every feeling that much stronger though. As much as she tried to fight it, she wanted to be near him more, touch him all the time.

Veronica was tired, so tired of fighting it. She could admit to herself that she cared deeply for him; he was a strong man and a fierce friend, which made it all that much harder for her. She hoped that whatever came of him and this mystery woman, that he’d be happy, but that he’d want to continue their friendship. He seemed so quick deny that was trying to start a possible relationship with someone, would he be that quick to deny that they were friends to her?

Frowning, she made her way over to the other picnic bench were Kristen was waiting and walked over to her, giving her a hug before sitting. She smiled when Leighanne handed her a can of coke and sat beside her.


“So how’s it going?” Kevin asked, offering Nick a beer then giving him a pop after he declined.

“Well it was better until last night.”

“Oh yeah? What happened?” AJ asked, as he flipped the burgers on the grill, taking a drink of his pop.

Nick shrugged, “We were talking and I…well she was…I told her I was gonna miss her when she goes, ya know, that I’d be lonely.”

“Why do I have a feeling you did something major to botch it up Nick?” AJ frowned.

Nick glared at him.

“AJ man, shut up,” Kevin sighed.

“Go on Nick,” Brian grinned.

“So anyway…she was all, you have your friends and that girl you’re trying to date.”

“Uh oh,” Howie moaned.

“I tried, I mean…I tried hard to tell her, but…I couldn’t and it ended up sounding like I was just trying to hide something and yeah, she acted like she didn’t care and that I didn’t have to explain, but she was hurting.”

AJ rolled his eyes, and looked like he was trying hard not to say anything.

“Nick you had the perfect opportunity, why didn’t you say anything? It’s not that hard, it’s been a few days, you don’t have a lot of time,” Brian sighed.

“I know, but it just didn’t feel right, it wasn’t the right time ya know. I don’t want to end up blurting it out and sounding like a freak.”

“She probably already thinks you are one so what difference does it make?” AJ reasoned.

Brian glared at him this time.

“What? I’m just sayin’, damn,” AJ muttered, going back to flipping the burgers and hot dogs.

“Anyway, what are you waiting for Nick? There’s never going to be the perfect time or perfect moment, you need to just do it and stop thinking about it,” Howie stated.

“I know, but…it’s just I’m not sure. I’m not sure what it is exactly I’m waiting for. It’s just like…I’ll know when the time is right and it wasn’t last night.”

“Well, I think I’m gonna introduce my son to Veronica, he’d probably tell her he loves her way before you will Nick,” Brian winked, standing and walking over to where was playing a blanket.

Nick stared at Brian blandly and watched as he picked up Baylee and brought him over to where Veronica was sitting with Kristen and Leighanne. He watched intently as the introductions were made, Baylee hid shyly behind Brian’s legs. Standing Nick made his way closer so he could hear.

“Baylee, c’mon man, say hi to Veronica,” Brian prodded, smiling gently at his son. “It’s ok, she’s a friend.”

Veronica slid off the bench and knelt down, “Baylee, I’m Veronica, it’s nice to meet you,” she said softly, offering her hand.

Baylee stared at her a moment before reaching out and putting his small hand in hers and watched as she shook his hand gently.

“Nice to meet you,” she smiled.

“I have a red truck, Uncle Nick gave to me,” he said suddenly.

Nick grinned suddenly, shaking his head.

“Oh yeah? Do you like it?”

Baylee nodded suddenly, “Yeah!”

Veronica watched as the little boy toddled off suddenly and she looked up at Brian, “He looks just like you, wow, he’s like a mini you.”

“It’s kinda scary huh?” Brian grinned goofily.

“Nah, it’s pretty amazing I think.”

“Well heads up, he’s coming back, truck in tow. He drags that truck with him around all day, if he could bring it out when we go shopping or whatever he would, he’s obsessed with it,” Brian explained.

“I keep telling you Brian it’s because Nick gave it to him, he did it with that play set you got him a while back, remember?” Leighanne chuckled.

Baylee made his way over, truck in one hand and something else in the other.

“Truck!” He announced excitedly.

“It’s a very nice truck,” Veronica nodded.

Baylee held up what was in his other hand, “Read!”

Veronica looked at the book, taking it from him.

“Read,” Baylee said again, trying to climb onto Veronica’s lap.

“Baylee, stop it, I’m sorry,” Leighanne frowned, standing and starting to come around to the other side of the bench.

Veronica smiled, “No problem,” she bent over, picked Baylee up, and set him on her lap, opening the book and starting to read while Baylee watched, rolling the truck over his legs idly.

If it were possible for him to fall deeper in love with her he would have. He felt his heart swell as he watched Veronica reading to Baylee; it was one of the books he’d gotten him for Christmas a year ago. He looked over and found Brian, Leighanne and Kristen watching him expectantly. Turning suddenly, he headed back over to his chair and sat, his gaze once again resting on Veronica and Baylee.

“She’s pretty amazing Nick,” Kevin said quietly.

“Baylee likes everyone Kev; it’s not a big deal.”

Kevin raised an eyebrow, “The way you’re watching them I would say it’s a big deal.”

Nick stared at him a moment before looking back over at Veronica, a smile on his lips.


Veronica finished the story and laughed when Baylee asked her to read it again.

“C’mon little man, let’s leave the ladies to talk,” Brian chuckled, picking him up from Veronica’s lap.

“Again!” He squealed.

“Later Baylee, Mom will read it to you again ok?”

Suddenly Nick appeared, “How bout a swim Bay?”

“Swim, swim! Nick!”

“If you’ll excuse us ladies, Veronica, thanks for entertaining my son,” Brian smiled.

“My pleasure,” she grinned.

Nick leaned down suddenly, dropping a quick kiss on her cheek, “Thanks baby.”

She watched as he turned and walked off with Brian to get dressed.

“Thank you again for that Veronica, Baylee loves to read and sometimes people just don’t like to be bothered,” Leighanne sighed.

“It’s not a problem really, no bother at all, it was fun.”

“So…where were we? Oh right, so you two are hitting it off nicely huh?” Kristen smirked.

Veronica shrugged, “Sure, we always seem to have fun when we hang out.”

“Well Nick just lights up when he’s around you, the transformation is amazing,” Leighanne confided, taking a sip of her pop.

“I know! I haven’t seen him like this in so long, you’re good for him Veronica,” Kristen smiled.

“I guess, we’re just friends, I’m sure his current mood has nothing to do with me, but with the girl he’s been kinda seeing.”

Kristen frowned, “Nick’s seeing someone else?”

“Someone else?”

“Well isn’t he seeing you?”

Veronica frowned, looking down, “No, he’s not.”

“Veronica, have you told him yet?” Leighanne questioned softly.

“Told him what?”

“That you love him.”

“He knows I love him, he’s a great friend.”

Leighanne shook her head, “No, that you’re in love with him.”

Veronica looked up at her suddenly, “But I’m not, I told you before.”

“Are you sure?” Kristen asked.

She nodded, “Yeah, Nick’s a great guy, but…he’s a friend. Just a friend.”

“And you’re ok with that?” Kristen questioned.

She let out a breath, “Yeah, yeah I am.”

Her throat suddenly felt like there was something blocking the airway. Leighanne and Kristen stared at each other and then Veronica.

“Ok…so when do you leave?” Leighanne asked.

“In a few days.”

“Are you looking forward to going home?” Kristen inquired softly.

Veronica looked over at Nick in the pool with Brian and Baylee.

“Kind of, but…I’m gonna miss Nick,” she said softly, her vision blurry from the tears that had formed.