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Katherine’s magic was becoming more and more strong as she learned more about the magic that dwelled deep within her. The king was becoming more and more insistent that she be at his side. Being that she was still young she would have to do what was asked of her, the old king had died late one night even before Katherine could say goodbye. She never appreciated how much her uncle cared for her until she saw how cruel her cousin could be. Her older sister had married several years before and was gone, that left her to deal with her cousin’s anger on her own. But her way to hide was going and seeing the wizard, but even he was growing older by the day. She knew that someday he’d leave her she just hoped it wasn’t too soon. Katherine watched her dear friend and one loyal guard came to her late one evening.
“Princess, you are needed.”
“What is wrong?”
“Marcus grows weaker by the minute and he is calling for you.”
“How can this be? He was fine this morning during my lesson.”
“He said he was hiding his illness from you, you must come before it’s too late.” The guard led her down the long hallway and up a long winding staircase up to a small chamber. The guard opened the door and Katherine hurried inside, lying in the center of a small bed was her master, the master that had been teaching her the magical arts, to bring forth the magic that was deep within her own being.
“Marcus, why didn’t you tell me you where ill?”
“You are learning so much, you are my best student.”
“I am your only student, my old friend.”
“Not really, at one time I was teaching your cousin the magical arts, but he did not see the same that you did. The things that you see are different, there is a great power deep within you,” he whispered as he took her hand in his shaky hand.
“You’ve only been teaching me your magic, I have none of my own.”
“Child, you’ve always had magic of your own, I’ve only been teaching you to use it.”
“But Marcus, if you leave me I will learn no more.”
“There is nothing more you need to learn, but be warned, Lord Nickolas is not to be trusted.”
“But my cousin wishes that I marry him and be gone from his kingdom.”
“He is not as he seems, just beware.” Marcus said to her, Katherine held his hand and let her tears roll down her cheeks as she felt the man that had become her closest friend slip from this world. She leaned down and kissed his forehead and stood.
“Princess, I am sorry. I will notify the king of the wizard’s passing.”
“He wont care, but yes it must be done. I believe that Marcus deserves a proper burial,” Katherine stated, the guard led her down the winding stairs and out into the long hallway. Several guards were already standing in the hall looking at the duo rather strangely.
“The king is looking for the Princess, he sent us to find her. What was going on?”
“She was visiting a friend. Please inform the king that Wizard Marcus has passed,” He told them.
“We will, but you best get the Princess back to her chambers,” The older guard said. Katherine growled but walked down the hallway with her guard as she made her way back to her chambers. She walked into her chambers and the door closed behind her. Sitting down on the large bed she sighed, her friend was gone, her only friend was gone, she had few loyal guards that would stand by her side but she knew they’d never be her friend. Marcus was her friend and teacher, now he was gone, gone forever. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she fell against the pillow and cried. She barely heard the knock at the door or even the door slowly opening.
“Where have you been?” She heard the voice shout.
“Saying goodbye to a friend. What would you care?” Katherine asked sitting up, she looked into the angry eyes of her cousin.
“You knew that you were ordered to stay away from that old man.”
“I do not follow your orders, I only remain here because you can not rule alone. If you did not need me I’d be gone.”
“Then so be it, your father has already departed this world and your only sister is married and gone. It is time that you marry, and Lord Nickolas will arrive on the next ship, be ready.”
“I will not leave with him.”
“You will do as you are told. You would you rather die?” He asked her, Katherine could hardly believe he’d kill her.
“Fine, I shall do as I am asked,” Katherine relented. She knew that she’d never win when it came to what he asked of her. Katherine watched her cousin leave the room and close the large door behind him. She shook her head and still couldn’t believe that he was willing to kill her. She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes; it seemed that the hours past quickly before she heard a knock on her door.
“Come,” she called out as she sat up and looked toward the door.
“The ship with Lord Nickolas has just arrived. The king wishes to see you in the throne room.”
“All right, I shall arrive there shortly. I must change,” Katherine said. The guard nodded and closed the door behind him. Katherine stood and threw open her wardrobe and pulled out another dress and turned to see two of her ladies in waiting standing there.
“Shall we help you highness?”
“Sure. This might be the last time, the king is sending me away.”
“We are to accompany you.”
“You will remain in the palace and be prepared to serve the new queen. I’ve been told that the king has found himself someone to become queen, she will need your guidance and assistance.” Katherine answered. The two women nodded and helped Katherine into the new dress she was trying to get into. Katherine moved her way down the long hallway, a silver crown upon her head, as she walked toward the throne room. She walked to the large doors and stopped, two guards opened the doors and Katherine walked through them.
“I see you came.” Her cousin said.
“What else did you expect your highness?” Katherine asked bowing slightly.
“That you’d disobey me yet again. But it seems that you are learning.”
“I am here because I’ve been told that Lord Nickolas has arrived on the boat. That means he will arrive at the palace within the hour.”
“Sooner than that, I sent for you after I had received word that Lord Nickolas’ carriage was nearly at the palace.”
Katherine growled and narrowed her eyes and looked as the trumpets played the arrival of Lord Nickolas. She was not ready for this, she really didn’t want to marry this man, but she knew this was her life she was talking about.
“There will be a wedding tomorrow evening. A celebration will follow to celebrate the marriage of Princess Katherine to Lord Nickolas.” The king announced as Nickolas entered the throne room. An evil smile spread across his face as he looked toward Katherine. Katherine felt a cold chill move over her body as she looked into his eyes.
The following evening Katherine stood in front of the father ready to take her vows to become this man’s wife. The celebration to follow the ceremony was somber Katherine barely spoke as her new husband held her hand. A new life she thought to herself, was she ready for this life?