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"Hmm... what to eat, what to eat," I mumbled to nobody in particular, as I rummaged through the cabniets looking for something to eat.

I looked over at Adelynn, who was sitting quietly in her highchair, playing with her little toy.

"What do you want to eat, huh, baby?" I looked at her, but she wasn't paying attention to me. She kept fidgeting with whatever she had in her hand. I sighed and shrugged.

"I wasn't hungry anyways," I went over and sat down at the kitchen table.

I sloutched in my chair, and then leaned over and kissed Adelynn's soft head. Now she looks at me.

"Welcome to the world, baby," I laughed to myself and she just giggled.

I could see small little white things getting ready to pop up... soon she would no longer be the toothless Adelynn.

I was taking in everything I could, because I knew that sooner or later, I was going to need to hire some help. Our album was being released soon, and there's always promotional stuff. I was happy about it. Even if I would miss Adelynn.

God, what would she think of me, though? Would she even remember I was her dad?

I shook the thoughts from my brain. I had a couple weeks still to prepare for that. My thoughts were then interuppted by a screetch from Adelynn.

"Addy!" I almost yelled and then just shook my head.

She had some lungs, that was for sure. I fed her one of those baby cookies that had been sitting on the kitchen table, and soon enough she was occupied with that. Sometimes I couldn't help but stare at her.

A little over a year ago, I would've never thought I'd be sitting here in my kitchen, eating lunch with a 7 month old. Eating with my daughter. Nope, never in a million years did I think someone or something could change a life so drastically. But, boy, did I get a surprise.

I couldn't wait until she was old enough to tell her stories about me, and her as an infant. We've been through some crazy stuff in her little life. The kidnapping thing was probably, by far, the worse thing that has ever happened to me.

What about... my stories before she was even born? My drug and alcohol binging days. I don't know if I wanted her to know about that.

I was thinking way too far in the future, I sighed.

Gross! She smelled like shit. Why does she have to do this right before we eat?

I grunted, and carefully picked her up out of the high chair.

By the time I got her upstairs and on the changing table, she smelled worse. I slowly untaped the diaper and about died.

"Grossnastyewwwgross," and then threw it into the diaper genie.

I un-twisted the powder cap and tried to put some on her. What the hell? I shook it harder. Nothing was coming out. I shook it harder and harder...

I gagged.

The powder was all over me. All over my black t-shirt, all in my face and my hair. I rolled my eyes and tried to shake as much off as possible... Grrreeat.

I couldn't help but laugh. I was standing here, completely drenched in baby power, as Adelynn layed naked on the changing table not even realizing what was happening.

Alright, now I was cracking up. I had to hurry and put Adelynn's diaper on though, because she would've peed all over me to top it off.

I heard laughter coming from the hallway. Who was here?

"Nice going, smart one!"

It was Kevin.

"Shut up!" I cried out in defense. "Lemme see you do it better."

Kevin just grinned and shook his head, "What's up, man? Besides the, uh, baby powder all over you."

"Atleast I smell nice and clean."

"Remember the cookout we all planned? It was supposed to be held at your house, remember?"

I had completely forgotten.

"Yeah, I remembered. I was just getting Adelynn changed and ready first."

"Kristin's downstai..."

"Oh my God! AJ!" Kristin had seemed to come out of nowhere.

She walked over to me and smeered her finger across my face, "You look like Casper!" Kevin and her both began to laugh, I just grinned.

"Kev, go start flippin' some burgers or something. Make yourself useful. I'm gonna, uh, clean up," I laughed.

"I'll take her," Kristin said and reached over to pick up Adelynn.


Kristin was holding Adelynn, "Awww! Kevin, honey... I want a," she began to say but Kevin quickly interuppted.

"Not right now!" Kevin yelled back as he was walking down the stairs. He could answer her before she even finished her sentence. Kristin sighed, but looked back down at Adelynn and smiled.