Rated: PG
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Brian
Genres: Action, Angst, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Death
Series: None
Chapters: 19
Completed: No
Word count: 63574
Read: 43491
Published: 09/26/07
Updated: 12/14/08
We're up for Best Action/Adventure, Best Collaboration, & Best Unfinished Thanks to whoever nominated us!
1. Prologue by starbeamz2 [ - ] (683 words)
2. Chapter 1 by honey [ - ] (1902 words)
3. Chapter 2 by starbeamz2 [ - ] (1953 words)
On behalf of both Kelly and myself, I'd like to thank all of you who've been reading and leaving us such encouraging reviews! They put HUGE smiles on our faces and make us that much more excited to keep writing this story. So thank you so, so, SO much! And now...Chapter 2!
4. Chapter 3 by honey [ - ] (1974 words)
Thanks for all the reviews so far. You guys are wonderful!
5. Chapter 4 by starbeamz2 [ - ] (2440 words)
6. Chapter 5 by honey [ - ] (2693 words)
Hey guys! Sorry if the updates come a little slower this month. I'm going to be busy with an original fic for the National Novel Month and Sarah is going to be busy finishing Proving Them Wrong for it as well!!!!!! YAY SARAH!!!! Anyway, we're going to try and keep the updates coming, but if its slow, that's why, and we'll be back with full force in December!!! Wish us luck and thanks for all the reviews! We love you all!
7. Chapter 6 by starbeamz2 [ - ] (2597 words)
8. Chapter 7 by honey [ - ] (2859 words)
ok everyone, blame me (honey) for the slow update this time and thank Sarah for keeping me on track! She's really just the best, isn't she?
9. Chapter 8 by starbeamz2 [ - ] (3483 words)
Hey everyone! Sorry it's taken us a while to get the next chapter up. Both Kelly and I have been super busy, but, luckily, we found time to come up with the next chapter! Things start rolling in this one, so it's pretty exciting! We hope you enjoy it!
10. Chapter 9 by honey [ - ] (4166 words)
Its a bird, it's a plane, NO! It's A NEW CHAPTER OF IN THE SHADOWS!!!! I know I can hardly believe it myself! But thanks to those who have faithfully poked us when we were being slow!!! We love you for it!! Hope you like!
11. Chapter 10 by starbeamz2 [ - ] (2965 words)
12. Chapter 11 by honey [ - ] (4185 words)
yay! glad to see people still taking interest in this story! Thank you all for the fun reviews so far!!! We love you all!!!
13. Chapter 12 by starbeamz2 [ - ] (4697 words)
Yay for a new chapter! I think we're going to try to get you a chapter a week because we're pretty excited about this story and already have the next chapter hammered out as well. Thanks for being such awesome readers! We sincerely hope you enjoy this next one ;)
14. Chapter 13 by honey [ - ] (5185 words)
So, mad props for Sarah's kiss right??? I know I was excited about it. My only regret is that I had to follow it... (So I apologize in advance.) Thanks again for all the enthusiastic reviews! Y'all are the best! We love you!
15. In the Shadows...an Interlude by starbeamz2 [ - ] (2608 words)
16. Chapter 14 by starbeamz2 [ - ] (6022 words)
Hello, hello! First off, thank you to all of you who have stuck around so long even when it seemed that this story was never going to be updated. That's why, I'm dedicating this chapter to you guys! I finally found the inspiration to write, and write I did! This chapter is nearly 15 pages long! It's crazy, and I can assure you that the plot only gets crazier from here on in because we're getting to the juicy good stuff! With that said, I hope you enjoy and let Kelly and I know how we're doing!
17. Chapter 15 by honey [ - ] (4199 words)
Yay for new Shadows chapters! And either I'm getting way too long winded or we're trying to cram too much into each chapter so I will actually be posting the next chapter as sell since I was only half done and it was already reaching epic proportions. Anyway, enjoy and be on the look out for the next one, hopefully within the week! You guys rock for sticking with us through our slowness! Thanks much!
18. Chapter 16 by honey [ - ] (4747 words)
ok, here's the second of my epic chapters. Be looking forward to Sarah's part too! I'm super excited for it!
19. Chapter 17 by starbeamz2 [ - ] (4216 words)
I know it's been forever and a day since this story was last updated, but there's finally a new chapter! Yay! I hope we didn't lose anyone with the time lag, and I also think it would be a great idea to go back and read a chapter or two before you read this one, just so you remember what's going on. I know I had to before I could write this chapter. Anyway, let us know what you think because we're really excited to be writing this again!