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They all watched wide-eyed as Nick broke down right before them, clutching onto Kevin like if he let go the very air around him would come in and attack him further.


Kevin swept the younger boy up into his arms and cradled him against his chest as he sat down on the bed. Nick was hanging onto him so tight that he thought his shoulders would crush from the vice grip, but he didn't mind the pain. He was more concerned about Nick.


Nick was shaking like nothing any of them had ever seen before. Brian dove at the phone and was greeted by the dial tone, but he knew who it was. There was no doubt in his mind. Brian felt his eyes filling with tears, watching Nick lose it. That same low scream was still coming out of his mouth, like a flat tone that seemed never-ending. The sound of it brought shivers up his spine and clenched his gut.


Katya was frozen to the spot, watching Nick drift further and further away. She pulled herself together and made her way to him, grabbing his face in her hands and looking right in his eyes, forcing him to look at her, "You hang on! Do you hear me? You hang on, dammit! Do not let go, Nick. Don't let go! It's not easy to get back, hang on!"


She watched his eyes and saw the light in them die. She swore softly, he had let go.


The sound coming from Nick faded away into silence. Everyone looked down at him, but he just stared, unseeing, somewhere over Kevin's shoulder. Kevin just sat there and held him, not sure what else to do. Usually Kevin was not very forthcoming with his physical affections, but somehow Kevin sensed that it was what Nick needed now more than anything.


Sterling rushed over and looked at Nick. He looked into his eyes and then flashed a penlight into them, swearing. There was no response that he could see. Nick had retreated into a place no one could hurt him any more, but also no one who cared for him could reach him either. He had let go of his hold on reality.


There was so much hope before, but it was now shattered into a million tiny pieces. He had so much love and support around him, but Sterling feared not even that could save him now. All that was left before him was a shell. The real Nick had gone somewhere deep inside of himself and seeing the dead look in Nick's eyes, he wasn't very optimistic that Nick would ever be back among them. Sometimes they just found the fight too hard to come back and the safety of their inner world too inviting to leave. He hoped and prayed like hell that would not happen to Nick.


Sterling tried to move Nick back to examine him more but Kevin yelped, "Sterling, he's got a death grip on me. I don't think he wants to be moved right now."


Sterling looked at Nick's hands and there were clamped tightly around Kevin's arm and waist. He knew better than to push the idea of examining him and instead put his hand on Nick's head, "Nick, I'm going to talk to your friends in the hall and we're going to get everything ready for your move in the morning. I'll keep Kevin here and talk to him later. Ok?" Sterling didn't wait for a response, he knew one wasn't coming.


Kevin stroked the side of Nick's face that wasn't pressed to his chest in a gentle, soothing motion and rocked them both slowly back and forth.