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It was hard to find the words that made her past seem worse than it was. Her world had changed so much and there was six hundred years of explaining she needed to do, she missed those that she had truly loved and at one time that love was shared with one man, the man they all knew as Nickolas.
“What else do you wish to share with us mistress?”
“Nothing more this day, go find yourselves a meal and return before the sun rise, I will continue my story tomorrow. Go now.”
“Yes Mistress.” They all answered and all left the house as Katherine walked down the long hallway toward her chambers.
“I will rest alone this evening. Darcy, remember there is a place in my heart that will always be yours, but Nickolas will always be part of me.”
“I know this. I just wish that he didn’t hold such a large piece of your heart.”
“There will be more revealed as this story continues, my life isn’t as straight forward as you are thinking. The more of my life you learn about, the more each of you will have a choice to make.”
“And that choice?”
“To remain at the side of the woman that at one time would have ended the life of humanity on a whim.”
“We know that was you from a long time ago, you’ve since changed.”
“Have I?” Katherine asked, she turned and disappeared into her chambers, the large door closed and the latch was heard locking. Darcy shook his head and turned and walked from the large house. He knew there was a lot to learn from Katherine, but she needed to open her world to each of them.
“She has always been very secretive, believe me Mistress Katherine will reveal what she wants in her own time. We’ve got three hundred years to learn all that there is to know about her. Nickolas was her world for a great long time.”
“Were you changed before Nickolas left?”
“I was changed twenty five years before Nickolas left. Nickolas wanted the power that Katherine held within her, and after two hundred years of finding that her power was something he could not possess he left, never said anything to her, never said goodbye just left. Katherine’s heart has been broken ever sense. She never truly understood why he left, she knew that her power was the reason he changed her, but she felt that after two hundred years he had given up on possessing something that could not be his.”
“Guess not. Well our next day will come and Katherine will share more of her life with us, I crave more knowledge of what she was, how she came to be and how her world changed after Nickolas came to it.”
“We all crave that but we need to understand that we don’t want to push her into sharing with us too much of her life.”
“Are we ready to know a life that we are all currently living? A life that has changed for Katherine over the last five hundred years. What kind of life did she have before she met Nickolas? So far it seems to have been a hard one.”
“Katherine has always been rather secretive and since I’ve known her since she became a vampire, there are things before she came to us that I am still not sure of.”
“Then next she tells us of her life, maybe she should bring us further back, back to before Nickolas, back to when she was human and her father lived.”
“I will ask our mistress if she is willing to share such a hard past with us. We are now her children.”
“We are her children and that means she must share it all.”
“Do you truly want to know everything there is about Katherine?”
“I know something’s.” Martin said as he walked into the room.
“Will you share?”
“I wish to let Katherine tell her story in her own way. In her own time, she will reveal what her world was like before but never pressure her about it. Katherine has her ways of keeping the evil that dwells within her but if pressured she will let that demon flow freely.”
They all looked at Martin and nodded, they then turned and went to feed, they would not speak of this another night at least not until Katherine had made her choices to share her life once more.