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Summary: "She's done with him, but he's not ready to let her go."

Marie was in a wonderful relationship with Nick. They laughed together and cried together. But what happens when he becomes too obsessive...and scary?
Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 8
Completed: Yes
Word count: 10427
Read: 13590
Published: 11/17/08
Updated: 12/08/08

1. Part One by KevinsChickadee [ - ] (1698 words)
I'm currently working on this story as we speak. I've had a small bout with Writer's Block, and it's over now. Let me know how you like this story so far. :D

2. Part Two by KevinsChickadee [ - ] (1147 words)

3. Part Three by KevinsChickadee [ - ] (2093 words)
Didn't bother to check this chapter for any boo boo's. Sorry for the confusion: it's Howie that's fallen for Marie, not Kevin. Now, the names have been switched. :)

4. Part Four by KevinsChickadee [ - ] (1217 words)

5. Part Five by KevinsChickadee [ - ] (729 words)

6. Part Six by KevinsChickadee [ - ] (934 words)
This story is almost complete! (pats self on back) I want to take this time to thank each and every one of you in reading this story (and all of my other stories.)

7. Part Seven by KevinsChickadee [ - ] (850 words)

8. Part Eight by KevinsChickadee [ - ] (1759 words)
This is the eighth and final chapter of this story. I want to thank you all who has made this my most read story on this site.