Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Group
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Slash M/M
Series: Fighting For Love
Chapters: 12
Completed: Yes
Word count: 12521
Read: 28640
Published: 08/11/06
Updated: 04/15/07
1. Nightmare by trubsbfan79 [ - ] (560 words)
This is my very first attempt at writing any type of fan fiction let alone Slash.. Please read and review.
2. Secrets and Lies by trubsbfan79 [ - ] (1409 words)
Here's chapter two Hope you like it. Please read and review.
3. The Fight by trubsbfan79 [ - ] (528 words)
Here's the next chapter Language warning Please read and review.
4. The Next Day by trubsbfan79 [ - ] (929 words)
Here's chapter 4 I hope everyone one enjoys it.
5. Emergency by trubsbfan79 [ - ] (1337 words)
Here chapter Five I hope you like it.
I guess I should tell you that I don't know any of the guys. Nor do I know Viggo.
6. Secrets Revealed by trubsbfan79 [ - ] (1436 words)
Sorry this one is late but I'm in School now so I have to balance my time. There may or may not be more added to this story. I don't know anyone in this story everything is Fictional.. Please read an review
7. The Confrontation by trubsbfan79 [ - ] (621 words)
Sorry for the misunderstanding in the last chapter I meant more added to the chapter not the whole story. Here's the next Chap. Hope you enjoy it Sorry it's short.
8. The beginning by trubsbfan79 [ - ] (930 words)
Sorry it took so long
I know it's short but I will be adding on to it.
Enjoy R&R
9. The Trip by trubsbfan79 [ - ] (570 words)
New Chapter!
Sorry it's taken me a while
10. Kentucky by trubsbfan79 [ - ] (2169 words)
11. True Happiness by trubsbfan79 [ - ] (985 words)
YAY Finally updated.
12. Family by trubsbfan79 [ - ] (1047 words)