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Chapter 2.

Six months later, Avery stared aimlessly out the window while two kids fought over who got the red balloon and who got the yellow one. “Knock it off!” Avery yelled.
The kids looked up at her frightened. They ran away crying. Avery walked into the back room where Natalie was filling up balloons for the day’s birthday parties. When she opened the door, she instantly smiled. Natalie was listening to her favorite Backstreet Boys song and the Backstreet Boys always made her smile. “You may have just stopped me from quitting my job today.” She joked.

“The day’s not over yet.” Natalie teased. “What brings you back here?”
“Brats! What else?”

“This is the 4th time you’ve had to hide today. If you really hate kids so much, maybe you should just quit.”

“Don’t tempt me!”

“No really, you’re even more annoyed than usual. What’s going on with you?”

“I went to the hockey game with Josh last night.”

“I heard it was an interesting game.” Natalie said. “So?”

“So, of all the people in the world we were stuck sitting 2 rows behind Brent and Bagel girl. He saw us and then he kept making out with her.”

“Ewe. She’s so not cute.”

“I know!”

“So why didn’t you make Josh pretend he was your boyfriend. You know he would gladly make out with you.”

“I thought about it.” Avery said. “But then Josh and the other guys mooned half the stadium. They had Avalanche Suck spelled out on their butt cheeks. We spent the next few hours at the police station.”

“I heard about that! That was Josh?” Natalie laughed. “So did you get arrested?”
“Actually none of them did. Apparently, the Detroit Police aren’t big Avalanche fans either. They let them off with a stern warning.”

Natalie laughed. “I can only imagine how that conversation played out.”

“Well I’m done thinking about it.”

“Here, help me with these.” Natalie said handing Avery a handful of balloons. The two of them headed toward the birthday party rooms. They began tying balloons to chairs.

“I’m done with dating all together.” Avery continued. “Ever since Brent, I just hate all boys.”

“I wish I could hate all boys.” Natalie said. “But I am eternally in love with someone I can never have.”

Just then, Paul had been walking past the party room and heard the girls talking. He was intrigued by the conversation. He stood outside the door listening. “It’s been 6 months. You would think I would be over it by now, but every time I see him my heart breaks all over again.”

“Just hate him. It works for me.”

“Yeah but Brent cheated on you. You have a reason to hate him. I don’t have a reason to hate Paul. Emily’s the one I hate. She’s the one who stabbed me in the back and asked out the guy I told her I was going to marry.”

“Good point.” Avery said.

Paul was shocked by the revelation. He stood by the door absolutely stunned. Natalie and Avery walked out of the room to find Paul standing there with his mouth hanging open. When they saw him they stopped dead in their tracks. Natalie turned bright red. Paul couldn’t stop staring. They all stood there in awkward silence until a voice came over the intercom calling Paul’s name. He walked away without saying a word. “It’s not that bad.” Avery said trying to cheer Natalie up.

“Not that bad!” Natalie said in a panic. “I quit.”

“You don’t quit.”

“I do. I quit.”

“Natalie you can’t quit. Who would be here to keep me from quitting?” Avery said trying to lighten the mood.

“I can’t stay here.”

“Come on, Natalie. Just finish out your shift then tomorrow we can call in sick. We’ll go somewhere for the weekend. Like a vacation.”

“Vacation!” Natalie said as if she were remembering something. A smile slowly spread across her face as she forgot all about Paul. “Did I miss something?” Avery asked.

Natalie smiled at Avery, a look of hope in her eyes. “What?” Avery asked impatiently.

“I was going to wait until your graduation next week, but I got you a present.” Natalie said smiling wickedly. She was up to something.

“And?” Avery said, “That made you feel better because…”

“Because I’m taking you on vacation as a graduation present.”

“What?” Avery asked surprised.

“Well, I’ve been working full time, class part time and my parents paid for tuition. I figured it was time to spend some of the money I’ve been saving up.”


“Two weeks.”

“What?” Avery said again. “My parents will never-“

“Already cleared it with them.”

“What about work?”

“You’re gonna quit anyway.” Natalie laughed enjoying herself way too much. The look on Avery’s face was classic. “I’m just kidding. Debbie already knows.”

“You’re serious?”

Natalie nodded. “Remember that day? About 6 months ago?”

“What day?” Avery asked confused.

“What day?” Natalie repeated, “Brent… Paul…”

“Oh yeah, that day.”

“I was so upset that night that I almost applied for college at BYU. I thought I needed to get away. I got online and this pop up said ‘Need a Vacation?’ and so I clicked. Booked us a reservation at this little resort near Orlando Florida. It’s like cabins and stuff.”

“Oh my heck!” Avery yelled.

“Right on the beach. We leave the week after you graduate.”

“Oh my heck! Oh my heck! Oh my heck!”

“Happy Graduation.” Natalie said laughing.